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3834916 No.3834916 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone hate any character in Umineko? Or are they all loved?

>> No.3834919

i read half of chapter 1 and hated eva for being a bitch

>> No.3834924

I hate numerous Umineko characters.

>> No.3834928

I hate the Stakes and Siestas. Worthless furniture.

>> No.3834942

I can honestly say I dislike all of them except Battler.

>> No.3834943

Ronove makes up for any bad characters

>> No.3834945

>Hasn't read Ep3 or Ryukishi's Extra TIPS.

>> No.3834973

Maria deserves to have the shit kicked out of her by her own mother.

>> No.3834977

Suck my balls, fag.

>> No.3834979

So Space Jaaaaaam!

>> No.3834986

Read episode 3, it will make you love Eva.

>> No.3835008

Ange. She just screams Mary Sue.

>> No.3835025

I don't think you know what a Mary Sue is.

>> No.3835026

Suck my balls, gayfag.

>> No.3835034

u mad?

>> No.3835039

Typical Umineko fan.

Note how he can't even present a proper argument.

>> No.3835040

I don't think you know what a Mary Sue is. She doesn't even fit the popular definition.

I can say that I haven't disliked a single character in Umineko, but I tend to like characters.

>> No.3835047

Suck my balls, fags.

>> No.3835060

Honestly I have to say Beato. She just plays dirty.

>> No.3835065

Suck my balls, furfag!

>> No.3835067

There are some characters who I feel like I SHOULD dislike due to their obnoxious fans.

But nah, I like everyone.

>> No.3835073

Natsuhi needs to shut the hell up. Every time I see her I know she's about to flip her shit over the most meaningless thing.

>> No.3835077

just the siestas

>> No.3835080


You sure you played the games, and haven't been only following the anime?

>> No.3835084

This. I will never understand why so many people like her.

>> No.3835087

She seemed tolerable in the anime compared to the games.

>> No.3835088

She was annoying enough in the VN. Was she even worse in the anime?

>> No.3835092

Because people like old hags with large breast.

>> No.3835094

You posted the only one I hate, OP.

>> No.3835099

>Ha actually reads the galge
I don't have that kind of time and I get the story anyway.

>> No.3835100

>She just plays dirty.


Did you read Episode 5?

>> No.3835103

Does a family member defending those they love remind you of how yours didn't?

>> No.3835105

>I don't have that kind of time

What the fuck are you doing on /jp/ then? Go back to /a/.

>> No.3835106

I hate Kanon. I wanted to punch him every time he said "furniture".

>> No.3835107

the siestas

>> No.3835117

Do you want to punch people who call themselves "human" too?

>> No.3835120

Goat people... I no like furries.

>> No.3835121
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>> No.3835128

You hate Rika!?

>> No.3835139

The only characters I can say I hate would be Beatrice and Kasumi. However, their roles are to be hated (initially at least for Beatrice) so I don't mind it that much.

I am annoyed somewhat with Battler due to his constant BAWWWWWWWWing after every setback. He's gotten better but Episodes 2 and 3 were tiresome to read at times, not even counting the random flashbacks that serve no real purpose in fleshing out the story. Episode 4's flashbacks escape this as they're the only source we have to explain ANGE and her actions. They are somewhat tedious though.

>> No.3835140

I hope he meant Rika. Bern is okay, but Rika is a fucking bitch.

>> No.3835159

Aren't Bern and Rika the same person?

>> No.3835171
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Most of the cast. In fact, I only really like Lambda and Bern, due to them having ties to Higurashi. Umineko is pretty bad.

>> No.3835177

No, they're not. They're two separate individuals.

>> No.3835180

bern is good end rika
i.e., breasts
does she out-bitch eva?

>> No.3835188


Bern is more related to Rika than Rika is to Bern.

>> No.3835190
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I don't particularly dislike any Umineko character but Jessica is the least interesting by far.

Pic related. It's Jessica being uninteresting.

>> No.3835193

What's Lambda have to do with Higurashi?

>> No.3835229


Entrapped Bern in that game for ~100 years.

>> No.3835246

Remember when loli Takano almost got hit by lightning but survived? Labdadelta saved her at that time.

>> No.3835275

Lucifer, because she's just one big disappointed since her younger sisters are better.

