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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 642 KB, 3214x1146, 'get out' on wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34356736 No.34356736 [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you anons told me we were on wikipedia?

>> No.34357571

im so angry rn

>> No.34357663

that's a bad definition of shitpost, good definition of shitpost is shitty post
anyway imagine a guy with browsing /jp/ with a serious look on his face to examine how these posts affect politics

>> No.34357678

I'm not reading the rest of that shit.

>> No.34357763

i do not care about wikipedia. i get al of my information from encyclopedia dramatica

>> No.34357770

A better example of a political Touhou shitpost are those stupid Momiji gyates with the MAGA hats

>> No.34357841
File: 347 KB, 750x800, Sassy-Chen-Cat-Pic-640x607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what can only be described as an "epic fail" of American intelligence, WikiLeaks' Vault 7 contains proof that at least one or more members of the CIA's Intelligence Operations Center was quite active in the Touhou roleplaying community on 4chan.

An image titled Sassy-Chen-Cat-Pic-640x607.png was added sometime in April or May 2019 to the repository of User #714 found in Vault 7. At around the same time, in April 2019, an image with an identical hash code was first posted to the visible Internet in the Touhou roleplaying board at 4chan.org, colloquially known as the "Otaku Culture" board.

The image wouldn't be posted again to the Internet until January 2020. Once again, to yet another thread on the Touhou roleplaying forum. The image wouldn't be seen again until the release of Vault 7 by WikiLeaks.

>> No.34357915

Isn't that the orignial meaning of shitpost? A post of very poor quality? Now everynormalfag thinks shitpost is when you post some stupid meme you found. It really just went full circle, because if something is called a shitpost nowadays it's likely its terrible, no matter the intent of the person calling it that.

>> No.34357953 [SPOILER] 
File: 468 KB, 1200x848, 1618944080749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are definitely worse than normal Momijii gyate and true to the original meaning of "shitpost". Anything people obsessed with politics touch turns to shit, no wonder they post so much wojak/frog cancer. I wonder how many of the people on /pol/ who post her know anything about her beyond maybe her name.

>> No.34357974

The thing is most attempts at humor or internal ranting made public are so inconsequential and thoughtless in quality that they could be considered shitposts to begin with. I don't think the term had its meaning twisted as much as it was expanded in examples.

>> No.34358015

the /jp/ psyops worked as intended.

>> No.34358071

The election of Drumpf and its consequences have been a disaster for the 4chans.

>> No.34358082

/jp/ was literally the "article of the day" on the Chinese wikipedia once. It also had the same pic.

If anyone remembers that, I have a picture somewhere of it but I don't feel like finding it.

>> No.34358165

no catchphrases

>> No.34358293

>in the Touhou roleplaying community on 4chan.
What a massive faggot.

>> No.34358492

Roleplayers are actually CIA agents?
Explains why they're a bunch of queers.

>> No.34358631

>but I don't feel like finding it
Stop being a lazy bum and share it with us, anon!

>> No.34359243
File: 102 KB, 891x553, 1347415354763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that, and the Chinese-Australian Wikipedian that was spammed for supposedly being ``NSJ''.

>Contrary to rumours spread by malicious instigators between 2010 and 2014, I have never been part of 4chan staff.

>> No.34360361

every role player is a fed

>> No.34360410

WTF I'm an American voter now

>> No.34360430

Look even federal agents need hobbies.

>> No.34360444
File: 313 KB, 1302x977, 875BAF8A-0BC3-4566-9DBF-EF5CBF5B425D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any one of these cosplayers could be an elite CIA assassin and we would never know...

>> No.34360464

The Youmu in military camo in the back is most suspicious.

>> No.34360563

Zaiger plz.

>> No.34360601

Post the Sachiko French election "hacking" one.

>> No.34361801

It might not even be anything malicious, the types that go into intel, especially military/nsa, are the biggest spergs who own dakimakuras and furry tail accessories. Spend a week at DLI and you'll meet a few chrischan types (and maybe even christine).

>> No.34368612

Which 2hu would the agent assigned to monitor us fug?

>> No.34368741

Eiki Shiki because she cares about justice

>> No.34369233
File: 34 KB, 399x399, 1578525247038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shitposts at u*

>> No.34369299

Spooks don't care about justice, only power and control.

>> No.34370264

But thats not a shitpost, thats an image macro
fucking retard wikipedos

>> No.34370492

So if I start RPing on the jay, the feds will pay me to RP even more?
Maybe having a job isn't all that bad.

>> No.34370806

Modern Wikipedia is a fucking joke, just a giant lefist echo chamber

>> No.34371225

It's alright for anything that isn't current.

>> No.34371795

OK but which 2hu would spooks fug?

>> No.34372726

Terry was wrong, they don’t glow in the dark, they just have Chris Chan autism and ate too many glow sticks.

>> No.34373315

Looking back it is hilarious how incredibly hostile and butthurt the early Wikipedians were to anything considered even remotely connected to the chans. Keeping the gnaa article in a perpetual afd nonstop for like 20 attempts before closing the afd as a delete early on in voting and keeping it like that for years, banning anyone with a name that sounded chan-like, even going as far as cutting down the Pokemon article to about a paragraph and cutting any mention of single entities like Squirtle or Mudkips and one Admin melting down and saying she had taken pictures of "cyberterrorists attacking Wikipedia" . In their houses. Sitting at their boxes.

>> No.34377331

Get in /jp/
