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3802506 No.3802506 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3802516
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>> No.3802518

note to self: vaginal entry feesl like hitting a solid wall

>> No.3802529

Ririko's oompa loompa sex scene would have been the high point for me.

>> No.3802539

...but does it have mollusks?

>> No.3802541

A real man has an erection hard enough to hammer nails with. So what's the big deal?

>> No.3802546

Then he's probably just not a real man.

>> No.3802550

"My swollen penis raged between Sachi's breasts."

Honest to fucking god quote.

Why the fuck is this game held in such high regard?

>> No.3802558

Why don't you troll Cross Channel's amazing sex scenes instead?

>> No.3802564

>Why the fuck is this game held in such high regard?

Because you can imagine his penis foaming at the tip like a rabid animal and making weird penis-dog noises during the titfuck.

>> No.3802566

Please point me to where I said Cross Channel was any good.

Oh wait.

>> No.3802573

Sex scene writing is always bad. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3802577

>Sex scene writing is always bad. Prove me wrong.

Rance series. Gahahahaha.

>> No.3802580

Since when are we taking sex scene seriously?
They are fap material.

>> No.3802581

I fapped to saya no uta. And liked it.

>> No.3802584

Havn't read Vn. Source plx.

>> No.3802589

>any merit a work may have is instantly invalidated if there is any sexual content

>> No.3802591

*penis submerges in anal hole during intercourse* "Oh konuichi!

>> No.3802592

>people reading seriously during sex scenes
... I mean... what the hell...

>> No.3802599

Never played it. Are they funny?

Good for you. I forget what those read like. So I won't say they were good or bad.

>> No.3802604

>people reading seriously
How does one read unseriously? I'm not going to skip it. I never skip anything (unread).

>> No.3802609

No one here said anything like that. Stop quoting ghosts.

>> No.3802613

Suffice it to say Rance makes everything better. It's like having a bear in a sex scene. Except the bear has serrated teeth and a trademark laugh.

>> No.3802620


and amazing music

>> No.3802629

Nothing beat Tsukihime sex music.
I forgotten what is the name but I think it is track5.

>> No.3802634

It seems you have never read a H-scene with the national anthem of Germany as background music.

>> No.3802643

It's sex, for fuck's sake.

Neither the guy nor the girl can think straight and all they focus on is gaining and giving pleasure.
You can't really expect a healthy guy with the biggest boner ever and an opportunity right in front of him to think decent thoughts, nor you can expect a dirty girl whose insides are itching to say decent stuff.

All I do is just read the sex scenes with the stupidest grin on my face and a hard-on which doesn't fit in my jeans and occasionally chuckle at the "bad writing". No complaints.

>> No.3802652

That just ruins the whole feel of it.

>> No.3802657

Because such a thing does not exist

>> No.3802663
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>As long as you try to forget that the h-scenes are part of the game, the writing is excellent!

>> No.3802665

Confirmed for track5.
Enjoy your nostalgia guys.

>> No.3802672

Just replace track 5 with Yakity Sax for a life changing experience.

>> No.3802688

sorry, I skipped all the sex scenes because it was painfully boring.
that and for some reason VN girls never seem to really enjoy sex

>> No.3802693

I hoped you don't mean the yakaty sax boof

>> No.3802696

That's always been my favorite Tsukihime track. I think the title is Parting, by the way.

>> No.3802703

Because if they try to enjoy sex, they instantly get the title of "slut" on the internet.

Also, it's mostly only Nasu, guess he has a fetish for that.

>> No.3802704

You're playing the wrong games. Most of the ones I've read are like "Oh it hurts but I'm so happy we're finally conjoined now"

>> No.3802710

I liked FS/N's better, but can't find a link for it. Probably wasn't on the OST.

>> No.3802719

Even outside the sex scenes, the game is pretty bland. The action scenes are almost appealing, but the plot is predictable and not engaging in the least, and the characters are boring.

Also it tries way too hard to be clever sometimes, and has horrid writing. "rofl"... really?

>> No.3802741

Maybe that's just the translator being bored, even though I don't remember anything like that...

Everything else in that post is a troll. At least, that's what I'd like to think.

>> No.3802742

The only Type Moon girl I can remember not enjoying sex was Rin, and she was just being tsundere as always. It's been forever since I played Tsukihime though so maybe I'm forgetting something.

>> No.3802749

I wholeheartedly agree! I wish the sexscenes would have been so amazing, like the ones the really enjoyable eroges used to have, such as "Violent Semen Inferno", "The Asou Twins - Anal and Pussy Enlargement" and "Amorous Professor Cherry".

