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37400545 No.37400545 [Reply] [Original]



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>> No.37400635

>even Iku cucks Kazama
Wholesome NTR.

>> No.37400770
File: 678 KB, 1280x720, 0100b0100e26c000_2021-11-21_20-27-09-839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't believe someone approved this

>> No.37400966

>. I've seen people trying to send death threads to translators(not sure if they went through).
This seems like bs, no way these games were even that popular for that.

>> No.37401019

Hadaka was popular on pre-2018 Tumblr

>> No.37401025

Oh, I thought you were talking about NTY and Room 9. R.9 feels barely anyone cares and it wasn't shilled hard by the fans like Hashihime.

>> No.37401032

They don't want to be in this game

>> No.37401044

I saw some excitement in qrts, but not much
Inb4 twt UuultraC thread exposing the game for kaiju rape, aids metophore and questionable trans rep

>> No.37401049

To be fair, Hashihime had an active online tl(same person is now officially tling it)
UC wasn't so lucky, besides the visuals and music, game's mid

>> No.37401091

Didn't Adelta say Uuultra was her favorite work so far? That's sad
Hopefully her next game is good, otherwise she'll be forced to shill Hashihime forever

>> No.37401103

The writing is a fucking mess, which is an issue.
At times it's just a bunch of scenes that don't really connect to each other or just random plot points strung together without flowing.

>> No.37401136

Yeah, I don't remember even the worst Hashihime routes being such a mess. UC's first route made me quit the game and go read old and dumb BL to relax. Completed the game later, it wasn't worth it

>> No.37401162

Hashihime, at least, tells proper stories that make sense and are competently writter in both Mizukami and Kawase routes, that are also the first ones you will do so when the other three basically fall apart you are basically done with the game already.
UltraC has a dreadful first route, and when you think the second one picks up it goes back to being shit.
The writer needs a proper editor.

>> No.37401195

First I thought the game was too peak fiction for me, but mid last route it was still boring. Unironically only liked the very last scene of the game(sinful handholding).
Even nip Adelta fans are mixed on it, on twt UC art struggles to reach 50 likes those days(even on character bds)

>> No.37401237

Honestly the game actually shows some amount of potential and good writing so you can tell the author can do it properly, but overall it's just a goddamn mess.
I like the theme and that it went all out in the fighting scenes and presentation in general, but the whole issue with it is some really bad writing overall that basically squanders any good will you can have towards it.
Hell, even if you like the main cast it's just so poorly developed because it just skips around too much to actually form a connection so I hope their next game is a tad more normal in that regard.

>> No.37401277

I was so hyped for super heroes theme, it was so dumb they were underutilized. I didn't even like asingle character(main or sub), even Hanazawa was more developed than any of them

>> No.37401304

Idk how she fucked up the romance too. Fixed couples concept was the training wheels and she broke them. Even the established couple's interactions felt forced, still not sure why the other two couples even liked each other.

>> No.37402314

Most characters in BL are "straight" until they realize they aren't not sure what you're talking about

>> No.37402325

>Hashihime had an active online tl(same person is now officially tling it)
Its not Good Haro is it?

>> No.37402333

I never hear people talk about Hakase's route, what is the consensus?

>> No.37402403

Makes you feel bad a character who loves you SO MUCH gets such a shitty route.

>> No.37402416

Its fitting, really. Those deredere types always deserve bullying.

>> No.37402571

Last time I saw cows in a game, was in Masquerade. But Konami is not based enough to make you film your teacher while getting tongue raped by cows.

>> No.37402581

I never really saw anyone talk about Hashihime before the translation. When it was released it was sent to die but the fans keep talking about it and releasing shit.

Super short, but it has a couple of nice scenes. But you can totally tell it's an extra route that it's just there for the character fans, rather than because it has important story stuff to say

I wonder if she needs more time or what, maybe doing everything on her own hurt the final product.

>> No.37403148

>your family is very cute sensei, congratulations

>> No.37403569

It's one thing if it was ClockUp or Togo Mito, but this is Adelta. It's a bit of weird gimmick coming from somebody who wrote canon trans, bi and gay chracacters. I think reaction to announcement was "???" in most eng circles.
No? Good Haro is too lazy those days. doesn't seem to care even about shilling Lkyt. I forgot the name of tler, but they have Hakase pfp
Personally loved hin, for me he was on par with the first two boys. Too bad Tama didn't give a shit about him until SS and drama CDs.
>I never really saw anyone talk about Hashihime before the translation.
I remember enough people(more than LD1 at least) were talking about it around me. Guess it depends

>> No.37404731

Man, did Konami give the CG duty to interns or something? Or did their character artists develop early dementia? It didn't use to be like dis.

>> No.37404998

>questionable trans rep
Questionable in what way?

>> No.37405058

I heard complains about onee sometimes being called a "he" instead of "they"
Or how Uranus' partner(FtM) said something like "I'm glad Uranus-san fucks me like I'm a man"
Don't understand what's wrong with either of those two, but trannies are unpredictable

>> No.37405371

Wait, so there’s three couples that are followed in this BL game, and one of them is trans?

>> No.37405460

No, they are side characters. One of the MCs just walks in on the ftm kid getting pegged, who then says that line.

>> No.37405494
File: 192 KB, 1732x962, BIG BANG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be confessed by an autist in october of my second year
>he instantly starts being aggressive in his own way
>stop even asking him on dates because he just invites me anyway
>brutally honest about his feelings too
I love Iku, I really do. He's a fantastic mix of genki and autism where looking at him being excited about stuff and the places you take him just makes you happy.
Also the part about he's already 100% sure about his feelings and mc-chan is still a couple of steps behind and not super sure, yet she still sexually abuses him which turns him on super hard.

>> No.37405807

Kek no way these liens are surviving the translation.

>> No.37406009

Noice. So where does he dislike going? Do you also dare bully him into having a date there?

>> No.37406075

That sounds pretty great desu

>> No.37406288

He likes anywhere with plants/nature/stuff to learn and also exciting stuff like the amusement park. I've invited him a couple of times to places he didn't like and he's still super happy because he enjoys spending time together.
But lately he's inviting me to
>game center
which are places he doesn't like. And he enjoys them all a lot. Then it follows with sexual bullying and why he enjoys being touched all over the place.
Gotta love him.

>> No.37407415

>places he doesn't like + sexual bullying
hahahawow.jpg No wonder. I still remember the bitching Piano-kun gave Bambi when I invited him to take a stroll at the beach in the middle of winter. It’s nice to know the love interests are written well enough to be enjoyable despite the poor art style they’re suffering from. Can you also let us know your impressions of the secret character?

>> No.37407645

It's still my first route, but aside from like a wonky CG, his looked fine. Hoenstly his worst looking one is one side profile that is just awkward.
Also I like what his hair does when he gets excited, his sidebangs just flop and it's cute, and since he gets excited so much he does that a lot.
Super cute route even though I don't think I have anything left to do and 7 months left of game. I've exhausted every conversation and skinship, so I'm doing the special dates and getting his final events, guess I'll two time a bit the next time.

>> No.37407721

What's this?

>> No.37407869

New sword?


>> No.37408315


>> No.37408410
File: 1.05 MB, 2800x2500, 56124161_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need new swords until they add goddamn Rai bros and Mucchan to this floppity flop of a game
>Namazuo but no Bami

>> No.37408570
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, 0100b0100e26c000_2021-11-16_01-21-13-501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I just recently realized that the trendy guy always does the finger gun thing in every opening. That's pretty cool.

Pic related

Komatsubara's art seems to just have gotten shittier. She's the one who did those illustrations for the Habataki Watcher Twitter, right? Yeah the art was noticeably low quality even there. IIRC, some people here have said that maybe since Uchida's and Mino Taro's departure from Konami there's just not as much quality control, or something like that.

>> No.37408878

Speaking of the OP.
How the fuck did we go from this:

To this?

I really can't tell if this just reflects the state of anime in general nowadays or if they ran out of budget. Maybe both.

>> No.37408977

The 4th guys actually look decent in the opening, what the fuck went wrong to make them so ugly in the game

>> No.37409311

Where's the anon who said they'd share their Girl's Side DAYS DVD a couple of weeks ago? Just to make sure they're still alive

>> No.37409383

They probably weren't given much resources in first place, wouldn't be surprised if this was the last planned game of the franchise. It explains why I keep seeing nips ask people to email Konami to show that fans are still interested, but it sold good so who knows?

>> No.37409949

The pandemic causing the previous year's event to be postponed probably didn't help either.

>> No.37410913

Top of the 2nd couple is non-binary(uses they/them pns). Was raised as a girl, still likes to dress up as one sometimes.
The tranny couple I was talking about are side chars(they got the most character development and screentime out of all sub chrs). Don't remember if Uranus was a tranny or just a girl who likes pegging her partner with a dildo, but the thing she was fucking identfied as trans 100%.

