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File: 82 KB, 640x480, Sengoku_Rance_-_Takeda_House_intro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3671744 No.3671744 [Reply] [Original]

Has /jp/ got any tips for me in how to block the blitz? I'll post my troop list in the next comment.

Ikkyu for the most part is a menace. The one time I seemed to fluke my way through the battles he reversed the BR against me when I unexpectedly kicked ass on the last general. I raged so much.

>> No.3671747
File: 140 KB, 800x600, troop list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's who I have and I know it's lacklustre. Can I win with this and assuming not, who should I go get? Kenshin probably but anyone else?

>> No.3673079

No tips at all?

>> No.3673082

Build more battlecruisers.

>> No.3673093

You lack footmen.
Generic footmen instead of warriors could help a bit.
You need at least two great teams/combos for the last two fights(Uruza/Kenshin for Yamagata usually).

>> No.3673134

You have 3 foot soldiers and 23 units. You can't even field a complete squad for all four battles. Don't even try.

>> No.3673145

You need to build more infantry and hold Stryj at all costs

>> No.3673163

Ieyasu, Honda and Li Naomasa work fairly well for the second general in my experience. It's the third and fourth who really screw me over since one unlucky attack, or the general not using an all AP move and just raping me with normal attacks and their bastard 1.5k troops causes me to have to redo all the previous battles.

>> No.3673189


one more footman and an all guard diviner and you should be fine.

>> No.3673536

For lack of another Rance thread I'll ask here. Does anyone know if there are any tools for finding which House has hired a specific commander?

>> No.3673542

Your eyes.

>> No.3674207

I hate you Masamune. Your wives are complete hardasses and kick my ass if there is more than one of them.

Having said that, holy shit you have the best harem ever.

>> No.3674293
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I hit Takeda pretty early in the game I did them in, broke them up and then got declared on by Houji, so at the time I had to deal with Tenshi and Houji occasionally attacking me.

After that I bled them both out, but left them with a single province each on their last couple of forts and proceeded to bleed them out with defence until they started running out of commanders.

Then I watched carefully during end turns to see who they recruited. They took their time about it to the point I had Houji recruiting the WORST footsoldiers I have ever seen named 'gathered footsoldiers' barely a couple hundred men in each of their units fighting along side special characters I couldn't catch from their faction (got Ran early on).

Ended up Tenshi recruited Baba, who I ended up catching on a defence after a fair amount of time, then they eventually recruited the other awesome cavalry guy. He took a lot of attempts to get and after a while I resorted to save scumming on a turn end I knew he would attack my fort on because frankly it's hard to catch the good commander when you kill a ton of shit commanders. Especially when he has 3000 men and a defence bonus (possible but annoying).

After that I bled them out for a little longer and noticed Takuga hired the ninja, they weren't at war with me because I killed Mouri before they were forced into a war.

This is how it fucking ended. Not amused.

>> No.3674318
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Seconded. Noir is my favourite.

;_; barely any art of her.

>> No.3674378

Tsundere spider girl? Why is this so awesome? I don't understand, but I love it.

>> No.3674397

>reversed the BR against me

>> No.3674402


>> No.3674441
File: 460 KB, 700x648, RanOmachi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omachi is fine too!

>> No.3674520
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Omachi best fox youkai.

>> No.3674536

Hold shift for focused movement.

>> No.3674552

Recruit some diviners, foot soldiers, tacticians or calvary. The first two are good at defense, the last two are good at BR manipulation.

>> No.3674612

How do you get this duel option for conquering Iga? Does it take a certain number of turns or do I need to trigger something and/or meet criteria?

>> No.3674628

nevermind. I forgot about the 3 NP.

>> No.3674631

2nd game.

>> No.3674635

>Alternately, in Second Games, a 35 Cost green exploration command will appear which lets the Rance duel with Inukai + 3 dogs. Rance needs to be at least level 49 and have at least 4 moves in order to win. You need at least one space in your captain roster and at least 3 spare nation power for the green command to show up, because the duel makes Inukai join you.

