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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3472847 No.3472847 [Reply] [Original]

how can you guys worship a country that did so many atrocities during WWII? I don't get it.

Plus, Japanese cartoons (or animes as you call them) are pretty cheap looking for the most part.

>> No.3472850

Chilling tale, sibling.

>> No.3472853
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>> No.3472861

Fascinante histoire, mon frère.

>> No.3472857

I know. I ask Americans that every day.

>> No.3472866

American firebombs killed more Japanese civilians than the nukes did.

>> No.3472872

How many American children did the Japanese kill?
How many Japanese children did the Americans kill?

>> No.3472877


Educate yourselves, weaboos.

>> No.3472878


Wait a minute....Are you implying that we actually worship Japan? You're kidding right? Let me make one thing abundantly clear. I am a pervert. I worship their perverted shit, but I don't give a flying fuck about their people, history, or political leanings. As a matter of fact, the Japanese people kind of creep me out. I wouldn't want to visit Japan for that very reason.
In closing, please think before you speak.

Oh and, for the record, anime is their word, not ours. I prefer to call them weeaboo cartoons.

>> No.3472880

It's spelled Weeaboo.

>> No.3472881

Agreed OP Japan sucks. From now on let us call this board /US/ for the best fucking country that ever has or ever will come into existence.

>> No.3472883


Do your homework before getting on a board and flapping your stupid piehole. No one here worships Japan or much anything else.

>> No.3472887

I am outraged by the OP's statement and intend to express my disdain in a scornful manner.

>> No.3472890


/jp/ worships Gensokyo.

Gensokyo is in Japan.

therefore, /jp/ worships Japan. You fail.

>> No.3472893

Everyone on /jp/ hates japan.
Lurking for more than 2 days can obviously tell you that.

>> No.3472894

Why do americans buy so many german and japanese cars then?

>> No.3472897


>Gensokyo is in Japan.

I beg to differ.

>> No.3472899

Wait, since when did Gensokyo start existing?

>> No.3472900


That's basically a big honking logical fallacy you just said

>> No.3472904


>> No.3472918
File: 35 KB, 744x567, FUCK SCIENCE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Before you start trying to say that Gensokyo is in its own little pocket dimension or whatever, FUCK YOU.

And fuck science.

Gensokyo is a piece of Japan. You're worshiping Japan. Deal with it, nerds.

>> No.3472933

Ae you faggots actually getting trolled ?

>> No.3472937

faggots yes

>> No.3472940

>Gensokyo is a piece of Japan
It WAS which means it isn't a part of japan any more.

>> No.3472942

Your mom

>> No.3472943

Germany apologized. Japan pretty much never took responsibility.

>> No.3472946


What does that have to do with anything? That's kind of a straw man argument actually.

People buy German and Japanese cars because they're thought of as quality products. People are not worshiping them nor are they remembering the horrible acts of WWII every time they get in their Honda or BMW.

Personally, I also prefer German cars over pretty much everything else. If I post on /jp/, shouldn't I be some kind of Jap cock sucking ricer boy in OPs mindset?

>> No.3472956

>Intentional logical fallacy.
>Honest answer.

>> No.3472970


But it is in a pocket dimension, bro. It's some kind of 19th century Japan only with no government and demons and magic. That's like saying I worship Germany because I like The Nutcracker.

>> No.3472978


As you type on the computer that science brought you. Oh how ironic.

>> No.3472977

>I worship Germany because I like The Nutcracker.
I see what you did there.

>> No.3472974


>That's like saying I worship Germany because I like The Nutcracker.

And it'd be no less correct. You enjoy Japan. Deal with it.

>> No.3472982


If you like SCIENCE so much, go get fucked in the ass by it.

>> No.3472989


I did ... I have this science device that fucks me in the ass every day. So there. How do you like them apples?

>> No.3472993


Fix it so that it fucks you in the mouth and ass at the same time, so that you'll shut the fuck up.

>> No.3472995


And Evolewshun is just a theory!! huur duur.

>> No.3472996

...go on.