>> No.37412538

I thought just the west was obsessed with pozzed shit with they way everyone here complained about translations all the time. Japs really enjoy this non-binary and tranny shit in their BL games?

>> No.37412737

Nah it's Adelta and her love of writing trannies

>> No.37412759
File: 30 KB, 224x320, 3939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when Uuultra and pic related are the only BL VN with mechas I know
Any more suggestions, sisters?

>> No.37412894

>the gayest genre
>no actual stuff
I guess it's too expensive.

>> No.37413399

Not really, aside from Rei's issue and Adelta stuff, I haven't seen it anywhere else. Fujos throw a fit if the couple switches, do you think they'd be into non men?

>> No.37413499

>Fujos throw a fit if the couple switches
I wish they wouldn't
>male characters who have never and will never stick their dick into anything at all

>> No.37413532

Switch was so fun in bl. Old good PIL/SLASH games.

>> No.37413657

It feels like there was quite a few vns where you could pick who tops, nowadays it's so rare.

>> No.37413688

If only almost every single one didn't feature a bottom MC.
Even Towa at least mentions he bottoms because he's tried everything and likes that the most. Otherwise it's
>hi straight person
>I'm totally straight too but still want to fuck a man
>so let me fuck your ass for the rest of your life

>> No.37413767

I fucking hate the chocolate making mini game from tmgs1.
That is all.

>> No.37413884

Yeah, when the Habataki Watch Twitter account started they still didn't know if they would be able to make a game. The whole thing seems to have been built on fan support

>> No.37413887
File: 29 KB, 492x351, kakihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks to the anon, that said kakihara sounds like he is struggling to take a shit, I can no longer take any of his characters seriously.
Everytime he talks I imagine the LI squat on the floor trying to take a shit madarame style.
I hate it, why anon why.

>> No.37413933

Nice image.

>> No.37413947

>be born in germany
>sounds like taking a shit
Checks out.

>> No.37414564

Why are they shitting on papers?

>> No.37415207

It fucking sucked at recognizing which way you were stirring and then if you drew the tail of the swirl 1 mm too close to another part of the line it would fail you. Glad we just draw dicks on the finished chocolates now.

>> No.37415461

Forget that. How many otomege have me mechas?

>> No.37415557

Too much joseimuke work made him that way.

>> No.37415639
File: 50 KB, 480x272, ULJM05976_00189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I used to be ready to shit on the new animated sprites, but after playing a bit of the PSP games (when I've spent the last 2 weeks playing the new game), I've realized that they've actually done a much better job this time around. If only most of the art didn't have those wide as fuck torsos, pencil necks and skinny arms, it would actually look kind of good.

I like that minigame, in 2 at least. I honestly prefer it to the current one. Way simpler than figuring out which kinds of chocolate my boy likes, and on top of that, having to figure out which ingredients to use and in what quantities (or how to unlock more toppings).

>> No.37415716

Some of the systems in Tokimemo are dated and suck ass. Gotta dress exactly how the guy likes/make the exact chocolate he wants instead of it being a fun mini-game where you get to express yourself, gotta pick the "right" choices instead of them being a way to express yourself or find out something new about him, gotta meet his exact stat requirements which require you to look them up unless you wanna start over again from the beginning... That's why I liked the angel/devil mode from 3 because you can at least choose how you want to act and it wouldn't be considered the "wrong" choice. It's funny because you can name your character and choose irrelevant bullshit to make it feel like your self-insert, but you can't act outside the mold they want you to fill.

>> No.37415795

>Gotta dress exactly how the guy likes
You can change his tastes in the two latest games though, which is great

>> No.37415803

That's how otomate scenario scripts are made.

>> No.37415924

Fuck otomeges, mechas are all about homoerotic tension between two dudes fighting for their lives.

>> No.37416070

Rei was just raised as a girl and it was implied he was pressured to live as one by his mom. His dad wanted the opposite, forcing him into the different extreme. But he decided to be a man at the end.
It's just Adelta, she loves trannies but hates lesbos, which is funny to me.

>> No.37416414
File: 307 KB, 1280x720, 2021112318090900-8D25826EDAA3BBA4333F22A798C9806F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over for me sisters, I'm going to make my porn star debut

>> No.37416448

>no mecha otomege where you can fuck your sentient mecha after building up a strong bond through hundreds of battles

>> No.37416935

No, it's all about sex between two rivals or two captains

>> No.37416993

No way, is that Saito? He cut his hair? When will they give him a secret route? I've been interested since we learned his name in GS1.

>> No.37417075

>two years ignoring him
>comes to my shop
>tells me he'll come again to see me in an apron
Fuck you Kazama, giri choco for you this year instead of nothing just so you feel the friendzone.

>> No.37417224

Nice, I would love a game where (You) and the mech team captain can fuck

>> No.37417309

That's only true for the first 2 games though. Otherwise if you're not brainwashing him into liking the clothes he hates, taking him to the places he hates, saying the things he hates, putting dicks on his choco, not working at the same place, not going to the same club, not visiting date spots 3 times each to get the tokimeki dialogue, not having 200 in all stats by the end plus reaching 100 stress so that he can come visit you while you're sick, you're playing on easy mode

>> No.37417575
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, 2021112301552900-8D25826EDAA3BBA4333F22A798C9806F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I just want to be my true self and dress like a prostitute while I'm attacking my boyfriend. It's 2022 already, we have to move forward

>> No.37418134

girls can like futa too

>> No.37418172

how have you not been brainwashing the chaste boys into liking sexy outfits already? dressing like a slut around Tamao and Seiji feels great.

>> No.37418173

As long as you call futa a futa

>> No.37418188

Nothing tops raping tsundere out of Seiji outside

>> No.37418217
File: 792 KB, 1280x1626, 1616401176496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this game sucks, bl is dead as a genre

>> No.37418237

>everyone is straight
>mc can only top
If everyone was ugly, fat and balding it could've been a NTY sequel

>> No.37418374

a gesture of mercy for the poor jannies who have to clean it up

>> No.37418396

god, I can't wait to plow a cute monk

>> No.37418424

Yeah, still alive and kicking.
The DVD is a Blu-Ray so my toaster can’t run it. I was hoping I could run it on my PS4 but (perhaps unsurprisingly) the screen recording function is then disabled. So I’m afraid there won’t be any uploads from me, sorry.

>> No.37418581

it's so cool to see how much her art/design skills have improved since Cocoon

>> No.37418586

Can only think of two, Scared Rider Xechs and Yuukyuu no Tierblade.

>figuring out which kinds of chocolate my boy likes, and on top of that, having to figure out which ingredients to use and in what quantities (or how to unlock more toppings).
Anything specific you’d like to know?

>> No.37418800

Giri chocolate every year
No furisode
No yukata
No club
Debugger job

This is how you play. I'll do this for Kazama run

>> No.37418889

>mc can only top
BL is saved.

>> No.37418913

>No club
I did this so I could have more dates. I'm not wasting my youth on some clubs

>> No.37419187

if he doesn't love you at 10 stats, max stress, default clothes, he doesn't deserve (you) at your best

>> No.37419344
File: 78 KB, 828x558, 380EC1F7-8F88-441B-900A-54820FD87688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s up with this dudes hands?

>> No.37419447 [DELETED] 

Too much fapping and fingering left his hands permanently crippled

>> No.37419579 [DELETED] 
File: 205 KB, 1734x975, iku_5..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done with Iku, such a sweet, sweet route with like five different and public confessions before the ending. He was so fun and always excited for everything, only kinda simple games like these give you a genki character without some retarded trauma or hidden depression and it's so fucking good when it's done well like in this case, you just hang out and it's fun.
Worst part of it were some CGs looking awkward, but most of the CGs I've seen in this game look like that.
But I should have started with kazama or something, it's why I never do the routes for characters I actually like in tokimemo first, I lose the will to even do another route afterwards even if I'm interested in other LIs.

>> No.37420018 [DELETED] 

I mean, didn't she also say that her favourite character was the girlfriend? She has questionable taste.

>> No.37420609 [DELETED] 
File: 1.51 MB, 1929x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It begins.

>> No.37421486 [DELETED] 

…what? Where is this even from kek.

>> No.37421498 [DELETED] 

official translators geocities account

>> No.37421529 [DELETED] 


>> No.37421808 [DELETED] 

graphic design is my passion.mp4

>> No.37421878 [DELETED] 

Implementing such a system where you can sort of customize your player character's personality and it has an effect on dialogue (or even the story/endings/events, that'd be awesome) would take way too long and cost a lot of effort and resources. They probably only did the Angel/Devil mode in the PSP game because it was meant to be an improved version of the DS game so they went all out.

