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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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38159608 No.38159608 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.38159960

Recently I started vndb.org/v1940. So far, MC is kinda amusing(but not as interesting as Kyo or Akhr), but the main plot isn't that interesting.
Does it get better?

>> No.38162528

need yanderes but nothing of the homosexual variety

>> No.38164135

wait are you saying you don't want BL recs or you're complaining because there aren't any in BL? (there absolutely are)

>> No.38165067

i hate gay people is what i'm saying

>> No.38165088

why do i have to be lumped in with the fags just because i am a woman huh

>> No.38166033



>> No.38166275

bl or otome, sisters

>> No.38166303

Both actually.

>> No.38166322

It's a BAD game.

>> No.38166420

I want cute yandere like kuroyuki

>> No.38166566

Marrying Beatrice as a lesbian!

>> No.38166578

This. The girls are way cuter this time.

>> No.38167545

Otome all the way. Also, Ares’ in-game sprite looks funky to me.

>> No.38168333

Based tbqwh

>> No.38172795

BL, if I wanted otome I'd play 3H(because same-sex marriage candidates in that game suck ass)

>> No.38172941

Has there been any news about the Nie no Machi FD?

>> No.38174172

Releasing this year, date is TBD

>> No.38174651

>two weeks into 2022
>not out yet
It's fucking over

>> No.38175435
File: 38 KB, 155x217, 1632381676652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get curious and go poking through vndb for otome/bl games
>very small # of them actually look worth playing
>and plenty of those are on a platform i don't/can't want to play on, e.g. psp or mobile or something
why the hell is this

>> No.38175442

wait, one more complaint; the sole father/son incest title is between two fat ugly men. why

>> No.38175522
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what's this from, by the way?

>> No.38175540

Most otome are to be emulated.

>> No.38175829

Ever heard of emulation?? PSP and mobile have multiple free emulators to choose from. VNs in general are emulated and pirated most often than not.
This is for retarded gay guys, not normal people.

>> No.38176078
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It's from スキとスキとでサンカク恋愛.

>> No.38177417

There's Shitoku but the dad is a bodysnatcher who takes a little girl's form.

>> No.38181172

Lv3 never ever

>> No.38182086

Does vita3k do the job?

>> No.38183296

It should

>> No.38183562

If only vita3k could run moshikami

>> No.38184072
File: 96 KB, 305x305, Doppo_portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A vn with a LI like him. Both otome and homo welcome.

>> No.38186572

Why would anybody want to play that trash

>> No.38186904
File: 82 KB, 621x544, Masato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For him

>> No.38187631

Least interesting yandere onii-chan, even for Rejet he's super predictable. Play better games.

>> No.38187652

Cute anon enjoying herself.

Bitter roastie.

>> No.38187702 [DELETED] 

Post your better games, sister.

>> No.38187864

corrective rape is such a niche fetish

>> No.38188316
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Need a game where I can do this.

>> No.38188770

Not my fault he was doing everything for the gender confused retard MC

>> No.38192564

>yandere onii-chans
>never yandere otoutos

>> No.38192595

Taisho Alice is your friend here.
Also Sweet Clown, sort of.

>> No.38193434

What's this from?

>> No.38194195

Rejet never made a good yandere except the one from TYB who is the best yandere in existence

>> No.38195100

not to be confused with dark souls

>> No.38195716

>Every character only has one abuse, sex, rape scene each
>He's the only boy
What a shame

>> No.38201308
File: 128 KB, 481x800, Bikechad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was looking at some tokimemo memes I saved from some years ago.
I fucking love you /blog, my sides.

>> No.38212718

There aren't enough alien boys

>> No.38213020

There aren't, but out of curiosity how alien are we talking?

>> No.38217799

Does anyone have the E2 version of Taisho Alice? I need to laugh.

>> No.38218361

>look this up
>think there's at least some monsterfucking
>it's just generic edgy otome trash story
>generic as fuck LIs
I fucking hate this, why must they torture me specifically.

