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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3877099 No.3877099 [Reply] [Original]

At the start of the year there was some controversy surrounding an anime called Hetalia: Axis Powers, mainly due to the Japanese trying to air the show in Korea and China
Most Weeaboo's came to the defense of the Anime (also Webcomic and Manga) saying stuff like "Koreans just suck this Anime is really funny and Kawaii desu WWII was so sugoi"
this of course ment, that Weeaboo's have no fucking idea about Asian culture, World War II or International relations between Asian countries.

Basically in Japan, Japanese students are taught this about WW2 "The Japanese went around liberating Asia from the Biritsh tyrants and then they got bombed by the Americans for
no reason" srsly, Japanese historians and their Government still deny Japanese soldiers of any wrong doing during World War II and this sort of pisses off anyone that came in contact with them.

If you didn't already know, the Imperial army was probably the most evil thing that ever existed on this planet, basically they would attack a town in China, Korea or wherever kill all the men and boys and then rape all the girls and women.... eventually bayonetting them and leaving them to die a slow and painful death, there are reports of Japanese soldiers raping entire schools full of little girls and then killing them after.
The Unlucky ones got captured and tortured in concentration camps, the VERY UNLUCKY ones got sent to Japanese research centres that experimented on you in the most absolutely horrible way possible because the Japanese were trying to find a plague they could release on everyone that would kill every single living person... apart from the Japanese that would obviously have a vaccine or cure or something.

>> No.3877100

Genocide against the Chinese and Koreans is numbered above 20 million, well over 4 times larger than the Holocaust against the Jews and the Japanese government denies that any of this happened (despite being well documented)

Now imagine if the Germans released a cartoon in Israel making light of the Holocaust, you know, Kawaii Germans torture Jews but they are really both Tsundere for eachother and they get into little "awkward" situations revolving around pleasuring
Yaoi fangirls... this is what Hetalia is to the Koreans and Chinese.

If you cannot see why the Koreans and Chinese are offended with this show, you are retarded to the highest degree and should probably kill yourself.

>> No.3877104

Wrong board, post it on /a/.

>> No.3877123

So making jokes about WWII is still too soon?

>> No.3877118

sugoi monogatari oniichan

>> No.3877124

Hetalia is awesome.

>> No.3877129

Let's play a game. It's the game where you get someone to hold a pillow over your face until you stop having the urge to be stupid.

>> No.3877130

Ask a kike about that.

>> No.3877149

Hetalia is shit.

>> No.3877150

British colonization made South Africa better because it brought more white people to the continent. That is never a bad thing.

>> No.3877154


>> No.3877160

Still you niggers have destroyed yourselves more than any colonization.

>> No.3877164

South Africa should be thanking the white colonials, without them they'd be as backwards as their neighbor Zimbabwe. Plus it wasn't just the British that raped Africa, the Dutch and Germans did too.

>> No.3877165

>implying colonization of Africa was anything other than rape their land of resources for europe.

>> No.3877167


>> No.3877172

>Implying that Africa was of any worth prior to colonization.

>> No.3877175

Race + white people on internet = productivity

>> No.3877183

ITT niggers mad they got slaveried and forgotten on a controlled continent they cannot develop because of the ever-so-oppressive oil companies




>> No.3877184
File: 29 KB, 296x289, 121409306870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked you better when your posts consisted of, like, one sentence and a picture of an atomic bomb or something else.

Now some people are actually taking you seriously.

>> No.3877188

How is a Hetalia controversy thread about Africa?

>> No.3877190

Learn to read a fucking sentence. My point is that Africa was worthless until humans capable of using its resources effectively arrived to colonize it.

>> No.3877196

As our friend Marx taught us, resources are worthless unless used.
The niggers wouldn't have been able to exploit any of it, even if we gave them a thousand years.
It was our colonization and development of infrastructure that gave these resources their worth.

>> No.3877199

>>>Now imagine if the Germans released a cartoon in Israel making light of the Holocaust, you know, Kawaii Germans torture Jews but they are really both Tsundere for eachother and they get into little "awkward" situations revolving around pleasuring Yaoi fangirls.

You know what I see /jp/.... I see money!

