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File: 1.04 MB, 1800x3300, 1453150799642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
35306960 No.35306960 [Reply] [Original]

Seiga is unquestionably pure evil, and yet...

>> No.35307045

Personally I like my Seiga mischievously evil than truly evil

>> No.35307216

How can I try & get Seiga's attention? Don't care if she ruins my life or soul, even if she exploits me.

>> No.35307244

Be an interesting person.

>> No.35307284

Getting Miko'd isn't worth it, anon.

>> No.35307312

she's kinda just not though, correct me if I'm wrong but I genuinely don't remember her ever doing anything particularly evil

>> No.35307315

Getting miko'd is one of the best ways to get into Gensokyo, significantly better than getting abducted by Yukari.

>> No.35307341

The Yama's gonna put a hit on your head, I'm not sure you want that kind of heat.

>> No.35307398
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Under Seiga's training and guidance, there's nothing to fear from a flat-chested yama and her lazy soul-fetcher!

>> No.35319722
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>> No.35320213

Seiga is evil only to the "no, dying is part of life, you cannot live forever!!!" crowd

>> No.35320370
File: 3.66 MB, 2003x2119, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_cui_jidanhaidaitang__1146feaef0fa3dbf1baa14af4b60b775.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's evil by hermit standards but all of her actions to me always felt like she was either putting herself and her interests first (ditching marriage for taoism) or just doing a little trolling (stealing and reselling stolen items as a christmas gift)
about the only really evil thing she does is use dead things for her bidding, though we've only seen that with yoshika and even then she treats her quite nicely for a servant
dunno if she counts as morally grey, but shes pretty complex for someone who only shows up once

>> No.35324580

Evil and good is matter of perspective aswell though.

>> No.35325629

>abducted by Yukari.
Literally just walk around a forest until you see Hakurei Shrine.

>> No.35330796

You mean Taoists?

>> No.35331833

Taoists see no difference between life and death.

>> No.35340766


>> No.35340853

>dunno if she counts as morally grey, but shes pretty complex for someone who only shows up once
Seiga is definitely a character that's criminally underused. She should've been far more prominent in Wild Horned Hermit. Her character is so different from most other Touhou's.

>> No.35351920

is she a mean one, like Yuuka?

>> No.35351939

she's a little mean but not Yuuka level violent

>> No.35353131
File: 1.07 MB, 1000x1500, E4ezZkAVkAAyTFm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently obtained an English translation of the Chinese short story that Seiga is loosely based on. Today (the 22nd) is Seiga day, so it'd be a good time to read it!

Strange Tales from Liaozhai, tale 269 - Qing'e (青娥, pronounced "Seiga" in Japanese)

I'm not aware of this story being available anywhere else online, so save this rare paste if you want it as a reference. (Pastebin won't let me upload it, probably because it contains dirty words such as "SEX")

>> No.35354033


>> No.35354520

Seiga is actually very nice! A very amicable hermit! Just be very careful, being nice doesn't make her good

I've been extremely interested in this for a while, thank you!

>> No.35359202
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>> No.35361286 [DELETED] 

>Seiga is unquestionably pure evil
I disagree. No seriouslly, why do people keep saying that?

Sure, she has undead minions and she stole things during christmas, but those are hardly the worst things anyone did in Touhou (Kasen has eaten hundreds, Yukari is de facto a human trafficker and Lunarians try to kill everyone the Earth).

Is it about leaving her husband? That also wasn't evil. Seiga never wanted to be married in The Tale from Liaozhai. She was forced to, because some creep (her future husband) broke into her room at night and slept with her without her consent, which later forced her to marry him (people thought they had premarital sex. If Seiga hadn’t married him, she would have brought shame on her family).
People also make her disappearing such a big deal, even though she and her family reunited after just one year.

People will say that Seiga is pure evil, but Watatsukis are just misunderstood baka

>> No.35361318 [DELETED] 

>>35306960 (OP)
>Seiga is unquestionably pure evil
I disagree. No seriouslly, why do people keep saying that?

Sure, she has undead minions and she stole things during christmas, but those are hardly the worst things anyone did in Touhou (Kasen has eaten hundreds, Yukari is de facto a human trafficker and Lunarians try to kill everyone the Earth).

Is it about leaving her husband? That also wasn't evil. Seiga never wanted to be married in The Tale from Liaozhai. She was forced to, because some creep (her future husband) broke into her room at night and slept with her without her consent, which later forced her to marry him (people thought they had premarital sex. If Seiga hadn’t married him, she would have brought shame on her family).
People also make her disappearing such a big deal, even though she and her family reunited after just one year.

People will say that Seiga is pure evil, but Watatsukis are just misunderstood…

>> No.35361369

>Seiga is unquestionably pure evil
I disagree. No seriouslly, why do people keep saying that?

Sure, she has undead minions and she stole things during christmas, but those are hardly the worst things anyone did in Touhou (Kasen has eaten hundreds, Yukari is de facto a human trafficker and Lunarians try to kill everyone the Earth).

