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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3817978 No.3817978 [Reply] [Original]

i'm back to 2d.

3d love is quite possibly the worst thing that has ever happened to me.

don't ever think she's the one who'll break you out.
don't ever think you're saved. you'll just be posting this same exact thread with the same exact tears.

>> No.3817989

>implying that 2d will ever do anything good for you

>> No.3817990

Why did you give up 2D? You should have known better.

>> No.3817993

/jp/ isn't your blog. We don't give a shit about your life.

>> No.3817996

>implying real people will ever do the same

>> No.3818001

I was in love with my 2D waifu for 2D years now and she never hurt my feelings in any way.

>> No.3817998

Well then.
That's that isn't it.

>> No.3818005


>> No.3818012

This, and I seriously hope you people that are "in love with their 2d waifus" aren't ever serious.

>> No.3818017

I have some bad news for you.

>> No.3818019

Don't ever go into a relationship looking to be saved. Relationships don't work that way.

Go into a relatonship if you have fun with that person and want to spend more time with them.

>> No.3818024

>I seriously hope you people that are "in love with their 2d waifus" aren't ever serious.

Get out of /jp/. Seriously, if you truly think that you can't be in love with a 2D girl, you don't belong here.

>> No.3818031
File: 116 KB, 450x600, 6347614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at me! I am full of anguish! I do not know how to capitalize words! Yet I will repeat the phrase "don't ever think" to make my writing deep and serious!

Look at me! I am a faggot!

>> No.3818030
File: 52 KB, 281x283, 1239626453273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3818029


Fuck you normalfag.

>> No.3818025


I am 48 years old and what is this

>> No.3818032

Yeah, there are a lot of times when I have to take a step outside of /jp/ after seeing the front page full of nothing but threads saying how "this is mai waifu" "delicious doll joints" "3d pig disgusting" etc

>> No.3818034

Dear OP, if you go into a relationship wanting to be saved from your 2D-dedicated life, that girl will sense it and walk all over you at every opportunity because she can.

>> No.3818038

Next time, don't bother coming back.

>> No.3818041

Oh, believe me, I am serious. When I think about the 2D girl I am in love with, my chest begins to hurt. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep because I know I will never be able to hug her.

>> No.3818044

3D is pig disgusting. Why are you even here?

>> No.3818056

Oh, don't misunderstand me. I meant the 3d that gets posted here is at least 99% chance of being pig disgusting.

>> No.3818057

sure is samefag in here

>> No.3818058

welcome back

>> No.3818060

I'm not that bad, but sometimes my heart flutters a bit when I see mai waifu at her best.

>> No.3818067

I think you need to go back to /r9k/ as well.

>> No.3818070

But I still enjoy tohos and sengoku rance and visual novels. I just don't run away from reality by pretending I'll end up in gensokyo or feudal japan or hugging a doll and pretending it's real. That's right, Maria, that doll isn't real and never will be. Get a life and get over your 'uuu' while you're at it.

Oh yes, I went there.

>> No.3818082

Same here, feel exactly the same way man.

>> No.3818085
File: 35 KB, 600x496, engteacher.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I sincerely wish this post could be stickied. And I don't mean that in the LOL EPIK STICKY DIS SHIT MOOT ECKS DEE way, but in the way that I've had it up to my neck with people talking about....


>> No.3818087

I run away from reality by pretending my hikikomori life will come crashing down and it will compel me to become a revolutionary who slowly overturns all of the governments of the world for the sake of a more perfect future.

Companionship? Who needs it?

>> No.3818088
File: 8 KB, 251x189, 1206931967082s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just the doll for you.

>> No.3818089

Go away, stop ruining /jp/, 3D is gross, and your posts are weird and confusing.

>> No.3818094


People here also have shitty personalities that make the idea of them ever having Touhous loving them laughable. It makes the waifu shit all the more ironic.

>> No.3818092

Arc, for once, I agree with you. And that's saying a LOT.

>> No.3818095

I don't want to live in Gensokyo. Being in love with my waifu is enough for me. Now stop it with the normalfaggotry, you're scaring people.

>> No.3818096

I agree with you, but how many people here really believe any of that even if they post it?

>> No.3818106

Am I in bizarro /jp/?

>> No.3818110 [DELETED] 


Who cares, they're persistent enough that I can't even tell. See: the saged posts in this thread.

>> No.3818113


Well, nobody believes that, right? Surely no one is pathetic, delusional, and shameful enough to say these things with a straight face and defend them...



