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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 370 KB, 1018x714, SDM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3695972 No.3695972 [Reply] [Original]

I have been thinking about how, when Sakuya delivers food for the captured humans, they would grab on to Sakuya's ankles and beg: "Please... Please help me! I don't want to die... You're a human too right? Please help a fellow human being! Help me escape from these chains, this cellar! Have mercy!"
... And then Sakuya would just give them a cold glare as if they are maggots and locks the cellar behind her, leaving her fellow humans in despair in their final hours.

>> No.3695977

I never liked Sakuya much. Now realizing that this is probably what she has been doing, I hate her even more.

>> No.3695976


Yeah, Sakuya is not a nice person. What else is new?

>> No.3695979

I'm pretty sure that Sakuya being a mass murderer is canon.

>> No.3695995

Fanon bullshit.

Sakuya isn't a cold, murderous, bitch in canon.

>> No.3695997


>> No.3696000


>Sakuya isn't a cold, murderous, bitch in canon.

In EOSD, she is.

>> No.3696002
File: 291 KB, 1041x800, Cirno Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yeah, Sakuya is not a nice person. What else is new?
Cirno comes over to play and this happens.
"Hey all! Come out and play with me-....!!"

>> No.3696005

Not only that, but her duties as the headmaid would suggest she even turns em into tea and cookies! supsiciously red tea...

>> No.3696008


The series has progressed since EoSD.

>> No.3696011

I love Cirno very much.
This is going too far. TOO. FAR.

>> No.3696016


That does not make EOSD any less canonical.

>> No.3696017


But it does mean that Sakuya is a whole lot nicer.

>> No.3696018

Sakuya is also portrayed as slow on a number of things. Such as fundamentals of pressure.
Ms. Open a Window.

>> No.3696019


No, it merely means that her PR efforts are working.

>> No.3696025

>Sakuya isn't a cold, murderous, bitch in canon.

Sakuya was cold to humans. After Shikieiki lectured her in PoFV, she experienced some [CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT].

>It's said they are outside humans whose deaths are of no consequence (suicides, etc.)

Marisa drinks Remilia's tea in EoSD. She didn't mention any blood. Patchouli also doesn't like blood in her cookies/tea when conversing with her friend.

>> No.3696029


Oh my God, Marisa drinks blood now?


>> No.3696038

Official Flandre's EoSD profile text:

"Perhaps she can't tell that her daily meals are made from living humans.

Her meals look like such harmless foodstuffs as cake and tea, after all..."

Someone must have processed and made those.

>> No.3696060

that surprised you in the least? she drinks bodily fluid all the time.

>> No.3696062

But does that mean that humans were "turned into" >>3696005 cakes, or that some of their blood was used to flavor the cakes/cookies?

>> No.3696068

Human screams (think: Hellraiser scenes) and cold looking Sakuya comes to mind.

>> No.3696075

I don't think it was ever confirmed what methods SDM uses to obtain humans or how/where they keep them. At least they never said it was Sakuya who did it.

Or maybe I just haven't seen it.

>> No.3696089

she's the head maid. and the other fairy maids are retarded (confirmed in SSiB) so who could have made them?

>> No.3696087


Just looked it up for this thread:


Their main diet is human's blood. Those who are sucked to death will neither die nor become a ghost; they will move around as a zombie for a while, then evaporate under sunlight.

They went on a rampage when they first appeared in Gensokyo, lost against powerful youkai, and a settlement was reached as they finally made a contract (*2).

The details of this contract are that the youkai will offer them humans from which to feed (*3); in return, the vampires will not attack humans living in Gensokyo.

>> No.3696104




>> No.3696120

Of course there's always the possibility that the blood comes from willing Donors that are monetarily compensated.

>> No.3696121

Why would you want to stop the presses? This is urgent news, START the presses, holy shit!

>> No.3696122

I think if a fellow human begs me for help from getting killed by a vampire, I would turn against said vampire and offer help. I honestly would. You are evil beyond repair, Sakuya.

>> No.3696127

Be wary. Might want to make note of point (*3) so as not to make any misunderstandings.

>> No.3696128

You have to stop the presses and put a new copy of the newspaper you were printing in with the new story included.

>> No.3696134

/jp/ - Idiomatic expression? Fuck that.

>> No.3696130

To sum it up, there's a chance that you could be kidnapped by YOOKAI and given to Remilia at any time.

>> No.3696152

3) here >>3696025

>> No.3696184

And you too would get killed by said vampire.

I for one don't understand this idea that one must help and protect one's own species even if it isn't in one's best self interest.

>> No.3696354

its respect and its the food chain.
its not the person who's cold its the logic of the universe.

>> No.3696370

I like how you all think Sakuya is human.

>> No.3696394

I don't. She's a Lunarian.

>> No.3696402

Lunarians are vampires. Sakuya is a vampire.

So is Pajama Bibliophile.

>> No.3696444
File: 239 KB, 530x873, Sakuya THIS CLOCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sakuya doesn't care about useless humans. She only cares for her mistress.

>> No.3698258


>> No.3698292

When does it say she is?
