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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3513806 No.3513806 [Reply] [Original]

I want a cute hikikomori boyfriend. I would cook and clean for him. I would even venture out of my own hikikomori ways to support him (the best outcome would be recovery together, I completely understand that being a hikky is better and would never force him or guilt-trip). I would force him out every once in a while though, to take walks at midnight for fresh air.

But it's impossible because you're in your room and I'm in mine.

>> No.3513816


Well, that about wraps up this thread. Reported, saged, hidden, filtered, called the cops, activating the bat signal

>> No.3513831


>> No.3513843
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>> No.3513866

Sometimes it can happen anyway. :3

>> No.3513870

Too bad you have a penis

>> No.3513877

OP doesn't claim to be woman, so maybe he is looking for beautiful gay hikkimori relationship.

>> No.3513882


sign me up

>> No.3513885


>> No.3513888

yeah no

>> No.3513890

Shitty, unclean, fat, unshaven men having sex in the accumulated filth of their own existence?

Dear God...

>> No.3513902

Yeah... I'm in theory bisexual, so I don't mind mmmanly gay sex; but hikkisex? No way.

>> No.3513911

I wouldn't mind taking it up the ass a few times if someone would do everything for me and pay me to sit around.

>> No.3513915
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>> No.3513924
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>Hide Thread

>> No.3513931
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I know a cute female hikikomori. Redhead. Sickly pale.

I've visited her a couple times.

I'd like to court her, but our situation is weird. She seems to like me though.

>> No.3513937

I'd fuck it.

>> No.3513942

Teach her in the ways of love. Go on night time walks with her. It will be a beautiful romance.

>> No.3513964


I may yet.

>> No.3513970

Good luck!

>> No.3513988


OP said "cute"
reconsider your definition of cute.

also. my gf dumped me for a hikikomori kid at my school. fml.

>> No.3514055

You deserved being dumped, you're obviously a fucking imbecile.

>> No.3514080

I knew a shut-in girl, while I was shut-in myself. We had both gone to the same therapy group that didn't help worth shit and only ended up worse because of it. We talked over the phone a lot, then one day I stopped answering the phone and would instead just stare at it when it rang and kind of freak out and go into a panic attack. I'm sorry I stopped answering, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.3514085

Make a thread about it; achieve popularity. Make a book about it, success. Turn into a hikki like your future girlfriend and live together of royalties.

>> No.3514086


>> No.3514090

Get your shit together and apologies for being an ass. You'll get there, anon, just be patient.

>> No.3514095

Here's a dumb fictional story called Hikkikomori about a guy and a girl communicating as hikkis. It's by two real authors but meh. If you're bored.


>> No.3514098

Half the people here who say they're a hikki aren't actually hikki and leave the house on a regular basis. Mostly to go middle school or high school because only they would flaunt something like that like its a badge of honor.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.3514109

Call her back, you pussy. Ask for email and communicate that way from now on, if picking up a phone and using your voice is scary.

>> No.3514114

I think you're wrong to the point where you believe anon goes to school just to achieve something they can brag about. Anon goes to school so that he can get a decent job and earn enough money to buy /jp/ related stash etc.

>> No.3514117

I wish I could have an experimental relationship with a hikkikomori girl, but I guess that's actually far more out of my reach than normal girls...I can only fantasize...

>> No.3514124

That felt kind of insulting to read. I couldn't get past five pages. I don't like these authors. They are either outright mocking or they aren't very good writers.

>> No.3514130

Probably both. Try to find a copy of 'eeeee eee eeee' and try to finish it. I just laughed at the end because I wasted a few hours reading nothing.

>> No.3514215

People stereotype hiki's as fat, but what about those of us that are skinny? I mean, we try and avoid leaving our rooms and are often too occupied with games to be bothered to eat, so some of us become way too skinny through subsisting off of instant noodles. I didn't leave my house for 3 months and lost 20 pounds, for instance.

>> No.3514236

The frail and gaunt nerd stereotype is just as plentiful.

>> No.3514246
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sup grl

>> No.3514247

Hikkis are usually stereotyped as underweight.

>> No.3514274


I thought we all agreed that men should not use this, because it is fucking stupid, and what the fuck is this shit is superior.

>> No.3514419


I mean more generally reclusive computer-geek/anime-fan types

>> No.3514495


You're not fugly, why are you a recluse? We must remain pure in our ways.