>> No.3818116 [DELETED] 

said what I wanted to say

>> No.3818126

>Arcueid Brunestud

You don't deserve to be named after a 2D girl, you 2D hating faggot.

>> No.3818130

Oh look, Arc is trolling again.

8/10 Pretty nice, looks like you made a lot of people rage.

>> No.3818134

3d is pig disgusting, 2d waifus are best, NEET IS LEGUN XD. Did I miss anything else?
Keep up the good work Arc, going to sleep.

>> No.3818132

I believe 3D PIG DISGUSTING. Sort of.

I've never met a real female I've liked, but there really aren't any 2D girls I've liked, either.

They're more tolerable because they're presented as ideal while 3D women are totally free to be bitches. They're more sexually attractive because they were designed for that purpose. However, even so, they're still female, so the chance that I could ever make a mental connection with one is slim at best.

You could at least try to link to posts which support your original claim instead of just linking to random posts and hoping no one follows the link, Arc. Your troll-fu is getting rusty.

>> No.3818136

Time to scramble to /r9k/

>> No.3818140

Are you seriously that braindamaged that you would call somebody who acknowledges a life beyond a computer screen a "2D hater"? Hell, you're agitated that the person has a username of a fictional character and defending fiction as a WHOLE.

>> No.3818137
File: 7 KB, 100x100, arcrage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. It's not 2D I hate.

It's you. I hate -you-. And your fucking waifu bullshit. I wish I could gut you from your throat to your dick and rip your still-beating heart from your body, just so that your faggotry would cease.

Yes, I mad. I butthurt. I raged. U trol me.

>> No.3818149

Some of those people are at least half-joking. And even so it's not unnatural to wish for something that will probably never happen to you. Why else do people play the lottery?

>> No.3818150

lol loving 2D is so wrong, neets who hate 3D are fuken gay lol, look at me im so unique lol :D

>> No.3818152

Just filter Arc.

>> No.3818153

Both sides are fucking stupid.

>> No.3818158


I agree. Just enjoy whatever. There's no universal law dictating that you can only like 3D or 2D.

>> No.3818161

I don't think there's anything wrong with a little escapism. While I don't know of any poster that seriously believes that he'll go to Gensokyo, I do know that I am in love with my waifu. This is not some petty infatuation brought about because I cannot find any 'real' girl to love me, but I, simply, fell in love with a 2D, unreal, cartoon girl.
Every time I see her images, my heart flutters and I feel this warmth of happiness at being able to see such a sight. I have my dreams and fantasies, and they give me a joy I have never otherwise known in my lifetime. Yes, there are nights when I'm sad that she is not real, but I get through them as they are pretty much unavoidable.

Like I said before, though, I do not hate 3D women. I, personally, have yet to find one that I have been attracted to, but that is because my standards are set too high, much too high for any real woman to meet. And while I could lower these standards, I haven't really any reason to do so, as I'm rather content with the love that I have right now.

In any case, this thread is not /jp/ related, and should be reported because of it.

>> No.3818171

Well, you should all go back to acknowledging life beyond the computer screen somewhere fucking else. I come to /jp/ to escape from reality, not to read about what normalfags like.

>> No.3818192


Deal with reality. It's not going away no matter how badly you turn your eyes away. Nothing you can do will avail this.

>> No.3818199

Trolling with a trip isn't good. I already know from your past posts that you're even creepier than I am.

>> No.3818216

The problem there is you can't escape reality. All that will happen is your reality will become narrower and narrower, until you cease to exist except as an anonymous poster on 4chan.

Is that really the fate you want?

>> No.3818219

Is it not true that you are more guilty of escapism than any other here?

You engage in recreational drug usage. Reality has such a tight grip on you and you are so afraid of it that you must directly alter your brain chemistry to enjoy your life. Pathetic.

>> No.3818224

The reality of what? Of fags being intentionally hateful on fucking imageboard just for the sake of it and/or because they truly believe the righteousness?
That's not a reality.

>> No.3818225


It's related.
2D love is always related.

>> No.3818226

>Deal with reality.

I do. I have a job, and I have enough money to buy food, pay for rent and an internet connection, and that's as close as I will ever need to get to reality.

>Is that really the fate you want?

Yes, and I don't mind it at all.

>> No.3818233

It can go away for a few hours when I'm staring at /jp/. Same way people like to drink in order to escape their troubles for the night.

>> No.3818248

>I have a job

Get out, normalfag.

>> No.3818256

Well, what the fuck am I supposed to do? Starve to death? Not everyone has rich parents like yours.

