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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 49 KB, 640x585, 593a8cc0-ml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
34162706 No.34162706 [Reply] [Original]

>JK girls are now opting to wear slacks more and more
First bloomers now skirts. The classic JK attire will soon go the way of the dinosaur at this rate. Are you concerned or welcoming of this change?

>> No.34162760
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Can't say I like them myself.

>> No.34162777

>The classic JK attire will soon go the way of the dinosaur
Sailor suits have already been gone for decades though?

>> No.34162782

just go to disney or whatever they have in japan and enjoy all the jk outfits

>> No.34162818
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You still seem them on JC's and inaka schools.

>> No.34162820

I don't mind the top but pants instead of a skirt is blasphemy.

>> No.34162938

Are you sure that isn't a cosplay? The skirt is waaay over the knees, wth.

>> No.34163033

basically this

>> No.34163199

Ah well. It makes sewing a bit easier. Just adjust the proportions. Some guy might go to school in Japan with short pants or some silly stuff like that.

>> No.34163376

Now the men will start wearing the skirts.

>> No.34163515

Who are you quoting?

>> No.34163521
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Embrace plaid pajamacore

>> No.34163752

Not on green no.

>> No.34163763

Girls raising their skirts isn't unheard of, especially when they tease guys around.

>> No.34163831
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>> No.34164144

they all kinda look like dudes

>> No.34164245

>no skirt

>> No.34164294

Girls don't actually want to wear skirts unless they're actively prowling for boys, but society makes them do so for our viewing pleasure.

The universal franchise was a mistake.

>> No.34164316

>unless they're actively prowling for boys
so... teens? geez I wonder at which age they are wearing skirt uniforms... could it be?--- nah....

>> No.34164322

My sister is a self-labeled 30s something feminist and she wears skirts/dresses. There will always be girls who want to wear skirts. Only the uggos will want to wear pants, so no big loss.

>> No.34164333


>> No.34164349

The school dictates the uniform, not the students.

>> No.34164372

Stop killing my narratives!

>> No.34164410

in my school girls can choose pants or skirt any time of the year
skirt wins all the time except for that couple of girls with really round nice butts that prefer pants "for some reason"

>> No.34164735

Same here. At my old school
all the sluts/attractive girls wore skirts and the ugly/autistic girls wore pants.

>> No.34164780

Good for them. If I were a girl I wouldn't want to wear skirts. The 'reverse trap' appeal is also nice but in a less exploitative way.

>> No.34164905

Uniforms should be removed altogether.

>> No.34164910

You just haven't experienced the feeling of freedom from tight threads constricting your legs.

>> No.34164933

Yes, they should be in their birthday suits for maximum comfort and intimacy.

>> No.34164978

Lol, look at the body language of the guy on the right. He's all stiff with his hands clenched in fists.

>> No.34165019

If you wear a skirt men can look at your legs, if you wear pants men can look at your ass. Women can't win.

>> No.34165058

skirt over slacks

>> No.34167357

Imagine being able to pants someone and flip their skirt at the same time.

>> No.34167556

a master technique...

>> No.34172420

So, why is this happening? Feminism gaining traction in Japan?

>> No.34172475
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The decline of bloomers in Japanese schools

>> No.34172583

i cant believe the swimsuit uniform that is so common in high school anime is from the fucking 1970s and not representative of modern time

>> No.34172614

makes sense when you think most mid 80s - early 2000s would be made by people who grew up in the 70s though

>> No.34172728

long skirts past the knees with full stockings underneath

you might not like it but it's peak female wear

>> No.34173765

Have they done any revisions since 2012? I really doubt they'd stick to that until now given the chart.

>> No.34173784

He has a boner, man.

>> No.34174077

Western women often do.

>> No.34174100

They aren't, been in Japan for two weeks right before 'rona and seen a dozen different types of sailor suits while commuting.

>> No.34174145

Those that dislike the pantyshot attempts anytime they're in a crowd will go for pants as soon as they can, and that's a big group of girls regardless of feminism. t. fem anon who's been on a school-exchange couple years ago.

>> No.34174969

But were they JK or JC uniforms?

>> No.34175000

Western women will never be women

>> No.34175378

I'm not talking about myself, I mean what I've heard from my Jap friends and classmates. Though one of my gaijin friends had an incident like that too.

>> No.34175990

Slacks are based and I'm a sucker for handsome lady attire so I am glad the world of JK is catering to my taste finally
Kinda the fault of pornography lets be honest here

>> No.34176446

If clothes stopped being worn because of porn, women would be walking around naked. The mini-shorts style bloomers are just another artifact of the 70s/80s and have gone out of fashion.