>> No.38218916
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>> No.38220213

>expecting anything other than trash from Voltage's "mobile game turned Switch game"
You're either new or completely retarded

>> No.38220458

And the monster is basically the brown, silent, kind of a cunt boy, who is also the main.
So yeah, super amazing.
one day, a plot game will actually have a guy tghat actually enjoys being with the heroine and shows it as the final route, but in a non creepy yandere way I mean.

>> No.38221312

>specify onii-chan is nbr
>no romantic end anyway

>> No.38223120

MC is cute with short hair and there's a cute brown guy. Will prob try anyway.

>> No.38224463

Are there actually any good Voltage games?

>> No.38224495


>> No.38225843

I just finished playing Muramasa and want more Nitroplus in my life, is Slow Damage worth playing even if you don't achieve erection from hot men, meaning does it have a good story, characters, music etc. or does it rely mainly on sex appeal?

>> No.38225902

Sure, it's interesting enough particularly the true route is great.
But you have more n+ stuff if you don't want gay sex you have plenty of VNs.

>> No.38225950

Play Hanachirasu.
It's the gayest Nitroplus game and Muramasa packed in 5 hours.

>> No.38226522

I never even saw it before so I didn't even know it was that. I just want something that panders to my monsterfucking fetish, even if the guy turns out "normal" by the end but anything would do.

>> No.38228024

Otome as usual. But I will admit that some of the girls do look kinda cute.

>> No.38230141

Just go read doujin otomes, no official company will produce smething like that.
It's always good to check the dev before playing the game. Last thing you want is to accidentaly play vndb.org/p4892 games.
SD MC's most defining trait is being a whore, first two chapters you'll spend seeing him fuck or attempting to fuck randos. If that's not something you want from this game, you should rather play Lamento(same dev, sex only happens a few times, great story and characters).

>> No.38230886

The amount of sword autism in that one is truly impressive.

>> No.38234803

>first two chapters you'll spend seeing him fuck or attempting to fuck randos
His most defining trait is being a huge masochist, most of the game, unless you hit a "bad" end is basically free of sex. Which is one of the most suprrising parts of the game.

>> No.38237841

Not just free of sex but almost completely free of romance or sexual tension too. Even when you are 2/3 through with Taku or Rei's routes almost nothing indicates that these people are going to fuck until they suddenly do.

>> No.38237976

Honestly those endings were the weakest parts of the game for me(aside from dissapointing final route).
It's a shame because I liked both of the characters those endings are tied to, they deserved something more than half-assed sex and abrupt ending.

>> No.38239667

Going otome as usual, the male mcs design is cute but doesnt translate to looking so in game. Im still looking forward to it despite the issues.
Theres also just not enough options to be picky anyway.

>> No.38239842

Both. I got to the point that I can self-insert to both so.

>> No.38245554
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The retard translators want to tl Rejet?
So thankful Rejet hates gaijin piggus

>> No.38247498
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peak male design

>> No.38247809

Looks like verbal diarrhea

>> No.38250266

It's kinda weird, I expected them to go full porn game with the slut protagonists. Incest, threesomes, etc.

>> No.38250638

They already had incest in DMMD, but I wish they'd add threesomes/foursomes too.
Who knows, maybe FD will give us Towa/Eiji/Mayu/Kotarou scenario

>> No.38250985

There is never enough incest. Should have added some father/son, DMMD incest is weak ass.

>> No.38251026

Taku's route was so shit I would have rather fucked Lisa.

>> No.38252312

His route is somehow even worse after completing the game.
I'm not even sure what they wanted to do with his character, I'd rather him be standard "troubled, but good ossan" like Motomi or Bardo.

>> No.38252432

Dmmd had the twins for 3some, but it was short. I can't believe dmmd was the only nitro game that had incest and 3some.
On the other hand, sd had some nice bad endings.

>> No.38253274

>They dont "get" Taku's subtle kimoe

>> No.38253710

>His route is somehow even worse after completing the game.
>I akogare'd your mother.
is the most balls to the wall insane line once you realize how much he truly knew.

>> No.38254706

Finished vndb.org/v19012.
I don't think I've seen any sort of mecha themed otome before so it was unique for that. The story is decent too, though the route structure is kind of annoying (it sort of plays all it's cards in your first playthrough and the routes get progressively shorter as you go along). Though getting to the true end pays off I think.