>> No.3818253

Go shit on the floor or something, frat boy.

>> No.3818272


Stop that.

>> No.3818285

Every time I see one of this threads I wonder why I don't have a boyfriend, we could, I dunno, play SWR or I could hug his dakimakura (I've aways wanted one, why are they so expensive?!) or something.

(in before there are no girls on the internet)

The worst thing about this post is that I'm absolutely serious.

>> No.3818290

Move to the UK. Live on extra unemployment money for being clinically depressed.

>> No.3818296

Or just live in the US and get on disability


>> No.3818300

Welfare seems to be a popular option around the genuine basement dwellers here.

>> No.3818303

>Move to the UK.

And go to jail for loli? No thanks.

>> No.3818305

Curry, how do you suggest I go about this? I really do not want to go through the trouble of getting a job.

>> No.3818307


Because Anon doesn't want a girlfriend.
He's in love.

>> No.3818312


>Is it not true that you are more guilty of escapism than any other here?

>You engage in recreational drug usage. Reality has such a tight grip on you and you are so afraid of it that you must directly alter your brain chemistry to enjoy your life. Pathetic.

Spoken like a true weed virgin.

Weed enhances reality. It makes participating in the outside world exciting. While high, I engage in all of the things /jp/'s socially retarded bunch consider to be normalfaggotry - I chill out with my friends, I hit the gym, I go fishing with my family, I drive around my neighborhood and go play videogames at my friends' houses, I play Magic: The Gathering at the local game shops, I have sex - which is intense and mind-blowing while high.

And besides, we're not talking about escapism here. We're just making note of some pathetic people who can't deal with reality.

>> No.3818313

>break you out
Stupid. You already think you're fucked up and you expect someone else to fix it for you.
Here's the secret. Nobody wants to put up with a morose kid pulling the I'M SO TRAGIC AND MISUNDERSTOOD act. Grow a pair and get over yourself.
And stay the fuck away from my 2D waifu.

>> No.3818319

Disability for what? Being obese? I thought /jp/ nerds were hideously skinny due to not caring enough to get something to eat.

>> No.3818323

I would be your dakimakura. a/s/l?

>> No.3818342

> I have sex

Welcome to my filter.

>> No.3818346

Somebody's jealous.

>> No.3818349

You're not convincing me, here. Basically everything you just said shows that it's nothing more than a way for one bound by reality to ignore and deny its flaws, and not even through his own strength. You can't enjoy reality, but instead of avoiding or changing it, you destroy yourself until you are no longer capable of disliking it.

You're a traitor to yourself.

>> No.3818370

Oh you.

I've already gone in depth about my issues here on the board in the past, it's a mental thing, not a physical one. tl;dr - i'm one of the few true hikki's of /jp/, even my government agrees.

>> No.3818392

Seconding this.

>> No.3818394

Sup kettle, this is pot. You are black.

>> No.3818397

When I grow up, I want to be just like Curry.

>> No.3818404


> Basically everything you just said shows that it's nothing more than a way for one bound by reality to ignore and deny its flaws, and not even through his own strength.

Except that weed doesn't let you ignore or deny its flaws, bro.

It shoves 'em in your face, pushes them down your throat, and makes you ask for more.

That's why if you smoke weed regularly while you're already depressed, you'll get even worse and spiral into a suicidal, hermetic existence. You'll dwell on everything you ever had insecurities, worries, or fears of.

Those are the burnout stoners people like to make fun of.

>> No.3818447

>Jean-Paul Sartre saw the essential struggle of epistemic loneliness - to unite the emptiness of nothingness with the fullness of Being - as only unifiable in the concept of God. Indeed, mankind's frustrated attempt to create this harmony within itself is yearning for divine-like repletion. Thus, Sartre viewed God as the projection of human epistemic loneliness, while man himself is nothing else but loneliness forever frustrated by its fruitless endeavors at self-completion.

>Sartre believed that love is mankind's most radical attempt of consciousness to transcend its own loneliness. Through love, he argued, man endeavors to annihilate its contingency and satisfy its esurience for the abundance of being. Sartre believes that lovers are attempting to preserve their "internal negation" (freedom) while eliminating their "external negation" (epistemic loneliness). However, since these two freedoms cannot be reconciled into perpetual unity, love is doomed. Any apparent unity between the two is self-deception; an "illusion of fusion" which will serve to propel the lovers into more devastating epistemic loneliness than had they not tried to escape it.

For /jp/, is a waifu like a god?
Someone you know doesn't exist but is nevertheless close to our hearts?