>> No.34176750

Parents don't really like their kids uniforms being sexualized

>> No.34178303

Parents are stupid.

>> No.34178342

Similarly, loose socks that were popular in the 1990s are now an item for high school girls in AV.

>> No.34180396

Ironically the West is starting to adopt East Asian style uniforms more and more.

>> No.34180547

Those were almost exactly the colors of the uniforms at the private middle school I went to.
I always thought it was an ugly combo.

>> No.34180583

There's literally nothing "exploitative" about a skirt.

>> No.34180716
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>> No.34180814

A bit of an aside. This isn't in Japan. When I was in college, girls wore skirts. For the second half of college, the girls had an attire for internship that had pants and they were told that they would make them loose fitting. I was surprised how many girls actually wanted them to be form fitting (ass and thighs accentuated more) and of course the tailors catered to their wishes despite what the school initially told them.

>> No.34180833

shut up! girls are pure! sex is bad! that's why i'm a 45 yo virgin!

>> No.34181748

>JK girls
>Female highschool girls

>> No.34181824

You know what? I'm down she looks great, girls on dress pants are severely underrated

>> No.34182516

I do have to wonder how many people actually take these alternative uniform options. It makes news whenever some school announces them, but I don't think I've seen any real statistic.
I can't help but think that it could be an invitation for some sorts of bullying, but I haven't really looked that deep into it.

It's not too surprising in the context of the average schoolgirl or young woman. They're under pressure to be attractive, fashionable and trendy, and are perhaps not completely convinced by the traditional values of their elders. Around high school they're probably starting to properly understand things like sex appeal too. It's just expected that many of them would end up treating their uniform as a fashion item, even in more conservative cultures like Japan. So they roll their skirts, leave their top buttons open, and so on.
Obviously not every girl, but it's common to see.

>> No.34182719

Boys should be allowed to wear skirts if they want too.

>> No.34183584

Archived /jp/ school uniforms threads


>> No.34183944

They got their current uniforms from the west idiot

>> No.34184442
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>> No.34184480

Another aside. This isn't in Japan as well like the other one. When I was young, we had a choice between shorts or pants and then past a certain grade, we were all required to wear pants.

>> No.34184607

Why do white people like showing their foreheads so much?

>> No.34184715

Everything can be an invitation for bullying, it's one of the most frustrating things about Japanese system that blaming the victim is so common. Sure, if you draw lots of attention it can get you the wrong kind too, but in Japan it just turned to 'we try so hard to make you look the same that however small your difference is, it's drawing attention and that's why you're bullied'. It doesn't explain shit.

>> No.34185496

Non-whites don't? Weird.

>> No.34185651

If I were a girl, I would pick a skirt over pants any day. Imagine having a nice breeze around your privates in summer, shit must feel wonderful in comparison to pants.
But wearing pants is understandable in winter, I don't get how anyone can wear a skirt in sub-zero temperatures.

>> No.34185771

Everyone else follows what the whites do except for music.

>> No.34186051

In summer you get breeze but also sweaty thighs. In winter skirt + thick thights are more comfortable than cold piece of pants suddenly touching your leg.

>> No.34190865

They look like they don't want to be there.

>> No.34192610

>Imagine having a nice breeze around your privates in summer, shit must feel wonderful in comparison to pants.
I don't know. Imagine not having sweaty balls at all. That's like half the problem already gone.

>> No.34194087

that girl on the right will stop wearing it when she gets mistaken for a guy too many times

>> No.34197900
File: 105 KB, 480x562, 9d96afd2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Public high schools with high hensachi maintain classic suit uniforms such as sailor and gakuran.
Blazer uniforms began to be adopted in the first place in order to prevent students from modifying their uniforms.
The elite schools didn't have to change uniforms because Intelligent students weren't interested in such behavior.

>> No.34197918

>Blazer uniforms began to be adopted in the first place in order to prevent students from modifying their uniforms.
If that was the intention, then they failed because of gyaru subculture.

>> No.34198474

It means the communists are taking ground in the schools. Once they get a monopoly on access to the kids, Japan is a dead country walking.

Japan didn't ask for your feelings about their culture. Traditional gender roles and values are good and dismantling them is evil, it's simple

>> No.34198869 [DELETED] 
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Check skirts were introduced as a measure to lengthen the skirts.
As you all know the result.

