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37118749 No.37118749 [Reply] [Original]

How do I stop getting angry when I die playing touhou? I get angry and alt f4 from the game before stomping over to my bed to beat up my fumos to relief my anger, especially when its an avoidable death in the early stages.

Does this happen to anyone else?

>> No.37118795


>> No.37120089

You should start with taking your medicine

>> No.37120134

I used to get pissed at myself and alt f4 when dying, but now I just keep playing until I run out of lives.
The beating up fumos part is just you, though.

>> No.37120396

I want to beat up some fumos too for no apparent reason

>> No.37120470

Please don't beat your fumos

>> No.37120512

I get a compulsion to not use continues even though I haven't beaten any games even once, which leads to quick burnouts and me not playing the games for very extended periods of time. Guess I'm just not too suited to being a primary.
You really shouldn't be taking your anger out on physical objects though, much less the innocent fumos. That's something you should probably work on.

>> No.37123945
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You've never played a roguelike or anything else that has ironman?
And if you die early just escape->restart, that's an option in every title past EoSD.

You might be disabled.

>> No.37124484

I used to nerd rage hard at video games but now im old and don't give a fuck. Once you start raging you start sucking, just quit for the day when you get too angry.

>> No.37125164

Keep playing until you're completely dead inside. Disassociation is the first step to becoming a 2hu pro.

>> No.37125539


>> No.37125541

Anger is a result of expectations not being met. If you want to stop any particular anger, you have to first do some introspection to figure out what expectations are not being met, why you have those expectations and how to adjust your perspective and/or your situation to allow your expectations and reality to be compatible.

Introspection can be done by pausing yourself in your anger (gets easier with practice) and asking yourself a series of questions like so:
"What am I mad about?"
"I lost in a video game."
"Why am I mad about losing to a video game?"
"Because it was a stupid reason to lose and I should've been better than that."
"Why was it a stupid reason?"
"Why should I have done better?"
"How could I have done better?"
"Have I really never done anything so dumb before?"
"Does it affect anything that I blew it so early?"
"Would I be this mad about losing like this to another human?"

There's a lot of questions you can ask and a lot of directions you can go. It could be as simple as not meeting your expected ability in game or it could be something completely unrelated in your life eating at you.

>> No.37125606
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God bless you, CBT cured the worst of my depressive episodes. I shill this book nonstop now to people who are going through some shit.

>> No.37125927

i did get pissed this morning playing StB and dying on the last photo in one of Remilia spells but the only thing i did was punching the wall and playing the game again. i end up beating the level

>> No.37139696

Use cheats

>> No.37143625

Use Marisa B
