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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3769206 No.3769206 [Reply] [Original]

How long have you been going to 4chan?

Pic related.

>> No.3769214

I've been here since I was 12.

>> No.3769208

I've been here since 2001

>> No.3769219

Winter 2005, I think.

>> No.3769223


why does it matter?

>> No.3769224

winter of 2006

>> No.3769228


Lazy bastard.

>> No.3769234


>> No.3769235

I don't remember the exact year

but it was when /b/ was about 50% shit of its 98% today

seems like years

>> No.3769239
File: 69 KB, 320x310, 3198646003_d7568a4e42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year I dropped out of school.

>> No.3769241

Since /1997/

>> No.3769246

I don't know. I don't keep track of time anymore.

>> No.3769263

Since Waha. ;_;

>> No.3769268


I am not proud of that, though, just goes to show how 4chan became a huge part of my life.

>> No.3769274

2005, though I didn't come much, just off and on, and I never posted.

>> No.3769277

4 or 5 years.

I'm starting to tire of this place and it's shenanigans too. I keep having thoughts of moving on, anyone else feel the same?

>> No.3769276

December 2007

>> No.3769275


Around November 2005.

However, I left in August 2006 (nevar 4get), mostly drifted around 7 and 420chans, came back about June 2008 when I was directed to /jp/ (I had gotten into shmup games and I enjoyed Touhou).

My life's been ruined ever since.

>> No.3769273
File: 82 KB, 800x533, dokuzetu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early 2004.

I hate myself and want to die, because it's winter.

>> No.3769279

i came here this year, but looks like it was more fun here some years ago

>> No.3769282

last monday

>> No.3769284

Started in 2004 (in one of those 'Oh, I've been there a few times, but...' ways), really picked up in 2006.

>> No.3769288

You all should leave. It's for the better.

>> No.3769289

I keep telling myself the same thing, but I still somehow end up on this site again at the end of the day.

>> No.3769290

Everyone does, however we mostly lack the will to move on to something else.

>> No.3769294

summer 07

>> No.3769298

I can't even remember, but we didn't have /cm/ back then and we did have /l/.

>> No.3769296
File: 63 KB, 450x426, 1257619486680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spring 2007, I think

>> No.3769297

Sure, but I don't really know of a decent place to move on to.

>> No.3769300

I came here sometime in 2004 (I think) just for /c/ and /l/. I eventually became a regular on /v/ then moved to /jp/ after that.

I never frequented /a/, though I did visit it from time to time throughout my stint on /v/.

>> No.3769303
File: 70 KB, 462x636, 6955063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Almost all other chans are failures (with the exception of iichan, I have no idea how they're still around), so there's really no where else to go. Better start learning Japanese and stick to 2chan.

>> No.3769305
File: 495 KB, 1148x747, 1235720574618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3769309

When /gif/ wasn't an extension of /h/ and /hc/.

>> No.3769311
File: 389 KB, 1600x1200, k01-1600x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spring 2004

Moving on to what?

>> No.3769312


Don't have a japanese IP, so 2chan is out of the question.

>> No.3769326

Long enough to remember donate or die and the fake furry board.

>> No.3769322


When it was /gif/ - /b/ but moving, right?

>> No.3769327

Somewhere during 2004, I mostly visited it for porny boards such as /s/ and /h/, and later on became a /b/tard. I remember posts were between 3 and 9 mil. I've stopped visiting it after it became way too fast to properly hold any conversations. I was watching animu ocassionally around then and reading /a/ quite a bit, eventually had so much anime watched under my belt that it did rival anime expert's list. I got into fansubbing and VN translations and doujin games around then, and /a/ was becoming pretty hostile to it, which eventually led to moot splitting the board into /jp/. I haven't looked back to /a/ since. I don't visit 4chan as often as I used to, but I still regularly visit /jp/ and /prog/

>> No.3769331

Since 2006.

>> No.3769332

Spring 2005

>> No.3769337

Somewhere between 2 and 3 years.

>> No.3769347

Since early 2007 when I was underage. Now, I hate my past self along with all of the boards I used to visit.

>> No.3769366

I have been here since 2005
been a /jp/ regular for 3 years I think

>> No.3769370


>> No.3769375

1 day ago

>> No.3769385

>been a /jp/ regular for 3 years I think
>3 years

>> No.3769391


>> No.3769390

Late 2007, I guess, when I finally got a "high" speed Internet connection.
Well, it's not really fast (only 100kb/s download), but anything is better than dial-up.

>> No.3769392

>3 years

>> No.3769394

Whoever the faggot is you're replying to is on my filter and from your replies it looks like I made the right choice.

>> No.3769406 [DELETED] 

Since about a year before touhou hijacks.
I'm not sure where that would place me.

>> No.3769409

Don't worry, he's just Suiging up the thread.

>> No.3769421

Winter 2005
Remember when /b/ was good?

>> No.3769424

I actually have no problem with non-anonymous places on the internet. Sure there's idiots out there, but there's idiots here too. A change of attitude and pace would be nice as well, there are plenty of places that are mature, moderated well, and enjoyable if you're lucky and know where to look.