>> No.34199551

>Traditional gender roles and values are good
What does this mean? Wasn't this a country where males and females wore robes with no pants before?

>> No.34200094

Their loss.
While she feels "strong" and "powerful" and "free" for wearing pants her other classmates who're still wearing skirts will be drenched in cock and semen while she's alone and bitter and crying about not having a bf.

>> No.34201644

Until very recently the main teachers' union in Japan was so lefty that teachers often refused to sing the national anthem in schools, so you might want to rethink the connection between communism, sexy school uniforms, and the good old days that you've somehow cooked up in your own head.

https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv9zck04 for starters, perhaps

>> No.34202390

Source? I still mostly see JKs in skirts where I live (Nagoya).

>> No.34202429

depends if the skirt wearers are bijin or not

>> No.34202518

anon, if you browse the archive >>34183584
you'll see that it's a meme started in 2008; some schools have pants as optional, and that's it; actually the retard that opens these threads created a dozen more not in the archive; it's just a little bait to have an uniforms thread going

>> No.34202598

well the thread failed because now its a redpill & "if i was a girl" thread

>> No.34204387
File: 19 KB, 236x314, C96158AC-8181-4C6C-A458-1074B52E46F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sailor suit pleated skirt girl uniform is directly descended from 'dismantling a gender norm'. It was adapted in this form because it closely resembled its predecessor, kimono + hakama set, which is still associated with women's scholarly contexts and worn for graduations, it's also the first outfit used as school uniform before they were westernized to sailor style, Taisho era pic related. But kimono + hakama set came from women wanting to be treated seriously esp in their literary careers. Hakama was a manly item before and they used it similarly to western women wearing suits or pants to appear more 'serious'. This became a norm so when used as early school uniform no one saw it as 'rebelious' anymore. Funnily enough even before hakama became 'manly' its earlier, longer version was a part of feminine kimono in Heian period.

>> No.34206121


>> No.34207197
File: 31 KB, 640x1002, 41Ygqh2ETBL._AC_UL1002_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always though it was kinda funny that Japan just basically copied the prussian waffenrock for their school uniforms

>> No.34207255

Don't forget all-boys british navy schools' sailor tops for the girls.

>> No.34207381
File: 51 KB, 800x560, 241865-800x560r1-japanese-school-uniforms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euro here, how do you even deal with school uniforms? Do you have multiple sets? Do you wash it everyday?

>> No.34207786

They're expensive so most students have two - one winter and one summer set (and in case of our school, a long sleeved apron-dress to wear for some classes). My host sister had two summer sets, one of which I could borrow. It had a skirt that was buttoned together with an under-top, and proper top (clipped together white body and blue collar). All girls also wore tanktops underneath it all. Tanktops and under-tops were washed every one or two days, proper top about once a week and skirts were rarely washed because they didn't really get that dirty. Socks, shoes, thights, bags and all that stuff were also regulated and had to be bought in the same shop as the uniform so they were also expensive, though I know some other schools allowed one's own bags and socks.

>> No.34207982

>My host sister had two summer sets
Read that as "my hot sister" at first...I've been here too long...

>> No.34209852
File: 285 KB, 960x1334, A36E86F2-1D6C-435A-8967-68D3E6D8CE81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes sense, the Meiji-era Imperial Japanese army uniforms were based off of Prussian and French military dress, if I remember correctly that’s also the time when Japan introduced nationalized schooling.

>> No.34212300
File: 131 KB, 1024x736, Waseda_University_students_in_1916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should've stuck with the simple kimono plus western hat combo.

>> No.34213433

Please don't have children.

>> No.34215019

Too late. Anon parents are now a thing.

>> No.34215083

Oh god! 4chan, producing parents?! Imagine the child...

>> No.34215093
File: 119 KB, 750x746, 84BFE4D6-21A4-45F5-90DE-73B58F0FE03B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls in pants make me coom so I’m happy.

>> No.34215298

It's called, "Wa" which mean harmony society. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wa_(Japanese_culture)
Basically they expect you to ignore any problem and it end up as a bystander effect. I remember someone posting on /int/ that they found a pedo teacher who was trying to groom a girl (or maybe he already fucked her idk) and he reported it to the Principal with actual proof of the teacher admitting it on text. The Principal just said something like "dont make a big scene" and did absolutely nothing about it and walked away. This is why japan society have so many social issues that are easily common sense and easy to solve in other countries.