Shut up fujocuck, if the pilots and the captain are hot I'm gonna fuck them and you can't stop me. And since they're most likely straight anyway I've already got the upper hand.

>> No.37422053 [DELETED] 

Find a single good yume mecha project first, delusional yumecuck. It's all about homo tension in space. Numerous doujins and award winning homo novels confirm it

>> No.37422079 [DELETED] 

It sounds retarded

>> No.37422081 [DELETED] 

Why is nothing capitalized? Even the design itself looks unprofessional as fuck like it was made in paint. Thought this was some fan made thing from tumblr.

>> No.37422109 [DELETED] 

mom, the yumes and fujos are fighting again

>> No.37422271 [DELETED] 

It's fine son soon the yumefujos and barafags will arrive and they will settle the score

>> No.37422870 [DELETED] 

>homo tension
You mean bait that’ll always be denied by the author, never be considered canon, and then said male characters will then be given their own individual hetero wives/love interests to further solidify the fact that they are totally “Not Gay”? This isn’t something to brag about, anon.

>> No.37423167 [DELETED] 

God why are you seething over an otome game that doesn’t even exist? If you think mecha is better as BL fine that’s what you like but you didn’t need to attack and gatekeep the idea of the genre in otome games

>> No.37423342 [DELETED] 
File: 337 KB, 1471x1010, 1637015612108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to play a game with mecha boys.

>> No.37423367 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 950x672, 53683682_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You and I both, anon.

>> No.37423371 [DELETED] 

Same. Guess Ill just have to settle with shoving polyninans up my asshole for now though.

>> No.37423600 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 274x763, 56849F4D-FFEA-4540-98F4-98F8A5645138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That line about “her being a computer you sick fuck” by the farthest mecha range really sells this chart. I hope there will be a day that it does happen in a visual novel and have a happy ending for it.

>> No.37424626 [DELETED] 

All this mecha talk made me imagine an azuma mecha blvn.
Getting raped inside the Gundam, on top of the Gundam, as the Gundam.

>> No.37424644 [DELETED] 

>not by the gundam too
get real

>> No.37424705 [DELETED] 

>she doesn't know

>> No.37425404 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 168x162, sad totori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Got pedosensei ending instead of Himuro
I shouldn't have played blind, it hurts. I thought I could just be a slut and not worry about the consequences of dating everyone.

>> No.37425478 [DELETED] 

At least he is rich, what can a teacher offer you?

>> No.37425482 [DELETED] 

Tokimemo needs a ng+ skip a year mode.

>> No.37425640

Why aren't mecha musukos a thing, is it the kind of autism that doesn't really appeal to women drawfags or what.

>> No.37425729 [DELETED] 

I really like her use of colors. Her art is really vibrant and pops but without it being gaudy and overdesigned.

>> No.37425815 [DELETED] 

>third gender: sisterboy
Said exactly like a retarded, srsly MG hire the most EOP translators it's laughable

>> No.37426095
File: 252 KB, 810x1080, Swim date 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he also take you to pool more than 17 times sis?

>> No.37426138

What was the original word? I'm curious?

>> No.37426192 [DELETED] 

That fan of DGS Sherlock's deformed slut grandpa would be into this

>> No.37426393

one reverse search and you're able to see this was made in 2020 by some fan to ""promote"" the game before it was released. sisters, are you retarded? do you enjoy getting mad on purpose?

i do find it laughable that i ignored this when it was first posted thinking that there was no way something like this could be real/was fake bait though. the fact that this was made for real (even if unofficial) with no ounce of irony is funny.

>> No.37426706

I'm glad that was not the case. Tbh the hashihime translator is from the few I like and admire. She translates what she sees. Not an mtler or invent Kardashian or big broder jokes.

>> No.37427297
File: 54 KB, 384x256, TMGS2 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, how I wish there were 1 and 2 remakes where you can do this to Himuro and Hikami.
You people have corrupted me. I used to hate lewding TMGS boys.

>> No.37427364

Are you me? I used to feel the same.
Can't get myself to lewd the GS4s yet though. For now only vanilla sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of cucking Kazama is acceptable.

>> No.37427476

His dick. That's all I ever need

>> No.37427594

Thank god somebody with a brain. I wouldn't worry or blame the tler for game's bad script. She's doing what she can with the game

>> No.37427627

My favorite retired BL artist is Oosawa Atsushi. They had nice coloring, anatomy and had a great style overall. Wish they'd come back

>> No.37427640

If you need a faceless dick, just go for Amanohashi. He is an experienced, intelligent gorgeous man who is willing to raise you like his own daughter. He probably has a big dick if you don't mind fetching some viagra supplements

>> No.37427646

Man, those routes will be 3 hrs each or there would be a catch about only 1/3 of them being "real"

>> No.37427654

I never knew there were two people working under that penname. Great taste

>> No.37427683

Everyone is his adopted son

>> No.37427983 [SPOILER] 
File: 22 KB, 1280x720, 0100b0100e26c000_2021-11-16_01-25-54-955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't get myself to lewd the GS4s yet though
Nanatsumori makes it really easy.

He definitely got a boner in this scene and it inevitably rubbed against you. He totally hugged (you) so strongly as to make it hurt, so that (you) wouldn't notice how hard he was.

>> No.37428013

How about
Every character is just a differerent sude of MC
Adelta pulls Killer7 and saves BL industry. People who stopped caring after UC's disaster come back begging for more

>> No.37428075

There's only one route in the game, but MC gets to be a town bicycle.
MC fucks a dude>dude vanishes>it was MC "absorbing" part of himself>after doing everybody he's finally satisfied>suddenly goes insane and kills himself
That would be a kino game

>> No.37428124

I pretty much ignore "muh kardashian memes" shitposting. You know it's just one retard that's probably a EOP that's upset. I can't imagine being able to read Japanese and giving such a shit how someone translate something.

>> No.37428396

When is the releasw date?

>> No.37428404

I am Probably one of the fews who actually did not mind his route. Still Himuro is way better than him

>> No.37428419

2022, exact date still undecided(probably Q3 or 4)

>> No.37428450

So far, I was hoping for something like early spring.

>> No.37428465

t. kardashian translator

>> No.37428560

Depends on how long the game is, it can be possible. Inb4 it's 10 hours

>> No.37428579

lol i fail to see what's bad about kardashian jokes desu? it's modern, fresh and doesn't make the characters sound bland and two dimensional. besides the characters are teens and they tend to talk like that.
don't be upset by local idiots, we aren't all like that here

>> No.37428592

>raped as a Gundam
>raped as a Gundam by a Gundam
>raped by a Gundam <<<this

>> No.37428619
File: 37 KB, 384x256, 1635690085524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese novels got you covered if you are into homosex in space

>> No.37428630

What's the best chink homosex in space?
It's a shame their country just outright banned them, they make some great actual homo with plot.

>> No.37428635

Was looking up BL on vndb and found this tag: Multiple Eyes. All humans have only one eye, huh?
Should've been More than two eyes

>> No.37428830
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, 2021112021390900-8D25826EDAA3BBA4333F22A798C9806F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can ci pin is god tier, but its anime adaptation is complete shit
I wouldn't be surprised if they outlawed homosex completely soon so fujogods may not last for long
>all humans have only 1 eye
Not all

>> No.37428871

>its anime adaptation is complete shit
I mean, aside from mdzs, I don't think there's a single good one. I tried diwang and the quality was garbage.

>> No.37429003
File: 30 KB, 1053x385, Kanja.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Kanja S, Togo's lastest game. Got 10 endings atm, so far it's boring(19 endings in total).
I hate unity usually, but I don't mind it here. It's always nice to see moving faces on sprites and UI itself is clean and functional(not always, see pic related).
But in terms of everything else, it's a real slog. If you played Hadaka, I don't think anything here would surprise you.
MC is less bonkers compared to Tomoaki. He's a psycho for sure, but not as funny.
Shota(I focused on him first) is even more sub than Arisato, somehow. Old guy made me smirk during the first sex scene, but that's it. Megane's typical asshole tsun. Yet to get Doc's endings(I think), but I'm bruteforcing at this point.
Togo didn't save BL, this game is underwhelming at most. After so many delays and vaporware rumors, I wanted more.

>> No.37429276

>no capitalization
>defending the retarded translation
You have a Twitter account listing your pronouns, don’t you?

>> No.37429491


>> No.37429880

Shit that needs to die:

-Idea Factory
-Older brothers

>> No.37429901

Ghost big brother who stalks you and haunts/possesses your love interests when? But also younger brothers are superior

>> No.37430156
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, 1624135737897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot one
- older brother haters
You don't deserve the cage, bitch

>> No.37430480

>spiritual but not blood related incest
Unless there's a comatose body for the mc to ride somewhere, not worth it.

>> No.37430601

Me too, but only if it's 8 all the way and never ever cops out. I'm completely serious, you have no fucking idea how hard it is to find any material for this fetish.