>> No.3769425

February something 2006 or 2007. My sense of time is distorted so don't question ask any further I can't remember myself.

>> No.3769432

I don't know how long, but I know that I frequented /a/ and /v/ a good while before /jp/ was created.

Here's something that's always fun and/or depressing.
For firefox users go to tools and check page info and check security.

You may be surprised.

>> No.3769428

Autumn 2007.

>> No.3769439

I came to /v/ in 2005 and never once clicked on /b/ in my entire stay on 4chan. I also dislike pink boards, is that weird? I found out someone I know irl came to 4chan originally for the porn and I felt disappoint in him.

>> No.3769440

Sometime in late 06. As >>3769425 said, my sense of time is really off from doing the same thing every day.

>> No.3769442

5 years. I spent the first month on /b/, just like every other fucking idiot here.

>> No.3769447

>someone I know irl
>I know someone irl
Here's your problem.

>> No.3769449

I think I got here in the second half of 2004, but I can't say I've been visiting 4chan every day since.

>> No.3769456

What's the point of filtering when you reply to replies of filtered posts about how you filtered what they replied to?

>> No.3769453

Yeah, /b/ was pretty damn good back in the day. Better than the current /jp/, even.

>> No.3769457

My oldest saved images were something like 2000-2001 or so. Though I could probably have been around from earlier if there were some images I've deleted over time.

Don't know when this place started though.

>> No.3769458

/jp/ was only good for maybe a week

>> No.3769461

Looking through when the pictures were created in my 4chan folder I'm probably here since the fall of 2006. Earlier than I expected. I can't remember too well, because in the first year I only visited /w/ biweekly for the wallpapers I couldn't find in my secret sources like animepaper.net.
Then I visited /b/ and things have changed.

>> No.3769462

Sometime 2007. Maybe half a year before the /a/-/jp/ split

>> No.3769465

>Yes, 30,294 times
I'm surprised that it's this low.

>> No.3769475

It helps remind me that I'm better than people like you.

>> No.3769474

Since...I don't know...2007, maybe? The best reference I have is /a/'s 14000000 GET. If I rmember right, it was Archer GAR GET.

>> No.3769479

early 2006, the first board I visited was /gif/.

>> No.3769483

In what way?

>> No.3769484

January 2007 for me. Feels like so long ago as well.

>> No.3769500

You're filtered Anonymous, don't bother replying to me again.

>> No.3769504

2006, started in /v/ for the pokemon DP threads

>> No.3769515

My count is only around 15k, but taking in mind reinstalling windows and formatting the drive at various times over the years the count should probably be ten times what is listed.

>> No.3769526

Early 2005

>> No.3769563

I'd say sometime in 2004. /l/, DONATE OR DIE, /furry/'s brief existence, and the destruction of /n/.

>> No.3769566

i discovered 4chan, comming from not4chan.org (yes /l/ )
and cant recall how many years has been.

>> No.3769574


And you still can't assimilate properly?

>> No.3769578

winter 2007

>> No.3769577

2004? I remember seeing Moot beg for donations and a picture of a crashed jet when 4chan was down, and 5chan was up.

>> No.3769597

Forgot the date but it was when /jp/ wasn't born yet and /a/ wasn't shit. After a few months, /jp/ emerged and /a/ became shit so i had to choose between being an animufag or a vnfag, never visited /a/ again after that.

Although i have to admit that i thought i knew all about the translated eroges everywhere. When i became a 4chan fag i realized i was wrong.

>> No.3769613

I started lurking in 2005-2006 and started posting in 2007.

>> No.3769628

>Yes, 45 109 times

>> No.3769631

Same. Working on phasing it out but I keep coming back when I run out of things to do.

>> No.3769665

I can't remember when i discovered 4chan but I refused to be part of it because I thought it was all porn. Then someone told me there were worksafe boards on 4chan and I came back, must've been about 3 1/2 years ago or so when I first found it, 2 1/2 when I came back if I were to guess.

>> No.3769681

Holy shit, I knew I found 4chan in 2003. No one else would believe me that it was around then.

I only became a regular lurker/poster somewhere around 2005 though.

>> No.3769687

To add more info:
I found 4chan in October/November(?) 2005, only lurked /b/ and /h/, then in 2006 I started posting regularly on /b/ and lurking /a/ until I got sick of /b/ being so retarded, then I quitted 4chan for like a year, started lurking /a/ on late 2007. Then I started posting again when /jp/ was created.

>> No.3769692

Discovered 4chan from not4chan. /a/ was good, made me laugh everyday, Higurashi and Death Note were still far away. Then Higurashi came and made my everyday; after Death Note things started to go downhill.

>> No.3769694

No idea when I found 4chan but it was back then when Stellvia was airing.

I was lurking on the irc channel downloading animu from the XDCC bot when someone link 4chan with a picture of Shima ass.

>> No.3769703

Two and a half years. June 2007, I think.

>> No.3769703,1 [INTERNAL] 