I was really disappointed with Sharin no Kuni! After reading the various reviews, tags, and opinions I was totally expecting scat, some BDSM, gangrape, Bestiality, female dominance, but all I got are mostly boring "consensual sex" and not even one fetish was included in it. (Not to mention I had to keep holding ctrl for so long until reaching a hscene!)
Additionally despite being an eroge, I couldn't really feel that the creators put too much effort in the hscenes at all. I really wish they'd learn from the aforementioned masterpieces, instead of releasing an erogame halfassedly as they did it with Sharin no Kuni.

>> No.3802753

She did enjoy it. But it was also painful. Nothing tsundereish about somebody jackhammering your hymen.

>> No.3802760

y'know, I should probably stop being SAKURA VS RIN again.
I prefer sakura, just for the record. If only nasu didn't stick her in VOMIT SCENES

>> No.3802761

/r/ please

>> No.3802767

What the hell. Strawman much?

"The sex scene writing's pretty bad" != "Gee I wish the sex scenes had more rape/scat/fetishes"

>> No.3802773
File: 66 KB, 396x594, DPJ+Leader+Yukio+Hatoyama+Holds+Press+Conference+4H1lgcch09dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thou mad?

>> No.3802780

>implying you wouldn't have liked it better if it contained copious amounts of BDSM/tentacles/fetishes

>> No.3802787

Where are you getting this stupid idea from? I prefer consensual sex scenes. Pornstar dialogue is fucking stupid, as is shit like "raging cock".

Why are you so touchy about criticism of this game?

>> No.3802797

>I prefer consensual sex scenes
What is wrong with you?

>> No.3802799

Nasu just likes to violently deflower virgins.

>> No.3802800

>I prefer consensual sex scenes
Get out.

>> No.3802803
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Yeah okay Izmos you had your fun.

Fucking IRC circlejerks.

>> No.3802809

No, U.

>> No.3802813

Who the fuck is Izmos?

>> No.3802816

some silly Hungarian guy with a fetish for bad porn.

>> No.3802832

I fucking hate dem #/jp/ fags, fucking hate em

>> No.3802833

You're forgetting that scene where the girl was being strangled.
I like it call it the "Rape the maid!" scene.

You are given two alternatives prior to the scene.
Pick the wrong one and you rape her and her and she dies.
Pick the right one and you rape her the exact same way but she doesn't die.

I love Nasu's sex scene writing so much.

>> No.3802837

H-scenes are usually written by another author, besides those working on the main story of a VN

Though I haven't personally been impressed by SnK th

why is /jp/ so bad

>> No.3802841

>implying anyone talks in #/jp/

>> No.3802851

>H-scenes are usually written by another author, besides those working on the main story of a VN
Wait, what? This is first I've heard of this.

>> No.3802857

She doesn't die. One scene you strangle her, the other you strangle and rape her.

>> No.3802866

That's rather superfluous. Whether or not it's written by a different author, it's still a part of the game.

>> No.3802878


I know I am not the only one waiting for Natsumi flashback gangrape scene.

>> No.3802901


That's comparable to bashing an author's work for having a poorly written commentary bundled with their book.

Like the commentary, the porn's just there as an added feature to help the work sell.

Criticizing the literary prowess of the main story based on the extra packaging that VN consumers demand is being inconsiderate of the author.

>> No.3802980
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You've got to be kidding me.

I can't criticise a VN because... it's mean?

I am going to complain about shittily written game material, THAT WAS IN THE PATH (not some omake or extra shit), because it was fucking horrid to read. It is not somehow immune to critique because "well they only put it in because the audience wants it".

>> No.3803019

Let me give you a simple perspective:
1: It's a VERY minor segment of the whole work. Judging writing from that is kinda ridiculous.
2: Certain things are NEVER good. Be it a sex scene, be it a toilet description or tearing up a human body. It can never be good. Sex scenes can either be hot due to setting or not. NEVER good writing. Whether the description is simple or ridiculous, some things will never be 'good' when described.
3: If what he says is true (aka, shoehorned scene written by a different guy), that gives you all the more reason to not judge the whole writing (decent or not) because of bad sex sentences.

>> No.3803026
File: 56 KB, 286x357, sharin1182040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking foward to playing this. And apparently the GHOST BROS were having trouble reading the ENGLISH translation, so I imagine that this is going to be a very slow read for me in Japanese. Then again, I read slow anyways.

Time to keep ignoring every COUNTRY OF WHEELS thread, because I know how you melonheads work when it comes to spoilers.

>> No.3803028

1. I never said the entire thing was bad only because of the sex scenes (I found the rest of the writing to waver between bland and annoying, but overall better than the h-scenes, which wouldn't be hard).
2. YMK's sex scenes were better than this, as an example. I'm not expecting Shakespeare, I'm just expecting something that doesn't make me facepalm. Repeatedly.
3. Again, I'm not doing that, and again, it is still part of the game and therefore subject to critique.