>> No.37430853

learn Japanese, sis.

>> No.37430931

I'm learning though. I'll get to Senge's game faster than you make him a kardashian

>> No.37431375

I hate VNDB's retardation sometimes. They have overly-specific tags like "Single Hole Multiple Tentacle Penetration" or "Different Love Interest(s) Per Protagonist" and the overly specific but not clear enough trait name "Newhalf (not born male)" (to describe 3 biologically female characters who replaced only their vagina with a dick), yet they still keep tags with vague as fuck names that could really use some renaming. Not only that, but they reject some valid tag/trait additions and name change suggestions because they can't bother to do some research or they haven't personally heard of it, and thus dismiss them as "too specific" or "too general", even when it would be a good addition.
Anyway, if you think that's retarded, you should suggest the change or second it in the traits thread.

>> No.37431715

schizo-fag is back at it with the DGS hate, great....

>> No.37431738

Based. No idea how anyone with an older brother can be attracted to that archetype.
Otouto better anyway

>> No.37431776

>No idea how anyone with an older brother can be attracted to that archetype.
By not having one or/ and by not being retarded enough to think real life and pixel fetishes are connected

>> No.37431798

What if I do have an older brother and my 2D fetish stems from my real-life incestutous attraction though

>> No.37431801

I hate to ask here but
Does anyone know where to get Alice=Alice?
I can't find it anywhere

>> No.37431819

Good for you for not taking the 3dpd path of sin

>> No.37431849

This but unironically

>> No.37432170

I will now play your fucking game

>> No.37432342

>>raped by a Gundam <<<this
Doesn’t the ZERO System count as a mindfuck?

>> No.37432533
File: 1.09 MB, 1025x616, 先生のおちんちん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dare I say, based?

>> No.37433140

But most older brothers in VN have no personality beyond reminding you that they're your brother. Usually worst boy too. Only good one I can think of is the one where the MC is fat

>> No.37433750

Don't worry guys, my older brother kamige is coming out soon (2031). I'm here to save the brother fucking genre.

>> No.37433793

when will someone save the ojisan fucking genre?

>> No.37433851

The game's short and terrible. Don't bother

>> No.37433926

how so?

>> No.37433978

Game's barely 10 hrs and has 6 routes. You do the math and tell me how good any of them can be.

>> No.37434160

But what if you have a grandpa? How can you be attracted to old men

>> No.37434351


>> No.37434536

Possibly even redpilled...

>> No.37437659

The site I got it from is down. I can try reuploading for you if my slow internet can handle it if you still want it.

>> No.37437941

Nice strawman, bitch. Accept that older brothers are shit. Give me three examples of even semi-decent ones. I'll wait.

>> No.37438307

Imagine saying chinks can write homo stories

>> No.37439139
File: 199 KB, 1000x1184, FE4bvRwaQAAtRzY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>400 hours for full completion
So are anon's playing just characters they like or every single route?

>> No.37439357

It depends
I've never 100% completed any GS game and usually stuck to my favorite boys, but apparently there are people here who try

>> No.37439605

Characters I like, but one at a time and with long periods in between.

>> No.37439710

>400 hours
No way people unironically enjoy the entire 400 hours

>> No.37439777
File: 25 KB, 384x274, Tamao_Trading_Card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What went wrong

>> No.37440003
File: 432 KB, 1387x2048, E8sJjl3VkAER8JQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majima, the walking STDs and sayo's tulpa. Apologize now, bitch

>> No.37440064

All endings for my favorite boys and then a single run through for the others.
Except Kazama. Not doing Kazama.

>> No.37440264

He became megane

>> No.37440396

He got hit by the ugly stick of adulthood.

>> No.37440791

>I actually pass through a gas station on my walks and I also drop by to buy stuff because it's convenient
I feel weirdly called out

>> No.37440823
File: 53 KB, 480x272, ULJM05976_00164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean what went right
megane senpai >>> shotashit

>> No.37440979
File: 38 KB, 256x384, 19159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic related readable or it just a meme?

>> No.37441001

it's extremely readable, but the art (and software) is doujin-quality. Also don't expect anything resembling a proper romance.
If you like edgy gore in particular it really delivers.

>> No.37441097

Thanks anon, I'll give it a try. Need a good edge and gore fix(I can only replay TnC so many times)

>> No.37441176

It's an immeasurably better take on the survival game concept than TnC was.
It's also a way better take on yandere/yangire I think.

>> No.37441682

I think he ended up one of the more handsome boys

>> No.37441789
File: 22 KB, 252x210, Onichads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>older brothers are shit

>> No.37441884

Little brothers are definitely better to be fair. Especially for BL.

>> No.37442174

Ignore that bitch, she is insane

>> No.37442231
File: 250 KB, 648x290, ao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always found it funny how these have been around in english for so long but I pretty much never see anyone talk about them.

>> No.37442268

Because they contain Shotas and women hate shotas. Pink hair guy literally rapes a little boy in absolute obedience. Also the art is dated as well.

>> No.37442350

Enzai's my guity pleasure(it had an amazing early 2000s BLVN feeling to it). Honestly, if you don't mind the art and dated script it's a good way to pass your time
AO on the other hand made me cringe and than rage quit. The dialogues made Enzai look like masterpiece and plot is the weirdest excuse for "plot" I've ever seen. Don't get me started on how you need to keep in mind what endings to get before some of them "expire"(the same BS as a few Animamundi normal ends). It's a terrible system, it felt like I was punished for playing the game for no reason. The art is better than Enzai, but it's just not worth it.
Sorry for the rant, but I finally had a chance to talk about those games

>> No.37442464

It's very fun but very ugly.

>> No.37442808

>Sorry for the rant, but I finally had a chance to talk about those games

To be honest, part of the reason why I posted it was cause at only 4 bucks per game I was also considering just trying them out for the hell of it and figured that if anyone had thoughts they'd post about it in response.

>> No.37442940

Ah good.
Tl;dr AO is NOT worth it, wouldn't recommend it even if it was free. Enzai is kinda nice if you like old VN stuff or curious about history of BLVN localization

>> No.37442975

I like Enzai for the crushing despair it brought to every character before giving them happy hopeful endings except for that one guy with that super golden perfect ending that I hate. This and Lucky Dog are the only BL games that I remember having pissing scenes. Absolute Obedience is more on the short wacky pwp stories, but you’d need a guide or lots of patience to get the best ending. Just don’t think too much about the art style.

>> No.37442999

Absolute Obedience was my first BL VN and I have a soft spot for it. The uncensored dicks are super ugly though. They look like dry uncut penises, very unappealing.
Just get a short guide and do the "missions" in the correct order.

>Pink hair guy
If you mean Louise, his hair is blond

>> No.37443291

Go back to Alabama, bitch

>> No.37443302

Examples of BL that is otouto-pilled?

>> No.37443422

No, you go back to whatever site you came from

>> No.37443456

Oniichans should be topped and otoutos should top.

>> No.37443501

the only correct answer

>> No.37443641


>> No.37443851
File: 309 KB, 1280x720, 2021091508122000-A382886DC254715DFBD886644F8214DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh? Why would I visit your shithole when Japan loves its incest already, retarded bitch

>> No.37443884
File: 33 KB, 480x272, ULJM05976_00650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37443935 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, snv1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are correct. Also Adolphe

>> No.37443991

>getting triggered by an anon
>still responding to them
You might be retarded. Just keep getting wet and move on with your life.

>> No.37444003

Based. Besides we all know twins are the real top tier anyway. Weep onii-fags.

>> No.37444036

That's almost akin to selfcest. Which is actually top tier.

>> No.37444129

t. samefag

>> No.37444134

Yura's artstyle turns off a lot of the gays and the nukige scenarios alienates the underage girls. The demographic is muddled so it's easy to find something to hate and hard to love the product as a whole enough to drive discussion.

>> No.37444199

>and the nukige scenarios alienates the underage girls
lmao, I played AO when I was a teenager (would've played Enzai too had I heard about it then). Maybe back when non-jap fujos weren't so scared of rape in BL and were more openly degenerate, it would've been more popular, but VNs were much more obscure than they are now.

>> No.37444204

NBR, pretty late too.
He's still great.

>> No.37444426

The worst kind of incest is cousin incest. Still too weird for the people who are creeped out by incest on principle, but not taboo enough for anyone to have an actual fetish for it.

>> No.37444603

I think the realism of cousin incest makes it more taboo, actually, but it depends on how the story establishes the relation (it could be a European-inspired setting where royal cousins marry each other all the time, or an "average modern family" kinda story in which cousin incest would be much more taboo)
Since sibling incest is so fucking common in Japanese media, it rarely surprises me anymore.