Also see:
In Japanese culture, public failure and the disapproval of others are seen as particular sources of shame[3] and reduced social standing,[4][5][6] so it is common to avoid direct confrontation or disagreement in most social contexts.[7] Traditionally, social norms dictate that one should attempt to minimize discord; failure to do so might be seen as insulting or aggressive.[8] For this reason, the Japanese tend to go to great lengths to avoid conflict, especially within the context of large groups.[citation needed] By upholding this social norm,[9] one is socially protected from such transgressions by others.

Another weird detail I found out is in Japan if you find a decent job after college you are basically expect to work there FOR LIFE, which makes no sense until you read this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simultaneous_recruiting_of_new_graduates

Now I understand why there is so much stupid blackmail NTR hentai where the boss blackmail the employee because finding another job after quitting in japan is harder than other countries.

In America if you worked at job then quit within one year to get a better job, no one would bat an eye, but in japan it is discouraged. Not to mention loveless marriage is a real common thing (as well as purposefully refusing to get divorce to save face from the sigma from neighbors, friends and family.) Herbivore men is a big thing too because a lot of them find 3dpd women digusting and care more about idealistic anime girls. At the end of the day I think japanese people are just lonely and have no way to vent their frustration so they keep bottling it up until they explode. Just look at what the author of Act-age did even though he was about to get an anime and become a millionaire if he just waited and kept to himself.

>> No.34215322

>In America
This is why the rest of the world hates you.

>> No.34215336

Trying to get a better job is consider bad? Even European does it too without an issue. Jumping from decent job to better job is normal in almost everywhere except japan.

>> No.34215351

Your reading comprehension is that of an ESL. No surprise you just copied and pasted all that from Wikipedia.

>> No.34215386

>No argument
Imagine being so obsessed with the word "America" that you cannot even make a counterstatement beside "i hate you xD".


>> No.34215404

Change America to SEA monkey and you'll be right. Go simp back to your idol threads.

>> No.34215546

>loveless marriage
at least the arranged ones are less common now:


>> No.34215576


>> No.34216108
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Kishidan featuring yankii of the 1980s

>> No.34216121
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C-Style ditto

Both groups are from Kisarazu

>> No.34216868 [DELETED] 

You are a naive person who believes in the calicaturized Japan as it is, in the opposite sense to the wearboos.

>> No.34217195

You are a naive person who believes in the caricaturized Japan as it is, in the opposite sense to the wearboos.

>> No.34217718

I hope you're not implying the west handles sexual assault any better.

>> No.34222292
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Down with pants, only skirts are authorized school wear.

>> No.34224401

Oh cool, now OL fetish can double as JK fetish as well. Very convenient!

>> No.34224455
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More like, why do Japanese like hiding their foreheads so much?

>> No.34224527

Most channers are actually very ordinary people.

>> No.34224581

I want tubby blonde to sit on my face (while possibly also cosplaying as Marisa)

>> No.34225025

And that's the problem with it nowadays.

>> No.34225981

Covering the forehead and cheekbones makes the face look smaller and slimmer, more dainty

>> No.34226347

yo is that the avatar on the right

>> No.34226767
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During World War II, schoolgirl uniform skirts were abolished, and schoolgirls wore trousers called Monpe.

>> No.34226910

No. It's to hide the moonface, and you know it.

>> No.34227051

>It's to hide the moonface
Yes, making the face look smaller and slimmer. That's what I said.

>> No.34228242
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No, JC's sailor rate is higher in downtown Tokyo than in the countryside.

>> No.34231504
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Some public junior high schools have already allowed boys to wear skirts as an option in consideration of LGBT.

>> No.34231899

At least make them maxi skirts nobody wants to see some dudes balls

>> No.34232990

Most schools already require the skirt to reach or cover the knee

>> No.34234542

Tell them

>> No.34237253

>JK girls are now opting to wear slacks
What a shame, japan is one of the few countries left that encourages girls to west skirts and dresses

>> No.34238518

The age of the tomboy is beginning.

>> No.34238663

Girls should wear dresses and skirts. Pants are for men.
Girls should also cover their foreheads with bangs.

>> No.34238911

Girls should wear pants. Guys should get to let their balls hang free.

>> No.34239023

This is making me sad.
I love skirts.

>> No.34239277

och aye lad

>> No.34241943


>> No.34243100

yayoi, mixed, jomon

>> No.34243629
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>> No.34243650

Imagine having to wear pants AND get nuked. What a sad time.

>> No.34245049
File: 217 KB, 922x1200, DyUrHl3VsAEbtaJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All junior high schools in Nakano-ku Tokyo allow girl students to wear trousers.
The trigger was a female student's appeal to the Board of Education.
And in the questionnaire, most girls agreed to wear trousers.

