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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3550736 No.3550736 [Reply] [Original]

Since /jp/ seems to love TrueNEET (TM) debates so much...

Would a person who's studying and educating themselves all the time at home and is technically super-educated, but is only constantly learning new things that they never intend to use for any sort of employment or plan, be considered NEET? In other words, they don't actually plan to work at all, or at least any work they may consider has zero relations with what they are educating themselves in.

>> No.3550740

TruNEET® thread.

>> No.3550745

if they don't work, at least they should go outside

>> No.3550746

Yesterday I had finished lessons on how to crochet. What am I expected to do with that skill?

>> No.3550758

Make tea cozies for /jp/

>> No.3550777

I'm studying Arabic in anticipation of starting a job over there, but it's slow going. Companies in Arab countries seem to have their own schedule.

>> No.3550804

Make us all Sakutarous.

>> No.3550809

I'm learning how to make different foods out of boredom.

it helps pass the time.

>> No.3550815

Well the E part of NEET does stand for education.

So no. You have to be doing nothing except fap, eat and sleep to qualify as a True NEET.

Contrary to popular belief, shitting and pissing on the floor does not make you a true NEET.

>> No.3550843

Enjoy getting kidnapped and your head cut off by Islamic extremists.

>> No.3550882


It's in the Emirates, so no, not really.

>> No.3550891

What is the reason you wanna work in the middle east?
So you can get 4waifus?

>> No.3550892

Everyone in the Emirates speaks english anyways.

My father works in Abu Dhabi, and he doesn't know a word of Arabic. I do envy his schedule though. Work day is 7-3, and he gets a month's worth of vacation days.

>> No.3550908

Ah, I was waiting for someone to make that argument. However...this is falling into the common trap of thinking about the typical school topics as education. Many of the things you typically do are actually quite comparable!

For example, regardless of what you think of visual novels like FSN and others, they are not necessarily lesser in quality or in thematically depth than some books often taught in school. Is it really necessary for some old men to tell you it's a classic to make it suddenly of high academic value? Quite frankly, if Shirou's ideals and failures or YMK's exploration of drugs, bullying, and uncertainty about the future engages you more than difficult to understand texts from centuries ago, then it is more educating for you.

Heck, even browsing /jp/-you become familiar with various aspects of a niche internet culture. For some scholars, that is a field of sociology or cyberculture study. I've written A papers on /jp/ and even yukkuri.

Everyone's always getting educated whether they are aware of it or not. The question is whether that education is relevant enough to be deemed part of the definition of NEET.

>> No.3550937


That's true, but I have some family over there, and I want to show them that I've made at least some effort at learning their mother language.

>> No.3551657

Ah, as fascinating as your lives must be, the discussion is about theoretical definition concerning one's elucidation and its correlation with the term "NEET", not how or whether you qualify for the category.

>> No.3553662

Does the evening crew have anything to say?

>> No.3555338

You are being filtered, Mokou.

>> No.3555356


>> No.3555383

The education part of NEET means being enrolled in a school. Self-education does not count.

>> No.3555388

NEET: Not currently engaged in Employment, Education, or Training.

Teaching yourself doesn't count unless it's state-approved (homeschooling, etc.) and everything else is irrelevant.

>> No.3555388,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck off tripfag.