>> No.3803091


That may be a legitimate critique of the VN, but not of the author of the main storyline who I was defending.

Proper reading comprehension has been proven to prevent 67% of all internet flame arguments. Please strive to practice it in the future.

>> No.3803110

>bland and annoying

How so? Too difficult for you to grasp their meaning or too corny/cliche writing/phrases?

>> No.3803112

Well then, Mr Reading Comprehension, please point me to where I said "the author of this route sucks". I do believe I said "this writing is awful", with no statement regarding the author himself/herself.

>> No.3803122

The latter. The jokes often try to be too clever and just fall flat, the writing is too literal at many points (which is largely the fault of the translation, I'll give), and the twists are either entirely too predictable or completely bizarre.

>> No.3803126

sharin no kuni sucks
if people say it doesn't it still sucks
end of argument
people will enjoy it anyways
no-one cares

>> No.3803131

Posting in the middle of a Sharin shitstorm.

>> No.3803133

YMK sex scenes?

>> No.3803137

So you mean something like "lets play MMO all night long and then we grind together" and Isono random jokes?

>twists are either entirely too predictable or completely bizarre.
When did you start to notice Ririko?

>> No.3803142

The translation is far from being literal.

>> No.3803159

that's probably what he means by completely bizarre. also that "twist" was kinda lame. I didn't care much when it happened.

>> No.3803167

It's sort of hard to care when it doesn't have any plot relevance at all.

>> No.3803177

Yeah, that was the only somewhat major unpredictable twist, the others being
SHE'S NOT BLOOD RELATED (okay, that wasn't too hard to guess)
which were just stupid.

Also, a few twists here and there don't make the entire plot unpredictable.

SnK wasn't a bad game, I found it rather enjoyable, but it wasn't anything special and will probably be forgotten (at least by me) within a few months.

>> No.3803180

sharin had me wondering if it even had a plot at all. I mean seriously, the whole thing felt completely random.

>> No.3803211



Gotta agree with you.
I saw all these 3 coming from miles away.
The foreshadowing is too obvious when they keep mentioning about Houzuki's leg and how he keep smoking the herb to calm down.

Not to mention the two middle mediocre route but I think the awesomeness of chapter5 more than make up for its flaw.
It is still better than 90% of the generic high school moe romance out there unless those titles are your thing.

>> No.3803232

Looseboy's writing is extremely simple, but the translators apparently love their obscure words.

And why the hell did it take you this long to read Sharin?

>> No.3803256

When did it say this?

>> No.3803259

Ghost bros, more like kindergarten bros.

>> No.3803265

Just because the red herring is too damn obvious does not mean it's foreshadowing. It just means the writer is a talentless hack.

>> No.3803266

Houzuki is Higuchi Ken real father.

>> No.3803282

The not blood related thing wasn't meant to be a twist at all. Wasn't it mentioned in the first flashback?

Also predictable twists don't make Sharin bad because they weren't the point of the story.

>> No.3803289

Oh you.

>> No.3803310

My penis went into her vagina.

>> No.3803370

I judge a VN based on it's overall quality as a story (writing, plot (or holes, as it were), character development, etc), and how well it emotionally manipulates the reader

SnK had mediocre writing, lots of plot holes, great character development, and did the entire hnnngggggg thing perfectly

so it's a good VN. But at some point I'm expecting a translator group to replace the 'writing' of a sex scene with obama copypasta or something because there's no real way to make sex well written besides 'fade to black'

>> No.3803380


>> No.3803389

>obama copypasta


>> No.3803400

They should do this for the SnK fandisc. Translate all the slice of life stuff and the dialogue, write batshit political pasta and paste it in for the sex scenes

>> No.3803428
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>SnK had mediocre writing, lots of plot holes
>so it's a good VN

This is why the VN medium sucks.

>> No.3803438

There is a difference in scale between excellent, great, good, average, mediocre, bad, shit etc.
And making this judgment out of a guy's opinion is brilliant.

>> No.3803440

>great character development
"I love you so much that I will push myself to save you!" "Oh, okay, I guess I'll just go sacrifice myself for no reason because you didn't quite pull it off in my opinion!" "Sounds good to me!" "WOW GUYS THAT'S SO TOUCHING I AGREE YOU SHOULD GO BECOME A SLAVE NOW! :D" is not realistic character development.

"I love you so much that I'm going to laugh while you burn my skin with hot soup!" "Oh, okay, then I guess I'll stop being a fucking sadist!" is not realistic character development.

"They pulled my hair! I guess I am now going to have a 180 degree personality swap!" is not realistic character development.

"I'm going to fucking torture you because I love you!" "Sounds good to me! I love you, too, and I'll do anything to protect you!" is not realistic character development.

