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3708986 No.3708986 [Reply] [Original]

Have you read Daniel D. McCracken's Guide to Fortran IV Programming today, /jp/?

>> No.3708996


>> No.3709022
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A programming language is like the production of a fine wine.

It requires time to age in order to reach its full potential.

>> No.3709023

I only code in PROLOG

>> No.3709080


Isn't that unacceptable unless you're fresh out of intro trig?

>> No.3709140


>>implying CS majors are required to take trig

>> No.3709151

Watching CS majors take math classes like fish out of water is hilarious.

>> No.3709156

At my uni, they were required to take at least calc I and II, discrete math, and/or combinumeration/statistics.

>> No.3709180
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My code can only be run on an IBM 5100.

>> No.3709194

what? Im a CS major and blew through calc 3, discrete math, differnatial equations, you name it. Though my program was a EE/CS double major.

>> No.3709206

I did that shit in high school, son.

>> No.3709215

In most universities CS/CE/EE have to take Calc 3 or 4, dif eq, matrix algibra, 2 stat classes, and some math electives.

You will almost always come out with a minor in math.