>> No.3877207

Fuck you, mass genocide is kawaii.

>> No.3877220

>Now imagine if the Germans released a cartoon in Israel making light of the Holocaust, you know, Kawaii Germans torture Jews but they are really both Tsundere for eachother and they get into little "awkward" situations revolving around pleasuring
Yaoi fangirls..

Fund it

>> No.3877226

Adorufu-tan where?

>> No.3877229



>> No.3877236

That's Arab-level productivity right there, you damn foreigner.

>> No.3877252

The fact that we drew up land borders that basically force tribes that are ancient enemies together on one piece of land is the main reason Africa is fucked.

African's are not like us, they see themselves as part of Ning Dong Wanga or whatever instead of say like Nigerians or Somalians, so when you are Ning Dong Wanga and some dick from Wa Cam schlong has been given the right to "rule" you and your fellow tribesmen, you and everyone else gets pissed and another African nation plunges into civil war.

Doesn't help that we basically raped their land and resources for hundreds of years and now are dumping mass amounts of Nuclear and Toxic waste in their waters by the EU to the point that life cannot even live in them (or on surrounding shores, and this is the entire cause of Somalian Pirates).

Throwing money at them is not going to do anything, basically the UN going in and "rebuilding" the entire continent from the ground up is all we can hope for.

>> No.3877270

The machete is all I've got. I could probably effectively remove myself with the electricity needed to power my computer.

>> No.3877282

I went to maybe the second or third most liberal college in the country (no, it wasn't Hampshire or Evergreen State), and I actually had a history professor who said that you have to separate the positive aspects of British colonialism* (the introduction of Western-style liberal democracy, pluralism and technological advances) from the negative (European paternalism, borders that made absolutely no sense in historical context and led to massive violence in the post-colonial era). In his opinion, if anything British colonalism didn't last long ENOUGH, as a few more decades might have been enough to promote the concept of rule of law and decrease violent tribal and religious differences.

I offer this as evidence that one can be a properly PC douchebag without thinking colonialism is a dirty word.

*He did not have anything positive to say about Spanish colonialism, Belgian colonialism, Dutch colonialism or American 'manifest destiny.'

>> No.3877285

Well now they traded the British for the Chinese, that's much better right?

>> No.3877291

>Basically in Japan, Japanese students are taught this about WW2 "The Japanese went around liberating Asia from the Biritsh tyrants and then they got bombed by the Americans for no reason"

And how do you know that's actually true and you've been taught lies by your historians?
that's right, you don't you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.3877292

Why the fuck can't I report threads after the DDoS shit?
Crap like this thread needs to be wiped off this board.

>> No.3877297

19th and 20th century colonialism was a money-losing venture for the home governments. That's why most colonial powers didn't have to be convinced very much to give up their colonies: it saved money. Only the French were being hardons about it, because of their silly belief in the idea that modern France is somehow a great power.

>> No.3877304


The difference is that before we went and gave them borders they were shitty, worthless tribesmen wasting the land. They achieved nothing, produced nothing, did nothing to advance the human condition, and wouldn't even be called "civilized" by a modern definition of the term.

After the British came they got states and government and police and roads. Sure, the governments are all corrupt, militia kill and main for control of diamonds and gold, and half the continent is infected with AIDs, but that doesn't matter, that isn't important.

What is important is that the Africans bought British factory-produced clothes and British clocks and British railway lines. They bought tea sets and furniture and Gas Lamps and Candles. Later, they bought American Coca-Cola and American guns and American shoes.

And that's progress.

>> No.3877308

Because we have documents, video's, photo's and millions of eye witness accounts of the events?

>> No.3877324

All fucking shooped

>> No.3877327

I remember reading an article in Time or National Geographic about people in the Congo WISHING that the Belgians would come back.
Yeah. The same Belgians that are associated with setting up the same oppressive, genocidal, and horribly inhumane colonial administration that is now infamous in history. They want them back. Because, despite the hand cutting and brutal oppression, shit got done. Unlike what's happening now.
Same thing in Zimbabwe. They'd much rather have the Rhodesians back, because they turned a small, landlocked African nation into a significant economic and military power. Unlike now, where several trillion Zimbabwean dollars can buy you half of a stale loaf of bread.
Oh well. Let the die-hard PC liberals think that self-rule in Africa is a good thing. Let them throw their money to pointless relief efforts and asinine school buildings that will only be squandered by the state. Hopefully in the future, we'll be able to do something that'll actually work on the continent. For now, it's best if we just ignore that Africa even exists.

