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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 600x1300, asian races tier list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3483565 No.3483565 [Reply] [Original]

You know I'm right.

>> No.3483568

I'm okay with this.

>> No.3483575

Get out Chinese Taipei

>> No.3483576

Taiwanese? Is that some 3rd world race?

>> No.3483586
File: 111 KB, 440x699, taipei 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah Taiwan is totally 3rd world.

>> No.3483588

I don't mind this tier list at all. But where is the rest of Asia?

>> No.3483591
File: 95 KB, 640x763, raaaage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit Tier:

Agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed agreed

>> No.3483597


Those are the ones that matter (so no Cambodia/Laos/Vietnam) and faggots in India/Mid East aren't real Asians.

>> No.3483602

>High Tier: Koreans
>Mid Tier: Japanese, Thai
>Low Tier: Chinese

>> No.3483603

I'm Filipino and I hate Filipinos.

>> No.3483606

Filipinos matter?

>> No.3483611

ITT: White people who want to be Asians

>> No.3483615

I don't know about the others, but...

>Shit Tier:

100% agree.

>> No.3483616


Bump the Chinese up to Mid tier and I'll be happy.

>> No.3483617


Maybe my view is skewed because their are a fuckton of them in my city (Vegas). But goddamn they are annoying and even worse than Mexicans.

>> No.3483618


This place is ballin' as fuck.

>> No.3483638

OP is Taiwanese.

>> No.3483639

>ITT: White people who want to be Asians

Isn't that every thread.

>> No.3483645

You mean that the Taiwanese aboriginals are god tier? Those backwards mountain villagers?

>> No.3483654


Korean, Taiwanese




>> No.3483658


No nigger, the actual Taiwanese. You think if I say "Americans" I mean Chief Redfeather?

>> No.3483665

I invented it TIER:

>> No.3483671

It says race, not nationality. Your race isn't American, it's white/black/etc.

>> No.3483679


Stop splitting hairs you autistic faggot, it's not nearly as witty as you think it is.

>> No.3483680

Sure is butthurt typhoon victims around here. What's the matter? Relief goods haven't reached yet?

>> No.3483687


implying implying... etc.

>> No.3483691

Viets also in Shit Tier.

>> No.3484046


Without acknowledging the rest, you certainly nailed "shit tier". Is there any way to rank Filipinos even lower though?

>> No.3484056

Culturally Filipinos aren't real Asians either

>> No.3484074


>> No.3484091

Filipinos are awesome! You should feel awesome!

>> No.3484095

>High Tier: Koreans

>> No.3484104

How are Filipinos shit tier? They supply us with little brown girls

>> No.3484111

Hurt about losing a war BIG AMERICAN MAN?

>> No.3484112

>tier shit

>> No.3484113

OP, care to explain why Taiwan is god tier?

>> No.3484122

Nobody hates Taiwanese.

>> No.3484124

Why is everyone putting Corea high? Not counting Philippines and China, which are both horrible by any standards, they're the worst.

>> No.3484128

I wouldn't say the Koreans are high-tier. They get too butthurt too easily and are crappy. I'd say put Japan on High Tier, Korea on Mid-tier(or stick them both on the same tier).

Also, Mongolians should be... Oh wait no.

>> No.3484133

OP probably likes Starcraft and kimchi

>> No.3484136

Filipino here. Yea, we're pretty much shit.

>> No.3484138



Chinese, Taiwanese



>> No.3484141

Aren't the Philippines basically America Jr. in terms of government, corruption and all? Though they lack the few things that America worthwhile.

>> No.3484146

They're like Asian mexicans.

>> No.3484155


Their culture is shit, they breed like rabbits, and then immigrate to every other country like a plague.

>> No.3484205

my jap friend calls them the mexicans of asia

its pretty much spot on

>> No.3484207


But we don't have any culture at all. We've taken it from the outsiders such as the Spaniards, Japanese, Americans, Chinese, etc. etc. So yeah technically, it's still shit.

>> No.3484233
File: 81 KB, 900x628, 950f4819f47de4a9d462f6040290766b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once retroviral gene therapy is prefected, all the filipinos are gonna change their race.

It'll be like Metal Gear Solid, but with filipinos.


>> No.3484238



Rejoice! We are not copies of our father after all.

>> No.3484239 [DELETED] 

> Old. I already read this on http://www.anertalk.com/ (aner = anon) last night.
Copypasta. :[

>> No.3484242

I'm Filipino and I approve of this thread.

We're shit.

>> No.3484252
File: 57 KB, 480x640, img_0510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Filipino culture

>> No.3484254

Fuck Filipinos and fuck Philippines.

>> No.3484260


Look at that silly hat

Filipino Youkai confirmed for touhou 20

>> No.3484263
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3484266

she's a comedian and dresses differently for shows.

>> No.3484270


wowowee up in this bitch

>> No.3484275



>> No.3484279


Oh hi don't mind us.

>> No.3484282

I guess I'm the third or fourth filipino in this thread.
I hate everything about us
I hate you all for hating us
I hate everything ;_;

>> No.3484284


holy shit, just like the US

>> No.3484294

Looks like 3rd-world overcompensation for being shitty to me.