No degree of insanity would make any person act like these people do. Period.

>> No.3803442

This is a glorious mental image.

>> No.3803457

It's called an "example".

>> No.3803462

Your summary has made me 100x more interested in this game.

>> No.3803464

You cannot give each one the same credit.

>> No.3803467


>> No.3803470
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>> No.3803493

You don't have to be normal, you just have to have at least a fucking vaguely human psychology. The only thing even approaching realism is Ririko and Ken's bullshit, but a person with that kind of submissive personality type would also become a mindless indoctrinated servant of Houzuki with little effort.

>> No.3803599
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Well in the case of the third example
She was mentally traumatized by a professional interrogater for 3 months. You could see her slowly break down over the course of the video the old man shows you

Ehh I like SnK though, we had a thread on it last night and it got some favorable replies. Then again I didn't expect the Leg and sister plot twists but The final one with the drugs I picked up.

>> No.3803628

Having your hair pulled a lot does not enable you to pull a personality 180.

>> No.3803631

Excuse me sir but what are your credentials

>> No.3803634

Excuse me but what are the author's credentials.

>> No.3803640

Way to dodge the question, I don't even care about Sharin right now.

>> No.3803644

Dodge the question? I'm showing you why it's meaningless.

>> No.3803645

Get out, sunflower devs.

>> No.3803646

eh but telling a small child that everything in her life is shit, destroying most of her hopes and dreams then placing an obligation that causes the opposite sex to fear her, and every female around her to treat her like a whore. Then have a person controlling her on top of that who dictates what she can and can no longer do would probably change her a lot. Then there was the fact that the only person who gave her comfort sexual abused and harassed her making her feel scared and alone.

It was more than the hair, she even tried to act somewhat normal on her return, its the interrogation, then actions by her former friends that fucked her up.

>> No.3803668


>> No.3803678
File: 39 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Responding seriously to a troll

>> No.3803686

I know right? I have a bad habit for doing that.

>> No.3803695

Natsumi's psychology was surprisingly realistic. Her behavior was completely in line with someone who has undergone trauma. Her miraculous recovery not so much but it made for a nice moment in the story.

>> No.3803729

>telling a small child that everything in her life is shit, destroying most of her hopes and dreams
From what part of your ass did you pull this? All they did was call her a whore and pull her hair.

>then placing an obligation that causes the opposite sex to fear her, and every female around her to treat her like a whore.
Yet Isono, et al. were still around and treated her fine. But apparently this doesn't count because it's inconvenient for the generic "protagonist swinging his cock around fixes everything" plot.

>Then have a person controlling her on top of that who dictates what she can and can no longer do would probably change her a lot.
In real life, this only makes people more obedient or rebellious, depending on personality type. It does not make them suddenly become super-introverted.

>Then there was the fact that the only person who gave her comfort sexual abused and harassed her
Sexual abuse does not work like that. All actual research on the subject suggests that getting a little kinky with another person who just so happens to be of a very different age is not going to magically give them PTSD-on-crack or whatever bullshit. Now, being violently raped is different, but the story didn't put it anything close to that.

>making her feel scared and alone.
Except for the fact that Isono popped in right fucking then and gave her a hand. Apparently having old friends helping you out is being alone!

>It was more than the hair, she even tried to act somewhat normal on her return, its the interrogation, then actions by her former friends that fucked her up.
So having your hair pulled plus having a few people being mean to you (while your old close friends still pop in and hang out from time to time) now makes you develop severe psychosis. Interesting.

>> No.3803736

People who go to war and have all of their friends killed in front of their eyes and then get tortured for months have experienced trauma. And yet they still usually don't show symptoms as extreme as Natsumi's, who only had her hair pulled a little... and also some people call her a whore, I guess.

>> No.3803752

>only had her hair pulled a little
Right. Carry on with your trolling then. I shouldn't have wasted my time.

>> No.3803758

Are we reading the same VN.

The whole town was fucked up. It was supposedly a criminal town where the people are looked down and discriminated.
Not to mention the failed rebellion that happened where people were massacred and kill.
Natsumi happened to see people get bombed and killed not to mention seeing her parent dragged away, her boyfriend being MIA and then interrogated by some faggots for months only to return to home to find out that her aunt betrayed her and sold her house while she is out in addition to be nearly raped by the only person that she trust later.

I probably missed some details but yeah it explained why they are so fucked up.

>> No.3803767

Don't respond to bad tripfags.

>> No.3803780

What are you talking about, Sakurada!Jun is the best 2009 tripfriend by far.