>> No.38255615
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It was above average for an Otomate plotge but everything about it was solidly generic by sci-fi standards, it abused nanomachines to a comical level and the cast was forgettable. Agree with the route structure issue too. Overall not bad but didn't have much going for it other than a decently executed plot.
Did make me want my own shotabot though.

>> No.38255895

>had the twins
They weren't even real twins, trip was just larping as a virus simp so he changed his whole aesthetic to fit him but he was a random guy. So much shit in dmmd was fake advertising

>> No.38256219

I was somewhat shocked they gave a romantic end to the kid cradle. Superior form though, the adult one is ugly.
And yeah I didn't hate most of the characters but they're just sort of there. The main 2 boys were especially boring.

>> No.38258099

having a lingering crush on the mom while fucking the son is kino

>> No.38258616

based, this anon fucking gets it

>> No.38261196
File: 98 KB, 893x1242, 2c21f23acef72d0c1470d2ecdb54bd18 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about him /blog? Did you like him?

>> No.38261675

Disgusting homosexual-loving degenerates
I wish gay men and fujoshis would all just play sodoku

>> No.38261687


>> No.38262417

I hope the touken ranbu musou has more guys as dlc and maybe even a hard mode.

>> No.38262510

haven't read SD yet, but sounds based af

>> No.38264778

this is always kino. especially when there's a line that's like
>you look so much like your mother

>> No.38264927

But he didn't actually and he just admired her as a person (?)
If I'm being honest it didn't feel like they were accounting for her true character there either. It was just bizarre.
Not the only awkward part of the writing either, see Madarame's entire character and how he pretty much has nothing to do with the rest of the game.
Might have been related to it being in development hell, I don't know.

>> No.38265602

Say, is there a term for boys with a puppy-like personality?

>> No.38265642

Yeah. That's not to say that the manager of an institute dealing in human trafficking, pedophilia, torture, and implied Red Room shenanigans can't possibly have fanboys but in this case having a positive image of the woman who routinely brings her toddler son for treatment after each session in the torture-rape dungeon just doesn't make a lick of sense for his character.

>> No.38265691

a weird g-rated slut

>> No.38265818

I think they're literally called wanko.

>> No.38266456

He acts like he's being raped when I touch him, wat do

>> No.38269194
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Is Carmen a tranny?

>> No.38270621

>just doesn't make a lick of sense for his character.
I mean, when you take into account what Maya does to people, then it's easy enough Taku never realized the level of brainwashing he was on.

>> No.38270661


>> No.38274079


>> No.38274107


>> No.38274472 [DELETED] 

Trans women are women. Period.

>> No.38274566 [DELETED] 


>> No.38274625

Site and voice cast up for Tengoku Struggle

>> No.38274661

Why does there always have to be some ugly fag with a fedora?

>> No.38274693

>Furukawa Makoto as the true route again

>> No.38274847
File: 108 KB, 700x394, isao_ss01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New DLC character for TMGS4 coming on the 1st of Feb. Another sensei.

>> No.38274895

It's the same staff as Olympia so I imagine the true route is the first guy on the list actually.

>> No.38275058

Hey, he's not as ugly as the others

>> No.38275164

I wish they'd release more DLC for the existing cast. I've no interest in buying overpriced new characters but I do have interest in buying overpriced content of the guys I already like.

>> No.38275170

>age ???
>mysterious background
>the only human character
If Jack isn't the locked true route I'll eat his stupid hat.

>> No.38275225

is there a name for rich dudes that end up being working class by the end of the story? I think that's my new fetish.

>> No.38277212

he's a lesbian

>> No.38277681


>> No.38277774

My logic is than in Olympia Himuka was equally mysterious but he just got the route before the true route, while Akaza the relatively straightforward posterboy was the actual true route.

>> No.38284527


>> No.38285705
File: 9 KB, 284x284, 1577850457399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime lesbians seem to have a preference for chocomint icecream, and he has a bucket of what looks like it behind him.