>> No.3484297


So the Philippines should be renamed, in that case, with a portmanteau of all the countries who raped--I mean colonized us. Spaichinjaperica.

>> No.3484301


I love the foods like Adobo and Tinola. Both are god tier, dude.

>> No.3484306

Chink Tier:
Chinese, Taiwanese

Nip Tier:

"Other asians" Tier:
Thai, no-name Asian countries.

We hate everyone tier:

Everyone hates us tier:

>> No.3484312


Adobo. P:

>> No.3484319

ITT: Cultureless white weeaboos attempt to classify another race

>> No.3484328


GOD Tier:





The Philippines, as a nation, can't decide whether to be Spanish, Chinese, American, or (cough, cough) Malay in cultural identity or outlook. ~_~

And I'm a Filipino American, myself...

>> No.3484342


We can't decide on whether to be good governors or not. The latter is usually what we choose in the end.

>> No.3484343

Cultural Thief Tier:
Philippines, United States, Canada, Australia

>> No.3484345
File: 33 KB, 1280x1024, 1252439273352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, well I like some of the food too.

It disturbs me how my friends try so hard to 'be Asian.'
All of a sudden they've started ordering clothes from yesstyle and wearing headphones with nothing attached to them, turning to me to ask "How asian do I look?"

I suppose it may be better than rap-culture Filipinos, but I've never actually seen those.

>> No.3484349

Just saying, Taiwan is almost identical to Japan :\ I've been to both of them. In fact, many of Taiwanese speak Japanese :\

and... Korea?

>> No.3484354


OH GOD RAP-CULTURE FILIPINOS. I swear, they are THE WORST kinds of posers alive.

>> No.3484361

Technically wouldn't every east asian sinosphere country be a cultural thief?

>> No.3484368

It seems like there's only one sky scraper tbh.
All you see in taiwan are some buildings and the 101 standing randomly in the city...

>> No.3484373
File: 62 KB, 795x446, citadel_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That sounds familiar...

>> No.3484381

eh ganun talaga! iba-iba ang mga tao

>> No.3484382


Filipino "Aswang" confirmed for touhou 20


>> No.3484384


Yes. Filipinos are the embodiment of way trying too hard copying other culture. Alternatively, we have hoodlum gangsters everywhere for poorfags and NEET aka Tambay. Corruption, posers, wannabes, etc. So many cancer killing at once. Let that fucking country die already.

>> No.3484403

Oh yeah, I still haven't heard good songs today in the Philippines. Where the fuck are my golden era bands of 2007 which Parokya, Itchyworms, Bamboo, Kamikazee, Mayonnaise, Chicosci, Spongecola, Moonstar88, etc. dominated at? Oh wait. Still stuck at revive songs from shitty divas and pop idols.

>> No.3484444

> Everyone hates us tier:
funny, this includes themselves hating each other as well. At least on the internet.

>> No.3484450

What's this heavy aura of hate I feel in this thread?

>> No.3484457

oh fucking this. it's a pity, really.

now, all we have are shitty annoying songs that you'd usually hear on a jeepney radio.

>> No.3484476

Cebu was here, Luzon is a faggot

>> No.3484478


Yeah, what's that one? "Ayus na ang buto-buto..." FUCKING ANNOYING.

>> No.3484500


Give me the link, or some funny/awesome commercials up to date there.

>> No.3484504


No this is also true in real life not just the internet.

>> No.3484513

damnit. yes.
sadly, the masses (especially the poor side) appreciate this.

>> No.3484543


Nevermind. Vhong Navarro? No thanks. I hate every comedians and some shit in ABS-CBN. It's..just..terrible.

>> No.3484552

Suddenly -- Holy shit. Flips, everywhere.

>> No.3484561

The Philippines is a fun place to visit.
Everyone that's not piss poor seems happy.
Almost everything is in English.
Easy to buy weeaboo shit.
God Tier food at low prices.

But it doesn't look like a good place to live for extended periods of time.

>> No.3484579

it happens all the time. there are a lot more flips here than you think.

>> No.3484588

I remember someone mentioning a horse youkai.

>> No.3484596

It's a place you can come in, raid the place for law-pay workers, cheap raw materials and bring them some other place to sell it high. The poor population is immense, so you'll never have to worry about a shortage of those manual laborers, and immunity to the law is easily equivalent to a couple of bucks.

In retrospect it's really a gold mine, you dig up the ore, process it there, and sell it somewhere worthwhile, when you've finished with it, leave it, no worries.

>> No.3484598

I agree with most of this.
Sometimes, it's really dependent on where you'll end up in the country though ,but if you know where to go, you can get lots of good stuff pretty cheap.

>> No.3484605

> tikbalang
> youkai
> touhou

oh wow.

>> No.3484608
File: 19 KB, 329x185, 1251858604706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: flipfags in /a/


God Tier: Japanese

High Tier: Filipinos

Shit Tier: everyone else.


>> No.3484610

...not that we're gonna make something of yourselves enough to care about that, though...

