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File: 362 KB, 864x1200, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_maguro_mawaru_sushi__d9ef4ab0fb4f9a62c957b6908fb8ad52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38448275 No.38448275 [Reply] [Original]

I've been noticing way too many threads as of late saying mean, rude, or abhorrent things about touhous, and it makes me very sad. So let's have a thread where we write a letter saying nice things about a touhou!

Aya, you work very hard on the Bunbunmaru. It's very clear how passionate you are, and I deeply admire that about you! No matter the scoop, you put your all into it! I hope your paper does the best!

>> No.38448359
File: 460 KB, 600x850, 7998787278aa0f05cf0f5751e26c09ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya, even though several years have passed, you are still the best! Nobody comes close to your perfection!
Also, Hima is the best Sakuya artist!

>> No.38448856

You all very cute
To: all 2hus

(Sorry, I am not a wordy person)

>> No.38450087

To the Hourai Immortals:
I frequently fantasize about rounding up the Hourai Immortals and sealing you all within various white dwarf stars around the galaxy so you can burn/be crushed for quadrillions of years until you are eventually gobbled up by a black hole. I do this not because I have some undying hatred of you, but simply because it is the only reasonable method of permanently ridding this world of you.

Sincerely, Anon

To the youkai, demons, devils, lunarians, evil spirits, animal spirits, and evil gods:
Fuck off and die already.

Sincerely, Anon

To the humans:
Hop off of your ignorant indolent asses and make sure the above fuck off and die already.

Sincerely, Anon

To Reimu Hakurei:
Fuck you.

Sincerely, Anon

>> No.38450593

To Anon:
Well, fuck you too.

Sincerely, Anonymous Raymoo Supporter.

>> No.38450692
File: 812 KB, 700x988, 1535582312401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remilia, I love you! I love you so much!
Sincerely, Anon.

>> No.38451576
File: 583 KB, 800x1270, 1512424749610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for keeping me company all these years, Sakuya. I could be better. Sorry. Please keep taking care of me. I love you.

Yours, Anonymous.

>> No.38452405

I'll send a pipe bomb to Aya.

Fucking supersonic dick with wings.

>> No.38452430

why would you be pro-human in Gensokyo?

>> No.38452618

You're determination to be the strongest despite being a fairy is admirable. Also you are pretty cute.

Love from

>> No.38452705

Dear anon, I don't know how to read english.

t. Your 2hu and Kosuzu who helped me write this letter

>> No.38452776
File: 2.15 MB, 2343x1178, unknown475871ebde4f41afbde1e20804d7a602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Meiling,

Recently at the restaurant I work at there's been a customer coming in named Meirin.
Every time she does it reminds me of you and Touhou and the fun adventures I'll have in the world of Gensoukyou when I come home, and it always makes my day a little better.
Also, I think you're really pretty and strong and you inspire me to become a stronger person myself.

Thank you,

Would it kill you to stop knocking my dick off in Shoot the Bullet? I only have one dick and you keep knocking it off.

>> No.38452810

just nuke the human village and watch the whole place fall apart

>> No.38452833

But Kosuzu could read these letters to them. Also the Scarlet Devil Mansion at least would be able to read them. And certainly some of the very smart youkai would too.

>> No.38459387

Destroy Gensokyo

>> No.38464887

Dear Seiga
Would you be willing to trade Yoshika for a large sum of money?
With all due respect, Anon.

>> No.38464951

Dear Ran,
I will touch fluffy tail. There is nothing you can do to stop me. This is a threat.
Sincerely, Determined Fluffy Tail Enthusiast.

>> No.38471833


Unfortunately, I cannot speak English, myself. But I appreciate your feelings! If you could please, if it's not too much pressure on your own finances, please respond with some donations (of any denomination.) Not meaning to be too pushy, but if you could provide donations, then I would be very glad. And I would still be able to receive your kind feelings.

Hakurei Reimu

P.S - Please thank Sumireko-san for translating. Her knowledge of Outside Languages and "computers" made this possible! And add more donations to make sure she can do it again!

