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3912690 No.3912690 [Reply] [Original]

So, I have a dilema on my hands. Let's start it off with the history. A close friend of mine is half Japanese (Not the race, he full 'white' but his father was born in Japan, as was his grandfather, and his great grandfather was stationed over there during pre WWII occupation.) he and I have been close since we were about 3, my families dirt-fucking-poor and his is well off, so they've pretty much raised me, every summer up until he and I were 12 with his father, who still lives in Japan (His father and mother seperated, his mother moved back to America, which is when he and I met)

Well, enough of my life story, or his life story.
Here's what's happening now. He and I are currently Juniors in high school, and he had decided to finish his Junior year with a few quick classes offered a nearby JuCo and start attending school in Japan to graduate. (In March I think, at least that's when he plans to leave, i'm not sure when the Japanese school years starts) He asked me to come with him and stay with he and his dad. I speak the language decently, and if I brush up until March I shouldn't struggle that bad. Like I said, I've been there quite a bit, but I'm still nervous about going, as any sane person would be.

On one hand I really want to, life with just my mom frankly sucks, and life without him would be pretty shitty as well.

On the other hand it's the other side of the fucking world, in a strange culture.

What do you guys think? Go for it? That's what I'm leaning towards. Finally, any thing I should know? I know cleanliness is a big deal for them, and a bit obsessive about cleanliness, so that's not a problem, I'll be living with a very western family, so no big deal there, and I've heard the younger generation, who I'll be around, aren't very xenophobic.
I know this is really wordy and I'm rambling, but this has been-fucking-haunting me for the past week or so.

>> No.3912694

Not your blog etc.
has better advice for you.

>> No.3912693

Intriguing tale kinsman

>> No.3912695

Just fucking do it. Hang out with your butt buddy in a foreign land. You can pall around and be idiot white boys if you wanted. No one will give a shit.

>> No.3912716

I don't believe you just typed that up. Enjoy your copypasta, alone.

>> No.3912729

Sounds pretty neat.

Do it. Any chance like this you just have to take, specially when you said you're bad off in the first place.

>> No.3912730

It carries out and is under-aged.

>> No.3912792

Do it OP.

I think it's an amazing opportunity that barely anyone gets.

>> No.3912800

Didn't mean for it to seem like a blog post. Here, i'll do a Tl;dr
Friend of mine wants me go attend senior year of high school in Japan with him. Should I or shouldn't I? If I should, what should I expect?

>> No.3912801

wait wait wait
>great grandfather was stationed over there during pre WWII occupation
>pre WWII occupation


>> No.3912816

Woops, meant post WWII occupation, had there been a pre the war would've been a lot easier, eh?

>> No.3912826

Wow, I'm totally not going to read that.

Also, /jp/ is not for fucking advice, go to /r9k/ you underaged shitbag.

>> No.3913030


If its a troll, I'll fall for it, if not, well then... listen up.

Dude.... you're in high school, you've got alot of time still ahead of you. You have NOTHING to lose by doing this. Just go for it. I would have killed to go to Japan during high school, but alas, I also was not 'well off' in that case.

Anyway, just do it, at this point, you seriously have no reason not to. And well, even if you don't like it, at least you'll have experience under your belt.

>> No.3913048

>high school
get the fuck OUT

>> No.3913050

I assure you, I'm not trolling, I'm used to smaller chans where details and long posts are expected, I didn't realize this would be thought a troll post, but I don't lurk 4 very often at all. I've pretty much made up my mind now.

>> No.3913059

serious response, do it

live the dream

>> No.3913069


What to expect..... just don't be douche to people. Think before you say/act, be polite, make an honest attempt to adapt to the culture. That's really all it takes.

Also, FOLLOW THE SYSTEM OF PROCESS. I cannot stress how important it is. I know you will mess up occasionally being a gaijin and all, but if there is a method or process to do something, follow it exactly. If you don't know, ask.

It really only applies to public things and such moreso, you'll see. Its hard to describe, but the 'process' I mention is relatively inflexible.... Like asking for water in a coke up in a restaurant or something.

Its really petty at that level, but you'll notice it in other things. Its pretty neat once you get used to it, but if you like things 'custom' in restaurants, its a little difficult sometimes.

>> No.3913077

serious response,

stay in US. Shit seems all great because it's new but when you have to get a job you'll be crying blood.

>> No.3913086

now i have the galaxy song stuck in my head.

>> No.3913090

OP didn't say he was going to live there for the rest of his life.

>> No.3913092


Working in Japan will kinda suck, sure.... but since every situation is slightly different, you may be able to come across an opportunity you didn't quite see in the onset. Plus, if you have to work while going to school anyway, the job's gonna suck regardless. Jobs are kinda supposed to suck at least a little bit during that time anyway, no matter where you go. It may suck just a little bit more in Japan not being used to everything of course.....

>> No.3913119

Stop being such a suck up conformist. The shit sucks donkey balls for natives, so imagine what the horseshit is going to be for a filthy gaijin?

