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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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35936313 No.35936313 [Reply] [Original]

Guys, we're finally back! After two years of abstaining we can finally fap in peace again!

>> No.35936314

Why should I care that you don't care?

>> No.35936315

Go back, holy shit.

>> No.35936316

Fucking finally! You think we'll get doujins from titles of the past 2 years or will they remain forever skipped?

>> No.35936317

absolute state of neo /a/

>> No.35936318


>> No.35936319

>Comiket is nearly 50 years old.
I wonder what people jerked off to back in 1975

>> No.35936320

Isn't the delta covid wave happening?

>> No.35936321

based. fucking incel virgins

>> No.35936322

Can't wait for them to cancel that shit yet again. Sucks, there are some artists I'd want some doujinshi from.

>> No.35936323

I've been here longer than you kids.
You could've at least tried something like "some artists who draw doujin porn go on to become mangakas and draw original series" but you chose to get triggered like bitches, you truly are cumbrains.

>> No.35936324

Comiket tends to have a lot of previews for new anime and games.

>> No.35936325

I know they fapped to Sayla's nipples back in 1979.

>> No.35936326

Have any C1 doujins ever been scanned?

>> No.35936327

>I've been here longer than you kids.
Since when? Last summer?

Probably Yaoi.

>> No.35936328

mahou shoujo and mecha

>> No.35936329

Stop acting like a redditor even if it's obvious you are. Comiket usually has tons of information about planned series, developer interviews, industry insight, music and other shit even for people that aren't interested in doujinshi. If you're into anime then there's bound to be something that'll catch your attention so stay tuned over the next few days and you may see something you like.

>> No.35936330

So are we getting tons of new doujins?
Also whats the better comiket, the one in winter or the one in the summer?

>> No.35936331

A significant part of doujins aren't even porn, or manga.

>> No.35936332

Winter is always better.

Summer is heatwave central.

>> No.35936333
File: 184 KB, 1280x1816, mtsp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys this time I am sure we get some action.. right?

>> No.35936334

The first Comiket was created by women, so mostly yaoi and BL

>> No.35936335

you're so mature omg how to be so cool like you? Xdd

>> No.35936336

If you don't want to suffocate go to the winter comi.
This shit is still ongoing? wtf

>> No.35936337

I can't wait also means artists will have a reason to hit a deadline again hopefully it fires everyone up.

>> No.35936338

They will cancel it.

>> No.35936339

Winter is definitely better, but they've recently refurbished Big Sight's halls so summer isn't as bad unless you're old or a fat arse.
This. My favourite artist hasn't drawn a single doujin in two years.

>> No.35936340
File: 11 KB, 379x207, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit finally maybe Kuou's arc can finally continue

>> No.35936341

Is this true or are you cconfusing Jintai for reality?

>> No.35936342

Go back and stay back.

>> No.35936343

They've had 2 year to make ludo, kini porn. They better not disappoint.

>> No.35936344
File: 233 KB, 1193x672, EXKMRt_U8AAjdxN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's talking out of his ass, but there really were a lot of female circles during the first Comiket.

>> No.35936345

>The first Comiket was created by women,
Back to your LGBTBBQ board faggot

>> No.35936346

"Comiket was inaugurated in 1975 by Meikyu [ja], a dōjin circle founded by Yoshihiro Yonezawa, Teruo Harada, and Jun Aniwa while studying at Meiji University."
Where is the female on that group?

>> No.35936347

You're talking to a mentally ill 41 percenter, ignore them.

>> No.35936348

>butthurt because woman were always very active in the doujin scene
>getting the US politics memes out like a retard
How times change, and yet they don't.

>> No.35936349
File: 49 KB, 1281x721, 2014-06-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting mad because someone is correctly calling you out.

Leave 4chan faggot. Anime and this site isn't your safe space.

>> No.35936350

Well, he said something patently false, so it is normal he gets a lot of (You)

>> No.35936351

Yes, but that doesn't change that the majority of artists at Comiket is female, which was the topic up the reply chain, even if he's wrong about who created Comiket.

>> No.35936352

No more Tamagoro doujinshi because he is drawing his gyaru manga makes me very sad.

>> No.35936353

>majority of artists at Comiket is female,
You're looking really pathetic and beta here my dude.

>> No.35936354

don't jinx it

>> No.35936355

It's happening right now, it will be the Lambda wave in December

>> No.35936356
File: 245 KB, 1452x1084, almost41percent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Source for the absolute retards.

>> No.35936357

He said >>35936334
"The first Comiket was created by women"
But it really was:
""Comiket was inaugurated in 1975 by Meikyu [ja], a dōjin circle founded by Yoshihiro Yonezawa, Teruo Harada, and Jun Aniwa while studying at Meiji University."
So yeah, that was a false statement, not matter how you try to twist it or backpedal it, so he got its due rebuttal.

>> No.35936358

Stop derailing the thread with your feminist shit. You're not getting laid.