>> No.3803781

>Yet Isono, et al. were still around and treated her fine. But apparently this doesn't count because it's inconvenient for the generic "protagonist swinging his cock around fixes everything" plot.
Actually Isuno and co. were gone when she first got there, Natsumi even mentions it. During the events of the game (Chapters 1 up to 4) the absolute most they did was "You wanna hang out? No? alright that's cool."
>From what part of your ass did you pull this? All they did was call her a whore and pull her hair.
I mainly meant when they say how Ken is dead, her parents will never come back, etc.
>In real life, this only makes people more obedient or rebellious, depending on personality type. It does not make them suddenly become super-introverted.
The order's her previous SHCI gave her, such as not making eye contact, would indeed help her become more introverted
>Sexual abuse does not work like that. All actual research on the subject suggests that getting a little kinky with another person who just so happens to be of a very different age is not going to magically give them PTSD-on-crack or whatever bullshit. Now, being violently raped is different, but the story didn't put it anything close to that.
I can't comment on this, you won that man
>Except for the fact that Isono popped in right fucking then and gave her a hand. Apparently having old friends helping you out is being alone!
He Helped her by killing the old man, not the best way to show that people care for her
>So having your hair pulled plus having a few people being mean to you (while your old close friends still pop in and hang out from time to time) now makes you develop severe psychosis. Interesting.
You seem to be generalizing way too much, then again I did the same crap in my previous post.

>> No.3803812

>Natsumi happened to see people get bombed and killed not to mention seeing her parent dragged away, her boyfriend being MIA
After which she was still healthy and normal for a couple of years. Your guess is as good as mine on that one.

>and then interrogated by some faggots for months
"You're a whore! *pulls hair*" Ad nauseam. This is not trauma.

>only to return to home to find out that her aunt betrayed her and sold her house
Yeah, I know, man, what's up with that? Seriously, everyone who has to move into an apartment building after living in a house is scarred for life.

>in addition to be nearly raped
You mean in addition to being rubbed on the thigh a bit suggestively a few times. Calling that rape is like saying the guy who knocked on your door one day was breaking and entering.

>by the only person that she trust later.
Isono, et al. don't count because they don't have protagonist cock powers, of course.

>but yeah it explained why they are so fucked up.
No, it really didn't. Other than the hair pulling, people go through similar shit every day and come out completely mentally healthy--nothing that happened to her was significant AT ALL. You're just blinded by the author using a very negative tone when describing it. If that's all it takes for you to suspend your disbelief, you're a moron.

>> No.3803892

Which only makes it even worse, because now her SUPER SPECIAL AWESOME CLOSE FRIENDS DESU magically don't care about her at all for four fucking chapters even though it's implied that Isono murdered a man just for looking at her funny and they all went LET'S GO GET OUR ASSES KILLED over her at the end. Fucking terrible writing.

>I mainly meant when they say how Ken is dead, her parents will never come back, etc.
Destroying her hopes and dreams, huh? Yeah, it sure is painful to mention things she's been living with for a few years already. This is clearly shown in the way, as you said, she acts mostly normal after.

>The order's her previous SHCI gave her, such as not making eye contact, would indeed help her become more introverted
Really? You think so? Even though INTROVERSION/EXTROVERSION IS HARD-CODED INTO THE BRAIN, huh? Changing an extrovert into an introvert by telling them to not make eye contact with the opposite gender is like changing an idiot savant who is good at art into a totally normal person by banning them from some specific type of paint.

>He Helped her by killing the old man
And then they completely ignored each other? That makes no sense. They didn't? That would be logical, but now she has no reason to become isolated. Isn't that a conundrum?

>You seem to be generalizing way too much

>> No.3804040

Wow, bro. You either trolling real hard or you is real mad. Chill, it's just a VN, don't expect too much in terms of real life interactions and/or consequences. It's like you've got some personal vendetta against this game or something.

>> No.3804069

Cus when someone comes up with actual constructive criticism for the game, you downplay their points by telling them it's a game set in a fictional world, and not reality right?

>> No.3804119

>After which she was still healthy and normal for a couple of years. Your guess is as good as mine on that one.

Healthy, normal? Physically maybe, but if you actually read the VN, she already contemplate suicide had it not her hopes for parents and Ken.

>"You're a whore! *pulls hair*" Ad nauseam. This is not trauma.

That and god knows what else, honestly you think they will treat her badly only at interrogation room and nowhere else?

>Yeah, I know, man, what's up with that? Seriously, everyone who has to move into an apartment building after living in a house is scarred for life.

Nothing wrong really, except normally after you were accused for crime, confined and interrogated for three months, you would do to find some solace on your family and friends. Honestly you completely missed the point

>You mean in addition to being rubbed on the thigh a bit suggestively a few times. Calling that rape is like saying the guy who knocked on your door one day was breaking and entering.

>Doesn't change the fact she was sexually harrassed and would probably be raped had it not for the whisper

>Isono, et al. don't count because they don't have protagonist cock powers, of course.

