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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 14 KB, 160x160, Taito_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3566573 No.3566573 [Reply] [Original]

I can't remember what I was doing.

>> No.3566577

Building a kanji house

>> No.3566594

Something like that, but it made a sound, kind of like kokuji~

>> No.3566595

As far as I'm concerned the hardest kanji aren't the big fun compounds like 鬱 but the simpler buggers with weird constructions like 飛

>> No.3566616

I hate the trap ones. You know, the ones that look similar but are different.

>> No.3566621

For me, it's also not the larger compounds. I rather enjoy kanji such as 議 especially because you get to write 我. When I found out 我 was not the common kanji for the first person pronoun in Japanese I was very disappoint.
What I truly hate are the kanji that remind you that at least ONE of the scholars on each mission to China in classical times was drunk off his ass while taking notes. That is, kanji which are written with some small orthographic difference from the Chinese counterpart, or perhaps have their meaning swapped with another, clearly an accident but one that was never rectified.


>> No.3566649

Two birds flying away with a box

fuck yes mnemonics

>> No.3566670


>> No.3567340
File: 481 KB, 1055x1500, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont 不意打ち me

>> No.3567370


Oh shit, never knew something that bizarre existed in Kanji...

>> No.3567396
File: 9 KB, 594x91, 凸-jbw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you can't write this in one stroke.

>> No.3567399

>simple shapes
Yeah man, fucking crazy shit.

>> No.3567433

In his defense, it doesn't look like the stereotypical asian ideogram. Even if they make PERFECT sense for their meanings, they still have the "wtf" flag in my mind.

>> No.3567432 [DELETED] 

gtfo stop spammin ur shitty board on Дnoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's btw moot log's all ur ip's lulz ur not relly anonimus enjoy ur party v&'s

>> No.3567476

Ok, that stroke order was just screwed up.

>> No.3567485

In this thread, people complain about the language they wanted to learn.

>> No.3567515

And finally...

Is simplified superior or is simplified the only superior aspect of 中国?

>> No.3567594

I learned traditional initially, and so I came to appreciate some of the ideogram-based meanings behind the early characters I learned, but from a functional standpoint, simplified is awesome.

English has just as much stupid shit, if not more, and I complain about that too. Hangul is the most logical writing system I've yet encountered and will be until it evolves more nuances through centuries of use. In before Japan haet Corea.

>> No.3567600

Enjoy your homophones.

>> No.3567617

I'm not familiar with Korean at all so if you're referring to that, please enlighten me I'm a bit ignorant on it other than the grammar being similar to Japanese.
As for Japanese, yes, the ambiguity caused by having a syllabic language is fucking fail beyond all belief. Worse is the huge gap between the written and spoken forms of the language. In English if you speak like a newspaper or scholarly essay you might come off like a pretentious intellectual faggot but at least people will understand you.

>> No.3567642


Aesthetically unappealing communist runes.

>> No.3567668

>In English if you speak like a newspaper ... you might come off like a pretentious intellectual faggot
lol wut?

>> No.3567697 [DELETED] 

Just trying to throw an illustration out there. Perhaps it was a bad one in retrospect because most newspapers in America are written to a 7th or 8th grade level. Even the NYTimes or WSJ is barely written for a high school reading level...
So I submit to the error in my example and request you focus on the comparison with regards to scholarly journals.

>> No.3567703

I was hastily throwing an illustration out there. Perhaps it was a bad one in retrospect because most newspapers in America are written to a 7th or 8th grade level, aren't they? Even the NYTimes or WSJ is barely written for a high school reading level... either way, it's definitely not the case in Japan.
So I submit to the error in my example and request you focus on the comparison with regards to scholarly journals.