>> No.37444754

Every time I've seen a cousin love interest it's been treated as no big deal, I don't think I've seen one which had the characters worry about it. I've even seen it as a twist similar to NBR, where you think the characters are siblings but nope they're only cousins so there's no problem here.

>> No.37444773

Maybe it's just different in Japan then. It definitely depends on what country you're from.

>> No.37444775

Because in japan it's a huge whatever and not taboo.

>> No.37444792

Wikipedia tells me that first-cousin marriage is legal in Japan.

>> No.37445268

>scared of rape
Rape was big in BL fandom spaces back then. It was the shotas that were off putting. It’s only nowadays that rape is a problem.

>> No.37445387

>It’s only nowadays that rape is a problem.
That's literally what I said
>back when non-jap fujos weren't so scared of rape in BL and were more openly degenerate

>> No.37445451

Rape and incest are hot

>> No.37445477

Yeah, but incest in BL is super boring too because I can't imagine what fucking my own brother as a male would be like and for some reason I can't take it seriously. The taboo aspect of incest feels stronger in otome.

>> No.37445499

He has a hole and so do you, he has a dick and so do you. So 1 dick and 1 hole are required for your incestuous sexual intercourse

>> No.37445639
File: 58 KB, 800x600, 167774636547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.37445655

That's true.
It's been commented for years in Ikkitousen threads. And I think was alsome commented at some point thanks to Arcana Famiglia because of the blue haired fag who had a crush on Felicita.

>> No.37445715
File: 195 KB, 1200x984, IMG_20211114_224903_151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not rape if they enjoyed it

>> No.37445727

I like him best the moment he realized he fucked up when he ended up doing what he hated and he can’t stop himself. What a good way to wrap up the game’s story.

>> No.37445968

The only exposure I've had to Enzai was watching the ova in a homostream eons ago.

>> No.37446038

It's because they can't make tard babies.

>> No.37446077

No, it's because BL romance seems so unrealistic when every single male is gay and hot and women don't seem to exist, that gay incest isn't anything shocking.

>> No.37446204

gay incest is already pretty realistic honestly

>> No.37446547

Incest in otome is fine as long the story is enough fucked up to like it.
I dislike it when writers do it just to milk the trope, but if we find a story with well depicted meltdowns and that make you like the incest ship more than the others because it's just too twisted and attractive at the same time it's okay. It's not like you're going to fuck your brother irl, anyway (unless you're a real sicktard).

>> No.37446781

My bad, I misread.

>> No.37446820

Only if it were a "weird uncle" and the protagonist was an underage shota.

>> No.37448798 [SPOILER] 
File: 148 KB, 800x600, c2coSyp4R3I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked how he seethed and broke down in tears in every one of his endings with his sis. Be it bad or happy. Sasuga the husband of /blog.
Kondo Takashi did awesome job voicing him too. I kinda miss his works in both bl and otome.

>> No.37451757

New Kinshiiku out. Seems sort of (man) titty focused this time.

>> No.37452769

>pretty realistic
What does this even mean? Most sexual situations are "realistic" because they've occurred irl

>> No.37452957

cant tell if this poster is esl or just autistic

>> No.37455373

All that talk earlier about Enzai made me want to replay the game for myself. It was my first BLVN, it was far from perfect, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Best boys were Shion, Vallewida and Evan, Io deserved his own route.

>> No.37456674

Neither. What makes gay incest more "realistic"? explain, fag

>> No.37456776

I wish everyone was hotter, I could use some prison rape now

>> No.37457274

There are some scenes where MC was forced to rape LIs, but most rape was centered around megane/prison guard/fat ugly bastard and I hated how much effort went into them.

Also, made a mistake and scrolled through BL Games World twt page. I remember when she posted about actual BL games, now it's 90% shitty KS promos and updates for fugly western titles.

>> No.37458001

This is late and not entirely relevant to current discussion - but but I've been meaning to say something about how I fine I was with the new voice for Gian in LD Bad Egg. Maybe not the widest comical range, but I was expecting it to be out of place since you still hear Tatsuhisa's voice here and there and wouldn't be able to help notice something being off for example.
Some anon way back was looking for situations where the pair would call each other aniki during sex, and this almost happens here - just not quite, the initiation rite turns into a sex scene and they acknowledge being aniki during/after. Also for pissfags there's a romantic peeing cg.
There's a few hours of audio drama with after stories, some released earlier this year even.

>> No.37458043
File: 1.43 MB, 1600x1200, ELjYCLHWwAAz2dR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I finally found out about Paradise localization being canned. Those fuckers didn't even release the demo as they promised.
At least we can still laugh at pic related

>> No.37458525

I wish piss fetish was present in otome like it is in bl. Who tf thought a milky fetish is what otomefags want.

>> No.37458586

Men should be the ones to be milked

>> No.37458623

The entire project was fuck from the get-go. Glad I doomposted about it when it was first announced

>> No.37458646

>Paradise localization being canned
It's for the best.

>> No.37458857

otome in general is too vanilla for its own good

>> No.37458868

Free shipping at Animate International over the weekend. You can email them if there's something on the JP store that you want added.

>> No.37459565

I thought people like Tamao. Or is it just people want to cuck Tamami in two games

>> No.37459651

just check irl gay porn and see how many actual brothers/twins scenes there are.

>> No.37459951

The ones I've seen are ugly europoor twinks, so nah I'm good

>> No.37459966

>3dpd porn
If I was I to that why would I be paying to date anime twinks who look like women

>> No.37460037

>I remember when she posted about actual BL games, now it's 90% shitty KS promos and updates for fugly western titles.

Yeah, I stopped following ages ago cause there was too much ugly westernshit. From a 'business' standpoint I do understand it because there's not that much going on in the japanese side, so if you want to run a blog/twitter like this with a regular update schedule you're going to get more content by also showing western stuff.

>> No.37460307

She could've rt merch for jp titles, post something about popular games, make a calendar with release dates for many titles and make celebration posts about.
Western shit shouldn't be the front of your page when retarded westerners think most JP BL is "problematic" and their shitty looking games are "good rep",
It's not like she's trying to change their minds and explain how western shit can be just as terrible if not worse(camp buddy).

>> No.37460405
File: 1010 KB, 1500x1508, FFZ4Y2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish more games had it.

>> No.37461772

>romantic peeing cg
I beg your pardon

>> No.37461848

Yura is into cute guys pissing themselves

>> No.37462747
File: 292 KB, 1891x506, FFHJo1EaAAQppW5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan really hates him huh

>> No.37462769

>causes more seething than two crazy serial killers
Forever BASED and balls deep inside Yves.

>> No.37462803

But I like lactation.
What do you mean by "piss fetish" by the way? Omorashi? Or pissing on other's face?

>> No.37462887

Nah it's just people who are mad at Tamao for being related to Tamami and still butthurt about the rival thing in 1.

>> No.37463749

how bad do you have to be to even trigger the rival shit? I played it blindly a few days ago without any guy in mind, ended up picking Madoka in the middle of the second year, and STILL managed to get the best ending.

>> No.37464157

I was just trying to be nice to the local nerd. And I only got backstabbed by that bitch

>> No.37464427

You have to be close to the girl to trigger her rival mode (in your cause the girl is Fuji, she’s the rival for Kijyo), ironically having low friendship with the rival will not cause rival mode.

>> No.37464508

>an ironic game about dating pigeons unironically has better story than any otome game
Uhhh otomesisters? Why can't we write good plots?

>> No.37464719

BL is literally dead and can only be saved by including a route where you're forced to become a pet of a cuntboy vampire who amazon presses you every night

>> No.37464771

You know perfectly well that the Japanese are to blame

>> No.37464821

I mean I would play the fuck out of this but I'm not sure if it would be BL

>> No.37465017
File: 80 KB, 700x430, EGBZBP5U4AAd8ws.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna be honest, I don't mind the rivals that much, and I even like the girls, except when it comes to getting my husband's end.
It's incredibly hard to raise the Study stat (Hikami's highest required parameter at 200) without using the respective command or joining the Student Council because any of those two will trigger the Onoda encounter (and those are also the only two ways to meet Hikami).

>having low friendship with the rival
How do you even do that? Just keep ignoring them? That usually works better for the boys.

This but with Morimura in 1. He kept bombing the fuck outta me so I had no choice but to keep inviting him out (while trying to get rejected to avoid an actual date), and this activated rival mode. Ironically, I ended up liking Arisawa better, and got her ending.

>> No.37466619

Βoth. But I prefer omorashi.

>> No.37466927

Oh. I think I prefer pissing on others, not that it's common in the first place. What's so great about omorashi?
Speaking of which, the VNDB retards deleted that tag for being "too specific".