Isono become a headcase, Sachi become a sloth and Touka hasn't appeared back then, and if you bother to read the story you will know that some people befriended Natsumi post incident only to mock her.

>No, it really didn't. Other than the hair pulling, people go through similar shit every day and come out completely mentally healthy--nothing that happened to her was significant AT ALL. You're just blinded by the author using a very negative tone when describing it. If that's all it takes for you to suspend your disbelief, you're a moron.

>Yes, let's completely forgot she was like around 13, witnessed war first hand, lost her parents and her love interest, lived with the bully that accused her for rejecting his cock, yup nothing to see here.

>> No.3804144

>Cuz when someone gets really angry over poor writing in a vn, you tell them it's just a vn, and not something actually good, like a book or a movie

Fixed that for you

>> No.3804155

>if you actually read the VN
As soon as I read this, I knew to brace for you making shit up.

Everything in your post is a lie or a repeat of some house of cards I already toppled--except that "if it duznt maek sense obvsly sumthing else happend 2 maek it maek sence in da background" bullshit.

Leaving out important details so the fanbase can make them up is bad writing. Go find a book and rip out random chapters before reading it and you'll know why.

You're not worth my time.

>> No.3804157
File: 19 KB, 334x500, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something actually good, like a book or a movie

>> No.3804165

I liked it better when it is called Tsukihime.

>> No.3804169


>> No.3804171

>telling someone they're not worth your time then using Twilight to troll

I am in the presence of a god made flesh, I see.

>> No.3804172

Implying books and movies usually have good writing and worthwhile plots.

If there are flaws in the writing/plot, rather than being a brainless dipshit who goes along with the motherfucking bandwagon and making up bullshit theories for it trying to make it look deep, you should accept it for what it is. A flaw.

>> No.3804177

Book/movie fag here, I'm not that other fag who's defending this visual novel. I wouldn't defend a visual novel unless I was being payed.

All visual novels are shit.

>> No.3804186


>I was being payed
You're a rope?

>> No.3804192

Either you were trolling, or just an idiot. I was being generous.

>> No.3804196

I'm reminded of Little Busters EX.


>> No.3804202

So now labeling Twilight as a bad book/movie is idiotic.

Interesting. Tell me more.

>> No.3804203

Sharin no Kuni, not worth the time.

Poor translation quality (jokes often try to be too clever and just fall flat and the writing is too literal at many points), unappealing game play, little or no replay value, and the file size of three times what a game like this should be. 1033MB for what is basically a slide show. I don't think so.


>> No.3804207

Well, since you missed my point, you're an idiot. So much for generosity.

>> No.3804217

All things considered, I'm sure I'll always miss your point, simply because you never actually have one.

>> No.3804232

The unbeliever claims that what he cannot see does not exist.

>> No.3804237

To believe is to fail from the very beginning.

The man of reason knows to be skeptical of all things.

>> No.3804241

Don't bother anymore, he just want someone to stroke his e-ponos

>> No.3804245

Skepticism is a nice ideal but a failure in practice. People are not skeptical of everything, because if they were, they would be too busy thinking to actually do anything. He who denies belief denies the inevitable.

My point was that both books and movies have come to be considered "art" mediums while vns are still just regular mediums, in which content is produced solely for the profit of it. Hence why there are maybe two or three actually good vns. The same is true of anime and manga for the most part.

>> No.3804248

Well, obviously. He's a tripfag. But it's not like I'd do anything better with my time if I stopped this.

>> No.3804269

>Skepticism is a nice ideal but a failure in practice.
In other words, you are incapable of realizing your own folly.

Speak for yourself.


>content is produced solely for the profit of it

Any questions?

>> No.3804272



>> No.3804273

>obviously, exceptions are the rule. No, I don't think I'm remembering it wrong.

Okay, I lied. There must be something I can do that's better than this.

>> No.3804277

Wow you really are an elitist faggot.

>> No.3804280

Jesus, man. If you can't read a little behind the scenes, I don't understand why you even bother with literature at all - and even more incredulous, still have the gall to complain about it being overly long. There's no point in arguing with types like you. *filters*

>> No.3804282




>> No.3804289

Because VNs can never achieve what a good book achieve, right? While I agree with you that a the majority of VNs are apparently just structured for money without any real value, there are still a handful of them that have themes and messages comparable to those found in books. It's not really fair to compare the two mediums though. While a book might better stimulate the mind through a more structured narrative, a VN provides a more life like experience overall.

>> No.3804293

This Thread : Argument :: Massacre : Battle

>> No.3804295

Hey, you're yelling at people over the internet and accusing them of being pathetic despite being in /jp/.