>> No.35936359

What do you think this line was about:
>even if he's wrong about who created Comiket.
Fucking dumbass. Your anus got destroyed here >>35936356 already.

>> No.35936360

>facts directly from the comiket organizers are feminist shit
How I can tell you're a retard.

>> No.35936361

There was a false claim and you are still the one still going on circles trying to deny it, so you want to get until bump limit doing the same?

>> No.35936362

Your obsession with women is borderline pathetic anon.

>> No.35936363

Nobody is denying that the false claim was wrong. You're somehow trying to deny this. I wonder why?
How about the retard who's denying that women play a big role at Comiket?

>still butthurt that women make up the majority of comiket artists
I think this applies to you. I'm not even drawing any conclusions out of the facts I represented.

But what am I doing, I'm trying to argue with literal retards. Eat shit.

>> No.35936364

stop shitting up the thread and talk about doujins instead you fucking retards

>> No.35936365

Get the fuck out and kill yourselves, retards.

>durr I've been here longer than you yet post like absolute modern /v/tard cancer about the doujin industry and all fans
We're not falling for that shit. Die.

>> No.35936366
File: 193 KB, 1455x1089, 1624876378685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This slide illuminates another aspect /a/ frequently gets wrong: that Comiket is about commerce.

>> No.35936367

i guess this indicates women don't get more sales just because they are women

>> No.35936368

Go back to /v/ newfag, at least try to hide the fact that you're so new that you don't know what a comiket brings.

>> No.35936369

Only retards believe that most circles are in it for the money. The majority of them are just using it as a chance to meet up together with other circles or meet up with fans.
After Comiket parties are probably the funnest part of the whole event.

>> No.35936370

>Only retards believe that
Surely you have noticed one of the main aspects of 4chan users.

>> No.35936371

I think the anon talking about your homosexuality or gender dysphoria hit the nail on the head. Leave.

>> No.35936372
File: 59 KB, 549x615, 4353455399092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Type hatena and DEEP VALLEY are attending it this time, haven't seen a new doujin by either of them in ages

>> No.35936373

Well, I can not deny something I am not denying.

>> No.35936374

you guys want some space?

>> No.35936375

This please
I'm ready to sacrifice as many lambs as necessary. Give me my Jin milkies

>> No.35936376

i hope jas brings out a new chapter this time

>> No.35936377

Why should I be happy for an event that shows hardcore porn in broad daylight? Comiket is one of the things the industry and probably even Japan can do without. They could at least move it to some shady part of the city where it belongs

>> No.35936378
File: 12 KB, 250x242, 203852e1-c362-4ba3-acce-69b630c6afad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>turning this thread into a female representation thread instead of just talking about the event

Kys you piece of shit

>> No.35936379

and you are adding to it retard

>> No.35936380

Get the fuck out, you retarded cancer.

>> No.35936381

>thinking this is about female representation

>> No.35936382
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, 1609825894337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's to look forward to for C99?
Most of my favorite artists stopped participating or stopped working altogether, I don't really know how much I care about Comiket nowadays.

>> No.35936383

Either new or bait. Whatever the case, the board could do without you.

>> No.35936384

Are you going to make a strawman of /a/ for every little thing you're unhappy about. Only western conventions are commercial because there is literraly no content creator outside of cosplayers and a handful of people.

>> No.35936385

Lmao, I actually noticed that nobody said anything about woman in comiket themselve. You're actually arguing with yourself after making a false statement and people call you mentally ill for it.

>> No.35936386

Finally, I've been waiting for Azukiko's P5 doujin for ages. He's had the PV up in his Pixiv for a long ass time.

>> No.35936387

>thinks everything outside of "japan" is western
>doesn't understand that "japan" has been larping as a western country since it was made
>thinks comiket isn't commercial
>thinks one convention in the US is the same as every other convention

Go back to Twitter and reddit, subhuman weebtard

>> No.35936388

For me its the Mibry
Yugioh 5DS doujin with Aki and Carly

>> No.35936389

It's nothing but porn
Cope retard

>> No.35936390

Yes, Japan has record case numbers. They blame the olympics. The low vaccination rate also contributes to the situation being bad.
I'm surprised Comiket got announced for winter.

>> No.35936391

Too early to celebrate. Try again in a few months from now.

>> No.35936392

Stop COVID-99

>> No.35936393

Imagine all the Uma h-doujins that won't get made.

>> No.35936394

Bullshit the Japanese are blaming their government more than the Olympics and they are totally right for that.

>> No.35936395

new comiket means that i can dream that shitty sankaku site having newer photos of cosplayers showing off their pubes from behind

>> No.35936396

The Japanese are blaming the government for holding the Olympics despite the COVID problem, so both statements are correct.

>> No.35936397

>he still believe in corona chan

>> No.35936398

I'm not holding my breath for Comiket, but at least COMIC119 should happen.


