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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3659924 No.3659924 [Reply] [Original]

Do you exercise, /jp/?

I started exercising about a month ago and I already feel so much healthier.

Last month I couldn't even do 10 push ups, but now I can do 30. It's awesome.

>> No.3659931

Yeah, I have a weight bench I hit a couple times a week when I'm frustrated.

>> No.3659934

Sorry, but who is that pokemon?

>> No.3659937

I'll only exercise when someone makes me instructional pictures of touhous exercising and encouraging me to.

>> No.3659942

Shaymin, the second most worthless Pokemon ever just after Flareon.

Sky version is good though.

>> No.3659948

go to /cm/ and talk about newfriends.

>> No.3659955
File: 455 KB, 868x1236, head-pat.1255201250767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an unloader at walmart. I don't need more exercise than that. Reported for /fit/.

>> No.3659959

Someone is finally translating Umineko manga? How far is it?

>> No.3659997

I exercise 3-4 times a week at the campus gym. My MP3 player is filled with STG soundtracks, Castlevania music, JRPG battle themes, and eroge soundtracks.

And yes, exercising makes you feel good and healthy. This is important if you're a /jp/ level nerd who never talks to anyone.

>> No.3660004

>This is important if you're a /jp/ level nerd who never talks to anyone.

Are you being sarcastic?

>> No.3660006


>> No.3660009

I usually start, but then after a couple weeks, get lazy and stop. Then I'll start doing it again. I'd like to start going to the gym but... I don't feel like it. Exercise is good though. It's even supposed to help against depressing.

>> No.3660014


>> No.3660018

I like to go to the Gym and piss in the corners and wipe fecal matter all over the equipment.

>> No.3660025

I sometimes go to the gym, but none of the equipment works and it smells like somebody went in there.

>> No.3660026

There was a /jp/ guy who said he collapsed a lung when he started working out. Kinda freaked me out, not that I had any intentions on working out anyways.

>> No.3660375

You son of a bitch, why you do this?

>> No.3660378

because of fags like started this thread in /jp/

>> No.3660386

Tae Kwon do

>> No.3660390

I'd like Arcueid Brunestud to guide me to a healthier lifestyle.

>> No.3660395

I know, he seems to know what he's talking about.

>> No.3660410


Yeah, He'll teach you how to smoke crack and stole white kid's bicycle.

>> No.3660414

I'd still prefer instructional touhou pictures but this would be a decent substitute.

>> No.3660429


>> No.3660448

Posting in /fit/. Just because of the thread I am putting extra piss and feces in the gym.

>> No.3660570

Fuck you and your shit.

>> No.3660582

Extra feces on the weight lifting equipment now.

>> No.3660617

I used to, but don't bother anymore.
These days I just eat very little and walk around for about an our each day, works wonders.

>> No.3660631

More power to you, OP. Keep it up.

Two years ago I had a relapse of an infatuation (as in a 3d female, you see, in before pig disgusting and get out) and I started just doing ten sit ups and ten push ups before I got into the shower each night. This was in hopes that if a miracle occurred (aka I grew some balls and pursued the woman) I would be at least acceptably toned. Went from there. Ever since I've been in above-average shape for the social groups I run in.

Sage for obviously /fit/ material, but hell if I have ever clicked /fit/.

>> No.3660660

>Last month I couldn't even do 10 push ups, but now I can do 30. It's awesome.
Push ups are easy unless you're a fat anon. Go running or something, much better for you.

>> No.3660665

You go to a really shitty gym.

>> No.3660667

>3d female
>social groups
Get the fuck out, normalfag scum.

>> No.3660681

At first I was nervous about going to a gym because I was worried people would try to strike up conversations or something. But thankfully it doesn't seem to be so bad and I try to match my times with the times when the least amount of people are likely to be there.

>> No.3660695

extra shit on all the exercise/gym gear

>> No.3660737

Same faggot.

>> No.3660741

Samefaqggot that needs to go back top gaia online and blog about how they are exercising now.

>> No.3660742

I don't work out, I just walk to and from the train station, but I can eat whatever I want without gaining weight so its ok.

>> No.3660752

It's state funded.

>> No.3660810

I don't excercise at all.

>> No.3660911

Stop thinking that /jp/ is just TOUHOU/VISUAL NOVELS

We're a community, and some of us are interested in knowing what other anons here are like.

>> No.3660916

Hang on, let me bump the Bad Apple!! thread for you to use.

>> No.3660917

What's bad apple?

>> No.3660924


>> No.3660934
File: 324 KB, 700x700, 4993153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Bad Apple!!

>> No.3660935

A song? We had like 5 long threads about one song?

>> No.3660955

Way more than 5 threads. Gonna be another soon as the current thread dies.

I'd make the new thread now but I don't want to be impolite.

>> No.3660956

I jog/walk around the park almost every morning instead of going to gyms, i hate going there.

>> No.3660957

Hey OP.

Bring your survey shit back to /bun/.
They love thread like this over there.

>> No.3660958

Underage ban.

>> No.3660959


You seem to have missed most of them.

>> No.3660963


It is being reposted almost every few hours since the video got posted in nico.
The youtube guy is probably spamming it to get more channel view.
Fucking disgusting.

>> No.3660965

I do a hundred or two pushups a day.
However, these last two days I couldn't because I busted my arms while lifting weights.
Gonna get back to it this evening tho.

>> No.3660966

gonna shit all over a gym tomorrow, get ready fags.

>> No.3660985

not your blog normalfags.

>> No.3661031

Is this a bot?

>> No.3661034

underage ban

>> No.3661207



>> No.3661216

Underage ban.
