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File: 48 KB, 268x209, baldrsky-screens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3760670 No.3760670 [Reply] [Original]

Do I get to screw her?

If so, I'm voting for Baldr Sky in the finals.

>> No.3760689
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>> No.3760692

Not while she's a loli you don't.

>> No.3760709

Fuck. Voting for Eden*.

>> No.3760727

what lolis can I fuck in Baldr Sky?

>> No.3760743
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>> No.3760748


>> No.3760754
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>> No.3760757
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>> No.3760758

Do you mind that she's actually probably in her 50s?

>> No.3760761
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>> No.3760765

How does she look so young?

>> No.3760767

There's also loli rape and gangbang if you suck (or intentionaly suck) in gameplay parts at some points.

>> No.3760768

She's a doctor.

>> No.3760770
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>> No.3760776

well, shes an unlegal doctor, so who knows what shes been doing, and considering her hobbies I dont see it imposibble that shes trying to keep herself as loli.

>> No.3760778
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>> No.3760780

God, I wish the beautiful art wasn't tainted by all that censorship.

>> No.3760784
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>> No.3760788


>> No.3760789

Vote Baldr if you are a moe moe fag!

>> No.3760792
File: 139 KB, 600x450, 1251089037232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are from the website. If you want more visible CGs either download the ripped CG set or VOTE FOR BALDR SKY DIVE1!

Compared to Baldr Sky, MLA's HCGs are nothing.

>> No.3760802
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said doctor also likes to molest brown girls, ofcourse thats reserved for dive2

>> No.3760803

What? How well you do in the gameplay part of the game decides what happens next? I don't know about other people, but to me that just sounds like pure awesome.

>> No.3760816

Too bad the gameplay is shitty.

>> No.3760818

I will at least. MLA's designs (both characters and mecha) are ugly shit.

>> No.3760821

If you lose the battles, yeah. Sometimes it's just insta gameover, though.

>> No.3760824

Can someone give me a short summary that makes the game sound absolutely awesome and make it so appeals to a lot of people? This is so I can rally up votes from other places.

>> No.3760826

It doesn't usually. Usually it doesn't matter how long you take. It's only different in the rape scenes and ending scenes.

>> No.3760834

why don't you fucking GOOGLE, you lazy douch

>> No.3760835

>mecha designs are ugly shit
Hahahaha, oh /jp/, you so crazy.

>> No.3760838


i'm sure that will help you rally up votes

>> No.3760845

There is no summary, it is overrated by a very small and very vocal minority of /jp/.

>> No.3760852
File: 368 KB, 806x632, 1251285085459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Despite being somehow inaccurate, that Code Geass comparison is pretty catchy.

Baldr Sky's mecha design is pretty and can be compared to Code Geass, but not as epic as MLA or Evangelion.

>> No.3760855

By Code Geass you meant overpowered mechs out of nowhere?

>> No.3760861

I'll be voting for that just because of gameplay.

>> No.3760863

I hardly gave a damn about the mechs in Code Geass. I was like, "OH, a pretty robot," then continued fanboying over the characters.

I hope it's the same here.

>> No.3760869

Prepare yourself for a huge disappointment.

>> No.3760871

Cyberpunk. Mecha. Gameplay. Attempts to reproduce Eva, meaning they throw a lot of incomprehensible shit at you to keep you wondering "WTF is this" and post all kind of crazy theories on /jp/. Expect a lot of Deus Ex Machinas and plain bullshit.

>> No.3760875
File: 978 KB, 1411x851, sora_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the mechs in baldr arent its focus. and if someone is overpowered it because of the characters own abilities not the mechs.

also its pretty hard to give short summary why its good, as everything makes it sound like rather avarage. As it's the execution of the story, the setting and the characters that make it awesome.

>> No.3760887
File: 108 KB, 800x600, 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baldr Sky is one of the best eroge of the year easily, used to be the best but Muramasa happened.
It's true that there's nothing really innovating about it, but the execution is almost flawless.

>> No.3760892
File: 1.01 MB, 1213x1500, rain_wp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont fucking compare baldr sky to eva, they are nothing alike. besides eva sucked while, I loved every minute of baldr sky. (altough you might get someone to vote with description like that, but that might just backfire in many ways)

and only deus ex machina I really see in baldr is agent, but as we know next to nothing about her and her goals, we cant say for sure.

>> No.3760893

Gameplay looks annoying.

>> No.3760896

well you can chance the diffuculty to very easy and spam machine guns and rocket/missile launcers every where. that easily takes care of everything with the easiest setting.

>> No.3760899

This is pretty much what I done. I never figured out how to combo.

>> No.3760902

>Baldr Sky is one of the best eroge of the year easily
>Dive1 2008

>> No.3760903
File: 97 KB, 427x640, ohgott2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are still forced to play this shit.

I uninstalled it after the third battle.

>> No.3760909


>> No.3760921

To each his own. I remember playing an old game with similar gamplay but instead of killing mecha it was about monsters/zombies.
Forgotten the name, anyone knows?

>> No.3760922

One week until Dive2. I can't fucking wait.

>> No.3760934
File: 12 KB, 246x239, AVGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is bullshit!

>> No.3760938

comboing is easy once you figure it out. basically you just have to use moves that "link" well together (for example if a move sends enemy flying you use a move that shoots diagonaly up or some move that makes you yourself jump after them which then leads more chances to further combos). should be noted that long range weapons cant combo a shit, mostly they can be used as finishers.

same here the wait is almost over, I wonder if they'll do another countdown comic.

>> No.3760945
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>> No.3760951

AVGN has spoken.

Voting Swan Song.

>> No.3760955

Baldr Sky will win anyway.

>> No.3760959

how does the gameplay/combat compare to rance?

>> No.3760961

Before this happens will will get /b/ involved.

>> No.3760964
File: 197 KB, 330x1050, dive2_m02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which reminds me, has anyone been translating these? Well, the new ones anyways.

>> No.3760965

Rance is good.
Baldr is shitty and annoying.

>> No.3760966

They are completely and utterly different.

>> No.3760970

duly noted

seriously even though the gameplay in rance was kinda primitive i still liked it, was kinda addicting for some reason. might be because of my love for civilization games

>> No.3760971

it's alternative that going to win, so we need all the support we can get to baldr sky.

well they are really different so they cant be really compared. altough I found the combat nice. But should be noted that rance is gameplay focused while baldr sky is more story focused.

>> No.3760978

Well, Swan Song is good, but not a big number will want it translated.

>> No.3760981
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Whats wrong with that broken pile of monkey shit?

>> No.3761013
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>> No.3761034
File: 487 KB, 1000x727, 3342682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't played in months, but that's Chinatsu during the Nanoha route, correct?

I loved fighting against Chinatsu during her route. I got the chills when Restoration started playing.

>> No.3761066

I wonder if we'll get same kind of scene in dive2 with Sora with some new insert song playing. well srew that, I'm pretty sure that it will happen might even be one of the last boss fights, hopefully its as good as it was with chinatsu.

>> No.3761258

Shana, is that you?

>> No.3761301

TAKANO-SAN, please, more smile for me!..

>> No.3761328

The only good heroine.