>> No.38292127

What did you put in mangogamer's pointless survey except Ooe?

>> No.38292261

the bee fucking game

>> No.38292558

how gay is Buddy Mission Bond?

>> No.38292720

In the 5 years it takes MG to translate something incompetently you can probably learn enough Japanese to read all your oji-san molesting games.

>> No.38293569
File: 93 KB, 700x394, isao_ss04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't they at least try to make them look like they're in the same game

>> No.38300057

I actually really like muscle shota sensei

>> No.38304109 [DELETED] 


>> No.38310820


>> No.38313938

keep touching

>> No.38316066

>Suwabe and Saito Soma got covid

>> No.38316916

I do not like where this is going

>> No.38317500

Damn, Souma's in an anime I'm watching too. This is not great.

>> No.38317538

they won't die, probably.

>> No.38317994
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>> No.38320431
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I’ll be praying for everyone’s complete recovery.

>> No.38321644

Anyone here play the first 2 TMGS games on the PS2? Is it really worth playing the DS games with the shitty video/audio quality?

>> No.38323832

This just came out.

>> No.38323936


>> No.38325451

I had forgotten about it, thanks for the reminder

>> No.38326502

Looks like the TMGS4 Saeki clone is the most popular.

>> No.38326558

>there's even AR camera for taking selfies together
damn, this is amazing

also I presume everyone picked Gen right?

>> No.38328452

Is there a cuck mode in TMGS4? I want to make Kazama suffer.

>> No.38328612

it keeps restarting with a "check your connection" message now even though it's fine, I wonder if their servers are overloaded

>> No.38329370

PS2 doesn't have skinship, best friend, or the accidental kiss scenarios so yes

>> No.38330350

I like tanned guys, so yeah.

>> No.38330396

You do Sasa's route, which forces you to keep a good relationship with Kazama.

>> No.38331641
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>used to hate megane and long haired boys
>are the only archetypes i care about now

>> No.38331746

I want more guys with round glasses

>> No.38333025

So that’s the difference huh. Sad that you can’t molest guys, be BFF’s with them, or get kisses.

>> No.38333974

I think he's probably naturally swarthy but that's one of his charm points yeah.

>> No.38334000

huh? for me it's aki

>> No.38339883
File: 843 KB, 1357x1920, CD2B88C2-FEE4-411B-A0C9-916586C74DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you Anons know any otomes with bright ass eyestrains art styles similar to Cupid Parasite? I want to play them

>> No.38341731

kyoukai no shirayuki makes me want to rip out my eyes on the same level.

>> No.38342682
File: 772 KB, 1920x1078, 2022-01-26 09_31_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they looking at me like that?

>> No.38344438

Binary Star

>> No.38349053
File: 258 KB, 1536x2048, 20220127_101804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need more big titty protags

>> No.38350035

Why would you hate them?

>> No.38350045

Only if they're dark-haired kuuderes

>> No.38350083

Site and seiyuu cast up for Radiant Tale.

>> No.38350646
File: 137 KB, 1920x1080, 1632758095560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do "Boy raising" games exist? I played this and it was fun, but I couldn't help but think "man. This would be even BETTER if I was abusing a cute boy."

>> No.38350660

>that name

>> No.38350750

good job anon you did it

>> No.38350796

Very cute post

>> No.38350857

Wasn't that slut canceled for cheating preggo wife with whores or smth
>kondo takashi
>side chara
That's a sin

>> No.38350893

There's Prince Maker Braveness but it kinda sucks.

>> No.38351706

>azakami youhei
Yes good. I was hoping for him getting more /blog/ roles after tmgs4.

>> No.38352820
File: 444 KB, 478x479, yanderukare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that Himo Otoko phone game count? You adopt some guy off the street and try to help him become a functioning member of society again. The worst you can do is turn him into an obsessive dysfunctional deadbeat. It's JP only though.

They came out with a new one some time ago but I haven't played it yet so I don't know what more you can do in that one.