>> No.3674659
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If Rance happened upon Gensokyo during his romp in Ranceverse Japan, how many characters would he be able to clear?

>> No.3674688

Out of all the Takeda Commanders, who is generally noted as the strongest?

>> No.3674770

28 (29 if you count Suzume), just like in any other route. Even on the Gensokyo route, the commander roster only has 30 slots.

>> No.3674785

Probably Yamagata or Tourin depending on the situation and usage. Baba is good all round, and one of the best dungeon characters as well.

>> No.3674798

Well, they're all awesome. Baba is a force of nature in dungeons. But Yamagata is stronger in troop battles (and actually pretty much sucks in solo battles). Tourin is the second best tactician after Uruza. And Kousaka is a contender for best ninja, only really rivaled by Gekkou.

If I was only allowed to have one, I'd probably pick Yamagata. Onrush is horrifically powerful, and his starting stats are fantastic. Give him the Popularity Staff and he will crush nations.

>> No.3674817

Characters are still cleared even if you dismiss them, you just don't get any points for them.

>> No.3674836

>pretty much sucks in solo battles
He doesn't suck that much. Mid levels + buffs and decent amount of moves make him a rather useful, albeit average dungeon character.

>> No.3674860

say, how do you recruit oily-tan?

>> No.3674875

recruit the mino three, use a satisfaction command , it should appear as "recruit dousan-chan"

>> No.3674884

But firing someone is the same as killing them. Wait a minute... Firing is like killing. Rape is like killing.

Firing = Killing
Rape = Killing
Firing = Rape

So every time you fire someone, you rape them. Think about that the next time you fire the tanukis or Masamune.

>> No.3674889

Whats the joke with "cunthime" in the Isoroku route? Also geez, all the IF routes could have used a lot more work on the story at least.

Also I had to sacrifice Yukihime to Gigai in my last game in order to not lose any useful commander, feels good man.

>> No.3674892
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>Think about that the next time you fire the tanukis
I'm gonna go on the firing spree, right now.

>> No.3674909

How could you let a beautiful, horny woman be killed when there were no doubt several useless men that could have been sacrificed instead?

>> No.3674911

Bros before hoes. Especially shitty hoes.

>> No.3674916

Guys, are there any more VNs like this with gameplay getting translated?

>> No.3674919

The other options were 2 of the Takeda generals and several other great units.
I also found the thought of a meek level 5 miko charging at Gigai pretty amusing. I was planning on raping her for quick satisfaction anyways.

>> No.3674922

It's not a VN baka.

>> No.3674932

Sorry. Are there more games like this getting translated?

>> No.3674942

The only decent translated eroge with gameplay that comes to mind is probably utawarerumono

>> No.3674954


>> No.3674968

I actually really liked the battles in that game. More so than the actual story for the most part though there were some good characters.

>> No.3674969

Tears to Tiara is fully translated.

>> No.3674981

Gameplay in Utawarerumono was meh. I much preferred that Castle fantasia game that was translated 5 or 6 years back.

>> No.3674985

When you clear a dungeon for the second time, does everyone get a level again or just the people who fought? Does getting swapped out spread it around as well or is it just the final six?

never played it. and yes the gameplay wasn't fantastic but it was oddly compelling at a time when I wasn't otherwise swamped in things to play.

>> No.3674995

Anyone have any tips on beating Masamune?
I'm playing Kill the Monkey route, and I blazed through everything. I can't beat Masamune in the one on one battle. Shitsux.

>> No.3675001

Everybody levels.

I think Castle fantasia just had a better selection of waifus, otherwise gameplay was very much similar.

>> No.3675018

level up a lot. also, use RANCE ATTAAAAAACK exclusively since Sill healing you also gives you an action point back.

