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3538319 No.3538319 [Reply] [Original]

>I am Rin Kagamine.......I have been left alone as a nobody sigh........................Ze xion left me alone with these crazy people...............i love you all and you possible already know that......_♥_♥___♥_♥_

>Occupation: Akatuski Member and Sister of Kikiyo


>Books:Lucky Star and Haruhi

>Movies: Naruto and lucky star and harui


>> No.3538323
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>> No.3538333


>Funny Kingdom Hearts Parody VII

>This installment of my parodies includes: Kairi bashing, Soriku-ness(Sora x Riku), Akuroku-ness(Axel x Roxas), Xemnas(Mansex) being... himself, Dusks acting like seagulls,

Ugh...how can anyone find this shit funny?

>> No.3538343

Everything that tags itself as being funny has a high probability of not being funny.
Unless you're a retard, like the person who OP posted.

>> No.3538345

I dunno, Kairi kinda deserves that bashing.

>> No.3538347

>this thread

>> No.3538348


They're not bashing Kairi because she's a bad character. They're bashing her because she's serving as a blockade against their fucktarded fantasies and crack pairings.

>> No.3538349

People being retarded on the Internet? Stop the fucking presses!

>> No.3538350

>Rin Kagamine

No...just no.

>> No.3538352

ITT people that have nothing to do but browsing through YouTube or MySpace accounts, hoping to find something 'RAAAAAGEEEEEEE FFFFFFFFUU XD'-worthy so they can post it on 4chan and pretend they aren't as retarded as the people they are trying to make fun of.

>> No.3538355

remember when rage threads was funny?

>> No.3538356


Get out of here mikuandhannabestfren. We don't like your kind.

>> No.3538360

Yeah people on youtube sure do suck I guess.

>> No.3538363

A yaoi fangirl's shipper rage knows no limits. There was a group of them at my school and they all drew shitty guro art of the girls they hated.

>> No.3538364

get out, trip cancer

>> No.3538379

Seriously? I would have reported that shit, they'd probably be forced into counseling or something.

>> No.3538393

Judging by
's reactions, you're dead on. Thanks for the insight, tripfriend, I'll start blocking rage threads as I see them.

>> No.3538409

It's an art-oriented school and far away from conservative Amerikkka. You can't exactly report anyone for drawing violence when there's a huge lesbian porn painting right next to the classrooms.

>> No.3538434

Painfully obvious same person.