>> No.38352839

wtf nice

>> No.38353733

thread from a localizer of otome games and it talks alot about changes made to english versions, including rewriting interacrions to be less aggressive, give MC more agency, turning headpats to cheek-touches, etc. Curious what actual otome readers think

>> No.38353752

it's okay because I'm not an EOP

>> No.38353805

i hope she kills herself

>> No.38353853

Fuck off

>> No.38354794

She forgets the people who play these games want to be belittled and treated as inferior.

>> No.38355201

>She/her, disabled, neurodivergent, queer.

>> No.38355294

Despite disliking twitter shit, this time it's actually related to the thread.

>> No.38355834

Oh I played that, it was pretty amusing

>> No.38356685

Ok, I'll read this shit
>like 20 tweets just to say "I change everything to fit my narrative regardless of original source because it is what I think people want"
Fuck off

>> No.38357396

>Mobage translator

Don't care. Also fuck off

>> No.38357578



>> No.38359469

thread is just thinly-veiled passive-aggressiveness toward anti-loc critics

>> No.38359601

Didn't read but I guess EOPs lose again.

>> No.38359850

20 meandering posts that amount someone's view that:
things suitors do in JP come off as sexual abuse in EN due to cultural changes over last 20 years, EN readers don't like the MC being belitted with headpats, MCs are too childish and need to be written more proactive for EN readers, sex needs to be rewritten and bunches of justifications saying that EN readers like this so anti-localization fans are misguided

>> No.38360001

Which game with porn was drastically changed?

>> No.38360070

what's the point of even translating games if you're going to change so much shit?
also want to say that i hate that otome/bl works are the only games that suffer from this. moid shit at worst will have a few lolis aged up to 18 or whatever

>> No.38360125

Reminder to do your reps so you can achieve the level of enlightenment where you don't care about what EOPs or trannylators think. I believe in you /blog/.

>> No.38360127

I'm new to reading otome/BL, but is it really that much of a norm for the female genres?

>> No.38360169

yea. not only with games/official content, by the way; tons of scanlators are now skipping over entire chapters of the stuff they translate (or outright dropping projects) because they're "problematic"in some way.

>> No.38360217

Being an EOP in 2020s is pathetic. If you're not playing the one worthwhile PC title released in the past decade you're left with a bunch of Otomate kusoge or mobashit. If you started your reps when /blog/ moved to /jp/ you could have been fluent by now.

>> No.38360294

Bad advice. Don't learn Japanese for otome/BL or you will be very disappointed.

>> No.38360412

Chances are if you're a big enough weeb to be posting about niche vns on a mongolian basket weaving forum you're into other JP media too, have been for a reasonable amount of time, and learning JP would be worth it.

>> No.38361203

I did, read a few games and realized most of it is lame, now I just mostly use my knowledge to watch Youtube LPs...
It was still totally worth it though.

>> No.38361207

I disagree, best decision I ever made.

>> No.38361727

The trick to enjoying otome games is to play them on public transport.
Usually beats staring out the window in terms of entertainment value and even the most tame kiss scene is heart racing when you're worried the grandma oppsite will get a glance at your screen and think you're watching hentai.

>> No.38362101

Problem is I get carsick if I'm not looking out the window.

>> No.38363331

Cheek touches? That's creepier than headpats.

>> No.38364991

>buy localized game known for its S boys
>they all got re-written as M instead
Not even into sadists but I'd be malding if that happened

>> No.38365617
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Not like that would ever happen anyway.

>> No.38367003

Learn for it and move on from it after.

>> No.38367880
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, tryruning.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon don't you know? You're here forever.

>> No.38368020

What the fuck, I love localizations now.

>> No.38368079

Stuff like this makes me think it's kind of amusing to see the divide between westerners who get all touchy about sexual harrassment in media versus the degenerates on archive of our own who write Hero academia omegaverse shota sex slave stories. Though in any case this does remind me I should stop slacking off on my JP studies.

>> No.38368348

Thanks, I started learning Japanese

>> No.38368941

I think it depends on the story too.I like fapping to rape doesn't mean I want my love story to be rape.

>> No.38368989

Why does it seem that these retards are the only ones translating shit? Where did all the people who don't give a shit about "problematic" themes go?