>> No.3675022

He keeps on using the eyedrops.

>> No.3675032

capture his three girls and get the Omachi turning to stone event by defeating her unit in combat then when you recruit them all there will be an option to ask the girls about Masa and they'll tell you his weakness because youre just a shitty human who couldnt possibly beat Masa without knowing his weakness and they want him to themselves.

>> No.3675042

Fuck. That sounds like it'll take a load of turns.

>> No.3675050

I just got strong enough to kick his ass. He uses the eye drop when he hits about half HP. Get strong enough to end him with a strong attack before he does that.

>> No.3675058

Fuck. I just looked it up, and I need to get Kazemaru to recruit Nogiku. Not cool.

>> No.3675082

Which option is the Akihime item hiding behind in the Item Shop or do I need something special to get it?

>> No.3675085

You must talk to ashikaga choushin to get the item to clear akihime.

>> No.3675093

Disregard that. I suck cocks.

(didn't talk to the fat clown)

>> No.3675323

does anyone has complete detailed info for all of the character?

I've read alicesoft.wikia but some aren't so detailed yet

>> No.3675350

>>3674985 When you clear a dungeon for the second time, does everyone get a level again or just the people who fought? Does getting swapped out spread it around as well or is it just the final six?

You can not get levels from cleared dungeons.

>> No.3675484

So I have a level 99 Rance, a level 75 Senhime, a level 70 Dokuganryu and Kenshin, a level 69 Baba Shouen, a level 65 Senhime, and a level 58 Natori.

Can I take out Orochi with these? Everyone else is pretty low leveled I'll post a screen shot of my army and Jail if you want. I'm mainly going to fight Orochi because I just got really bored wait for Yoshikage to join Shimazu (ITT he is the only general left and I've killed all but 2 of the Shimazu Family Generals and those '2' are unkillable/capturable) and suddenly found myself getting Uruza to level 75 for no reason and I ended up getting Rance to 99 and then proceed to go on from there.

>> No.3675488

>a level 75 Senhime
>a level 75 Uruza
I meant Uruza, sorry, I don't feel like deleting my post.

>> No.3675491

If you couldn't, you suck. Where's Urza BTW?

>> No.3675566

I wish the US founding fathers were as moe as the Sengoku generals...

>> No.3675568

Oh yeah, I always wanted to ask does everyone on that list get their own scene in fighting Gigai? 'Cause when I did I picked Soun or Kentarou right away and ignored the other choices but if I remember correctly I saw Okita. What does Okita do? Run up to him and whine? I thought that was rather humorous especially after I got into the Kenshin route where she was whining before fighting Kenshin.

>> No.3675575

Alicesoft is doing a WWII version as a member of the Dai- series if I remember correctly. Now you wanna rape a bunch of Allied and Axis soldiers?

>> No.3675588

Satisfaction bonus, send out for reinforcements! If I recall correctly, Leazus is Kentarou Kaname (weak ninja), Maria (strong Cannoneer - think musketeer but at a range and 3 attacks), and then Leila (foot soldier). Zeth is Rizna (mage - weak unit), Uruza (strong tactician), and then Magic, who also happens to be relatively weak but gives you a good item. I'm not sure but I think most of them have decent abilities that they can gain if you get affection bonuses.

>> No.3675599

Orochi can barely damage characters above level 90. Rance will be able to do at least 2-3k alone. Assuming the rest of your group can at least take out the orochi girls, you'll be fine.

>> No.3675606

I'm ok with this.

>> No.3675642

You worked way too hard on your team if all you wanted was Orochi. Rand was about 59 for me as my highest level characters. You only need 5-6 chars around 50+ with hopefully the rest of your team in the 40s (makes it so they do halfway decent damage and can survive at least one shot with orochi) and its pretty simple to have if you don't just field generics.

