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3701268 No.3701268 [Reply] [Original]

A tiny tiny vampire is bitting your finger.
What will you do?

>> No.3701275
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>> No.3701271

Scratch her back with a toothbrush

>> No.3701277

Flail my hand around to get if off, and if that doesn't work I'll pull out my lighter and try to get it to give up because of the heat.

>> No.3701280

Don't know. Can Vampires get Sickle Cell Anemia?

>> No.3701286
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>> No.3701285

Mmm, thanks for that. Been a long time since I've seen a 'misleading png thumbnail' wellplayed Anon.

>> No.3701282

Such a messy eater. Bad vampire.

>> No.3701288

I'd make her a little cardboard coffin to sleep in and let her live in the dark corner of my room.

>> No.3701290


>> No.3701291

impale her on my silver fork
just kidding, pet her tenderly

>> No.3701296

kill it, tie off my arm and suck and spit the bad blood before I get infected.

>> No.3701303

Swat it.

I fucking hate mosquitos.

>> No.3701313

Bats eat bugs, right?

So it'll kill those goddamn Ants and whatever the hell else is lurking in the shadows.

>> No.3701325

inb4 CRUSH

>> No.3701327

hit it with a newspaper

>> No.3701331

Die from moe and blood loss.

>> No.3701336

in after crush

>> No.3701339
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>> No.3701340

kill it and then discipline the nest of spiders in my room for not doing their goddamn jobs.

>> No.3701344

Sorry for asking... But how exactly does one discipline a spider?

>> No.3701345

Holy god it's a gifhhhhnnngngggggg

>> No.3701348

You disappoint me anon. This was not animated.

>> No.3701350

It would've been nice to see some blinking, the blood dripping, or the legs happily kicking though.

>> No.3701351

Why are my fingernails so pretty?

>> No.3701352

Drain the Boss spiders mana.

>> No.3701356

I'm sure my tiny tiny clever commander would be able to solve it.

>> No.3701357

You finally got your wish Anon!
You are now the little girl.
With a tiny tiny vampire is bitting your finger.
What will you do?

>> No.3701358

Small ones can regrow their limbs upon moulting. And they have eight to begin with. That's a lot of legs to break.

Or if you are that one wasp you can have your larvae rewire their brain.

Bats carry rabies without any symptoms and you can get infected even if you don't get bitten because they literally shit out rabies. Airborne rabies. You don't want one in your room.

>> No.3701359

I go on a penis quest, with the goal of getting my penis back from the gap bitch that took it.

>> No.3701363

I have no penis but I must fap.

>> No.3701365

>I go on a penis quest
... Sounds like a gay sex romp anon. Sorry.

>> No.3701366

Burn the heretic as always.

>> No.3701367
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spanking, I'm old fashioned.

>> No.3701373

>without any symptoms
So there's nothing to worry about, then.

>> No.3701371

Is a gay sex romp supposed to be a bad thing?

>> No.3701372

So; if a vampire bites me, don't I turn into a vampire myself?
Or do I become one of those ghoul things?

Being a vampire would be pretty neat, I think.

>> No.3701375

You become a monster and you won't belong in this world.

>> No.3701377

Ah. Free ticket to Gensokyo, then.

>> No.3701380

But then you'll be introduced to the nighttime community of Vampires and get to meet Karin, Chibi Vampire ^-^

>> No.3701385

>A tiny tiny vampire is bitting your finger.

>What will you do?

>> No.3701386
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Spiders are cute!

>> No.3701389

>>Implying most of sick fucks from /jp/ are not already monsters who don't belong in this world.

>> No.3701390

I'm pretty sure a few spiders do that during their mating rituals. I was going to look them up, but then I found this and now I can't stop watching it. It's the cutest thing I've ever seen.


You may want to know that the female he's wooing isn't even conscious.

>> No.3701398

Holy fuck
Fucking cut my finger before the infection spreads, take out my bodyspray and my lighter and burn the fucker before taking cover

>> No.3701403

I'd probably just use my mind control to squeeze enough money out of some people to make me rich enough to buy a castle somewhere.

Then I could basement dwell for eternity while sucking blood from homeless people and drunk bums.
Maybe if I was bored I'd go out and be nice to people at night. I could always just suck their blood if I changed my mind.

>> No.3701406

poor little bastard.

>> No.3701413

you don't get the mind control at level one bro.

>> No.3701423

Well, shit.
Then I guess I could level up while I still stay at my dorm apartment.
I guess it'd kinda suck not being able to go to class until I've leveled up a bit too (daylight and all might burn a level one as well).

Then I'd just go out killing in the shitty areas of town at night after I've dealt with the guy on 5th floor playing fuckloud music and some people in the opposite block turning up their TV so they'll have to yell at each other.

>> No.3701433

Try pumping more blood into my hand.
If it isn't as cute as the pictured Remi, curse loudly while flailing my hand around until it lets go.

>> No.3701439


>> No.3701444

lol arachnophobia

>> No.3701445

Stupid question but is that an actual... thing?
A branch of furrydom or something?

"spider moe~"

>> No.3701451
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>> No.3701452

its more the monstergirl fetish for arachne( spider bottom girl top) which combines with a being tied up thing. I mean there are spider furries but its a very very small outlet.

>> No.3701489
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Fuck Arachnefags, give me a Lamia anyday.

>> No.3701513

It warms my heart to see how many people like this comic. I am glad we got them translated.

>> No.3701523
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>> No.3701533
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I only have 3 of them. Where can I find the rest?

>> No.3701550
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Spiders are clearly superior. See, this one's a spider that hides inside limpet shells and closes the openings with waterproof silk so it doesn't drown when the tide rises, like some sort of spider hermit crab. I want to live with a shy intertidal spider girl inside her limpet shell ;_;

>> No.3701552


Search for "Living with"

>> No.3701563
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>> No.3703174


*Kappu chu*

>> No.3703211

>A tiny tiny vampire is bitting your finger.

She chokes on my impure blood and dies. I browse /jp/ some more, sage, report, hide, and call the cops on OP's thread.


>> No.3703213

I grab my fly swatter and, well, swat it.

Then it's dead.

>> No.3703219

So, what you're telling me is that I will have a vampire finger?

>> No.3703229

I have hemochromatosis. She'll choke herself trying to consume my mud-like blood.

>> No.3703239

Remi can't turn you into a vampire.

Zun agreed. Don't bother him about it.

>> No.3703264
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Oh, didn't know that second site, awesome.

>> No.3703289

She can, however, alter your fate so you might turn into a youkai.

>> No.3703293

A tiny, tiny horrible metathread

>> No.3703303

