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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[ERROR] No.35574667 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't hiromoot give us Japanese captcha?

First, we get a hiragana captcha. Quality of /jp/ improves drastically ...for a few weeks, when we notice that a lot of the shitposters enjoy shitting up /jp/ enough to learn hiragana. So we try a katakana captcha instead, and same thing happens, works at first, but doesn't take long before everyone can bypass it. So we decide that the kana are a little too easy to learn, and decide to move on to kanji, using grade 1 jouyou kanji, which most veterans should know by now, but should be enough to scare away anyone unwanted. Things look brighter, but with time, it's undeniable that /jp/ is starting to return to how it was. Let's move up to grade 2, that should be harder! Same thing happens. Grade 3, same thing. Grade 4, 5 and 6, same thing. High school jouyou! A golden age of a few months, and then the same. Well, fuck kanji, let's do some vocabulary. Same thing. Advanced vocabulary! Advanced grammar! 2ch slang! Osakaben! Yakuza slang! The way samurai addressed their daimyo in the Sengoku era!

And about 2 years after the hiragana captcha was introduced, most /jp/ers know more Japanese than Japanese people themselves.

>> No.35574703

I think the hiragana captcha will be enough to filter out the holoniggers

>> No.35575361

Why are they even still here? They have their own board now yet the lazy nigger mods here still don't delete vtuber threads.

>> No.35575366

That'd be very cool if it were to be implemented, sign me up. The bad thing is, look at the catalog/count the threads you've hidden and it becomes sadly obvious nobody cares about /jp/ enough to keep it a board, let alone a good one and with original captcha.
Still, very neat, I'd love to see it someday
I am very sorry for this meta outburst, please don't derail the thread like me and the anon above.

>> No.35575414

moot said board specific captchas were too high effort and hiroyuki doesn't even pretend to care

>> No.35575493

If you want /jp/ to be good, make a good thread instead of 1000 shitpost threads and QQing about the janitors deleting them.

>> No.35575530

There are more glaring issues on the board.
It doesn't help that if you try to better the board, you're called a shitposter, spammer, bot, or literally anything else.
The closest thing to a bot I've seen on this board is whatever the fuck those images with links in them were from the Ranspammer.

>> No.35575549
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Studying is too hard. I am a bona fide floor-pissing alcoholic NEET, and I don't want to be left out simply because I am too lazy to study anything past kana.

>> No.35575593

Why stop at the captcha? Any post not written in Japanese should be deleted.
Shobons would count as Japanese, by the way.

>> No.35575880

There's a bot/bots that spam every so often on here and Warosu.

>> No.35576396

>It doesn't help that if you try to better the board, you're called a shitposter, spammer, bot, or literally anything else.
That's because you post threads like >>35576286 instead of anything good or something someone would care about. If it's not crap like that, then it's some trite copy&paste from the archive, or more recently, an entire thread about some ancient copy&paste some newfag saw for the first time and through it was the funniest shit. e.g. >>35338408
If those all fail, then you lot just make threads crying about why is /jp/ so shitty and not like it was in 2012.

>> No.35576725

It's not just one person who makes those kinds of threads.
I can write more shitposts if I get more material, but I don't see how that would improve anything since anything new is either not talked about, hated, or just not interesting enough to garner more threads unless people really liked it.

>If those all fail, then you lot just make threads crying about why is /jp/ so shitty and not like it was in 2012
Don't mesh those two together. Some think /jp/ is shit [at any time] for their own unique reasons. The people who complain about /jp/ not being like post 2012 generally want wall to wall shitposts, or rely on old posters still lingering on the board which is unlikely to begin with.
Most successful posts here have some tie to old shit on the board.
/jp/ being shit and 2012 are two arguments.

>> No.35576785

Okay well what kind of threads do you want to see and why aren't you making them? You scared they'll get 0 replies and you'll be embarrassed?

>> No.35576906

>Okay well what kind of threads do you want to see and why aren't you making them?
What I want to see is more threads, more discussion and less arguing. I generally don't care if my thread gets zero replies, but it's jarring for someone to think of a thread and have something like >>35533861 come along and gain traction solely because it's ERP garbage that would have been deleted a year ago.
If you really are there, then post something. The only reason I don't do more is to refrain from being the entire board.
The only thing worse than a lurker is a lurker that doesn't post, and then turns around and whines about nobody posting.

>> No.35577827

you wouldn't dare

>> No.35580756
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>ERP garbage that would have been deleted a year ago.
ERP garbage hasn't been deleted since the onset of /jp/ and would even continue into ghost posts.

>but it's jarring for someone to think of a thread and have something like >>35533861 come along
Why do you care what goes on in other threads? Pic related.

>What I want to see is more threads, more discussion and less arguing.
Then make threads that aren't thinly veiled whining about people and topics you do not like. Even if they are explicitly threads whining about things you do not like e.g. "ITT your favorite Touhou and why you hate vtubers"

Also the thing most people don't get is that if you want a discussion, you have to lead it. You can't just plop down a thread and think "NOW ENTERTAIN ME", you have to give people something to talk about. If you don't want arguments, don't use flamebait to get cheap replies. Don't use lazy templates either.

>> No.35581136
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>> No.35581161

>Then make threads that aren't thinly veiled whining about people and topics you do not like. Even if they are explicitly threads whining about things you do not like e.g. "ITT your favorite Touhou and why you hate vtubers"
That would be the case for >>33814961 and some of the threads whining about the janitor.
I don't make those threads, but I've seen many of those posts. It's almost like they're ready to complain at the drop of a hat.