>> No.38472804
File: 1.60 MB, 1430x1801, 70613087_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Despite' being a fairy?

>> No.38472875
File: 675 KB, 697x1102, 45197682_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear human,

You could never hope to best me.
I surpass you a hundred fold in wit, cunning, strength, intelligence and wisdom.
My soft, fluffy strokeable and luxurious tails remain mine and mine only.
Face me if you dare


>> No.38472917

Dear Remilia Scarlet

Is it true your the relative of Vlad Tepes?


>> No.38473231

>I cannot speak English
But you proceeded to type in perfect English???

>> No.38473748

Why would you not? The amount of sympathetic youkai can be counted on one hand.

>> No.38473923

Dear Lotus Land Story
You rock. Especially when that maid was on the extra.
P.S. Do you know Mystic Square?

>> No.38475347

Dear Yukari

How come you get your ass kicked so much? I thought you were omnipotent

Sincerely, Anon

>> No.38476938

Translators are very advanced

>> No.38481786

I think it said that Sumireko translated the message.

>> No.38481855

The Scarlet Sisters could most certainly read English, given how well educated they are. Yukari *might* be able to pull a dictionary across the barrier. And Sumireko could probably do the best considering she's a current student, and they learn English in JPN schools.

>> No.38487352
File: 254 KB, 900x900, 8b1e19f4bdbbdb483a26569312bc17b1d2f65f24aa84fdc07017092a5802a777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to Koishit
Your computer has 152 virus. Please forward this letter back if you receive and want to rid PC off viruses trojans malwares ransomwares t. Hank you

>> No.38489135

I do not feel worthy enough.

>> No.38492613

You don't need to be "worthy" to tell a touhou you appreciate them!

>> No.38492916

Words of appreciation from a trash human being would only be a burden. The mere awareness of my existence would cause them to temporarily feel worse, and it would only be amplified if I were to refer to them directly. Out of respect, I choose not to.

>> No.38494843
File: 224 KB, 1535x1772, __moriya_suwako_touhou_drawn_by_iovebly__5fcf140465f74b783dc814b0548c908d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Your cooler than Kanako, because frogs are pretty great and i like frogs.


>> No.38494953

They are still girls, so they will appreciate compliments. And don't forget that they need people to stay alive, so while they may see you as cattle, they do not see you as trash.

>> No.38502535
File: 1.51 MB, 850x1200, 1641289373177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. See the attached picture.

>> No.38502733

Sakuya: You've been helping me a lot lately, milady...
Remilia: Heheheh... (whispering:) I'm practicing to become a nice woman... no, I just want to show you my nicer parts... (clearly now) It's nothing more than a whim of mine!

Remilia: People thought I was useless enough for a person like you to court me... Even though I was doing my best...
Sakuya: ..........

>> No.38502752

The Barrier was erected in 1885, which is in the middle of the Meiji era, when Western knowledge was highly valued in Japan. Every smart and ambitious youkai will see this as a obvious route to power and learn English accordingly.

>> No.38502795

All the faith-gathering 2hus would appreciate it.

>> No.38505276

To: Cirno

You're too cute there is no other words

>> No.38508603

Cute times 9

>> No.38508689

Miss Eirin,
I would like to take you on a date.
From Anon

>> No.38510330
File: 144 KB, 278x502, Mokou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear Mokou,

Can I wear your pants?


>> No.38519514

Dear Ran-sama

Can I please touch your fluffy tails?


>> No.38519817

Dear Reimu,

I'm afraid that I do not know of a way to send donations to your shrine in Gensokyo.

Sincerely, Anon.

>> No.38526939 [DELETED] 


>> No.38533888

Dear Okuu
This is a confirmation of the dream correspondance we have been having over the last few months. I am coming. Get ready, we are going to turn this shithole into a fiery crater like you originally wanted.
You know who.

>> No.38536873

n*kes are wrong, P*tin.

>> No.38537477

Dear Sumireko-chan,
lmao do zoomers even read physical letters anymore? on god, you lot probably deadass use twitter or tiktok to chat nowdays nocap fr fr anyways cy@ prez
With love, Anon.