>> No.3804301

>the gall to complain about it being overly long
And now we're down to the old Republican campaign policy of making up bullshit accusations until they stick. How droll.

>> No.3804302

If by 'massacre' you mean both sides shooting themselves in the faces to try and make a point, yeah.

Pointless. You won't change each others opinions, and you'll forget this whole thing in under 48 hours. At least make it memorable instead of boring tripe I'm sure you people have been whining about for months back and forth.

>> No.3804308

I followed a link to the board earlier and refreshed the page once. This was the first topic I saw, so I entered it and saw how pathetic it was. SORRY, CHIEF. I'LL BE SURE TO AVOID THIS HELLHOLE FROM NOW ON.

>> No.3804325

Name First seen Total posts
Sakurada!Jun.1bGALk Sun Nov 22 01:45:31 2009 510

Stop trying to increase your post counts.
There is no prize for being the top shit poster.

>> No.3804326

>Because VNs can never achieve what a good book achieve, right?

THey're different mediums with different pluses and minuses. Somethings simply can't be done with one, but can be done with the other. My main complaint with the VN industry is just that it's too young for people to take seriously, so it churns out garbage in exchange for money. All mediums went through this phase, and it never really ends, either.

>While I agree with you that a the majority of VNs are apparently just structured for money without any real value, there are still a handful of them that have themes and messages comparable to those found in books.

I could not possibly care less about themes or messages. I just care about quality. The two probably have some measure of correlation, but they're not genuinely related to one another.

>It's not really fair to compare the two mediums though. While a book might better stimulate the mind through a more structured narrative, a VN provides a more life like experience overall.

No, not really. A book gives you a series of structured and controlled descriptions of events, but leaves 99% of visualization to the imagination. That's something that vns deliberately sacrifice, giving us visuals, sound, and written description.

While it's a plus in the sense that the author has more control over what we create in our minds with vns, it's a minus at the same time. Books are a tool of escapists for a reason. They let us retreat into a structured fantasy generated by our own minds. On the other hand, visual novels give us les of a fantasy, because many more details are supplied by the vn itself. If those details are shitty, that's a bad thing. And with the vn industry like it is today, they're almost always shitty.

>> No.3804328


Of course, one of the most obvious advantages of the vn medium is multipathing. Books can't really do that without being tedius and childish. But for the most part this unique property is wasted on "the vagina you masturbate about has a different face this time."

The two mediums are very easily comparable, and the vn is found to be young and lacking every time.

>> No.3804337 [DELETED] 

>Books are a tool of escapists for a reason.
Come on, only low tier books both with that shit. Real book make you think in new DEEP ways and such.

>> No.3804338

You're just envious because I'm a hikikomori.

>> No.3804341

>Books are a tool of escapists for a reason.
Come on, only low tier books bother with that shit. Real deal books make you think in new DEEP ways and such.

>> No.3804345

So why do you play VN then?
They are obviously targeted at the ronery otaku market who couldn't get a GF in probably their whole loser life.
Playing VN allowed them to immerse in that world.
Video related and they will continue putting in sex scenes in eroge because of this.


>> No.3804350

I've played... maybe four? Not many. I played FSN and Tsukihime because hey! Fantasy! I enjoy that!

I played YMK because /v/ told me to and I don't question /v/, and I played Wanko to Kurasou because I'm an idiot.

>> No.3804354

Go read Ever17.

Seriously. Do it.

>> No.3804367

No thanks, it doesn't sound like my kind of thing.

>> No.3804369

Now I know you are trolling. Ever17 suffers from much of the same problems as SnK, in many cases even worse due to the shitty translation.

>> No.3804373
File: 43 KB, 250x188, ever17_physic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a game about water pressure and high level physic with black out rape scene.
It is not fantasy though.

>> No.3804379

Fantasy isn't my only thing, but I pride myself in knowing what I like and what I don't.

I would probably enjoy Ever17, but I just don't care enough about it to actually dl it and play it.

>> No.3804381

So you're making sweeping generalizations about the medium after playing a whole four visual novels? I knew you were talking out your ass this entire time.

>> No.3804389

Please address my points on their own merits, instead of claiming that I need to have played a certain number of vns to make good points.

>> No.3804497

The point is that your points don't have any merit, which you would realize if you played more visual novels.

>> No.3804512

You want people to talk about your points? Fine.

>THey're different mediums with different pluses and minuses. Somethings simply can't be done with one, but can be done with the other. My main complaint with the VN industry is just that it's too young for people to take seriously, so it churns out garbage in exchange for money. All mediums went through this phase, and it never really ends, either.

You don't say anything here, except for visual novels being a "young industry." What I will address is the fact that you consider books and visual novels inherently different.