>> No.3835289

I haven't played or know anything about Umineko, but I have a natural aversion to the girl with blue hair who makes inhuman facial expressions.

>> No.3835307
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Then you don't belong in this thread!

>> No.3835351

If a family member kept screaming at my face about the HONORABLE MASTER KINZO HOW DARE YOU HOW DARE YOU then I might hate them.

>> No.3835493

Reverse Decapitating Crotch Technique

>> No.3837502


>> No.3837538

Just wait till the ep5 translation, you just CAN?t hate her, she's too adorable and the best wife in the island

>> No.3837547

I hate Bern and Ange.

>> No.3837556
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Kanon due being typical bishonen for fangirls.

Also Lelouch in animu

>> No.3837562

The majority of the characters are unlikable (badly written or just shitty personality you cannot sympathize with no matter what

>> No.3837741

Bitches don't even know about her hitman, Kanon. Why would they know about her being Beato?
Read E2 flashbacks, watch out for what she says.

>> No.3837746
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Only this slut, but I guess that's the point of her character.

>> No.3837748

I don't really like Lambredia, her only motivation seems to be I WANT TO RAPE BEANCASTLE.

>> No.3837751
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Oh, and the human form of this.

>> No.3837753

Gohda annoys me the most, although I'm only up to the middle of Chapter 2. I also don't really like Beatrice a helluva lot either.

>> No.3837770

YOu'll start like her, I mean she's fun, but just wait till ep3 to like her, she's more likeable then

>> No.3837782

Beatrice is a roller coaster ride of likability.

>> No.3837794

He has fans? Wow.

>> No.3837807
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>> No.3837881

Pretty much this to be honest. No good worthless fuckin' quitters, the lot of 'em.

>> No.3838070

Rather than make a new Umineko thread, I'll just bump this one. Witch Hunt translators confirm that the EP 5 translation WON'T be released this Friday, but a couple of days before EP 6 at best unless people voice their opinions saying they don't mind the translation having a few errors or two until the clear it up and release a better translated version. (it would then come out next week or around Christmas then.)

>> No.3838076

Cock goes here

>> No.3838077

Hatred is something of a default state for me in all things Umineko-related.

>> No.3838107

evatrice and bern, damn, whats up their ass?

kanon is a fag but an irrelevant one so i dont mind him

>> No.3838128

I fucking hate Eva-beato.

>> No.3838132

At the start of Legend, adored Rosa, adored Eva. Thought Krauss screamed evil, thought Natsuhi was a right bitch.

At the end of it, I adored Natsuhi, didn't like Rosa as much as I thought I did, and felt a bit disillusioned with Eva. She seemed like such a fun, friendly character at the start, but then she got more and more bitchy.

With Turn, haaaated Rosa. So much. Liked Kanon a lot more this time, whereas I didn't take much notice of him before. Shannon was a bit meh, and I liked George a lot more. Gained some respect for Gohda, too.

With Banquet, I still didn't like Eva, but I adored Evatrice. Battler became much more likable in this episode, Jessica started annoying me again. Kyrie really shined, and it was the first episode I thought, 'she's pretty awesome'. Lambda really surprised me with her playing nice in front of Bern, but really being a right old bitch.

Alliance was the first time I took proper notice of the Stakes and their names, and I thought Mammon was sweet. Hated Rosa even more, loved Maria so much. I even teared up a few time. Ange, I did like. I took much more notice of Krauss.

Ryu's extra TIPS made me, surprise surprise, hate Bern with a passion. Gohda's one made me like him a lot more.

>> No.3838135
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sage goes in all fields, die thread for great justice

>> No.3838140
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forgot to relate the thread

>> No.3838144

Uuuu~ Mad?

>> No.3838157

I hate Bernkastel.

>> No.3838163

please die please die die

i dont like you

>> No.3838171

Agreed, it's almost as shitty as Blue Nun.

>> No.3838176

noone likes Erika.
you're a dirty liar if you say otherwise.

>> No.3838182
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>> No.3838200

I like Erika.

>> No.3838205

Of course you would. You don't count.

>> No.3838211

I guess all those who voted for her in the last popularity poll don't count either.

