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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3805082 No.3805082 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/, /fit/ user here.

can anyone help me with some basic Japanese?

I'm having trouble understanding:

the difference between 「黒」 and 「黒い」-
I've seen that you can say 「これは黒いです」 or 「車はくろいです], but I've also seen 「ねこは黒と白です」 and 「それは青と緑です」 and 「黄色いシャツ」 and 「黄色のシャツ」. At first I understood the ーい form to be the adjective and the non-i form to be a noun, but the last example in particular confuses me. When do I use either, or is it interchangable?

When should I use 「は」 and 「が」 in the context of the verbs [います] and 「あります]? I've seen 「ペンが三本あります」 but also 「木は三本あります」. Is the latter just a rule devoted to the 本 counter, or is there more to it than that?

Thank you so much for your help if you do try! I'm trying really hard to learn but finding the online resources a bit tricky.

Pic not related, but have some pretty cool pokemon art I found on google a while back.

I'm learning japanese for the sake of being able to understand an interesting and exotic language, if anyone asks :}. It's really fun so far!

>> No.3805094
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>I'm learning japanese for the sake of being able to understand an interesting and exotic language, if anyone asks :}.

>> No.3805102

:/ I refreshed the page and got all bubbly and excited when I saw there was a reply!

Turns out it's just someone being nitpicky about my choice of emoticon to use this week :{

>> No.3805107

you won't get help with your emoticon bullshit, you can reply but don't expect help

>> No.3805108


>> No.3805110

Okay, I've stopped using emoticons.

Just a habit I've developed over the years!


>> No.3805112

Huh, from my own mental image I thought /fit/ was too manly for emoticons.

>> No.3805114

/jp/ regulars will never understand /fit/.

>> No.3805118


>> No.3805120

Haha, full of alpha males, I'm sure.

I don't fit the /fit/ stereotype and I don't wish to, I just wanted to explain my lack of anything really interesting to /jp/, having never been here before and not knowing what I should post other than vaguely oriental pictures.

I hardly see emoticons over at /fit/ but I'm so used to them and hardly post there I only lurk, the habit of using emoticons has carried over from IM services.

>> No.3805122

Are you doing this on purpose?

>> No.3805123

This guy sounds very young.

>> No.3805126

I'm not particularly young by the standards of the internet (I'm 18) but I'm not quite mature yet.

>> No.3805128

See this page. Also, download the Genki course books which will teach you almost everything you need to know.

>> No.3805132

take your ass to /lang/
yes there is a /lang/
it is a text board

「黄色いシャツ」 - yellow colored shirt

「黄色のシャツ」 - shirt that is a yellow color (that is, it's being used as a noun, where it's being used as an adjective above. Also languages have more than one way to be spoken.)

-の can be used to make a verb or adjective a noun.

は and が are mostly interchangeable if you're just saying something. は is a topic and が is a subject though. Unlike English they are not the same thing.

>> No.3805138

>I'm not particularly young by the standards of the internet (I'm 18)
Everyone born after 1990 is young by the standards of the internet. They just think they've pushed out all the older people.

>> No.3805140


most of /jp/ users dont know shit about the japanese language, and if they do know, there is no way you would get a decent reply from here

>> No.3805145

>zero !!im1okCRYh0X

Get rid of that. Names make you a faggot. This is an imageboard, not a forum with "avatars" and "karma."

>> No.3805148


Dunno where you got your 1990, but I'm from 89 and I feel young on 4chan / Internet in general

>> No.3805171

They root of all newfaggotry on the internet derives from people who's birth can be traced to the 1990s.

>> No.3805174


age-based elitism, I guess.

>> No.3805181

It's called ageism, young one.

Elitism is something else entirely. You're ruining a perfectly good word.

>> No.3805194

I always felt ageism worked in the opposite direction, as a manifestation of discrimination towards the older generations rather than the younger ones.

Elitism, yeah, I suppose I could have chosen a better word. Either way, 'newfaggotry' aside, we who are born after 1990 aren't actually that bad a bunch.

>> No.3805358

thank you for your help
