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3515881 No.3515881 [Reply] [Original]


The assault continues!

"NASA's moon probe has separated into two pieces as planned, a major milestone toward a Friday morning double-barreled crash into the lunar surface."

And I took Faux News for this gold at the end which perfectly displaying what these people think about why it's OK to randomly bomb other places:

"Still the moon beckons as an inviting target.

NASA's Andrews said his 12-year-old son was out gazing at the sky a couple months ago and came back and told him: "Look, Dad, it's taunting you.""

>> No.3515890

No one lives on the moon so it's fine to bomb it.

We do it because we can.

>> No.3515899


>> No.3515919

Wait, why do we need a probe to kick up dirt on the moon?

Didn't we have actual fucking people on the moon? Is this occurring on another part of the moon? Why do we need to do this?

>> No.3515925

>Ephron created a "Help Save the Moon" Twitter campaign — part tongue-in-cheek and part serious — to prevent future lunar dustups and to start a debate about who owns the moon.

>"I really am a pacifist. I don't like the idea of sending a missile to Afghanistan or to Iraq or to the moon," said Ephron, while stressing that she's not against space exploration.

And who's this fucking idiot?

>> No.3515952

What did the moon ever do to us?

It gave us tides, lit up the night sky, and if you look close enough, you can see a rabbit in it's craters. And this is the thanks it gets?

NASA, I am dissapoint.

>> No.3515963

>Wait, why do we need a probe to kick up dirt on the moon?
Because the one they're using is old and succumbing to orbit decay.
They may as well use it for something.

>> No.3515964
File: 81 KB, 240x160, Crimson_Moon_Brunestud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take great offense to this.

>> No.3515976

Are they seriously wasting money on this shit? Godfuckingdammit.

>> No.3515992


>> No.3515996

It's important to find water.

>> No.3516009
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>"Help Save the Moon"
What a baka.

>> No.3516014

would you prefer they went back to wasting that money on fighting sandniggers for some stupid reasons, or on lining up their pockets and buying new cars?

>> No.3516027

NASA has it's own seperate budget as Americans pay a seperate tax just for space exploration. I don't know what else should they be spending money on, it's a Space Agency for gods sake.

>> No.3516049

Hopefully we'll be bombing other planets in the near future. I want to see a nuke go off on Jupiter in my lifetime.

>> No.3516055

Jupiter is gas planet, right? Wouldn't a nuke cause the entire planet to explode?

>> No.3516062

Probably not as the gasses on Jupiter are stable.

>> No.3516069


>> No.3516072 [DELETED] 

stop spaming ur crappy bored on anoпtalk.com u retartet fagit's

>> No.3516070

I wish NASA got more funding.

Think of all the cool shit we could have by now if NASA had enough money to dick around with as arms development gets.

>> No.3516073

What about Uranus and Neptune? Aren't they full of methane?

>> No.3516077

I don't know if asploding Jupiter would be a good idea as it eats up a lot of meteorites and such

>> No.3516081
File: 32 KB, 787x420, Space_bat_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know, to determine the amount of water per centimeter, this is actually a damned good idea.
I really enjoyed the High res images of the moon landing sites from earlier.

Heres to pissing off the man on the moon (The big assed face everyone but me can see) enough to piss on the earth. Effectively pissing everyone off.

Also, obligatory space bat.

>> No.3516084

we'd just get another sun.

>> No.3516089

Could be aliens underneath that will be pissed as hell.

Or we could be trapped on this planet forever, because the aliens are the new Americans.

It will forever be the day known as 10/9/09 and not Friday.

>> No.3516097
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>> No.3516101

Also, we crashed missles into the moon before

Yay Apollo 14 slamming into the moon!

>> No.3516116
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>> No.3516127
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>> No.3516162 [DELETED] 

Would be funny if tomorrow we read in newspaper "USA reduced to a wasteland after being bombarded by undentified objects that appeared to be originating from the Moon.

>> No.3516168

Would be funny if tomorrow we read in newspaper "USA reduced to a wasteland after being bombarded by unidentified objects that appeared to be originating from the Moon.

>> No.3516169

Not for us in the USA bro. ;_;

>> No.3516175

Well not for you but the rest of the world would at least chuckle

>> No.3516178
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>> No.3516182

5 hours till awesome and counting!
You can watch it on NASA tv as well!

Trying to get it brought up on website from misawa. Its gonna likely be cloudy when the awesome happens so I will have to watch it there.

>> No.3516185
File: 624 KB, 1024x768, toyohime1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't need to be bombarded; Toyohime can purify things with her fan at an atomic level!

>> No.3516188
File: 540 KB, 849x1200, dbb717000291a21a10aa5dc5c66cd063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Yukaris invasion be a victorious one this time?

>> No.3516243

Who fucking cares what nasfags does? However I had to chuckle when India slapped them in the face after many years of cover-up the facts of water existing on the Moon and Mars.
Who fucking still believes them space-snake-oil sales man, part of the Empire of lies, manipulation and deception.

Btw, did you know that other planes in our solar system are showing similiar effects of climate change? Because of the solar cycle of the Sun, the "recent" absence of sun spots, and that all the jazz about CC on the earth is not related to some phony CO2 bullshit, which is nothing less than another instrument for taxing, enslaving and controlled opposition (buuhu look at those evil capitalist, we have to catch them, while running behind their new gaia-cult masterminds which in fact are the same bankers and corporations).

>> No.3516258 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 601x401, bigbosssmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the moon strikes back.

Something new to try to beat the shit out of.

>> No.3516264
File: 23 KB, 601x401, bigbosssmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the Lunarians retaliate.

Something new for me to beat the shit out of.

>> No.3516266

Conspiracy anon. Haven't seen you around in a few days.

>> No.3516276

This thread again!

Anyway, NASA sure is butthurt about being beaten back by Toyohime and company. Bombing the moon is the very definition of futile, but whatever makes them happy...

>> No.3516286

>hurrdurr I is read me a conspiracy theory

>> No.3516288

I'm always around, just not starting such topics on my behalf

>> No.3516297
File: 110 KB, 316x490, ATHF_The_Movie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could we talk about bombing the moon without bringing up the TRUE targets!
This is Americas retaliation for the Moonite invasion of Boston back in 07.


>> No.3516331

The Mooninites were created by the Lunarians as a counter intelligence agency.
The Boston incident was a bungled operation as they were caught in the act.
