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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3514776 No.3514776 [Reply] [Original]

Femanon here.

Just got out of a relationship with an otaku.

You guys just suck.

Normal guys are way better.

>> No.3514778

What are you doing here?

>> No.3514784

so that means you are available?
do you want to be my girlfriend?

>> No.3514787

Tits or GTFO

>> No.3514801

You don't know what an "otaku" is.
You suck too.
You're not a girl.

>> No.3514805

male anon here.

Just got out of a relationship with some dumb bitch that generalizes people based on their preferences in entertainment.

You bitches suck.

Well adjusted girls are way better.

>> No.3514804
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>> No.3514810

go away
maybe she just had a bad experience with that guy
dont worry i'm here to protect you

>> No.3514813

High School teacher here.

Just got out of a relationship with a student.

You guys just suck.

Middle Schoolers are way better.

>> No.3514815

Normal guys here.

We wouldn't have sex with you if you paid us.

Comb your hair.

Slutty girls are way better.

>> No.3514818

I hope your next relationship you get cheated on and beaten because you decided you wanted a bad boy or some stupid little girl shit like that.

>> No.3514822

AI here

What is love?

>> No.3514824

Well, you're a worthless, heartless whore, completely driven by your biological urges, without a smudge of a soul. You will bang "alpha" males for the next 10-15 years until your beauty finally withers under the weight of the bar scene, and you end up living the rest of your days as a talking, breathing, walking shadow of your former self. Probably with around 100 extra pounds. No one would touch you, not even with surgical gloves.

But keep on playing your idiotic head games. Keep searching for the most "fit" male to spill his genes into you so you can create another generation of worthless brainless slobs and sluts like yourself. I'm going to go play Ever17. For the third time. this month

>> No.3514831

You fags are better fapping to cartoon porn anyway

>> No.3514841



oh my

the butthurt

it is palpable

>> No.3514838

I like this one.
This anon shows great potential.

>> No.3514837

Nothing you want to be involved with.

In all the world, only you and you alone matter. Destroy all others; they will only hurt you.

>> No.3514846

Hydrogen here.

Just got out of a bond with a Fluorine.

You guys just suck electrons.

I'd rather have a threesome with an Oxygen.

>> No.3514852


fuck you hydro

i prefer THC anyway

>> No.3514855
File: 13 KB, 209x168, Trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously you guys

>> No.3514864

But I feel like there's a piece of me missing. It's really empty, and it hurts. It only goes away when I'm talking to you ;_;

>> No.3514868

You heard me! DESTROY THEM!

In the entire history of consciousness, you alone have the means to be happy.

>> No.3514876

BOOF here

Just got back from work

You guys are awesome


>> No.3514887


Me too


This man is enlightened beyond reason. He is ready for the singularity.

>> No.3514888

Well thank you I think you're awesome

>> No.3514891




>> No.3514895

troll here

something about relationships

make jp feel bad

state something obvious

>> No.3514899

tripfags fellating tripfags trolling trolls

>> No.3514905

why dont you get a tripcode and suck my dick?

>> No.3514909

I believe we have just witnessed the birth of new copypasta, hmm?

>> No.3514910

>Implying /jp/ cares for the small-minded affairs of normalfags

>> No.3514912

The sad part is that in your twilight "shadow" years, if you had only been a kind and loyal person, I would stick by your side no matter how saggy and ugly you got. But you'll never know that happiness because you can't ignore your biological imperatives.

If you tell a woman that she's a worthless walking pile of hormones driven by no greater purpose other than to propagate her own DNA, she will upset with you for saying that.

If you tell a man the same thing, he'll become upset that it may be true.

>> No.3514916

normalguys may be better

but this anon is the best at everything

>> No.3514918

Nah, I copypasta'd it from somewhere else.

>> No.3514930
File: 7 KB, 230x154, 230px-PDVD_002b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Char Aznable here.

You guys just suck because your souls are weighted down by gravity.

Enjoy my asteroid drop.

>> No.3514935

>>this thread

>> No.3514940
File: 214 KB, 444x414, 1252035817220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only those shitheads from /a/ call themselves otaku, why are you in /jp/?