The main thing with Orochi is you just have to watch out when he does his earthquake ability that kills your whole team with his 1st or 2nd attack (was always 2nd with me). So have your lowest level recruits there. Also its not a bad idea to field 2 diviners to guard shikigami themselves so you only lose 4 chars instead of 6. Then as long as you have a full roster or near a full roster with close to the above levels I mentioned Orochi goes down pretty quick.

I beat him with no monks aka no convert actions but the fight would've been a joke if I just ranced attk---> convert action ---> heal and shikigami monks or Rance and he goes down quick. Just make sure to have 2 mikos and 2 diviners on your team as it makes things hell of alot easier. Just keep on attking every turn unless you are guarding or healing with your mikos or diviners.

>> No.3675643


how is it possible to level up anyone besides Rance to 90?

>> No.3675650

I try to beat Orichi

I have Rance and the rest of my characters above 50, two have 70 and above

Orichi has 99999 health, how is this even possible :|

>> No.3675657


forgot to mention Rance was at 99

>> No.3675659

Masa and Kentarou

>> No.3675664

That means Sill is level 99.
Which means Rance alone should give him 4 normal attack and about 4 Rance attacks. That alone is like 2000HP IIRC.

>> No.3675864

How does one even raise Rance to 99? Dump all the Pokkuris on him, do all the dungeons, and grind affection bonuses for +2 levels each?

>> No.3675954
File: 713 KB, 802x602, Rance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use more manly punches.

>> No.3675969

Orochi has 9,999 HP, not 99,999. Kenshin, Rance, and Uruza will all do around 300 a shot, if not more if you give them decent items. You'll be fine.

>> No.3676022


Requesting THAT image

>> No.3676147

Can anyone give me hints on how to kill Xavier in true path one star difficulty?
First playthrough I just turned back time till I got lucky enough to kill him but this time I'd like to avoid the -4 score penalty fought him 10 times now.
Rance and Ogawa are at level 48 right now and I'm starting to think without a perfect battle where he doesn't use that bullshit magic I'm fucked.

>> No.3676167

Do some dungeons and Keitarou-kun adventures.
Be sure to use characters that can give your damage dealers more moves (Himiko and Settoku Hoshi come to mind, six move monks). Use miko to keep Rance or Kentarou alive, and a footsoldier to absorb attacks.

>> No.3676168

Another guy here asking for some tips and/or hints:
Ok, the demon army only has 3 territories remaining (south africe, morocco and amazon). The rest of houses (except the one eyed house) are all defeated (some of those by the demon army, meh).

So...should I just finish this or get ready and attack the youkai kingdom? (already killed that pesky "shogun" with a girl inside him).

>> No.3676173

I meant Kentarou. You know what I meant.

>> No.3676182

Thanks, if I can't get it within a few more tries I'll just have grind dungeons I missed.
Also is it just me or does it seem like he uses his magic more when you use a secondary ability like guard or super hits?

>> No.3676185

I'm going to assume that (a) it's your first playthrough and (b) you probably have no points at all by now.
Go ahead and finish it.

>> No.3676202

Love Hina fan?

>> No.3676223
File: 111 KB, 800x600, ALCG0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FFFFFFF- so close. Just now realized I probably should dump some of the weak solo chars like calvary for this just now.

>> No.3676247



>> No.3676257

put diviners and spam kentarou with guard shikigami
kill the extras first

>> No.3676866

how good her item is remains debatable

>> No.3676896

You should really kill that monkey, it takes away one action flag for the unit it hits.

>> No.3676912
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>> No.3678428

No monkeys were harmed during the making of this game.

>> No.3678995

I said before I got them to those levels out of boredom. Never to beat Orochi and all of my other guys are pretty much only level 30's and shit which is why I only upped the guys with high level caps. Oh yeah, Orochi's Earthquake ability, when I fought him, Rance survived it. I laughed because people said it was autokill when it wasn't. Though, Rance only had a 101 hp left....

