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3825196 No.3825196 [Reply] [Original]

What does it feel like to have someone make food for you?

>> No.3825200

Like everyday life.

>> No.3825204

Rather unpleasant.

You have no direct way to control the quality of your meals, limited power to decide what you will eat, and limited power to decide when you will eat.

I sort of wish I wasn't too lazy to cook for myself.

>> No.3825206

For fuck's sake, try to put some thought to your "what does it feel like" threads.

Next step: What does it feel like to wake up in the morning, shit once a day, and try to tolerate coworkers you despise with every fiber of your being?

>> No.3825207

>What does it feel like to wake up in the morning, shit once a day, and try to tolerate coworkers you despise with every fiber of your being?
I don't do any of these things, so I have no idea.

>> No.3825216

If you wake up in-between 12Am-12PM, it's morning.
You shit at least once per day.
One day, you will work with people around you.

>> No.3825223

>If you wake up in-between 12Am-12PM, it's morning.
Good thing I don't.

>You shit at least once per day.
Once every other day.

>One day, you will work with people around you.
Sure thing, Nostradamus.

>> No.3825227

I only asked because for the past four years I've only eaten my own cooking. Outside of restaurants, of course, but god damn it waking up to or randomly coming across a meal is a foreign feeling to me now.

>> No.3825230

My job is at nights, so I tend to wake up around 8pm. And I occasionally go for a day or two without shitting. And I don't tolerate coworkers I despise: I tend to make their lives hell or switch jobs. Luckily I don't despise anyone I directly work with.

So why doesn't OP tell us how it feels to shoot himself in the head. Inquiring minds want to know.

>> No.3825236

>You shit at least once per day.
Once per week.

>> No.3825243

>try to tolerate coworkers you despise with every fiber of your being
You don't tolerate them. You shit up their work environment until they quit.

>> No.3825246

So you subsist on liquids and nuts in the least quantity possible and are horrible human beings.

>> No.3825248

I prefere to be referred to as "energy-efficient trolling machine".

>> No.3825249

I've only done it once, and it wasn't intentional nor a bullet. When I was a kid making a treehouse in a friend's backyard, a hammer fell down, hit me in the forehead, and caused me to fall to the ground, knocking myself out. When I awoke there was gauze on my head and I was watching cartoons.

>> No.3825394

I'm so hungry~

>> No.3825402
File: 316 KB, 126x126, 36272375.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I have about two years left in my parents house, but after that, it's cornflakes three times a day. That is, until I get married.


>> No.3825405

Eat more fiber and drink more water, fuckers.

>> No.3825411

I didn't coock for myself too but cooking is sort of fun and you could always make a few different easy males that are still tasty like a burger, fries and maybe schnitzel.
Also, microwave shit.

>> No.3825433


Dude, no. I knew nothing about cooking before I left home, but learning throughout college, I can make pretty much anything. If you can cook, you pretty much double in sexiness in a woman's eyes. Cook her something with a European name (it's not a potato omelette, it's Tortilla Española, baby) and she will remove her panties for you forthwith.

>> No.3825467

great. But it's even better making it for someone else.

P.S: I'm a guy.

>> No.3825503

Actually, it's not that great.
They're usually "Oh, you made this? Pretty good."

Or, if you want to have some fun, they're vomiting.

>> No.3825538

I like cooking too. Still I wanna learn how to make Mame or Ramen.

>> No.3825606

>What does it feel like to have a cute girl you have a crush on make food for you?

>> No.3825617

It's pretty cool.
Except she invited one of her girl friends, so I felt like the third wheel most of the time except for when they were asking me how to say random shit in Japanese.

I'd do it again, though.