>> No.34245091

Looks like someone on staff has a shota fetish.

>> No.34246387 [SPOILER] 
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Bombing of Tokyo

>> No.34247131

Those damn ポリコレ cunts ruining things as usual.

>> No.34247201

It's being done to accomodate trannies, which should tell you what direction their society is headed in.

>> No.34247208

>pants since the 40's
>i-its for the trannies! give me yous!

>> No.34247219

You put penis in your shithole do you?

>> No.34247229

The LGBT agenda is quickly taking hold there, and yes these changes are done to accomodate trannies.

>> No.34247255

Fag has been ruining this thread for attention for days

>> No.34247266

That was my first post, and I did not ruin anything or do anything for attention.

>> No.34247270

time to ignore the reply whore i guess

>> No.34247280

See >>34247266

>> No.34247297
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>> No.34247304
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>> No.34247317
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>> No.34247345

the trannies went back in time, doc!

>> No.34247349

This is a completely disingenuous argument, as expected of a leftist.

>> No.34247406

Hahahaha just give him a reply and end his suffering hahahaha

>> No.34247425

What are you talking about?

>> No.34247449


>> No.34247501

Again, what are you talking about?

>> No.34247877
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well, not really
that kind of tunic was bog standard for the era

>> No.34248793

this is what they took from us

>> No.34248883

All this talk about schools willing to have girls wear trousers got me thinking: if a school does allow girls to wear trousers, what about for girls who don't want to? Would they have to be forced to wear trousers?

>> No.34249095

allow ≠ forcing

>> No.34249151


Fine but will there be cases of a girl being bullied (at best) all because she wants to resume wearing skirts with her uniform?

>> No.34249163

>m-muh bully

>> No.34249537

I would wager most places would be the other way around. Or they'll wear skirts in hotter weather and pants in cold.
So really this is more of an attack on stockings and pantyhose.
Im just going off my experience as an aussie as we all have school uniform and girls could wear pants (though admittedly they were also generally a tight fit, not mens style, so were good in their own way.)

>> No.34254763
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>> No.34254783


>> No.34255000

Why is someone cycling threads?

>> No.34255232
File: 50 KB, 640x446, 37ff1f5ff8a451f24850823458c7892a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>pants since the 40's
INCORRECT. Pants were only authorized during wartime conditions to make factory work and shit practical and disappeared after.

>> No.34255271
File: 104 KB, 960x600, 9334b0a9d948c337050acf656d67b494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a demoralization thread. Only a few outlier schools allow pants, but you would think they were everywhere. I admit it's bad precedent, but remember everyone thought the sailor uniform would totally disappear like 20 years ago when blazer uniforms made inroads, but sailor fuku are holding out even if fewer in number.

>> No.34260782

This is bad for me because I like uniforms, but it's good too because I like uniforms in general

>> No.34260801
File: 36 KB, 590x443, 20160127-090719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This type in classical uniforms is disliked by schoolgirls. Therefore, there are schools that change to blazer only for girls.

>> No.34260810

What war was this? Gender pay gap war?

>> No.34261171

Anon, did you graduate secondary school?

>> No.34261181


>> No.34261755
File: 238 KB, 875x583, 木更津舞尊.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kisarazu Buson is the grand stage for DQNs in Kisarazu

>> No.34265139
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>> No.34265206
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>> No.34265429
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This. More pantsuit fetish when?

>> No.34265818

In one hand, I don't like the idea of skirts disappearing. In the other hand, I love the look of office ladies butts wearing pants. Truly difficult times.

>> No.34266879


>> No.34267847

white women

>> No.34268561

This is all truth. Note the 1 line responses you are getting, a meaningless reaction. The job situation is getting a little bit better, but only for non prestigious, ordinary jobs. This might explain the sex situation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yobai

The cultural aspect is really bad though, no one will ever stand up for anything. Their "honor" is not our "honor", it's more like duty vs virtue. For americans, doing the right thing is above society's technicalities. This is why pedophiles are destroyed in american prisons. Why killing a pedophile is seen as okay, because to us that's honor, getting in trouble for murdering a pedo is even more virtuous because technically you shouldn't have.
"Killing a pedophile is probably the most respectable crime in the world." -first youtube comment
Now compare this to how pedophiles are viewed in japan. If you went by japanese media, you'd think most japanese men were pedophiles lol. Maybe that's the real reason why the principal didn't want to do anything, because he also groomed children.