>> No.3913125

Yeah, I won't have to work. The family i'll be with is very well off, and they think of me as a son. Well, step son, or close cousin with two alcoholic unloving parents.

>> No.3913141


>> No.3913202


Right-o mah boi, a conformist I am not being. I didn't mention that it was going to be a "Oh don't worry, everything will be happy and awesome when you're working", no, quite the contrary.

Of course the natives hate it! They don't get paid overtime a majority of the time, work shitty hours, and have to deal with higher up drama BS. Whoopidy doo.

>> No.3913224

Go on. Live the dream.

But remember to call home or write. Your mom could feel lonely.

>> No.3913227


Be fortunate. This could be a blessing for the hell you've been through.

>> No.3913229



Rather simple choice if you ask me. This is a chance that people your age all over the world are dying to have, but end up getting weighed down in the paperwork of exchange programs when they try to act on it. You're posting this, so you've clearly got some interest, so act on it. At the very least it will be a crazy awesome learning experience.

>> No.3913416


Floating is an inaccurate statement. It's more accurate to say in a perpetual state of falling.

>> No.3913498
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This is a once in a life time opportunity. If you don't take this, then the day afterwards until the day you die, you'll be wondering what would have happened if you did.

Even if it doesn't work out, you'll have had one hell of an experience.

It doesn't matter what anyone on 4chan says, though. You've already made up your mind, haven't you?

>> No.3913979

I'm not sure if you're a guy or a girl, it doesn't really matter actually, but just in terms of some things to expect.

I lived in Japan for 10 years, came back to the States often enough, and still visit Japan once or twice a year. I know the culture and society pretty well...go for it! Don't think too much, you'll be fine and it will be an amazing chance to move your life in a new & very cool direction.

The fact that you are familiar enough with Japan, you know some of the language & you'll be living with a western family in Japan, it's a no-brainer, you should definitely do this. Sure, it's a different place, so things will be kinda weird and random sometimes, but you get used to that stuff really fast.

Ask anything you want, I'll answer whatever I can.

>> No.3914012

Are you a guy or a girl?

>> No.3914015

Girl, but I don't see how that matters.

>> No.3914033

OP, go for it.

Living in another country is a good experience, and your friend sounds very dear to you.

Go for it.

>> No.3914052

Go. In a few decades, you'll regret NOT going more than you could possibly regret going.

>> No.3914079

It doesn't, I was just wondering because you brought that question up yourself. You sound nice, from what you write.

>> No.3914092

Japanese schools are really fucking strict. Do it anyway, but try not to be too white.

>> No.3914167

>>It doesn't, I was just wondering because you brought that question up yourself. You sound nice, from what you write.

Actually, I'm not who the girl is who responded, but I'm the one who commented earlier and brought up that question - and I'm a guy. lol

And thanks for your comment, I suspect I'm pretty nice :- )

It appears the OP is a guy, so that will make things much easier in many respects. As for the OP's situation, most of the responders here are right on the mark. Basically, at this point in life (high school) you're young enough to where if you go ahead and do this, you'll pick up the language pretty fast, make lots of connections, be free of the hell you've been living for most of your life, and essentially have 2 cultures, 2 countries and so many more options for your life.

As for the negative commenters here, they're either clueless or cynical. For a person in your exact situation, this is probably the BEST time to be making a move to Japan. And don't let the economic slump (or those who talk about it like the world is ending) fool you. You're basically about to become part of the "new Japan", pretty cool f'ing privelege!

Best advice I can give you rt now - start studying up on the written language right now, as much as you can. You'll catch up eventually once you get there though so don't stress too much.

>> No.3914182

* oops...

Actually, I'm not sure who the girl is who responded...

>> No.3915706
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Yeah, I decided to go, looking forward to it, and yes I am a guy, and the strict schooling shouldn't be a problem I'm not one to be put off by authority figures, they can be annoying, yes, but it's understandable to be strict in a school full of teenagers. Teenagers are assholes. I'm pretty decent at picking up on customs, but just in case i'll probably look some up/ask my friends and his mother to make sure I don't commit any social taboo's. Should be interesting going from a country like America where everyone makes there own culture to one like Japan with such a rich history. Only bad part is I have to leave my cat with my mom. ;_;

>> No.3915710

Reported for underage.

>> No.3915788

You do realize that it's possible to be in high school and eighteen at the same time right? In fact it's quite common for people to turn eighteen while they're in high school.

>> No.3915796

He's a junior. Either he's 17 or he's retarded. Both are unwelcome here.

>> No.3915801

go for it bro, sounds like fun, you'll regret it if you don't

>> No.3915822


Take your cat with you, buy a dog for your mother so she won't be lonely.

>> No.3915840
File: 15 KB, 204x292, 4chan212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you faggot. This is a good thread.

Why are you even here OP? You fucking know you're going to do it. You'll learn everything as you go along. Have fun dude.