>> No.3473000


I don't need to talk. I can moan, and piss in your face.

>> No.3473004


Piss in your own mouth instead, faggot.

>> No.3473011

yall niggas be postin in troll thread

>> No.3473013


Why, so you can watch?

>> No.3473018


No, so that you'll go the fuck away and stop being an annoying faggot in my immediate area.

>> No.3473034


Your immediate area? But why would you be anywhere near me while I have a science machine fucking me in the ass and mouth. I've also attempted to piss in my mouth as well, but due to the aforementioned science fucking, it has reflected everywhere creating quite the mess. It's awfully hard to move with all this going on, so it's probably much easier for you to take your leave than to ask me to do so.

>> No.3473039


Are you retarded? Are you blind?

For all your science, you don't even know how to get the fuck out? Don't let the door hit you on the ass on your way out, shithead.

>> No.3473044
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This thread lacks grace and elegance, so how about a cup of tea with Rachel-sama?

>> No.3473046


How about you play a rousing game of 'Hide and Go Fuck Yourself'?

>> No.3473066


No dear, I'm not retarded or blind. I'm trapped in this damn science rape machine you idiot! Also, the door can't hit me in the ass because the science ass face rape machine is still in the way. Gosh, you don't pay much attention do you.

I wish I had that cool wheel chair that Hawking has. Then I might be able to stand on the wheel chair with my knees and wheel myself out while talking using that cool robot voice. I imagine I'd be saying, "ow...my..ass...ow...ow...stop."

>> No.3473070


You seem to have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck, faggot.

>> No.3473071

Semi-related: am I the only one who thinks everyone who uses the phrase "deal with it" on a regular basis should have their vocal chords removed?

>> No.3473073


Also, everyone who bitches about what other people say should have their eyeballs dug out with a rusty spoon.

Make it so.

>> No.3473077

It's pretty annoying when it seems like common place in someones speech, so it's best to remove yourself from such vulgar influences to promote an overall well being. Unless you're a masochist, then go at it.

>> No.3473084


Well good; if you don't give a fuck, then please leave me to my devices. I could give a fuck if you'd like. I have a spare science machine in the back room. Maybe you can take it and get fucked somewhere else?

>> No.3473085


All right, but now you're bitching about what I'm saying, isn't that right?

>> No.3473088


I reiterate my first point - go fuck yourself, you annoying faggot.

>> No.3473092


So who's the $5 whore in the picture? That's some pretty nasty looking shit right there.

>> No.3473097

No idea, but it looks like someone in an abusive relationship with a guy named Johnny.

>> No.3473161

Japan...I don't get why she gets all the hate on /jp/. World War II is just written to make her out as the bad guy, when really she's no worse than any of the 'protagonists' and a better country than most of them.

What are the main complaints? She raped China and stole Southeast Asia to use in the war?

Okay, let's get this straight. She never fucking raped China. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She never did it. She fucked China.

Let me ask you this. WHO IN THE WORLD DIDN'T FUCK CHINA? You can't even name one fucking nation who hasn't flooded her loose ports! She is the kind of bitch who will act like she doesn't want it when she really does. She'll say No! while signing multiple treaties. Japan knew this, she's a fucking ladies man. She knows what filthy whores like China want.

And there's this other big bitch you guys have with her. She supposedly stole Southeast Asia and used her in the war for her own greed.

Objection! She was worried about her one and only precious Brother-Asians. Is keeping your loved ones from a brutal imperialism so wrong? When America does the same thing to the Phillipines it's like 'oh she's so manly', but when Japan does it it's wrong? She just wanted to protect Asia. She probably was going to use her superpower status to tighten her ports back up or cure her malaria or something.

The history was written to make that faggot America look good. Objectively, Japan is a far better country than America. At least she has the balls to take action decisively instead of dicking around like America, and if she wasn't stuck with the weak ass colony Corea and no plothax she probably would have won the war.

>> No.3473165

In before someone seriously replies to this kopipe.

>> No.3473225

It's not copipe if I'm the only one posting it.