>> No.3838215
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Why is the Croatian checkerboard in the background?

>> No.3838225

Croatia didn't invent red/white checkerboard pattern

>> No.3838229

>noone likes Erika.

That's because no one played EP5 yet.

>> No.3838232

Ange, Natsuhi, Kyrie, Kurasawa, Kanon, Shanon, Jessica, George, Eva, Evatrice, that hipster military dude that follows Ange around. Probably spelled a few wrong but you should get the point.

George would be a pretty awesome character if every single line wasn't about how he was obsessed with Shanon, it's too bad how they completely ruined his character. Sometimes I wonder why I'm reading this. As you can see I hate a lot of them people.

>> No.3838236
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Witches don't know about my waifu.

>> No.3838239

Of course they did.

>> No.3838243

That was the first post. The follow up posts said...

>No, we were never planning on having the patch finished either this week or next week.

>If people are okay with rereading and understand that the errors are already in the script (I'd really hate for our team to take fire for this when there's nothing we can do about it), then... while I can't speak for the team as a whole, I think you're likely to get your Xmas present.

>> No.3838245
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There seem to be a lot of people who haven't played it but hate her preemptively because TVTropes told them to.

Also because she stands in the way of the kawaii Beato/Battler wuv.

>> No.3838246

I dont really hate any of them, but I kind of dislike some of them in some scenes. Like Rosa.

>> No.3838247

What does TVtropes have to do with Umineko now?

>> No.3838256

The page about Umineko, perhaps?

>> No.3838260

Hate rosa, hate Kinzo,

Love Genji, love Ronove


>> No.3838266

I don't like Lambda too much. Something just feels really off about her character. Bern has her issues..but still.

>> No.3838270


Why would you hate Kinzo?

>> No.3838288

Because he raped Beatrice and probably most of the other female witches/servants/every other woman on the island.

>> No.3838290

So why do you hate him?

>> No.3838291
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And he'd do it again, to

>> No.3838293

Gohda is my favorite. I don't see how anyone can hate him. His scene in episode 2 was so manly...he's a really deep character if they would only give him more screen time. He's a better butler than Ronove.

>> No.3838299

Gohda is a chef. He is not a butler.

>> No.3838300

A woman's virginity should be sacred and only given to a man she loves.

>> No.3838301

I really disliked Maria with a passion. Every time her mother slapped her around was a moment of joy while reading Umineko. It made up for all the "Uuuuuu~~~~" I had to read through.

Then I read episode 4, and I felt like a real bastard. It got better after rereading a few slapping scenes.

>> No.3838304
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Gohda is a cook, not a butler, isn't he?

Still, I agree.

>> No.3838306

Every woman loves Kinzo.

>> No.3838309
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Not just women

>> No.3838310
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I don't hate Ronove, but I hate his fangirls.

>> No.3838313

Well, servant. Ronove cooks too you know. I think he's great. He seems really loyal despite being only stationed there a couple years and that scene where he fights the stake is pretty touching.

He may treat Kanon and Shanon like shit but they're two of the worst characters in the story anyways so it only helps his case.

>> No.3838316

I haven't noticed any. It seems like even his wife hated him.

>> No.3838345

I hate Maria with a burning passion. I also generally dislike all the witches, especially Lambda and Bern, though Beato's gotten better.

>> No.3838373

Kanon, George, Kyrie, Ange to some degree.

Ronove is one of my fav, with Bern.

>> No.3838477

Funny. There isn't a character that I really hate in this series. I kinda like everybody, though not equally.

>> No.3838509
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Bitch please, she's awesome.

>> No.3838520
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And george is pretty badass too.

>> No.3838529

I don't dislike any characters per se but Maria gets annoying after a while.

>> No.3838536

Not Natsuhi
Erika's ahahaha.wav

>> No.3838569



>> No.3838668


>> No.3839799

I'm suprised there's no hate for Gaap or Virgilia

>> No.3839815


They do their roles nicely, why would I hate them?

>> No.3839856
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If everyone is done bitching and complaining about pointless bullshit, I propose that this becomes a Gaap thread.

>> No.3839868

I hate Gaap.
That's like, Ryukishi needed to create a character for all the fujoshis reading Umineko, because they felt that Beato was becoming too moe.