>> No.3877328

In the end the Brits turned out alright.

In the 17 and 18 century when expanding into the Pacific and Asia they decided to actually ally the natives instead of conquer them, probably due to it saving money (not having to set up much international infrastructure is cheaper than buying shit off natives for beads and tea sets).

The last "race" the British were douchbags really to were the Aborigines, but that was because the extent of their "technology" was a sharpened stick.

>> No.3877330

Have you ever seen that picture of Lening giving a speech with Trotsky shooped out ?
This, on a massive scale.

>> No.3877331

Africans can't rule themselves because they're a bunch of stupid, tribalist twats.

At least the Irish have stopped killing people (mostly), and the Irish had a real reason to do what they did.

>> No.3877339

So does Japan.
There's this new thing called forged evidence, welcome to earth.

>> No.3877343

Old copypastacarbonara.

>> No.3877345


The IRA were really shit though, I'd just like to make sure this is clear with everyone, it's something Americans tend to forget.

When they were fighting for independence in Ireland they were your regular, morally-grey but generally all right freedom fighters. When they were fighting for control of Northern Ireland they were douchebag terrorists, nothing more. They bombed train stations, office buildings and schools.

When the Irish Free State was formed in 1922, Northern Ireland was given the option of opting out of the union, which they did. Bear in mind that the government of Northern Ireland at the time was democratically elected, and that Suffrage was extended to the populace regardless of religion or sex.

>> No.3877355

Didn't help that the English did what they do best: importing Englishmen to the region.

Ireland for the Irish. Not that I agree with their actions, it's just they had a real reason. The English were douchebags for centuries. I'd want them out, too.

>> No.3877369

>and American guns
Right, and that's why the AK-47 is on the flags of several African nations.

>> No.3877372


Yeah it always gets a bit dodgey when you try to work out who got to the land "first".

Majority of British colonists in Ireland were Scottish, the the Scots tribe originally migrated to Scotland from Ulster in the 7th century, displacing the Picts.

The British colonists have been there for almost 4 centuries now, and they mostly originated from Ireland anyway, far back in the mists of time. I feel they have as much right to the land as, say, our cousins across the Atlantic.

>> No.3877386

America invent AK-47, is stolen by pig dog Russians.
Apology juice long demanded. Kalashnikov is a murderer.

>> No.3877407

You forgot the fact that all "nations" have no basis in fact, they are just remnants from kingdoms conquering areas.
In fact most ethnicities only have imaginary common heritage.

>> No.3877434

Genocide is a good way to wipe out inferior and rival races. Germany and Japan had the right idea, as did previous colonial empires like Britain. Only niggers, gooks and liberals complain about this shit.

>> No.3877659

You know that opening scene in CoD:WaW?

The one where the captured Marines are being tortured and executing by the Japanese? That was my grandfather in there. He was sent out with the Marines as an alternative to court martial for assaulting an Officer and stuck behind enemy lines for three months in a 95% casualty unit. He was caught, beaten and infected with tropical malaria and was almost executed before he escaped. HE spent six weeks surviving in the jungle and hiding from patrols and search parties looking for him because he was stalking their patrols and killing them.

On his death bed, he told me about all the horrific things he saw them do. They'd starve the prisoners and throw them in a cage of dogs for entertainment and watch them be torn apart. He saw his comrades beheaded daily, some times they'd crucify them instead and bleed them to death from being nailed to a palm tree.

>> No.3877669

And yet you're here, in /jp/, on 4chan of all places.

>> No.3877686

I think his reason, in this case, is "fuck the world, I'm staying in my room."

>> No.3877761


Dude, we know about how vicious the Japanese government was, and Korea has an absolute right to be angry about that.
However, Hetalia doesn't even touch on this subject, and when the fandom generally does, most of them are intelligent and educated about the Japanese actions in WWII.