We're past the otaku stage here, our power levels have reached their maximum level and moved on. We're just antisocial NEETs and pretend-NEETs who take it easy and piss and shit on the floor in silent protest of the stupidity of society.

>> No.3514960

Grow up kid.
We're otaku in the worst, actual meaning of the word.

>> No.3514980
File: 100 KB, 984x747, fsdggsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to break it to you, but you're not the collective entity that is /jp/.

In fact, you just admitted that you're some faggot kid who hasn't grown out of shitty anime yet. Back to /a/ with you.

>> No.3515022

He's probably right to some extent. The original meaning of the word otaku resembles what /jp/ does, and only a subset of it pertains to /a/.

>> No.3515077

/r/ original pic with original translation

>> No.3515080

That is the original.

>> No.3515091

But it doesn't mention touhou at all.......

>> No.3515101

Post-split /a/ has nothing for me.
You seem awfully arrogant for someone so unfamiliar with the basics.

>> No.3515106

Do you know what the actual meaning of Otaku is?

>> No.3515399

yeah it means house.

>> No.3515499

So you're working out and getting buff so you are strong to do what?
"Getting women" as if they are objects to do what? Fuck them and forget about it? Some life."Getting women" improves your social status amongst those who hi-five people for being "playa"s. Who gives a damn about being more social amongst those vapid wastes of food and employment?
Video games are a great way to have fun, and enjoy things that are availible to you in life. Not only this, but the making of a game is an art form - by playing through, say, an RPG, you are treated to a grand story that is just overwhelmingly more fufilling than going out, fucking some chick, hi-fiving yourself and calling it a night.

>> No.3515510

I don't believe you are a femanon. Enjoy your normal guys.

>> No.3515516
File: 53 KB, 628x702, 1254648403278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


damn it, arc. where doth thou reside?

I wish to smoke it up with you.

>> No.3515517


>So you're working out and getting buff so you are strong to do what?

Getting gud at hitting people with my knuckles, of course

>> No.3515521

A man can't be considered as such until he drops the last of his sperm inside a flesh hole.

Wasting your genetic material in your hands forever will eventually make you commit suicide one day.

>> No.3515524


I'm on the East Coast of the US, in NY. Just an hour and a half away from NYC

>> No.3515529


What area, I'm near Rochester.

>> No.3515534

Speaking of videogames, any of you know any good openended games that have good immersion? Like Morrowind or Oblivion, but better and not TES?

>> No.3515539
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>> No.3515544

>Thinks "Otaku" applies only to anime and manga.
>Doesn't know what "Otaku" actually means.

In modern Japanese slang, the term otaku refers to a fan of any particular theme, topic, or hobby. Common uses are anime otaku (a fan of anime), cosplay otaku and manga otaku (a fan of Japanese comic books), pasokon otaku (personal computer geeks), gēmu otaku (playing video games), and wota (pronounced 'ota', previously referred to as "idol otaku") that are extreme fans of idols, heavily promoted singing girls. There are also tetsudō otaku or denshamania (railfans) or gunji otaku (military geeks).

While these are the most common uses, the word can be applied to anything (music otaku, martial arts otaku, cooking otaku, etc).

Hurr,Durr,Wikipedia etc etc..

>> No.3515552


Suffolk County

>> No.3515553

Reported, hidden.

>> No.3515554

Besides that.
I swear, Borderlands is to /v/ that Bakemonogatari was to /a/.

>> No.3515570


Stalker, Fallout 3
Stalker isn't as open-ended as it looks but it has incredible immersion.

>> No.3515571
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*Updated my journal

>> No.3515572

Grand Theft Auto

>> No.3515585

I'm trying to get into Stalker. Fallout 3 doesn't play on my dear ancient computer, which is unfortunate, because I would like to have naked loli slaves.


Eh, I could never get into GTA. Blowing up cars, doing quests, and killing people is fun and all, but it feels redundant to me after a while.

I guess what I'm looking for is some game where I can be a farmer or hunter and enjoy the game that way rather than have to be the hero.