>> No.37466954

This but otome and also he's retarded

>> No.37467161

>Speaking of which, the VNDB retards deleted that tag for being "too specific"
The fuck do they think the tags are for

>> No.37467176

Get a Blu-ray drive or get someone to rip it

>> No.37469843

His voice sounds like he's having diarrhea after a long night at tacobell, the whole game sucked get better taste

>> No.37471594

Yes ignore them completely

>> No.37473038

I like omorashi for the desperation. Like I'd love a game where heroine denies to let the LI to use the restroom or heroine is super creepy to the points he pisses himself.
Pissing on others is quite common in bl. That's nice too actually, golden showers.

I fucking hate the vndb retards so damn much. I've seen so many retards using wrong tags. Bet most are EOPs using horrible MTL or they put the tags based on shitty EOP reviews. Like, imagine someone reading the shitposts here, and adding madarame engaging in scat. Yes, something like that.
But omorashi tag or ded games are the problem.

>> No.37474345

Alright I'll try that next time. Thanks

Oh, ok that sounds great. I don't see it a lot, maybe that's why I don't fully understand the appeal. I've seen more golden shower and human toilet kind of stuff. And by the way otome also needs golden shower scenes, but maybe that'd scare normies away and that's why there's not a lot of piss fetish in it (if at all).

>> No.37476360

I know I'm late to UuultraC discussion, but I really do wonder if EOPs will make it past first route. Does anybody think the game will flop hard? Or maybe it'll be more succsessful ib the West compared to JP?

>> No.37476873

I like any schizo trash. The more obscure and non appealing it's to everyone, the more I like it

>> No.37476904

Tokushit is pretty popular though, but niche VN is niche.

>> No.37477029

It's already hard enough to make it past the godawful first route in japanese.

>> No.37477122

But main BL demographic are women(both teens and adults). How popular is Toku shit with them? I know so many straight dudes who're into Toku but I doubt I can convince any of them to even pirate the game, much less buy it.

>> No.37477701

UruC wasn't that popular even in JP apparently, and for them, there's the extra draw of nostalgic setting too. Reviews are mostly "I didn't understand wtf is going on" and "you really have to activate your almonds to keep track of plot" as far as I've looked. At least the art is nice and cool.

>> No.37478298

The writing issues are pretty extreme, you need to make up the in between scenes.

>> No.37478425

The music was nice too(I'd say better than half of Hashihime tracks) and voice direction felt much more professional.
But in terms of writing it was kinda bad, not sure if Adelta wanted to make the game shorter or longer originally, the pacing either drags or rushes forward for no good reason

>> No.37479408

Have any of you ever turned the heroine voice or heroine sprite off (if there is the option)?

>> No.37479754

No, because I prefer to self insert as the voices in the MC's head instead.

>> No.37479934

No, because I love being hot and cute

>> No.37480090

I would have liked a rival for the teachers. She could have been a fellow teacher trying to settle down with her hot bachelor collegues. Also her "dynamic" with the MC would have been interesting(is she a bitch willing to make our school life a living hell to get the man ?)

>> No.37480338

But most otome MCs are bland

>> No.37480771

I don't mute anyone except Toriumi's voice

>> No.37481338

That'd be great anon

Well I'd still like to try if it's that short

>> No.37481719

Yes always. Heroine having a voice is rare though, and I do turn off her sprite but it feels useless because she will show in CGs anyway it’s better than nothing

>> No.37481972

I usually just leave it on the default if there's even a voiced protagonist/with a sprite. Especially when she's not a bland protag. Unless her voice is annoying.

Imagine her having an event where she raises your stress by 20 or something, the opposite of the male teach having an event that reduces your stress when it's too high.
Would you be able to befriend her like the other girls though?

>> No.37482084

>Imagine her having an event where she raises your stress by 20 or something, the opposite of the male teach having an event that reduces your stress when it's too high.
Or she making you work even harder to get the top scores in tests cuz she keeps sabotaging you.

>> No.37482157

I just discovered that making smug ikemen panic and cry is an amazing feeling

>> No.37482475

how did you discover it? what game?

>> No.37482577 [SPOILER] 
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Game isn't related to this general but great game nonetheless

>> No.37482838

To this day I remembeer retarded JAST translattors having a panic attack over Russian MTL of SD. Those guys may say they think fan tls are no longer relavent, but when those even attempt to exist they start crying. Amazing

>> No.37483089

>not muting Morikubo

>> No.37483216

Why most hate toriumi? His moans are kinda cute.

>> No.37483254

Is it r18 and dj? I can't find it on vndb. Jp name?

>> No.37483622


Like I said, it's not a game you'd normally discuss here it belongs to /hgg2d/ instead and it actually has nothing to do with otome or BL, it just happened to have ikemen character that made me realize how nice it's to see them get defeated. It's very R18.


>> No.37483830

do you guys want to group reread lamento or something

>> No.37483848

Too long for my ADHD, pick something shorter.
Imagine /blog/ rereading RN9

>> No.37483873

Only if we try to avoid the cumdumpster endings, because we all know how this ends otherwise.

>> No.37483893

I want the ending where they get trapped in the room forever, true ending sucked ass

>> No.37483917

It was nice, their friendship was basically destroyed but they still want to try, after a while.
You don't see that stuff enough in these games.

>> No.37483953

>you don't see two leads staying friends in BL games
I wonder why? I also hated how they decided to pretend nothing happened. They barely even felt like friends to me, they knew jack shit about each other.
And I desagree about male friendship in general: I can recall many BL from different companies that had interesting platonic male-male relations(Lamento, Mebius, Hashihime, Beyond Eden etc)

>> No.37484017

rn9 could work.
i've never actually played that one, so even better.

>> No.37484109

It's not a great vn, but I liked it more than NTY or Lkyt. NTY was too long and retarded and Lkyt was too ambitious and full of unanswered questions. At least RN9 knew what it was and tried to do the most with it(still hate it for no homoing till the very end).

>> No.37484134

>they knew jack shit about each other.
About as much as normal friends do.
>And I desagree about male friendship in general:
You are comparing platonic friendships to an event that forced them to do a ton of fucked up stuff even though neither part wanted to.
>I also hated how they decided to pretend nothing happened.
And this is the way to go, in these cases, either that or completely break up and never see each other again. They treasured their friendship so let's go with the option that allow us to be friends again, since neither party is actually interesting in a relationship.
In fact, developing romantic feelings from that is the retarded part and it's good no ending had that, just giving into their lust and little else.

>> No.37484157

I personally hated the misleading marketing Parade and MG tried to pull. "It's aimed at gay and bi men!" and then they made the straightest possible characters and forced them into gay sex. Muh representation and realism. So far I only met 1 gay dude who liked NTY(he's a dilf lover) and even he had no interest in RN9

>> No.37484205
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who cares about what men enjoy?

>> No.37484217

>they made the straightest possible characters and forced them into gay sex
That's the best part of it.

>> No.37484222

Tell me, which retard would go into BL expecting ONLY male friendship. I know galges and eroges where MC and male characters had more platonic chemistry.
And what about their reatrded drama when they decided it would be better to injure and torture each other than just fuck? Seriously, what friends would go "We can either fuck or wound and hurt each other. Obviously, the later is much more logical to do!". I hated both of them for prolonging each other's misery for no real reason. What great friends they are!

>> No.37484255

still wish rn9 actually let me commit to the gore

>> No.37484268

Ik some gay and bi dudes have "corrupting my straight friend" kink, but they I doubt they'll go into BLVN for that content. And it wasn't even that well done in RN9 since there's no payoff to it besides one ending.
And general BLVN audience is tired of hetero-only cast and want something, anything else.

>> No.37484319

are we reading rn9 or not?

>> No.37484337

I think at least a few sisters agreed. JP or ENG?(I nuked my JP copy long ago, but still have ENG installed)

>> No.37484350

i don't think it matters, does it?

>> No.37484379

People don't like MG and rightfully so, some don't want to promote their releases evn in pirated form.
But it doesn't matter to me

>> No.37484537

I'll read both.

>> No.37484690
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I'll start.
I wanna rant about this title screen: not only the game has no opening, but menu options look like something out of ren'py UI. Was NTY UI this ugly?
I like the title track, it sounds great.

>> No.37484711
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I'll go with those setting, on my first playthrough everything looks too gross and weird

>> No.37484804
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RN9 AU where Daichi could get bitches and the game never happened

>> No.37484857
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Since the game never revelead who trapped Seiji and Daichi in the room, I'll headcanon that it was either Haru or Narimiya fron NTY

>> No.37484928

I wonder how it would turn out if he let that girl peg him.

>> No.37484977 [DELETED] 

wait a second, stop, i still haven't found a torrent. the one on ab is dead somehow and there's nothing on nyaa

>> No.37485152

>no scat
>no hair
Pathetic plebeian

>> No.37485354

It was me.

>> No.37485377

Holy based, can you get an actual gay couple in there next time?

>> No.37485440

No way fag.

