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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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34411610 No.34411610 [Reply] [Original]

any other hihkis here? i spend more time living in fictional worlds than reality, i'm terrified of people
please somebody tell me i'm not alone here

>> No.34411771

me, however i'm not terrified of people, i just think they're stupid (doesn't help that i supposedly got 138 iq in a irl test).
And my room doesn't look like that at all, in fact I don't even have a room anymore due to OCD.

>> No.34411777
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But you are alone anon, and as long as you keep on choosing fantasy over reality you always will be.

>> No.34411896
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I miss Hikkichan and the hikikomori board on the other site. Hell I even miss the older resident tripfags who were hikkis.
Now it's nothing. Either everyone got a job or there just isn't a suitable place to vent about this shit. Even other places dedicated to it like a certain dream site have people trying to help you by bullying you into being normal.
All I want to do is go back to those dreamlike days...

>> No.34411926

Never thought I'd get to the point that I missed wth and the shitposting swamp that made the board nigh-unusable, but I miss it over what we currently have.

>> No.34412253

I'm not sure how I can function in normal society here in a certain city in Southern California. This place is a shithole. The people here are bland, rude and artificial. I have never felt more uncomfortable around people than I have here. The scenery is awful and everything is expensive. I can go on but I think you get the idea. I fucking hate this place and I wish I could get out of this prison called California.

>> No.34412268

i agree. i wonder how many real hikis browse /jp/. Maybe we could make a general

>> No.34412452
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I hiki-neeted for a few years, but unfortunately my parents got sick of it and gave me an ultimatum some months ago. Can't hold down a job for more than a couple weeks without having a breakdown and switching to a different one, but at least I'm not sleeping in my car again.
Drinking and smoking a lot helps me cope, somewhat.
I'm only able to keep working because I've got a plan, saving up to buy a cheap shed within the year, gonna toss it on some rural lot and return to my roots, living off nothing but rice, beans, Kool-aid, and high speed internet, totally alone for miles

>> No.34412548

Fuck neet life, I want money. It lets me buy goods and services and rest easy when thinking about my future.

There’s something a bit comical about an re4 poster being surrounded by such cute anime merchandise. Good game though, and the poster color actually matches the environment very well.

>> No.34412680

Do you consider yourself mentally stable?

>> No.34412988
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I used to be. I was a NEET for almost a decade.

My dream used to be having an Otaku palace room like that, but I just feel too old at this point and most anime is ABSOLUTE DOGSHIT. Currently wageslaving while in school. I like things better this way.

>> No.34413655

If you enjoy your work, or working life, its not wageslaving.

>> No.34414471

I too reside in SoCal and know what you mean.
I tried going out of my comfort-zone awhile back to try and meet new people and quickly discovered how stupid everyone is. Everyone seems like clones of each other, with no personalities beyond whatever the pop culture trend of the week is.

>> No.34415717

Stable enough to understand my plight.

>> No.34420979
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Here, been posting on places like pic related,
Wizchan was like that.

>> No.34421086

I'm not terrified of other people, but I have no idea how to talk to them. Whenever I try to make friends, no one seems interested.
Being lost in fictional worlds is way better than going outside.

>> No.34421469

I definitely understand the lack of decent/interesting people part, except I'm in the mid-Atlantic/South so it's old people, tourists and rednecks. Luckily this place at least has beautiful nature and stuff is affordable and there's not very many people. That and I managed to make a few actual decent like-minded friends through local anime conventions. Otherwise I'm a shut in though, always have been.

>> No.34421984
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Honestly the only boards I can stomach/ regularly visit are wizchan past its prime, and the new gurochan (not for the community though)
Nice GETsu!

>> No.34423486

>everything is expensive
I'd find it a lot more tolerable here if not for this. At least that way just finding some place to fuck off and be alone wouldn't require so much effort.

>> No.34424616

ever played omori? the story is a bit personal, but I think it would connect with most hikkis here. never felt like I wanted to live more than after completing that game.

>> No.34424720

i am a hikikomori. i havent had sunlight in 10 months. i am terrified of ppl because im unable to make small talk. i tear up if ppl speak to me about boring shit because its so repulsive id rather eat shit.
i spend all of my time in my hobbies, 4chan, meditation, and fictional worlds. as an adept of gnosticism and buddhism, i dont believe our world is real and i reject it.

>> No.34424756
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I haven't left my house for a year. It's going to be diejobu probably

>> No.34424993
File: 209 KB, 720x480, Megurine Luka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a hikikomori and I like to create Vocaloid music.

>> No.34425031

Been taking it easy for about 8 years now. The solitude and lack of anxiety have helped me figure a lot of things out and become a far better person than I was.
I think I'd be relatively happy if the internet hadn't changed so much in that time, I miss old /jp/, even the shitposting swamp it devolved into.
I've started spending more time talking to the limited circle of internet people I keep in touch with and an old part of me is repulsed by that. The internet feels crap now and Japan is putting out far less that interests me these days bar the occasional indie game that still feels like things used to.

>> No.34426773

I will never understand why people orbit that guy. Are they all just nuts too?

>> No.34426883

never played that because it costs too much but sometimes i play yume nikki because i resonate with that game so much.

>> No.34427013

His life is basically the epitome of a failure. Chris chan's life is bizarre, hilarious and depressing and tragic at the same time. There is even an entire 50+ episode series on YouTube documenting his life ever since he was in preschool. It's fucking surreal how much the internet knows about him

>> No.34427380

No matter what he's done, he didn't spend 20 years of his life tracking some autist and building websites to start conspiracies against him.

>> No.34428108

I have OCD and I have a room so I don't know what your major malfunction is.

>> No.34431172

yume nikki is a classic, you should check out all the fan games like yume 2kki

>> No.34441025

>any other hihkis here?
where do you think you are?