>> No.3679001

It's not autokill, just the strongest attack in Dungeons and it hits all the party and anyone below lv60 should not survive it.

>> No.3679025

I got Rance to 99 because of Affection Bonus with Sill. I am >>3675484 I was playing Kill the Monkey Route and I realized I screwed up and had to wait a few hundred Turns before Yoshikage finally joins Shimazu so I decided to just get Yamagata to 4000 Troops (Note I'm in One Star this is fucking overkill) and then I got Uruza (who has Rance's Love I let the Turns get her Affection up while I talked to Sill) to level 75 while I was talking/fucking Sill in using every Fan and I slaughter Shimazu Commanders in defensive battles.

That said I am still waiting for Yoshikage and I heard one guy had to wait until Turn three hundred something before he finally joined and I'm at like 230 now.

>> No.3679057

is Assassinate or Sonic Shuriken better for Orime? I think Sonic Shuriken would be better since assassinate takes her out of play entirely and she is really powerful so might be more useful attacking.

>> No.3679060

She would need Assassinate 2 to be useful.
So, no/

>> No.3679061

I neglected to recruit Tamagushi Fuuka and now her recruitment event is gone. Am I screwed or was she recruited by someone? I was hoping to character clear Natori in my current run.

>> No.3679076

you don't have enough NP or a free commander slot.

>> No.3679082


Unless you don't have at least 1 NP and a commander slot available, the only things that come to mind as to not recruiting her would be beating the Miko Institute and Demon Army showing up.

>> No.3679090

Miko institute it is. Guess I'm reloading a few turns back.


>> No.3679120

Everyone has all this awesome insight on Rance. I go to the wiki, and it's an impossibly poorly organized clusterfuck of useless information.

I still haven't beaten my first goround, I have the demon army at 4 territories left, but my generals are pretty poor, except for the main seven or eight I commonly use. I can't even figure out how to level anyone but the kid with the other demonsword, he's 99, but Rance is still like 51.


>> No.3679136

the main ways of leveling:
a) do all dungeons, theres
b) release all useless prisoners in packs of 5 (each 5 gives an item that lets you levelup someone by 1)
c) beat the ogres in death county 2 times, 2 levels from that
d) If you have seigan, clearing him will give rance 5 levels
e) dump all your affection items on rance and give him levelup bonuses.

>> No.3679288

f) spam My Slave events endlessly for the affection upgrade though this is insanely slow if you don't have 4 fans.

>> No.3679310

g) use characters that don't need to be leveled like Uesugi Kenshin and Dokuganryu. If you have kenshin, dokuganryu, and Kentarou, you can put three diviners in the back and just give those three guard shikigami throughout the final fight.

>> No.3679328

Unless Kentarou is leveled up well (since he stars low), it's still risky.

>> No.3679384

Pros and cons of making countries vassals:

Enemy countries won't attack your vassals, and can't attack you through them. You can attack enemy countries through vassal countries. You're saved one or more fights, and the subesequent power-up of enemies from the fights. Plus, you randomly get commanders from your friendly countries. So far I know for sure: Hara = archer, Ashikaga = miko, and Iga = Ninja. I assume you would get a musketeer from Tanegashima. These units are in addition to your maximum of 30 captains, and they scale with your enemies, so they're not bad to have around.

Cons: You lose out on satisfaction points from the princesses, you don't get house-specific commanders that you have to beat the house to get (but you can capture others in battle before-hand). You can't levy them for money and items. When the Demon Army comes around, they will randomly take over anything that isn't your territory automatically, even if they're your allies. You can't upgrade the national power of allies.

From what I'm seeing, it's looking more and more like it's a good idea to vassal a few countries, especially in higher-star difficulties where enemies scale ridiculously.

>> No.3679394

No. No it is not.

>> No.3679398

Uesugi gives you female Bushi units if you vassal them.
There are very few units that are viable choices to 'vassalize'.
One is Akashi(especially if you already have Nogiku from a house bonus).