I remember reading when I was younger some things called "Choose-your-own-Adventure" books. The only difference between these books and visual novels is that they were on paper and had no illustrations. And yet many books -do- have illustrations, and many -do- get scanned onto computers. What is the difference, then?

>I could not possibly care less about themes or messages. I just care about quality. The two probably have some measure of correlation, but they're not genuinely related to one another.

First of all, if there -is- correlation between two things, they -are- related. Secondly, quality is important.. but what you're judging are fan translations, not the original work. The quality of the original -should- (with all due respect to the hard work of the translators) be better than the translations.

>A book gives you a series of structured and controlled descriptions of events, but leaves 99% of visualization to the imagination. That's something that vns deliberately sacrifice, giving us visuals, sound, and written description.
>written desription

By this point I'm 90% certain that it's a troll, even without the "written description" part, because if you aren't trolling you apparently don't even know what a book is.

>> No.3804513

This kind of thing wouldn't be a problem if the anons of /jp/ were able to be more self confident...

You don't keep playing VN's because they are badly written or because they are somehow the lowest common denominator of media.

People spend their free time doing things that they like and you like what you like because something about it is interesting enough to hold your attention over the innumerable other things that you could spend your time on.

There’s no need to falter in your opinions because some no-nothing news caster said culture was at an all time low or because all the the fuck-offs from you high school wouldn’t agree or because some other unconfident anon is unwilling to admit that he likes what he likes online.

The words or Dostoevsky or Thorough could be put into a visual novel and they would not be any less profound. Saying a VN dictates poor storytelling or writing is like saying the color of the paper changes the quality of what's written on it.

>> No.3804522

The sounds and visuals that make VNs distinct are additives not detractors. What would Umineko be without its music? What would Narcissu be without its minimalist artwork?

There are bad books, terrible movies and awful albums. That’s because of flaws on the creator’s ends and the same applies to visual novels. Just as the entirety of these conventional formats cannot be dismissed as all bad or all good, visual novels cannot all be blanketed as intrinsically bad.

There is nothing to say VN do not have the same literary/artistic potential found in any other form of media. They can be just as interesting and moving as a classic when an equivalent degree of work and creativity are put behind it.

Trolls and flamers aside, this is something that has needed to be said for a while now. Anyone who lurks here for VN’s must have some kind of experience where they can relate to a VN by just saying “That was simply great…” or “XXX XX scene made me cry…”

Above anything else, we all may decide what counts as good and what does not. The point is, have a little confidence in what you like /jp/. This bringing ourselves down, well… nothing good can come from it.

>> No.3804574

You're completely right, but I've always just assumed that the people who say visual novels are all shit/poorly written are trolls. Because why else would they be talking about VNs on /jp/. There's really no reason to respond seriously to people like that.

>> No.3804577

>173 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3804861

>The words or Dostoevsky or Thorough could be put into a visual novel and they would not be any less profound. Saying a VN dictates poor storytelling or writing is like saying the color of the paper changes the quality of what's written on it.
>The sounds and visuals that make VNs distinct are additives not detractors.

ATP games made made transcribed Dostoevsky to the VN format, and I could not say that I enjoyed it as much as the original - main reason being the image they imposed on the heroine was not to my taste.

As anon said earlier, the imagination, books have the advantage of letting your imagination fill in the blanks. I don't claim that they are always "detractors", but they are as likely to be that as they are to be "additives."

>> No.3804953


That is indeed a valid point. Personally, I tend to base my additive opinion more on the musical aspect of VNs rather than visual. Music and sounds effects seem more capable of evoking emotion and help to make up for what I believe is the deficiency of text to accurately convey sounds.

The visual aspect of VN's seems more necessary in terms of formatting and displaying minute details for atmosphere rather than story telling. Although a visual novel with just text and accompanying music could be interesting, it would likely just be written off as a lackluster effort.

As to your point on the character designs not being to your taste... It's possible that you might have had a different reaction if you had seen the visual before reading the book or if the character design had been done my Dostoevsky himself. Image conflicts akin to that tend to bother me as well, but I don't find it as disturbing if it's done by the original author.

>> No.3806011
File: 234 KB, 798x598, houzukis_realface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls.
Image related.

>> No.3806082
File: 502 KB, 800x600, Ken SHCI fascinated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread
>Faggots whose only purpose in life is to troll trolling a good VN
>Fans fall for their trolling and begin trolling the trolls trolling them
>Solution - trolls: Hide the fucking thread. Apathy.
>Solution - fans: No trolls - no solution needed

>> No.3806113

Oh, so there's an OBLIGATION to never touch the opposite sex. It's like this game is mocking me already. I'm quite familar with that obligation.

Hmm, the sun is up. I guess it's time for bed.

>> No.3806360

I just went back to the scene where Ririko gives Kenichi a handjob and I played http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0knwEYRufQ