>> No.38369942

They got real jobs and lives.

>> No.38371193

That's just amerifats who didn't have enough attention on tumblr while growing up. Normal people play games, not "localize" them

>> No.38371339

Localization jobs pay like shit, guess only turboautists are willing to do the job.

>> No.38372133

>blocked immediately
Kek for someone who sounds so confident in her non problematic choices she is sure sensitive

>> No.38372154

>Thread derailed by Twittershitters again

Block all social media and disable scripts. Christopher was right about Mark and Jack.

>> No.38372197

Learn Japanese and you will never have to deal with it

>> No.38372228

EOP always cries about localization when there's a solution right there.

>> No.38372348

>one year later after the "simultaneous" slow damage release and we still don't have the release date
>luckydog1 never
>all characters are aged up
>character interactions changed to be less problematic
>the heroine's personality is changed to be more american
>most interesting games will never be translated because they aren't correct enough for americans
So what are you waiting for, anons? If you give a shit about your hobby you can fix all of your issues except for hakamura and Yumas. Stop being a dekinai right now. Or just play amerifat otome

>> No.38372932

I'm waiting for Steam Deck reviews to know if I should get one and dual boot Windows on it

>> No.38373190


>Drama CD based on the manga


>> No.38374301


>> No.38375770

It's not detailed, it's just a post about the insanity of localization. Just post what you're reading then.

>> No.38376478


>> No.38377042

why don't people use their localization powers on korean games? they're always so clunky

>> No.38377162

Koreans are americanboo enough already so you don't have to add burgers everywhere. And Korean stuff got big recently compared to weeb games, it means there wasn't enough for schizos with savior complex to assemble

>> No.38377193

yeah yeah, korean games consistently get translated like shit so quit sperging.

>> No.38377200

*enough time
But shit, it's one thing to change references into something retarded so american players would understand them but rewriting the characters and romance for them to fulfill your schizo EOP otome fantasy is so fucking cocky

>> No.38377214

Name 5 translated Korean otome games that weren't made by cheritz. Now which games are you seething about exactly, schizo?

>> No.38377272

I'm talking about korean media in general. squid game, buried stars, troubleshooter, the cheritz games all have terrible translations. ironically, the only korean game that doesn't have an unbearable translation is BL.

>> No.38377334

BLstacies win again

>> No.38377406

Has anyone here ever thought of creating their own stuff

>> No.38377508

Not with the intention of sharing or selling at least.

>> No.38377580

Netflix is known for not paying well. The games often use their own staff, the comics get translated by underpaid korean ESL or underpaid third world translators.
Just like Renta literally hires MTLers. How is that even a question

>> No.38378227

Only thing I've made recently is a tulpa.

>> No.38384452 [DELETED] 

cute boys

>> No.38386986

Weird question but does anyone have recommendations for games where the plot involves the characters going on some kind of road trip or journey?

>> No.38387363
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For me, it still is Minakami.

>> No.38387387

Hakase deserved better

>> No.38388169

If escaping prison on a car counts as a road trip then Lucky Dog.

>> No.38388596

Zettai Meikyuu Grimm or Oyayubihime

>> No.38388898

Any games that take place in rural small towns in either summer or winter though?

>> No.38388980

Ayakashi Gohan if you don't mind being bored to death.

>> No.38389501

Yup. Been grinding art and practicing writing over the pandemic.

>> No.38389507

Fucking based. I always end up liking "eyes always closed" characters

>> No.38389748
File: 969 KB, 1200x600, hara_DpmR0HWajX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play it. It's comfy.

>> No.38389798

Akaya Akashiya Ayakashino

>> No.38393167


Is this good?

>> No.38393184

he was too pure for this gay earth

>> No.38395349

That’s right. He’s a 100% devoted pure pervert.

>> No.38398778

That's what happens when you get instantly groomed by a time-traveling manlet. Don't leave your shotas unattended about to commit suicide.

>> No.38398876

Technically Tamamori is average height for a japanese man of the time and everyone else is just freakishly tall.