>> No.3484616

also, tangina, hula ko nandito kayo sa 4chan dahil di kayo makalabas ng bahay dahil kay bagyong pepeng. lulz.

>> No.3484619

>filpfags in /a/

How did you know that? Then again, why do we care?

>> No.3484621
File: 16 KB, 300x411, 1241782993355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3484628

because.. most of these threads like this one originated from /a/ ?

>> No.3484632
File: 44 KB, 400x458, 1251820870899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3484635

ooh, great, another flip with a trip.

oh wow, I like the way that rhymes.
not that it matters or anything.

>> No.3484645

This thread is bad and you should feel bad about it.

>> No.3484656

Filipinos should be blocked in 4chan.

>> No.3484668

Indians/middle easterns ARE the real Asians. Look up on history. The Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Filipinos, etc are more accurately called Orientals.

>> No.3484671

Have you ever actually been to Korea? shit sucks man statues everywhere and all the tourist sites are those shitty places they used for TV shows/ movies.
boring as hell.

At least Japan has hot springs and things that I can enjoy.

OP's list needs to switch japan and Korea around.

>> No.3484677

Hello pre...still remember me?... nice to see you again... kabayan...

>> No.3484709

Brofit to all flips in /jp/ and /a/

……..(’(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….’\…………. _.·´


>> No.3484711

Your list is close, but still needs some modification to be correct:
God tier:
Americans (since we have ownership of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands we can be technically counted as an asian country)

High Tier:

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

Shit tier:

>> No.3484717



>> No.3484718

God - Japanese
High - Korean
Mid - Chinese
Low - Filipino
Shit - Taiwanese

>> No.3484738
File: 101 KB, 704x396, konata6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Philippines is an OK place if you're.

[ ] Middle Class
[ ] Lives in the metropolitan area

>> No.3484741

God Tier: Taiwanese
High Tier: Japanese
Mid Tier: Chinese
Low Tier: Everything else
Shit Tier: Filipinos

>> No.3484775

every fucking asian race sucks

>> No.3484784

all rook same

>> No.3484788 [DELETED] 

[X] Middle Class
[X] Lives in the metropolitan area
still sucks.

>> No.3484789

[X] Middle Class
[X] Lives in the metropolitan area
still sucks

>> No.3484791


I believe they're all called Asians because they live in Asia. I honestly don't know where the idea of Asians = Chinky East Asians came from but I bet it's from those Americans.

>> No.3484794

Being Vietnamese, I agree that we do not matter.

>> No.3484796

Not moving anymore.

>> No.3484797

I forgot

[ ] Half American descent

>> No.3484801

How 'bout Indonesians?
Or Malayans?

>> No.3484810

Half American? No.
Any other caucasian race other than that.

>> No.3484811

Hi, actual asian here. You've got it all wrong, op.

Ancient Asia ruler tier:

Modern Economic Asia ruler tier:
Japan/China making a comeback

Modern Cultural Asia ruler tier:
Japan mostly
sort-of-Korea (holy shit yon-sama winter sonata and middle aged women), though I think the korea boom has been dying down recently.

Four Asian Tigers tier:
Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea

Upper lower tier:

Mexico tier:

Nobody cares tier:
Cambodia, Viet, etc...

also some extra:

Japan doesn't really "hate" China or Korea, more like periodic spurts of annoyance and crazy right wingers here and there called the uyoku.

China doesn't really "hate" Japan either, only comes up once in a while when there's competition/disagreements, recently they're more annoyed with Korea's " all your base are belong to us" attitude.

Korea doesn't really hate Japan as much either, though the Dokdo thing is a bit too popular of a topic.

To sum it up, the relationship between Japan and Korea is similar to France and Britain, China is like Russia.

>> No.3484821


Both are shit. Singapore is superior.

>> No.3484825


>> No.3484829

Where are my /kr/ and /cn/ boards?

>> No.3484848


>> No.3484855

Nobody cares about us ;_;

>> No.3484869


Your tier list is correct about the people in those countries.

If it's about the foods of those cultures, the tier list would be completely reversed.

>> No.3484883

Shit Tier:

>> No.3484917

shit tier:

>> No.3484928

>asian races

Haha, what.

>> No.3484941
File: 401 KB, 1280x938, Asia 1300-1405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3484956

Fuck China and all Chinese

>> No.3485002

Filipino masses are shit.

A small number of filipinos are OK.

>> No.3485013

Just cause I'm filipino does not give you any reason to try and be friendly with me just because we speak the same language. Leave me alone you faggots.

>> No.3485202

What the fuck?
Taiwan is a piece of shit island with no redeeming values what so ever. Do you ever watch their fucking evening news? It's full of bullshit like some bitch about her husband leaving her or "HOLY SHIT A NEW STORE OPENED LETS DO A NEWS REPORT ON IT"

The people too, goddamn the people. Full of sneaky shits everywhere. They'd flip out and go crazy if you call them Chinese, knowing that their tiny shitdump of an island can't survive a week without China. They'd try and pick fights but none of them can actually do jack shit. They'd try and create things but all they do is steal and copy.

tl;dr Taiwan is shit, what the fuck are you thinking OP.