Is it about leaving her husband? That also wasn't evil. Seiga never wanted to be married in The Tale from Liaozhai. She was forced to, because some creep (her future husband) broke into her room at night and slept with her without her consent, which later forced her to marry him (people thought they had premarital sex. If Seiga hadn’t married him, she would have brought shame on her family).
People also make her disappearing such a big deal, even though she and her family reunited after just one year.

People will say that Seiga is pure evil, but Watatsukis are just misunderstood…

>> No.35364473

>Kasen has eaten hundreds
Is this true?!

>> No.35365285
File: 834 KB, 956x1433, Kasen the Maneater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35367573

See, this shit is why I would never ever trust a none human. If I'd end up in Gensokyo or another place with other races somehow. Even if I would want to trust them or they wouldn't be a human-eating kind, I could never let my guard down near them because these kind of thoughts would always be in my mind.

>> No.35368129

So you're saying that Seiga can still be loved?

>> No.35369678
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>> No.35370161

Seiga makes a convincing argument for taoism...

>> No.35371218

Yes, anon. As long as you share her passion for Taoism.

>> No.35371544
File: 519 KB, 800x1100, __hijiri_byakuren_touhou_drawn_by_fusu_a95101221__67fad2887b88544257a00ff785d34327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Byakuren is making the same Arguments for Buddhism. What should I do now ?

>> No.35371601
File: 215 KB, 1200x1140, E4hYMg-VoAAtlBz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Byakuren is more of a taoist then you might think. She has also rejected death/nirvana to pursue immortality. With this modification, the philosophies at the core of the two religions are not so different.

>> No.35383418
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>> No.35384571
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>> No.35384702

This really cheers me up!

>> No.35386503

Thanks for cheering Seiga!

>> No.35387989

i wish i had seiga as a sugar mommy

>> No.35388509

Dang no wonder she just up and left.

>> No.35397802
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>> No.35404639
File: 193 KB, 551x747, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_mitsumoto_jouji__7bd7f27b04f8d49c8eb7d0eb67f23ad5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's fat

>> No.35408966
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Lovely hermit-wife

>> No.35410055

I like this development!

>> No.35410587
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>> No.35411639
File: 900 KB, 879x1250, __kaku_seiga_and_miyako_yoshika_touhou_drawn_by_to_den_v_rinmiku__545822964451b7c37b973537709a7ebb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.35412082

Where did the necrophile fanon come from?

>> No.35416330


>> No.35420125

Having an undead minion doesn't necessarily makes you a necrophile. I mean, it's as if we called every character that has a pet a zoophile.

>> No.35420339

Yeah but Seiga REALLY likes Yoshika!

>> No.35424059
File: 577 KB, 1000x1407, __hijiri_byakuren_nazrin_toyosatomimi_no_miko_mononobe_no_futo_toramaru_shou_and_7_more_touhou_drawn_by_takitarou__b9a874053fb2654dc546ed042f0dc1ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga would convert you and then probably fuck off to wherever she pleases without you, letting Miko take care of you. If you want to admire her figure daily, you'd have to be her servant, which could be fun, but you'd have to survive the attacks of nasty demon lords who rage at her immortality
Siding with Byakuren may be a bit more boring, but she's probably the sweetest leader in Gensokyo, and you'd get to see her everyday without risks, also you may be able to befriend interesting youkais if her ideals catch on
Choose wisely anon !

>> No.35431489

Byakuren is old though...

>> No.35431813

How do you think one becomes an hermit ?

>> No.35431827

Seiga doesn't feel like an old lady though. When I look at Byakuren, I'm just filled with the overwhelming urge to shout "HAG!"

>> No.35431925

In the legend Seiga was less than 13 years when she was married, she stayed with her husband for 8 years and then she faked her death, becoming shikaisen. She might not even have been twenty when she became immortal.

Seiga is a young hermit!

>> No.35432331

Tengus are territorial and want humans to fear them
Tengus control the information in gensokyo
Byakuren wants humans and youkais to be friends with each other
Byakuren is universally seen as an old hag despite being 500 years younger than Miko, Futo and Soga
Really makes you think

>> No.35432455
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1080, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_kawayabug__3c6b0f47e1de30188c7b69558211b052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's very satisfied.

>> No.35432577

She's a necroromantic

>> No.35437629

This hermit is almost as lewd as Kasen!

>> No.35445850

Doki doki waku waku

>> No.35448646

Why do you want her attention?

>> No.35453243

Why wouldn't you want Seiga's attention? She's cute and nice!

>> No.35464099
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Seiga eating a banana

>> No.35469527
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>> No.35477139

that is one large vagina

>> No.35487356


>> No.35487385

I want to pacify Seiga through impregnation

>> No.35504156

That doesn't seem like a very wise idea anon, you need to change her attitude before making her a mother

>> No.35504305

if she isn't pregnant, she would have no reason to change it

>> No.35508253

She's a hermit with a zombie at her side. Mixing with Seiga is a recipe for disaster.

>> No.35508472

not all youkai need to eat humans, anon. They dont all have to do some devious, evil, or disturbing thing to merely exist. Plenty of them can easily get along with humans; SOPM tells it straight to us that certain youkai are no threat to humans.