In short, Korea is using Hetalia as a gateway to become angry at Japan. Hetalia did nothing wrong, and does not deserve this.


If so, fuck off. That entire issue started when some troll copypasta'd the worst posts on the Kink meme (which were generally shunned by the majority of APH fans) and said that this was how the entire fandom was.

All the intelligent Hetalia fans pwn'd you guys in the beginning of the debates, but when the fights continuously repeated with the same things brought up by you guys again and again as though you had short term memory loss, we got bored and left. Leaving the 13 year olds not intelligent enough to ignore you guys to write textwalls against you.

>> No.3877767

you forgot Spain and South America, that was 3 cultures smashed

>> No.3877779

You know that opening scene in CoD:WaW?

The one where the captured Marines are being tortured and executing by the Japanese? That was my grandfather in there. He killed a whole bunch of those gaijin devils in the name of the great Showa Emperor.

>> No.3877782
File: 22 KB, 370x396, 1248382813269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the fandom generally does, most of them are intelligent and educated about the Japanese actions in WWII.
>All the intelligent Hetalia fans pwn'd you guys

>> No.3877790

Butthurt much?

>> No.3877816

No, mostly annoyed.

Although there is a dose of retarded yaoi fangirl teenagers in the Hetalia fandom, a good portion of them are also history majors, and write some pretty amazing fanfiction.

>> No.3877819

You know, why would a country fess up to any wrongdoing. It's national interest to deny that what they did was wrong. Even America has done many things it shouldn't have under the guise of protecting America's freedom and spreading democracy. It makes sense the Japanese would say the same about their actions in WWII.

>> No.3877828

Stop making me laugh.

>> No.3877831

You mean America hasn't always done good things ?
I'm sure those guerillas and assassinations the US funded were for the right cause !

>> No.3877835

>amazing fanfiction
No such thing.
>a good portion of them are history majors
Yeah right.

>> No.3877849

You'd be surprised.

>> No.3877864

Oh wow.

>> No.3877867

At how shitty Hetalia and the entire fandom surrounding it is? Yeah, it's pretty surprising.

>> No.3877869

inb4 troll thread

>> No.3877911

Depends on the sections. Theres some incredibly retarded sections of the Hetalia fandom, and then there are some really awesome sections. Usually the awesome ones are restrained to the IRC or obscure groups on LJ though.

>> No.3877922

Hetalia and its fandom as a whole is shit.

>> No.3878180
File: 275 KB, 1181x833, Waffen Grenadier Galicia Ukrainian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But World War 2 was kawaiii

>> No.3878196
File: 275 KB, 1039x1186, 2ilkl5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3878203
File: 276 KB, 787x1125, waffensssoldiersandkittta1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3878242

>You know, why would a country fess up to any wrongdoing. It's national interest to deny that what they did was wrong. Even America has done many things it shouldn't have under the guise of protecting America's freedom and spreading democracy. It makes sense the Japanese would say the same about their actions in WWII.

Only germans do that. Because jews are perpetually infected with butthurt and run hollywood on top of that.

>> No.3878256

Do me a favor and post this on /cm/, okay?

>> No.3878264

How bad is /cm/ since this Hetalia shit came out?

>> No.3878272


>Axis Powers Hetalia #554 Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)03:03 No.1777811 [Reply]

Previous thread: >>1777183

Axis Powers Hetalia is a web comic drawn by Himaruya Hidekaz and depicts the story of actual countries as anthropomorphisms.

Official site: http://www.geocities.jp/himaruya/hetaria

A few scanlations are available here: http://sites.google.com/site/hetaliaindexes/

rars of the images from most of the previous threads can be found here: http://www.mediafire.com/hetalia

Hetalia Kink Meme here: http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com

List of Hetalia Pixiv tags: http://nejime0419.livejournal.com/1148.html

>> No.3878277

Holy shit. It's infected /c/ too.

>> No.3878404

I remember seeing this thread on /a/ yesterday. And I thought we were better then them.

>> No.3878779

>[Yaoi fangirls] you are retarded to the highest degree and should probably kill yourself.
I agree, but not for the reasons you mentioned.

>> No.3878822

Have you SEEN the character depictions for Korea and China in Hetalia? They ahve every right to be pissed off.