>> No.37485480

Can somebody answer: is Tokyo 24ku that unpopular in JP or was Mebius never that well known either? I can barely find much fanart on 24ku and what I find has very little interaction(unless Fuuga Yuyu rted it)

>> No.37486065

24ku was created to be super niche, I think. I've seen many people get out of it with "ewww politics!". Although Senge's route felt just as political, it was easier to digest because it was about global war, human sacrifice and extreme sexism of 1920s Japan - those issues are very faamiliar to most people. 24ku is made to feel modern as possible, it covers several sensetive topics(LGBT rights, racism, corryption in Japan etc) and you can't just overlook the political shit unlike Senge's route. It's a shame because the writing is somewhat better than Mebius and I liked every main character this time around.

>> No.37486121

I know some sisters here were interested in this game. Hopefully they port it in English too.

>> No.37486751

The game will feature English voice acting, so maybe English is already included?

>> No.37486940


I think they are releasing it in English and all the other languages at the same time.

>> No.37487691

Why? does it have homo or otome elements?

>> No.37487736

Wait a fucking minute. The one that voiced Seiji also voiced Azuma? Holy

>> No.37487746

Kinda. It has a shoujo inspired route.

>> No.37487845

Otome is debatable, while you play as girls, none of the hetero romances have proper development or screen time. They just...get together at the end.
Ironically enough, homo romance had the most attention put into it. Their ending was shit, however: straight couples are getting married and breeding, meanwhile the himbo barely admitted to himself he's only interested in his star-crossed twink. It's like devs didn't know how to write a proper conclusion to their storyline.

>> No.37487915
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>Otome is debatable, while you play as girls, none of the hetero romances have proper development or screen time. They just...get together at the end.
True, thought I've seen Iori's route is popular with Japanese female players and Ei is written as your typical "Mysterious shoujo male lead".
Hijioki ending is whatever but at least it's canon, it's most what videogames give

>> No.37488238

Nice. While I had asked for a pc port, this works fine too. I just didn't want to buy a ps4 for this.

>> No.37488396

If I see more retards calling the best boy non binary I'll seethe

>> No.37488536

They already did that, sis. Stay strong

>> No.37488613
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After seeing retards calling Yuka from Blue period a transexual woman I expect nothing from humanity

>> No.37488744

In 13 sentinels, who is gay?
I wish it's keitaro, ei and megane. They look damn cute.

>> No.37488835
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Pic related. But the epilogue kind of shits on them with the buff dude going no homo again. It's still much better compared to the heterosexual divorced couples though

>> No.37488872

Megane is Forever Alone(I'm glad he wasn't forced to romance any girls), Ei and Keitaro are very straight sadly.
The gays are Okino and Hijiyama(he's in denial about it til the very end). At least their past selves canonically fucked many times(Okino topped)

>> No.37488941

Anon spoilers.
>At least their past selves canonically fucked many times(Okino topped)
Doubt, even Kamitani said Hijiyama would use his attack blade on Okino
Already happened.

>> No.37488944

Both Odin Sphere and Muramasa got added story content in their ports(it was tiny for OS but still gave a happier ending to one of the couples)so maybe we'll get something for Sentinels too.

>> No.37489015

>Doubt, even Kamitani said Hijiyama would use his attack blade on Okino
They can switch, Okino's too OP to only bottom
Unironically only want HijiOkino wedding scene and/or more scenes with them being gay

>> No.37489032 [SPOILER] 
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I think they already announced there isn't going to be new story content except some new enemies in the tower defense minigame, I believe. It's probably too expensive to add stuff to the game because of how much effort go into the characters animations/background/lighting compare to the average VN, despite so much story being cut. Personally I'd be content with some more official 2188 art because everyone was so fucking hot in there and it's a crime there are like 2 pics of each of them.

>> No.37489075

What a shame, I wish they could at least release SS or CD drama

>> No.37489100

Would've loved some of the original content that got cut worked in but too bad. They could still add something extra to the ending like with Odin Sphere.

>> No.37489227

No kidding, past Hijiyama was so based, yet the young Hijiyama is a total retard. Why did they write him like that?

>> No.37489405

Correct me if I'm wrong, but in character poll Hijiyama and Okino both got 1st place for protagonists and support characters respectively.
Homo sex for the win

>> No.37489452

Can't they add a text epilogue that says
>they had gay sex every single night until the rest of their days
>Hijiyama stopped being a retard and embraced homosexuality and okino's dick in his ass

>> No.37489543

God I wish, they didn't even a draw a new art of them

>> No.37489639

Yes but it would be hardet to befriend her, like the teachers that are usually harder to romance.

>> No.37489677

Are all the males in the pitcure romanceable???

>> No.37489730

I thought it was getting a Fandisk in 2022, so it can't be that unpopular

>> No.37489734

>homo romance had the most attention put into it
>none of the hetero romances have proper screen time
Did we play the same game? Het couples had way more screen time together on their storyline compared to best couple. I think you're setting anons up for disappointment like what happen to me . The homos hardly have screen time together, most of it doesn't even occur in their own route but in other character's route. I don't want to be a downer but anons might find disappointing.

>> No.37489833

What do you mean "romancable"? As in they have romantic subplots? In that case, no

>> No.37489887

Ok thanks annon. What a bummer though, sone of them are very handsome

>> No.37490016

>Did we play the same game? Het couples had way more screen time together on their storyline compared to best couple. I think you're setting anons up for disappointment like what happen to me . The homos hardly have screen time together, most of it doesn't even occur in their own route but in other character's route. I don't want to be a downer but anons might find disappointing
??? I'm pretty sure this is not true. In fact the two homos basically share a route together and pilot the same sentinel, they basically have a scene together in each section of Hijiyama's route.

It's not a character focused game though, despite the set up the characters mostly exist as s vehicle for the story and the twists.

>> No.37490129

Here you go

>> No.37490201

I agree with this anon piloting mecha together is considered very romantic by the nips. Okino flirted with Hijiyama every time they interacted and sometimes the himbo was very close to doing something gay. Not to mention they're the only couple whose real selves proclaim love for each other on screen.
If that's "lack of screentime and developemt" for you, I dunno what you wanted. On screen sex would've been nice, however.

>> No.37490205 [SPOILER] 
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>Why did they write him like that?
Each route of 13 is based on something the author liked as a kid, in Hijiyama's case other than the obvious please save my earth, the main inspiration is "Tottemo Hijikata-kun" which is a romcom about a tough delinquent boy who falls for an incredibly beautiful-but tough twink.
It's also probably meant to highly the difference between the time period and the nature vs nurture, also reincarnation romance being pretty big in Japan means the audience would see their romance a continuation of the old one.

The game has romance and they are "Love interest" for some of the girls, but it's not strictly romance like "Pick the guy you want to fuck". It's a weird structure were every character has a pov.

>> No.37490312

Btw any anon here that has dynamic cord liar s and can upload it here? Desperate to play the schizo cage and slut ones. A-s links all ded and mod has yet to show signs of live.

>> No.37490337

What's with the influx of ESLs here recently

>> No.37490352

>in Hijiyama's case other than the obvious please save my earth
Oh I remember watching the anime once, but was there an actual homo romance in the manga, or was it ALL denial?

>> No.37490354


>> No.37490383

I've been here for years, anon...

>> No.37490390

It was the most 80 thing ever character was a girl in the past life so he reincarnated as a guy who still in love with his past self's crush. In the end he gives up on that love and he ends up with a girl. Kinda funny, but not atypical for the time period.

>> No.37490392

I think it's just one or two new posters.

>> No.37490438

Huh, fuck that shit. I wish it got new anime or manga remake when they went full homo

>> No.37490692

I only post like three times a year, be glad my VN progress is so slow.

>> No.37490790

I hope it's dolphin porn

>> No.37490808

I don't know anymore anon, maybe getting stuck at the school segment bloated my perception spent fucking around. I just remember thinking that they had way less screen time compared to other couples and that the whole route felt like a precursor to their relationship compared to their relationship shown in other character's route, which I would have preferred.

>> No.37490853
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It definitely feels weird to me because one of the main criticisms of the game is that even the "main" couples (Iori/EI and Megumi/Juro) don't get enough development and are sorta forced together toward the end (Particularly in Megumi's case given she spends the whole route essentially chasing her old boyfriend that doesn't exist anymore)

>> No.37490935

Thanks kind anon!
I miss that guy a lot, in both bl and otome.

>> No.37491002

I dunno anon, at least I was rooting for them compared to everybody else. Iori/Ei was too uniteresting, Megumi/Juro had no chemistry whatsoever, Tomi/Nenji was decent on paper, but I have no idea why they liked each other. Yuki/Shu was one of the worst "couples" I've seen in a while, they made no sense(I honestly thought Yuki would turn out to be a lesbo or something).
So HijiOkita win by default, their relationship has the strongest foundation, only a shitty conclusion puts it down slightly. Other than that, it was the only romantic subplot I cared about.