>> No.35936399

Congrats, you're the biggest degenerate in this thread

>> No.35936400
File: 1.03 MB, 1411x1131, 1623295772276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, so that's where it come all those Cxx from the dounjins
Oh my god anon, i never thought that i would get so excited for know something so stupid

>> No.35936401

not my fault, those two pictures were great

>> No.35936402

>So what's to look forward to for C99?
You just gave a reason: new artists. Even your favorite artists had to start somewhere and comiket is often where their first published work appeared.

>> No.35936403


>> No.35936404

this is your brain being a cumbrain nigger

>> No.35936405
File: 769 KB, 1052x1342, 1627916377132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No those were obviously the standards of the C language

>> No.35936406
File: 183 KB, 1078x1289, Kazuma_Kiryu_Yakuza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do?

>> No.35936407
File: 283 KB, 468x486, 1607765436470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new artists
Such as...?
Most of the new gen artists are either inexperienced or just bad. the last Comiket I bothered actually following in depth was C95, from there onwards the only names I'm still following are Dollplay, Momo and Sugo-Hi, and both have been intermittent, same with a couple of other artists like Bonten.
Thing is most of my favorite Comiket vets stopped working or stopped publishing at Comiket and now work exclusively on Fantia and places like that, there's really not a lot of value for me anymore.
I'm also not really interested in FGO or horses so I really find it hard to give a shit about Comiket anymore like I used to a decade ago, guess I'm just old.

>> No.35936408

>yet another superspreader event
Please no.

>> No.35936409
File: 70 KB, 222x381, 1622423912138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I expect cosplay for C99 or am I just being a dumbass for hoping such a thing?

Make them eat old carrots.

>> No.35936421
File: 44 KB, 460x460, 1622780816076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe people like you exist.

>> No.35936436

Fucking retarded mods

>> No.35936460

hi /jp/

>> No.35936570
File: 162 KB, 1199x1074, 1625097794216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck mods

>> No.35936647

I wonder if there will be a magu doujin

>> No.35936985

hello /jp/ frens
this happened last time as well

>> No.35937972

At this point I'm even afraid of saying what I really want to say, but I know everyone else is feeling the same thing.
Glad for Comiket finally coming back though.

>> No.35938266

The absolute state of this thread. Is /a/ really this bad nowadays?

>> No.35938547

Yes. And so is /jp/ and any other board.

>> No.35939184

>look at this catalog
>the same 10 incels on this board are still spamming photoshopped pics of 3dpd yellow roasties with plastic surgeries and transformative make-up
Looks like /a/ wins again

>> No.35939362
File: 27 KB, 600x450, 1589482352656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turn off your filters and take a look at the catalog, or lurk any general for a bit. This place isn't any better. The "certain something" was just the final nail in the coffin for /jp/.

>> No.35940485

Rude, they're Japanese idols, not koreans.

>> No.35941263

<span class="sjis">    ____
         / _/_ | |    ─  /        \((从⌒从*)) /
       |/    /   ―――   /   *    #((  :: ) ( ⌒ ζ * / ・
      /   / /  |       _ /      \∑从;  )( ━(( : ∂ ))  /
    (  ))  Revere /jp/, expel the niwaka \ (( § ) ⌒;:\.]:ll ;从 *(・)/
  ((  ⌒  ))__∧_∧____//       * ∑ ;  )>>35939184 >incel
 ((   (≡三(_( ´∀`)__( 三三三三三三三三((  从 ’o ^从¢) )―
  (( ⌒ ))    (  ニつノ   \`        : *∑(( 从  ((  )) *ヽ\ ヽ・
  (( )      ,‐(_  ̄l           : / / ・(( ; ~:  )) (  ζ\*

>> No.35947287
File: 32 KB, 387x296, doujinshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we possibly stop fate?

>> No.35947739

<span class="sjis">        Shitty thread Wasshoi!!
     \\ Shitty thread Wasshoi! //
 +   + \\Shitty thread Wasshoi!/+
        ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬    ∬ ∬  +
   +     人      人      人     +
         (__)    (__)    (__)
  +    (__)   (__)   (__)     +
.   +   ( __ )  ( __ )  ( __ )  +
      ( ´∀`∩ (´∀`∩) ( ´∀`)
 +  (( (つ   ノ (つ  丿 (つ  つ ))  +
       ヽ  ( ノ  ( ヽノ   ) ) )
       (_)し'  し(_)  (_)_)[/spoiler]

>> No.35950903

Let's get real.
It'll be delayed again. Vaccination simply isn't there yet for something like this.

>> No.35952065

I don't know what you really want to say anon

>> No.35952610

I need this pls

>> No.35953745
File: 81 KB, 600x602, fbeeaab2ab46f52c4e340c050119de6078c8d40b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chances japan will even be open by then for me to grab my porn and CDs

>> No.35953848

pretty slim, I don't expect the 14 day quarantine requirement for new entries to be dropped anytime soon. it's an absolute nightmare to get in right now even if you are one of the people with a special exemption to get a visa