>> No.34441379

I remember seeing CWC at one point, but it was just a namedrop.

>> No.34444458
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I lived in Southern Cali all my life SFV to be exact. God those days were horrible, I'd give anything to have convinced myself to join the military at 17. Instead I waited until I was 21 to free myself from that prison. Don't make the same mistake I did bros if you're young and still in socal get the fuck out of there. The rest of america is cheap and filled with culture, you just have to find it.

>> No.34444484

anon that sounds like a terrible idea, you are not an animal anymore your mind is going to crazy from the loneliness, this is akin to suicide

>> No.34444567

that poor man, he has a mental disability and people continue to attack him.

>> No.34444597

He just has high functioning autism anon that doesn't give him an excuse for what he's done in the past

>> No.34444628

even if he did some weird and nasty shit, hes also alone and extremely sheltered. He doesn't have the experiences necessary to deal with the stressors of everyday life. Hes made mistakes and doesnt learn from them, that should be very telling to people.

>> No.34444655

you forget the part that he has had numerous people try and give him genuine support and he rejected it every time in favor of his delusions
dont feel pity for him because at the end of the day, thats what he wants

>> No.34444774

Ive been rejecting people's help all my life. Its hard to tell the difference between someone who wants to help and someone who wants to fuck with you once you develop trust issues.

>> No.34444808

This thread only confirms that/jp/ (and 4chan has a whole) has been infiltrated by normalfags to the point of them deluding thmeselves that they're anything but a normalfag. Sad, very sad indeed.

>> No.34444832

its always been dominated by normies that think they are special anon. No one actually cool comes here.

>> No.34444869

being a hikkineet was the worst time of my life and i'm glad i'm (mostly) a normie now.

>> No.34444912

In the US at least, there has never been a better time to be hikki. I wish I could have quit my job and collected bennies. I've been off work sick for 2 weeks and never want to go back.
NEET on, brother.

>> No.34444921

Tbqh I think most of the people who bragged about their hikki-ness were like 19 years old and still had 0 responsibility or pressure on them.

>> No.34445183

maybe you didn't have it for enough time or yours is just mild.
i still had my room some months ago but i got to the point where i couldn't get out, not even to go to the bathroom so i just used my trash bin plastic bags.
Then they wanted to hospitalize me and i got out and locked the door.
OCD almost always worsens with time so be careful (though in my case there may be something else because a year ago they wanted me to get on the same medications that schizos use)

>> No.34445224

I struggle with mental issues, so I'm a hikki. If I didn't have the mental issues I would definitely act more like a normal person, so I dunno if it makes me a "true hikikomori"

>> No.34446404

We used to have these threads all the time a decade ago and half of the posters were college students from r9k.

>> No.34448240

Everyone is rn

>> No.34448491
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Is there a step by step guide on becoming one and quitting hikkihood if one has forgotten how to hold a conversation in real life?

>> No.34448587

I hope one day I can break out of it. It used to be far easier to lose myself completely on the internet, but it has changed so much for the worse. Thankfully I'll never attain wizard powers but wow does it feel like things get harder as you get older.

>> No.34448937

>any other hihkis here?
nigga where do you think you are?

>> No.34449462

>not a wizard
get out normie

>> No.34449666

I want to be hiki but i dont have money

>> No.34449901

That was over ten years ago, now I'm basically the closest you can be to a wizard without formally passing the exam. Anyway I've had a revelation and am going to make a CV tomorrow and try to save myself, see ya shitlords

>> No.34450023

quarantinefags arent the same as people who have been inside for years on end
they only want govt over reach so they can feel safe and cozy
hikkis fear the entire world and stay inside even if they hate their environment because damn society you scary
probably with how carefree they always seemed but it was more genuine with the "im a neet in school xd" types you usually see
i dont think theres anywhere else on the web for people with disabilities who cant relate to people who go out and socialize daily. maybe like tumblr since theyre all like that, but...tumblr

>> No.34450704

Used to be hikki, now I am wageslave.

I want to go back, but I'm too deep in this shit and would end up with financial issues at my age otherwise, even with parent support since one of my parents is jobless.

Hikki period probably saved me from suicide though, and it's only building up again; I don't know where I'm going to go from here.

>> No.34450864

i'm a hikki but less of a hikki than i was 3 years ago. im a neet because of some disabilities im too poor and anxious to take care of, and my girlfriend takes care of me. shes the only person i see and she leaves the house and talks on the phone for me and stuff.

i mainly live in pain and online. my anxiety is too bad to do anything about my life, like doctors or actually doing anything to make real money. ive tried to kill myself 4 times in the past three months and keep failing. fiction is starting to get boring, and i hate being alive so much.

>> No.34451168

Just had a job interview I didn't go to
didn't even cancel

>> No.34451621

hey, i work from home and i havent been outside in years. everything gets delivered and i have no friends. I am with you...

>> No.34455342

I've come to the realization the only true NEETs are upper economic class people and the homeless, everyone else stuck in the middle has to eventually find some sort of income just to survive.
Unless you want to be sleeping on the streets, just disregard everyone who goes on about being a true NEET as it is guaranteed to be someone wealthier and luckier than you are.

>> No.34455358

You don't even speak Japanese

>> No.34455796

I miss my hikki days this normal life is so grating. Talking to irl people is very gay and annoying unless I drink a bunch of alcohol

>> No.34455907

used to be a hikkineet, but now my passion project became popular and i make quite a bit of money with it... but im not sure i can call it a hobby anymore
...the burnout is returning

>> No.34456236
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the air of /jp/ is too pure for a normalfag to breathe

>> No.34456626

I just have parents who'd rather have me alive than dead. A pleasant surprise over the brief life on the streets I spent years preparing for.