>Also the thing most people don't get is that if you want a discussion, you have to lead it.
I know that.
>You can't just plop down a thread and think "NOW ENTERTAIN ME", you have to give people something to talk about.
Are you sure about that?
There are some threads where little or no discussion happens for days at a time, if at all, no matter what you talk about, or if there is, it's sometimes shitposting. Other than that, it's someone who carries the thread for two months in addition to a few who decide to drop by.
You reach and argue that any of them, regardless of what is said, is a shit topic even though it isn't true when some of it gets posted on other ends of the board and garner replies just fine.

>> No.35581208

It's easy to get good discussion, simply go to an imageboard that has good discussion (this rules out 4chan). There are dozens.

>> No.35582775

>Other than that, it's someone who carries the thread for two months in addition to a few who decide to drop by.
This is what I meant by that and the previous statement. Even if it takes you two months of bumping your own thread, you have to be willing to do it and add more interesting things until it finally catches someone's eye.

>You reach and argue that any of them, regardless of what is said, is a shit topic even though it isn't true when some of it gets posted on other ends of the board and garner replies just fine.
Is this something I did or something in your head?

>> No.35583065

we've been asking for Japanese captcha for years but no ones gonna do anything

>> No.35583382

None of the mods speak Nihongo.

>> No.35583451
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None of the mods post on /jp/ either so that shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.35584063

He can't even tell the mods to move vtuber threads to /vt/ and you think he'd do something on a scale as big as board-specific captchas?

>> No.35592597

But they spam the holothreads on the board.

>> No.35593442 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 273x38, 1625692952519.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihongo captcha would be good idea, so its obviously not going to be implemented. Only bad ideas allowed here, like making a containment board and then not enforcing it.
I make good threads, they just die because of all the spam or end up becoming image dumps which kills discussion.
i am starting to miss shitpost era, it made me laugh at least

>> No.35593690
File: 916 KB, 1584x1187, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5j2oe7.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to ask this here since the thread turned into meta discussion anyway:

What do you guys think of sound images and dedicated sound threads on /jp/? I personally think sound threads are a great concept, but I am reluctant to making them because they tend to invite tourists, since one of the scripts has a function that lets you search for sound OPs across the site. And with how unreliable the staff here is, the current big baddies take advantage of that and post their garbage without any consequence.

>> No.35593729

Literally make whatever the fuck thread you want, as long as you have something to say and it's not a general. Not like the board can get any worse.

>> No.35593746

You know, people with lots of hidden threads should just hide/auto-hide threads they like instead and then go to the hidden section and have a catalog with only those threads.

>> No.35593757

That's a dumb idea, because you'll miss new threads.

>> No.35593759

Sound threads aren't really for discussions. You just post a bunch of images with links in the filenames.

>> No.35593804


>> No.35593858

>What do you guys think of sound images and dedicated sound threads on /jp/?
I think they are off topic and report them, and that doing it continuously not only leads to a general but creates a circlejerk where the jerks assume everyone has downloaded their particular scripts to listen to their images and chastise people who haven't when they post the images in other, non-sound related, threads.It's also annoying how the original group who did it was one of those in-defiance-of-mods types who really gosh-darn needed their sounds on 4chan and were mad at the previous way being taken away. Annoying in that it made them extra obnoxious since they had a chip on their shoulders and a bone to pick.

Nonetheless, I feel the same way as what >>35593729 said. (although the reason I reported the threads is because I perceive them as a general, and since "sound in images" is not even an otaku culture topic in itself. Really I suggest you all go and improve /gif/, /wsg/, or /f/ with better content if you just want sound and images/videos.)

>> No.35593879

If you have that many hidden threads, you can probably auto filter any new thread you like right into your hidden area. What is there left to look for at that point? Random shitposts?

>> No.35593951

>one of those in-defiance-of-mods types
How could anyone hate our glorious meidos who do nothing but good for the board and want nothing but the highest quality /jp/?

>> No.35594017

>Why doesn't hiromoot give us Japanese captcha?
That's how you get a FULL /hololiveJP/ board, retard. Like it or not, most people on /jp/ who do speak Japanese became vt*ber-worshipping JUDASES. The only people who would get filtered are the VNfags, 2hu fans and Elonafags that require translations.

>> No.35594259

I think they're good, but the problem is how fast this board is now and I haven't even caught up with the current music thread. So once a sound thread dies, you can't really listen to those anymore. Unless I'm missing something of course.

>> No.35594338

If you insist. But I think that your aggressive tone only implies that you got angry at the possibility of your kin being filtered.

>> No.35594511

>HoloEN dies off
>but TLVNfags perish too
two retards one stone, especially since is groups that like to spam
slower board means the rest of tubieteens can be easily isolated and annihilated

>> No.35595388

>(citation needed)
And no, the subhumans of /djt/ don't count.

>> No.35596870


>> No.35596881

Who are you quoting?

>> No.35596931

Before the vtuber scurge, untranslated eroge was one of the main intensives to learn jp on this board.

>> No.35597103

>most people on /jp/ who do speak Japanese became vt*ber-worshipping JUDASES
This isn't remotely true. Try harder with your bullshit, faggot.

>> No.35598169

this post is fake news