>> No.37491020

Them getting less "screentime" is half correct since Okino isn't a playable character while both halves of the couples are playable for every other pair, but they still got the most focus on their relationship out of the cast. A lot of the other characters had routes strongly focused on plot elements with their relationships barely there meanwhile Hijiyama was just chasing Okino and food for most of his route.

>> No.37491086

>Switch port

Gay. I'll buy the TAISHO x ALICE complete set for 34% off at Steam's autumn sale instead!

>> No.37491184

Yuki/Shu was god awful. Made even worse by the fact I liked them both when they weren't interacting with each other in contrast to say, Megumi who was always terrible.

>> No.37491243

As a sukeban fan I was loving Yuki from the start, but then she started interacting with Shy and I liked her less and less. Their epilogue was so awful, it made me rate them last in my fav character poll[/spoler]

>> No.37491280

I'd completely erased their epilogue from my mind. God fucking dammit. I'm mad again now thanks.

>> No.37491327

People like to shit on HijiOkino epilogue, but it looks like a masterpiece of romance writing by comparison

>> No.37491472

Sometimes I listen to the Kaguya-hen OP and imagine the game was actually good

>> No.37491482
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I think Kamitani was going for the Tsundere archetype, but they didn't have enough interactions. I'm not a fan of those "Guy wears down the girl" pairings. Coincidentally I thought Shu had pretty good chemistry with Tomi (Like everyone else), which it's funny cuz what happens. I thought Morimura/Izumi and Natsuno/Miura were fine, even thought the second is a bit safe.
Hijiyama's route was also almost cut, so it's a miracle it held together so well, despite everything.
Honestly the thing that cucked me the most about the epilogue was the lack of interactions between Okino and Lolimura

>> No.37491495

The game would've just been better without the epilogue. How some of the couples were written aside the whole thing was extremely unnecessary and tried too hard to be the "perfect" ending like them saying they'll bring all the AI people into the real world. It was like bad fanservice.

>> No.37491518

>The game would've just been better without the epilogue. How some of the couples were written aside the whole thing was extremely unnecessary and tried too hard to be the "perfect" ending like them saying they'll bring all the AI people into the real world. It was like bad fanservice.
Yeah I agree. You could remove it and i feel like the story would have been the same.I did enjoy the scenes with the AI like Inaba and Morimura, but it gave me Shounen jump epilogue vibes PLEASE PROCREATE

>> No.37491566

Agreed, couple epilogues were either dissapointing or pure cringe, I wish they left some of them more ambigious. That would mend the terrible romanve writing with some of them.
The bug game had such a kino premise but they wasted in on worst LI tropes

>> No.37491584

I feel like most of the romance in the game was adequate if you leave it as "they'll get together on the future" so the jump to baby making is complete jarring in some cases.

>> No.37491588

The forced procreation message felt out of place in the game where Okino exists, it's like devs think babies=couple love each other. 50s called?[/spoler]

>> No.37491625

Technically only two of them has children (and one of the couple isn't even married) while some characters are still single. I think it's just your typical japanese epilogue, don't think about it too much.

At least they didn't do the thing where all characters have children of the same age who coincidentally act like their parents Even fucking Higurashi did it.

>> No.37491626

I wish they'd make HijiOkino adopt a kid or something, no harm done. Instead they made a joke out of their relationship in the end because TWO GUYS=NO BABY

>> No.37491655

Kamitani just really likes HAVE SEX endings he did it in his other games too.

>> No.37491689
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I mean he did write a canon homo couple at the end of the day, and he talks how Hijiyama will fuck Okino in the interviews. He's not exactly Kishimoto.

Honestly he reminds me of Yoko Taro a bit, who is another based man.

>> No.37491721

Well I do agree. He hetbaited in Grimgrimoire and then gave it a yuri end so it really depends on how he feels on the day. Goes for the quality of his straight pairings too.

>> No.37491760

Ultra based, always love when hetbait turn into gay shut

>> No.37491785

I still wish Okino was playable instead of Megumi. She was such a waste of a character

>> No.37492035

I know, but the community for this game seems so stragely small, it's sad. I wonder if the game will get a second chance on Switch, maybe I'll buy it

>> No.37492071
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Speaking of Switch Releases, is Hashihime still coming? What's happening with the translation?

I remember the initial impression wasn't too hot.

>> No.37492110
File: 196 KB, 779x880, 278262F9-59E1-4C95-A05A-08B850249A62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, sweatys, please don’t refer to Okino with he/him pronouns, they use they/them!

>> No.37492250

It's coming 12th dec, if I remember correctly. Originally planned to buy it, but it costs x10 more on Switch compared to Steam. I love living in a third world country. Hopefully somebody will post NSP here for people like us
Please stop torturing me already

>> No.37492257

Looks more like cringe word choice than calling him some retarded genderspecial.

>> No.37492356
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While the translation is bad I'm pretty sure bottom right isn't 100% correct either.

>> No.37492369
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>It's coming 12th dec, if I remember correctly. Originally planned to buy it, but it costs x10 more on Switch compared to Steam. I love living in a third world country. Hopefully somebody will post NSP here for people like us
Well I have CFW so I'll probably pirate it. I already supported the original release so I don't feel bad, and I mostly just want to read the new stories with VA.

Also speaking of 13S, the Japanese used on it isn't too bad, I'll probably give a try to the Japanese version.

>> No.37492514

I don't know how Bl games woek on Switch,will iy have 18+ scenes?

>> No.37492525

Nope, replaced with fade-to-black, it'll be 17+ release instead

>> No.37492550

It's the same as Vita version. Only steam CG is Minakami's kissing one but it's half cut.

Typical console release, really.

>> No.37492608

I didn't realize the demo for Hashihime Switch was out, I'll play it and tell you how it was

>> No.37492733

time to play rn9

>> No.37492825

Excuse me, anon (they), but he is a proud trans woman because he is wearing a skirt

>> No.37492866

They didn't even think about what changing the first line would do to the structure. As it is now, the first and second sentences are completely unrelated. In fact, they're contradicting each other since the second sentence doesn't say something like "Besides," or "And also",

>> No.37492925

Okay, played it for a whiile and tl is good so far. there are a few awkward words/phrases here and there, but most of it was probably taken right out of MG tl. The UI and extra sections looking good, I MIGHT actually buy this. Maybe.

>> No.37492937

Enjoy Seiji being a huge slut, anon.

>> No.37493055

Sometimes I wonder how these people play these games. Even when the game says 100 time he's a boy they insist the character is trans.

It's like when people finish Persona 4 and the genuinely seem to come out of the story thinking Naoto is trans.

>> No.37493371

Same for SMT V they insist nahobino is nb despite being called a young man by everyone.

>> No.37493606
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He looks cute. I kinda get hugo, wanting to dick him.

>> No.37493779

Who is bestboi in mashou megane? I really like Cidre.

>> No.37493837

Hugo is much hotter than him

>> No.37494045
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Did anyone here play this?

>> No.37494114
File: 598 KB, 1182x288, 1627337628037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is pretty homo

>> No.37494127

Jesus christ how horrifying

>> No.37494144

I haven't played Mashou Megane
Why does Momotarou fuck animals

>> No.37494206

Actually he doesn't in reality. He said so, to distract heroines attention from his cannibal grandparents
Heroine tho, in one bad ending does end up fucking dogs and monkeys

>> No.37494312

Not yet

>> No.37494351

Don't worry guys, I'll save BL with my VN about a depraved fujo pimp who owns a fake bar where the staff is all gay ikemen prostitutes that are raped every night in orgies

>> No.37494457

Yuka from Blue period is suffering because people see him as a girl because of his crossdressing, when he only wants to bang his female childhood friend, dress in cute clothes and get perceived as a man. The retards don't even care about canon as long as they get to project their retarded fantasies

>> No.37494495

yuka is such a weird case. his entire arc was essentially about not being a woman despite enjoy feminine things, but retards still insist on calling him trans.
or "non-binary" because he's never proclaimed his own gender (?). i'm sure most characters in blue period haven't, though

>> No.37494540
File: 3.45 MB, 1727x1080, 1637858795199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally realizing that this whole setup reminds me of euphoria

>> No.37494598

Netflix subs and translators are feeding their delusions. The retards are using "she" to refer to him. Fuck retarded EOPs

>> No.37494765

Can you get a 3p ending with them? If not, it's kusoge.

>> No.37494932

The homo doesn't want you though

>> No.37494947

No but you can kill yourself and tell Hugo he can have him.

>> No.37494955


>> No.37494984

What, really? Like all the time?

>> No.37495214

They keep switching between he and her apparently, which is even more retarded