>> No.3679409

Well, he said a level 99 kentarou, so...

>> No.3679464

Well, if I don't care about the commanders or satisfaction, why not?

>> No.3679465
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Masamune hits the nail right on the head.
In most adult games it would probably be a joke. In Sengoku Rance, it is a warning not to be taken lightly.

>> No.3679468

Cause you just makes things harder for yourself (point runs included)

>> No.3679502

How does it make things harder if I turn Hara into a vassal, or don't get ashikaga choushin?

>> No.3679507

GOOD LORD! How are you supposed to beat Gunagan? I got him down to 3040 with a full roster of 30

>> No.3679513

Less Sat that you need at the start, missing a good item.

>> No.3679522

Do a floor on the dungeon 10 times or so.
Thus, fight ONLY Gunnagan.

>> No.3679523
File: 29 KB, 360x428, 063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got it!

>> No.3679538

I guess I'm odd for not using satisfaction bonuses all that much, but I'm not getting the item from choushin this time around anyway <_< Uesugi route.

>> No.3679539

Sat, items, units, later headaches, and on high difficulties, it's nice to have the enemy try to invade your territories instead of taking back their own because you don't need to bother defending.

>> No.3679551


Do your actions get restored before fighting him? I can't remember but I know I beat him only visiting once.

>> No.3679577

they definitely don't and 17 level is a lot of enemies even with dungeon scout.

>> No.3679580

You need more feet, feet are awesome.

>> No.3679601

I'm >>3675484 and I was able to go through the whole 20 floors and then get him down to 903 hp and during the boss fight I did not have Rance, Baba, Kenshin, Uruza, or Dokuganryu if you can't beat him while starting at bottom floor you must be pretty shitty or you wasted your actions messing around.

I also didn't use a Convert Action.

>> No.3679616


Just field your weakest commanders first. I know I went into the last fight with the Shimazu brothers with at least half of their actions left and my main 6 with full actions. May have had a monk or two with convert action but it's been a while since I've done it.

>> No.3679770 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.BEECtalk.com ( replace BEEC w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3679841 [DELETED] 

plz stop spamming ur shitty board on www.BDEBtalk.com ( replace BDEB w/ anon ) were tired of ur constant fucken spam and ddos attack's also stop lying about AT ok now gtfo dumbo's

>> No.3681305

is it possible to collect the 6 great treasures in a non-demon army route?

>> No.3681379
File: 101 KB, 800x600, ALCG0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is umetarou?

>> No.3681488

Why wouldn't you be able to?

>> No.3681524

Question on dungeons. From what I see here, you can do one level each time, leave, and you'll come back to the next level.
Is it possible to just do levelS, and then come back to the next one? Example, I beat up to level 5. I leave, I'll be on level 6.

>> No.3681531

No. It just increments one floor each time. And test this shit yourself. It takes all of 30 seconds.

>> No.3681548

I guess it's a girl who's really rough/manly?

>> No.3681570

Jesus Omachi tits are as big as he is.
Just WHY is there no Omachi H scene? It's a sin. And on top of that, Rance should get his fivesome with all the youkai girls.

>> No.3681580
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>> No.3681735

misread some stuff, nvm

>> No.3681762

Alex? lol

>> No.3682541

wtf, how do you recruit Mouri

>> No.3682553

Beat Takuga. Recruit Ryoga and his/her pals, advance Ryoga's conversation/affection crap until he tells you how to uncurse Motonari. Do that dungeon, then conquer Mouri.

>> No.3682566

I hadn't done any conversations with Ryouma, but when I found the dungeon in Izumo an option appeared to talk to Ryouma about uncursing Mouri.

>> No.3682642

btw how do you increase the level caps?
mentions a 75 senhime but mine is capped at 65

>> No.3682668

Stop being an imbecile.

>> No.3682690

Just talk to Ryouma.
