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3603669 No.3603669 [Reply] [Original]

Taking a random sample of 9 different varieties of Ciel's curry, comprising of 38 different ingredients, I tallied the amount of people she could feed per week, the types of flavors, how runny or watery the curry is, and the color the curry would be.

In my first post here, you can see the summary statistics for the sample. Note the average amount per serving is 1 bowl per person, in the case of Ciel's curry though the average serving amount is from 3-5 bowls per person. Further, a full 12% of the sample OPs were too runny/watery.

Note: Curry Ratio = Curry/people eating it. Keep in mind, I am a professional trained at http://www.curry.edu/..

>> No.3603672
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Some more interesting statistics:

8.5% of Ciel's curry is gone to waste. This is because she never saves the leftovers, and simply makes it fresh every meal.

Over half (51.9%) of her curry comes out chunky! Congratulations on your solid chunks of ingredients.

23.6% of the curry is made of mostly potatos, carrots, and beef, over 20%! That's too much of a typical recipe. Let's do our best to get her to use new ingredients! Fight-o!

The first question I examined was whether curry preparation was constant over the day. As the associate graph shows, it's clearly not. There is a distinct tendency for more curry to be made in certain hours, particularly the afternoon/evening period, according to Pacific Standard Time.

Of course, this naturally leads to the question: "Is there a nightshift?".

I will define "nightshift" as the period between 1am and 6am PST. This comprised 13.7% of curry in the sample. I judged the quality of curry by the curry ratio. As you can see, nightshift curry actually was liked more - the average nightshift curry had a curry ratio of 95.8%, compared to 85.4% for non-nightshift curry.

>> No.3603674
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Using a standard statistical test for the difference in means (see Hogg, McKean, Craig, p.274), I computed a probability of 55.6% that any given nightshift curry witnessed proportionally more flavor than any given non-nightshift curry.

For you keeners saying "Hey! How can 95.8% and 85.4% be bigger than the 99.7% overall curry ratio?", I'll explain. I'm now averaging the curry ratio per meal, not the overall curry versus overall meals. Consider:

Meal 1: Curry. Curry ratio: 100%
Meal 2: Ramen. Curry ratio: 1%.
Non-Curry meals comprise 1.98% of the posts, but the average curry ratio is 85.5%.

I deliberately made the decision not to weigh the curry by the type of ingredients used, since each different type is delicious, regardless of what is in it. Admittedly, this point can be argued.

>> No.3603679
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What about the texture? Here's where the story gets interesting. There was almost twice as much solid curry these nightshift hours! 19.1% of nightshift curry featured solid ingredients, while only 11.0% of non-nightshift curry was watery!

Indeed, using a slightly modified version of the same statistical test, I calculated a 91.3% chance that those around during the nightshift curry times eat more solid/chunky curry than does the rest of those eating it! This is statistically significant, implying that we can pretty much accept it as fact that nightshift eats more curry than the rest of those wanting a meal from Ciel.

Finally, for those of you wondering, nightshift curry was typically a brownish color, non-nightshift curry was sometimes green or a little red, but I will refrain from drawing conclusions here because I do not have data on every meal she eats during the day while constantly preparing the ingredients within herself.

IN SUMMARY:(tl;dr): There is no such thing as a high-quality nightshift, at least judging by the chosen metrics of curry ratio and texture.

As a final note, I refrained from regression analysis, because the dataset requires atypical methods (maximum likelihood tobit estimation) that I can't explain on an imageboard. You wouldn't understand it, anyway.

>> No.3603694

I have never eaten curry in my life.

>> No.3603698

Your mother ate my curry last night.

>> No.3603700

You need to eat more curry.

Also, fuck yes best thread on /jp/.

>> No.3603705
File: 220 KB, 480x366, 1256015094582.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really missing out.

>> No.3603710

Japanese curry sucks anyway.
I want to try Indian sometime, though.

>> No.3603716

I fucking love all curry; there's an Indian restaurant nearby where I live though.

>> No.3603723

>I fucking love all curry


>> No.3603738

>Japanese curry sucks
Haters gonna hate.

>> No.3603742

What perfect timing, I am eating Curry Laksa at the moment.

>> No.3603745
File: 52 KB, 300x300, prod_19166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the closest I've ever gotten to eating curry.
I wonder if I'll ever be able to eat true curry some day.

>> No.3603752

Everyone needs to eat curry on a regular basis.
Well, I do, anyways, otherwise I have various bowel problems

>> No.3603755

Go to indian restaurant.
Order curry

>> No.3603763

Do you guys make your curry from scratch? Using roux just seems far too comfortable for me to want to try anymore.

>> No.3603795

Ciel's curry is all natural ingredients. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3603803

Indian curry bears no resemblance whatsoever to Japanese curry.

Most supermarkets in the US (even Wal-Mart) carry S&B Golden Curry mix. It's the same product that they sell in Japan. It's not my favorite curry mix, but it's readily available and easy.

>> No.3603811

God damn, CurryButt. Nice job.

>> No.3603823

>Indian curry bears no resemblance whatsoever to Japanese curry.

Well, that's not entirely true. There are many similarities, though it's certainly easier to look at the differences; Indian curry tends to be chunkier and more of a meal by itself, while Japanese curry is smoother (almost a hot, spicy, thick ketchup in texture) and absolutely needs rice if you want to get a satisfying meal.

>> No.3603842
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>> No.3603851

When is your curry kart coming back to northern california?

>> No.3603855
File: 14 KB, 188x212, approvehayate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some interesting analysis you've got there.

>> No.3603860

Curry, you bastard, why must you defile one of very few decent copypasta to pasted.

>> No.3603872


dunno bro, it will though don't fret!

>> No.3603892

I mixed some leftover aloo vindaloo with strained ramen noodles the other day. It's like I'm really Misato!

>> No.3603899
File: 44 KB, 704x396, minamike_0129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3603902

Just in case anyone has the misguided notion of Currybutt being original, here's the original thread:


>> No.3603936

Oh you, I wrote this the same day he did, back in 2008, in the original thread I posted this it even has anon saying 'too soon, should have at least waited a day', it was a parody of his shit.

>> No.3603946

Also forgot to mention, but jesus christ you're very butthurt. Cry more. The only thing I've written and not RE-written was CurryPasta.txt. Everything else I post that is original content is old pasta and random fanfics that I rewrite to my liking. I've always admitted that, and it IS actually a form of originality as it does take time and effort to think of how to rewrite things in a good, witty, and entertaining way that makes sense.

>> No.3603966

I wish curry roux was available for purchase here.

>> No.3603978

I want to say I'm sure they do, but where do you live?

>> No.3604024

The only one getting butthurt here is you, bro. Defensive, much? It's not like you any reputation to preserve in the first place.

>> No.3604113

>proving a point that you were wrong about

Hurrrmmmm, doesnt sound like being defensive to me, just annoyed by your ignorance and stupidity. There's a huge difference.

also no rep? Anon loves me, other than you, butthurt fag.

Also bump, just to spite you. ಠ3ಠ

>> No.3604123

You don't use a comma when typing "Defensive much ?"

>> No.3604147
File: 34 KB, 238x165, coolface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he thinks it's my name.

>> No.3604168

Well, much, I have to say I wouldn't like to have such a name.
Then again mine isn't much better.

>> No.3604279

Yeah, using weak attempts at sophistry sure is "proving me wrong," amirite?
The point was your copypasta was derivative, and though you may think otherwise, Anon never forgets - your cheap attempts at attention-whoring didn't work back then, and it's not going to work now.