>> No.35508624

isn't the requirement for their existence fear, not flesh?
eating people was just a means of generating that fear

>> No.35511087

Dude, that is painful!

>> No.35511809
File: 170 KB, 3203x613, Taoist Sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, this is literally how you're supposed to have sex in Taoism.

>> No.35521495

Seiga's HUGE seigas

>> No.35528727

Seiga's seigas are very soft and seiga-y!

>> No.35539318

honk the hermit

>> No.35539710

is she even mentally capable of being a good mother?
base instincts only go so far

>> No.35549024


>> No.35549137


>> No.35549214
File: 91 KB, 563x900, EQ_H3Z1UUAAIps4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bet seiga titties are detachable
she wears them when she wants to lure in old virgin men then takes them off when she is done

>> No.35551416


>> No.35557083


>> No.35565775


>> No.35568293


>> No.35568512


>> No.35568896


>> No.35568958

would she be a good wife at all?

>> No.35570780

She prefers to be a hermit. But if you also were a pious taoist hermit, sure.

>> No.35570994

so am I bitch

>> No.35572020

not in the slightest

>> No.35580096

Well which is it

>> No.35581184
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>> No.35585116
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>> No.35586122

she already left her previous husband, so that should tell you

>> No.35588171
File: 43 KB, 680x680, However.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so evil...

>> No.35590853

>she already left her previous husband
For a good reason

>> No.35596769

well... one time couldn't hurt...

>> No.35596800

careful anon
surrendering to desire like that may prompt her to leglock you

>> No.35597756
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>> No.35598989
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>> No.35598990

Be yourself

>> No.35607384
File: 749 KB, 1069x1034, c8ddee1a251a8c2ec83b6a9600a22f09d92a11c1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like the face of evil to you?

>> No.35612420

the single best advice anyone can give.

>> No.35617039
File: 441 KB, 1000x1133, __kaku_seiga_and_miyako_yoshika_touhou_drawn_by_maru_mr__13b03e5296671b50947c90544e46552b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she regrets doing that stunt

>> No.35622835

it looks to be a face devoid of mercy or empathy

>> No.35634496
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>> No.35634500

seiga is slute

>> No.35637577

seiga's huge seigas

>> No.35640353

interesting stuff

>> No.35649021

Actually Seiga is very pure and lovely!

>> No.35650668
File: 99 KB, 770x1024, E5716zDVIAIrBn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga is proof that it doesn't matter how much you cheat, as long as you're true to yourself. This is what it means to be pure.

>> No.35655097

A mighty supernatural creature, brought low by simple biology

>> No.35662602
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The real wicked hermit. Red-Pink > Blue

>> No.35662612

be 6'2

>> No.35662948
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>> No.35663750
File: 337 KB, 780x1168, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_yohane__4d99fd2dba93c3ceb7aade9736c68356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the mere thought of Seiga arouse me to primal levels?

>> No.35665116

we are but moths drawn to the flame

>> No.35667297

Wrong thread, Sanae.

>> No.35667578

this lascivious hermit...

>> No.35672286

red doesn't burn as hot as blue though.

>> No.35672829
File: 113 KB, 421x248, 1534657808384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont have working sexual drive
surely seiga could fix that

>> No.35674719

Seiga will add a talisman to your prostate so it's constantly stimulated and you're nothing but a leaky horny man faucet

>> No.35677394

Could she fix mine too?

>> No.35677524

You are now locked in a small room together. Only one gets to leave, and it's whomever can make the other cum ten times first!

>> No.35677589
File: 117 KB, 1058x705, 1593255211371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be yourself they said...
I'll make them pay for all the bullshit they put in mind

>> No.35677600

>i dont have working sexual drive
cutfag detected.

>> No.35677664

you misunderstand
"be yourself" is important because people can instinctively detect liars and dishonest people disgusts them

"Be yourself" does not mean to never improve like /r9k/ thinks it means, it means to be natural in your personality and actions since lying is far more trouble than its worth, and to grow as a person as you naturally would

best to get >>>/fit/ and be honest with yourself, you'll catch a higher standard of person that way

>> No.35677698
File: 8 KB, 392x392, __kaku_seiga_touhou_drawn_by_potemki11__2ad3c738d0cd8c2ac10a8422b0fdd804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excuse me friend, I dont come here for attempts at real advice. I'm only here for seiga posting and horny seiga posting

>> No.35677774
File: 403 KB, 487x805, 1583760610455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dishonest people disgusts them
No one cares about that as long as the dishonest person in is higher status postion and the person in question aren't the ones that get shafted
>be natural
I bet your definition of 'being natural' involves having good social skills.There are a lot of things that people get disgusted by.One of them what judged is unnatural behaviour from the outsiders that's feels completely natural to the subject.

>> No.35681494

that's not a healthy choice.

>> No.35683820

I’m pretty sure people still disgusts liars, rich or not
Unless they’re chinese

>> No.35686631

I love her...

>> No.35690168


>> No.35693020


>> No.35693295


>> No.35693625


>> No.35693803
File: 54 KB, 1280x427, SEGA_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.35695090

>sega has no limits