>> No.3514505
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Even if I was the little girl, I would still stay in my room.

>> No.3514512

But the term was first used by a man.

>> No.3514521

Get the fuck out, normalfag.

>> No.3514527


Am I normal if I don't and have never had a friend, masturbate to vore, spend over 5 hours a day watching anime, and have played over 10 eroge?

>> No.3514533

There's still a looooooong way to go.

>> No.3514534

Gt the fuck out, normalfag.

>> No.3514537

>watching anime
No you are definitely not normal. You are a sick fuck and should go back to /a/.

>> No.3514541


/jp/ : The only place where bragging in order to be labeled dysfunctional will get you labeled normal, and where this is considered a bad thing

>> No.3514543

This thread just proves there is way too many kids on /jp/

>> No.3514548

I'm pretty sure most people on /jp/ aren't particularly ugly. Male or female.

Looks is a completely bullshit excuse for refusing to leave your room.

Real hikkikomoris don't need an excuse.

>> No.3514554

Pretty much.

>> No.3514562


... It makes me sad that I don't know anyone that cute in real life. :(

>> No.3514567


I'd agree with pretty much all of this.

Except the cute part, which really wouldn't matter much. If I had a hikikomori boyfriend we'd just spend all our time in front of our computers anyways. It'd be rather pointless.

>> No.3514579

>we'd just spend all our time in front of our computers anyways. It'd be rather pointless.

Seriously. I long for a relationship like that.

>> No.3514594


Let's make a bit of a comparison here.

Probably a lot of anons here have been to college, which means they probably spent time in a dorm room shared with another student.

Didn't you wish, all the time, that you could have a room to yourself, even if it was 3 times smaller? Didn't you feel awkward being around someone else, even if there was absolutely nothing logically wrong with it? And whenever you were able to get a room to yourself, you felt relieved?

Yes, guys of /jp/, that's how we feel too. That's why we're here.

>> No.3514612


That's because /jp/ doesn't like whores. Whores doesn't just mean the literal sense, it means anyone who calls unnecessary amounts of attention to themselves.

>> No.3514630

It's weird.
Lately I feel like I'm in love.
But I love nobody. It's just a longing and melancholy directed at nothing.

>> No.3514645

If you are in japan.
I would come out of my room for you

>> No.3514647

Always happens to me when I finish a VN.

>> No.3514650


Self-love of a hermit is the highest order of love, and the trait of a creator and the road to ubermensch.

>> No.3514659

Zarathustra, I hadn't heard of you in a while.
Are people still unable to understand how to elevate themselves?

>> No.3514683


Keyfag detected.

>> No.3514689

>at school

>> No.3514692


You're pretty cute; the only thing that makes me rage about this is that dumbass hat.

>> No.3514696

Hikikomori is just a person who goes about their daily business such as work or school or somesuch and stays shut up in their residence for the rest of their time.

>> No.3514701

But it's impossible because I'm fat and you're fat.

>> No.3514703

nigger you trollan

>> No.3514720

you are so kawaiii I want you to be my bride

>> No.3514724



>> No.3514763


Pretty much. I blame the public schools.

>> No.3514768


I wish for such a relationship all the time.

But deep down inside I know you're right.

>> No.3514777


I've been in a dorm bymeself!!! hahaah
twas fun too... though I must admit I was also in a room with another...

twas an Reborn again Christian fundamentalist


>> No.3514842

That's one of the sweetest things I've ever been told.
I went back to sleep after I made this thread, and being able to read that reply after waking up makes me feel a little happy.

>> No.3514847


And this is why it's worth getting a job. There is nothing like having a complete people-free zone. Unless you are some kind of rich NEET, having to work beats having to live with other people.

>> No.3514908

> Hikikomori is just a person who goes about their daily business such as work or school or somesuch and stays shut up in their residence for the rest of their time.

I don't think you can define it as something as minor as that. That's just having no friends.

A real hikikomori doesn't go outside at all for weeks at a time. Just going to the convenience store or supermarket is a huge ordeal. Saying more than two words to anyone besides the person supporting you is almost impossible.

>> No.3514941

You must be new here.
People call themselves hikis and NEETs all the time just to sound cool and to "fit in".

