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3721720 No.3721720 [Reply] [Original]


Water on the moon, once a wild conjecture, appears to have become an established fact.

"Oh my goodness, it's a lot more complicated than we really anticipated," said NASA scientist Anthony Colaprete, the leader of the LCROSS team. "It wasn't just water, there was a lot more interesting stuff in there."

>> No.3721734


>> No.3721735 [DELETED] 

>at the moon's south poll.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is the quality of journalism today.

>> No.3721739

What luck.

maybe if we keep our fingers crossed we'll learn that IO is actually gensoyko.

>> No.3721752

fuck of nasa dev

>> No.3722517

Hey Mokou how are you doing with editing Touhou Battle Royale 4? Will it come out this weekend?

>> No.3722833

>there was a lot more interesting stuff in there.

Within he Cabeus crater was a mayor Lunarian water purification facility. They probably detected the corpse of some of the countless moon-rabbits who were killed in the blast.

>> No.3722853

What, do you think Lunarians are incapable of voting or something?

>> No.3722873

That's common knowlegde since many years, just that the authorities didn't want to confirm it because of LOL DOGMA.

>> No.3723434


>> No.3723456

It looks like we didn't learn our lesson the first time.

>> No.3723471

Earth is pretty much hosed, so maybe it's time to consider a massive Moon terraforming/colonization project?

>> No.3723473

Fucking NASA

Get out

>> No.3723475

A better idea might be colonies in the lagrange points as it would require less fuel once constructed.