>> No.38399322

>freakishly tall love interests
>that temple scene with Minakami
>Hanazawa just saying fuck it and j-j-jamming it in

Tamamori is a truly fine crafted specimen. It’s a shame you can’t see the old shopkeeper being sexually bullied as well.

>> No.38400804

Nice. Good luck!

>> No.38406175


There's a survey for BL games going right now.

>> No.38406342
File: 6 KB, 209x250, 1640824475397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This survey completely independent and isn't affiliated with any company or organization.
So what is the point of this?

>> No.38406539
File: 43 KB, 750x749, 1642033918583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What level do you need for slow damage again? N3?

>> No.38409565

I have some ideas for a otome game but I don't know where to start with it.

>> No.38409854

Do people still believe in this shit?

>> No.38411257
File: 282 KB, 500x280, 1615655150604.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's fake. These actors don't exist either. You'd should go full Calderon characters and question whether the life you're living is merely a dream.
Schizo otome game when

>> No.38411390

That reminds me I got that denpa incest drama CD a while back and never listened to it.

>> No.38411468

>Schizo otome game when
I thought Rejet was in charge of developing those.

>> No.38411829

is voiced? also, name? and if not bl, does bl similar to it exist?

>> No.38412130

As if anyone gives a shit about blgames

>> No.38412179
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Poor shopkeeper

>> No.38412404

You telling me I hallucinated having it? Fuck yeah. Time to go Sayo and make myself a tulpa.

>> No.38412492

This is some schyzo stuff but can you take it to /pol/ or whatever you come from?

>> No.38412512

What's the most schizo game you have played?

>> No.38412600

Does posting on /blog/ count as playing a schizo game?

>> No.38412756

As much as /blog/ wishes to be the schizo we're well below the average amount of schizo posting for a general.

>> No.38412903

Anon doesn't exist.
You imagined that post.
Most BL games are schizo stuff.

>> No.38412944

>Oh no I accidentally tripped on nothing and fell on him! My heart can't stop dokidoki...could it be that I...

Death Note to all writers who do this

>> No.38413212

Based but not the thread, or even board for this.
Dmmd is schizo as fuck.

>> No.38413309

Has anyone here been buying the TMGS4 DLC? Kind of tempted to get the new sensei.

>> No.38414276
File: 106 KB, 685x486, 20220201_104305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Three cuties and Chris

>> No.38415042

Rejet isn't even in charge of developing games to begin with

>> No.38415979

I am happy they included Amanohashi, I unironically enjoyed his route

>> No.38418444

Yeah, I came from /a/ originally and I'm amazed on how chill this place is. It feels like 4chan from 12 years ago most of the time

>> No.38418650

What's it actually like? Is he a groomer like most people joke about?

>> No.38419156

He does say some things that sound groomish, but overall I found him very romanitc and charming. If you are into ojisan dandiws go for ith8

>> No.38420835

>Live in Habataki
>Send your kid to the local high school
>It's full of teachers fucking their students


>> No.38422357

It's actually just me, I'm fucking every teacher

>> No.38422430

The DLC characters are both boring as fuck. You can't take them out on dates or molest them, what's the point? And the judo guy is the worst. I hate this specific type of gap moe, because you can't have cute male characters anymore without them having to ~prove they're a man too~. Of course this always means kabedoning the MC and acting predatory instead of chivalrous. Can't believe people paid 2k yen for this.

>> No.38423348

>you can't have cute male characters anymore without them having to ~prove they're a man too~
Could you ever?

>> No.38423644

I made otome game almost finished it got decent feedback from playtesters then lost all motivation and now I'm depression

>> No.38423886

In GS1, although they are not my type physically Morimura and Hibiya stayed cute and innocent throughout the whole game. And Hibiya wanted to become "manly" in the sense that he'd be reliable and people could look up to him, rather than wanting to kabedon or rape the MC or something.

>> No.38424091

Is there a worse trope than
>spending a whole route with a character
>at the end something happens that changes the character's personality or memories to the point it's hard to even call it the same character any more and this is the version that the mc ends up with

>> No.38424320

Which game?

>> No.38424767

Hakase's route was so fucked up. I still feel robbed.