>> No.3514971
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>> No.3514974

Do you have MSN? You are very cute, I wish to be your little friend.

>> No.3514986


ITT /b/

>> No.3514999
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>> No.3515025

I'm friends with a lot of tripfriends on MSN, I want to add her to my collection.

>> No.3515035
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I want a little witch
This kind

>> No.3515037


you ar not getting mai waifu

>> No.3515039

Since when do you have to be rich to afford a single room?

I'm a poorfag among poorfags and even I have my own off-campus room because I'm not a stupid shit who failed high school. Scholarships and grants up the wazoo. On the other hand, I can't afford a car and therefore I can't get a decent job or meet people... not that I would want either of those.

It's a shame that I decided to take it easy for 3 years and ruined my GPA. I'm afraid to check if I still have money coming in from my scholarships and just keep paying my rent, hoping they don't call and say it bounced.

>> No.3515042

ponpo is mine you jerkfaces

>> No.3515225


Well, I was referring to after college. Though I don't know how much of /jp/ has reached that point.

>> No.3515250

Sorry it took so long to respond. But I am in Japan and I do spend an extraordinary amount of time in my room.
I haven't really BEEN with someone since the last one because of the shock of what happened.
I would LOVE to be with someone who shared my interests simply because of how much could be discussed. I feel I would really be able to be close to someone who shared my interests.

>> No.3515488

I'm not in Japan unfortunately.
I attached my email if you ever want to talk. I don't visit /jp/ all that often, I go to /an/ for the fuzzy animals.

>> No.3515494

shut up ponpo

>> No.3515507

why dont you go suck jonesy's dick

>> No.3515611

I sent an email under the one attached.

>> No.3515628

It's like I'm really on /a/. Reported.

>> No.3516667

I have no idea what I'm reading here.

>> No.3516679



>> No.3516690

A pretty boring story about about what the think hikkis are I guess.
Also nice bump.
Also "Am I normal if I don't and have never had a friend, masturbate to vore, spend over 5 hours a day watching anime, and have played over 10 eroge?"

>> No.3516718

Man, there is no double k in Hikikomori.

>> No.3516775

Correct, but there is a double k in hikky. Otherwise it would be pronounced like 'hi key'.

>> No.3516778

Welp, guess so. I had assumed otherwise.

>> No.3516780

>wat in the email field

Why do you keep bumping this.

>> No.3516791

It's hikki and hikikomori. He's a moron trying to sound smart.

>> No.3516795

I don't like "hikki" because it reminds me of Utada
"hikky" is the only acceptable shortening

>> No.3516799

Well considering it's Japanese, hikki is fine.

>> No.3516804

They're both ひっき

>> No.3516811

"hikky" is more kawaii

>> No.3516924

ITT people who have no idea what a Hikikomori is. They just think it is hip and cool to say that they are and to blend in.

>> No.3516937
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>> No.3516939
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>> No.3516944
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>> No.3516948
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>> No.3516951
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>> No.3516957
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>> No.3516961
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>> No.3516963
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>> No.3516966
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>> No.3516968
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>> No.3516971
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>> No.3516973
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>> No.3516975
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>> No.3516977
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>> No.3516981
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>> No.3516983
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>> No.3516985
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>> No.3516987
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>> No.3516993
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>> No.3516996
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>> No.3517000
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Credits Page. End.

>> No.3517086

The amount of times I've left my house in the last decade doesn't go into triple digits. Do I count?

>> No.3517095

Low double digits would be more impressive.

>> No.3517114

4-6 times a year I'd guess and when I do go out it's only for things like bank visits or doctors appointments.

>> No.3517132

What a bullshit story.

>> No.3517137

For how many years?

>> No.3517145

10 this january

>> No.3517771

I liked it.

>> No.3517794

As long as he's cute... in a trappy way.

>> No.3519034

I didn't like this.

>> No.3519049
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>> No.3519052

To tell you the truth guys Im a girl......

And yes I have been masturbated myself of over 100 menly yaoi pics~

>> No.3519055

Average /jp/ users.

>> No.3519059


>> No.3519067

That sentence is a grammatical nightmare.

>> No.3519073

I am also a fan of crippling condition.

>> No.3519081

I understand what you mean but the sentence doesn't make any sense.

>> No.3519082

I'm a fan of the lifestyle

>> No.3519092
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>> No.3519423