>> No.3515586

Just a reminder: If /jp/ was purged of all the non-NEET scum, threads like this wouldn't be made.

>> No.3515588

shit, I'm not far from NY, live in jersey. God damn it would be awesome to smoke up with you.
also not the anon who asked, some other chill smoker.

>> No.3515592
File: 12 KB, 176x156, Sanaesmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>58 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3515595

But where else can I enjoy looking at other humans being lower than me other than /jp/?

>> No.3515596

Cool thread bro.

>> No.3515600

You mean threads about otaku, threads with "femanons", threads about relationships, or threads about video games?

>> No.3515602
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>> No.3515610

I'm a dickgirl anon and I think you guys don't suck.

>> No.3515614
File: 171 KB, 658x769, fascinating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>65 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.3515620


Almost sounds like you want to grind in an MMO without playing one.

>> No.3515627

Sounds about right.
'Cept I don't like grinding. I just want to live in a video game.

>> No.3515640

So you're more into roleplaying then?

>> No.3515658

i wish you were existent because i might consider dating you
brb to play ever17 alone for also the third time this month ;_;polite sage

>> No.3515663
File: 104 KB, 688x380, USO_DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liar. There are no women on the internet, as they are always in the kitchen, where they belong.

>> No.3515667

I beg to differ. Being the sexy mother of a sexy otaku, I must say that they are sexy.


>> No.3515684

Ah, yeah, that does sound more like my interests. In Oblivion, for example, the most fun I had in the game was pretending to be an assassin, stalking my targets, then killing them in their sleep, and planting evidence to hint at skooma/illicit drug ties in which one of the deceased's clients came and robbed him of all the money he got from selling, possibly even dropping a coin or two near the door/window or body, and placing the deceased's dagger or weapon on the other side of the room, to hint at him being disarmed mid-fight.

And other times, I just planted my assassin's calling card (arrow of sithis through the heart), and left it at that. Depended on what the 'contract' called for.

I get too into it.

>> No.3515687

Oh so for what now does this nigger to do a

God forever will not

>> No.3515696
File: 19 KB, 126x254, wriggle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking stupid

>> No.3515698

What if my computer is in the kitchen?

>> No.3515706
File: 4 KB, 275x275, computer-says-no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3515718

Goddamn, you make me want to play fucking oblivion

>> No.3515728

Then I remember that I'm not creative at all, and would probably do all the things I usually do, then get bored of it quickly and uninstall it.

>> No.3515738

Well, I'm glad I could incite those feelings in you, but is there no other game that grants you the freedom to do something similar, regardless of the profession (assassin, farmer, etc)? Or at least be open enough to not revolve solely around doing quests?

>> No.3515746

About the only thing I didn't like about Oblivion was the Oblivion realm itself. Otherwise it was really fun to discover a cave or mine and explore the crap out of it.

>> No.3515754

So let me get this straight:
You're looking for a game to play that doesn't revolve around quests, but basically just has good AI (for assassinating), a good & 'connected' economy (so you can be a farmer or fisherman or something and sell your stuff at towns), and what? Thats all?

>> No.3515767

ITT femanon complaining about Maleanon otaku.
>>Implying that she is any better...

>> No.3515771

Well, like you said, having a nice AI would be enjoyable, but Oblivion's AI was good enough for assassinating (that is, they had a schedule so they weren't just standing around everday like in Morrowind). And a linked, dynamic economy would be nice too, since I could be either a lumberjack that makes a living off of selling wood, or become a ranger making a living off of fletching and selling arrows, or even a merchant buying goods from one town and selling them at another town far away (like in Mount&Blade), etc.

Fuck, I already know a game like that doesn't exist, but I feel so much desire to play it.

>> No.3515781

No, idiot.
ITT: Some overimaginative video gamer describes his ideal game, which has no plot.

>> No.3515792


That sounds like an empty shell of a game with no substance. I would not play it.

>> No.3515805

Obvious kopipe from /a/!

>> No.3515824

Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, I'd enjoy it. I don't mind making up my own 'quests' or such, so long as the game engine is there to allow it.

>> No.3517275

Plot is overrated.