>> No.38427183

Fuck Ozmafia

>> No.38428345

How is that the same?

>> No.38428472

Happened to me in nue no machi, with best boy and second best boy literally the only one that remained the same was the yandere cannibal.

>> No.38428508
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, 1628048290794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be able to listen/read to how many years late tokuten
Fuck this gay ass industry.

>> No.38428949
File: 124 KB, 249x325, 09_00_9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best tokimeki husband
>sends you 100 mails daily in crappy Japanese
>fucks off when you decide to meet him irl, but keeps on stalking you when you are out with your friends

And fuck you Konami, I wanted to rape the new teacher. What do they charge 20 bucks for.

>> No.38430293

That amount is a lot for just an artbook reprint. They better half for their vaporware game.

>> No.38430308
File: 788 KB, 1079x2008, Cndoku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38430626

Recommend me a game that will turn me gay

>> No.38430676

I hope that’s enough to fund two new games. Please let Chou no Doku have a peaceful rest already.

>> No.38430813

pay up

>> No.38431270

This is one of the secret characters, right? Then you can't even rape him, can you?

>> No.38432267


>> No.38432617

>My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! – Pirates that Stir the Waters (Switch) – 8/8/8/7 [31/40]

It's shit

>> No.38438406

Bad Apple Wars...

>> No.38440056

Thanks, you've succeeded. Now I only want to fuck women

>> No.38441693

Do you guys ever think about the people who have been putting Jooubachi on the MG survey for the past 4 years

>> No.38443192

I could have told you that before playing.
Still raping my NBR brother and then NTR'ing geodude with his brother.

>> No.38445026

I don't like this artist

>> No.38447337

The demo for touken ranbu musou is available for download, has anyone played it yet?

>> No.38452124
File: 138 KB, 960x544, ULJM05976_00123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you be playing on Valentine's Day, /blog/?

>> No.38453407

Touken musou is fun, but the visuals are hurting my eyes. Damn the Switch sucks

>> No.38454733
File: 3.40 MB, 2560x1440, 1617471343861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that's the only thing that makes me feel love

>> No.38459122
File: 1.34 MB, 675x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does BLOG think of Genshin and its husbando selection?

>> No.38459475

I think the art style is very unappealing but I don't know about their personalities.

>> No.38460255

Overdesigned, though some are cute. And the game is annoying because it demands as much time as a proper non-mobageshit game but the time invested/reward ratio is garbage like in other typical gachashit.

>> No.38460400

Some of them are my type but I refuse to play gachashit at this point so instead I'll just look at artwork if artists I follow on twitter post or retweet it.

>> No.38460635


>> No.38461845
File: 171 KB, 1280x720, FGLLNheUcAsclk5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38461997

I’ll be going out with Piano-senpai and then listen to Kaede-kun as usual.

>> No.38462666

I hold no shame in wanting to fuck Hibiya. I like muscle manlets and they're barely represented.

>> No.38463822

Fuck off with this genshit

>> No.38464372

I would fuck this one

>> No.38464542


>> No.38464893
File: 1019 KB, 1690x2120, Londrekia-profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Londrekia Light. Also, fuck Genshit.

>> No.38464902
File: 838 KB, 3464x2309, FKvkn3KUYAAxoM9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, GI has amazing character design!

>> No.38465459


>> No.38465578
File: 60 KB, 384x600, 7a3e708b744851de17e87a0742c8a4b4-384x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, i like designs like pic related

>> No.38466157

It's very much a musou, for better or worse. I'll be waiting for the pc release. Im only midly interested in musou and touken but I still feel like I have to get it.
I know my one sale doesn't matter but after bitching about a lack of joseimuke with gameplay I would feel guilty passing it up.

>> No.38466648

He looks cute

>> No.38466885

Sensei is going to love it!

>> No.38467405

Nice chicken legs.

>> No.38468092

Which /blog/ game has a Kaeya and Zhongli

>> No.38469894

those are basic choices

>> No.38470269


>> No.38470306

I love Rejet Onii-chans

>> No.38470346

So which game

>> No.38470626

any otome