Give this a look. In particular look at page 16. Despite what people will tell you. Americans actually are very friendly, open, and even diligent people compared to the world. Japan is exceedingly low on these three, which might be eye opening to you, to help understand the difference between americans and japanese. They aren't actually friendly, they're just pretending for social cohesion. On the inside they think you're a pain or an idiot, but they'll never say it. Americans will strike up conversations in line, japanese think it's annoying. They aren't diligent or organized in their work, that's why they get so little done even though they work more hours than most countries. And lastly they're not open to new things. This is why their media is so cliched.

I think japan is doomed culturally. The new generation will probably all just kill themselves or each other. Look into popular media, compare now to 20 years ago. See the optimism and hope drip empty.
>In 2018, Minato was arrested again for attempted murder after beating a 32-year-old man with a metal rod and slashing his throat with a knife.
FUCKING LOL. Is there a reason this guy is still alive? Oh yeah, no guns allowed. Wouldn't want people wiping this scum off this planet.

>> No.34268621

t. loser American teacher who wants to leave Japan.

>> No.34268750

>Americans actually are very friendly, open, and even diligent people compared to the world.
These are all from the same channel you've linked.

My personal favorite.
American "hospitality" at its best.

>> No.34268818
File: 44 KB, 720x347, 松山南高校.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like summer wears in that type of uniform.

>> No.34268873
File: 279 KB, 1632x1224, 旭川市立高女.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uniforms and bloomers of a girls' school in the 10s of the Showa period

>> No.34269683
File: 443 KB, 2048x1366, 259871993_org.v1612321215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So really this is more of an attack on stockings and pantyhose.
Attacking stockings is grounds for uniform lovers to stage an insurrection.

>> No.34270235

that's more sexy than skirt
change my mind

>> No.34270241

Stop speaking in meme formats and we just might.

>> No.34275026


>> No.34275093


>> No.34275817

t. triggered weeb.

>> No.34275937
File: 2.92 MB, 720x404, 2456.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this.

>> No.34276312
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Haniwa look

>> No.34277376

When's your mom going to buy your ticket home, mutt?

>> No.34277698

When are you gonna finally put your 4 incher in a 3/10 hairy nip mango and realise what a stupid faggot you've been all these years?

>> No.34277776

how are these threads even legal

>> No.34277889

That's some pretty detailed projection, anon. Life doing you hard?

>> No.34278345

Now, I start to understand why pant are being considered.

>> No.34278630
File: 285 KB, 700x524, 1567351699719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should make the teachers wear uniforms as well, as it's not fair otherwise

>> No.34279732

They look more like office workers than high schoolers in that uniform.

>> No.34279914

It'll be easier to take them to a hotel if they look like they're a coworker than your student.

>> No.34281319

The center man in the front row is the radio personality of a local radio station.
The far right man seems to be the radio staff, because teachers don't wear T-shirts with logos on campus.

>> No.34282743
File: 97 KB, 638x479, 181110-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a Chinese uniform, not a sports-wear.

>> No.34284371

i see a lot of these in chinese porn

>> No.34284639

Moral police leave. Saudi Arabia would be more to your liking, women are covered in burqas so as not to offend you faggots.

>> No.34284659
File: 120 KB, 919x847, EU9_PcPUwAAg0yS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back on topic, some Showa classics to re-moralize this sad thread.

>> No.34284676
File: 795 KB, 1680x1119, 216871800_org.v1612602165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34285072

3D is gross and they should all be covered in AR enabled burqas and veils so we can envision them as anime women with the use of technology.

>> No.34285079

make them anime or gtfo with your 3dpd white girls

>> No.34285145

europe should reintroduce this

>> No.34285188

Isn't one of the characters in Shaman King part of that subculture

>> No.34285238
File: 179 KB, 1200x746, kk1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China wins laziest uniform

>> No.34285248
File: 510 KB, 900x600, 1540305660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should wear tights properly rather than dressed so badly.

>> No.34285592

american occupation of japan was a mistake

>> No.34288609

this is a good thread by /jp/ standards

>> No.34291862

Open campus?

>> No.34292895

The guys up top look fucking awesome
So dapper

>> No.34293311
File: 48 KB, 473x649, C9ERYdsJf9E5nLR_ZiCxA_99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad to think that they also wanted to wear skirts.

>> No.34293798

Yankii baggy attire manages to combine both images of rough yet refined.

>> No.34298177
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>> No.34298210
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>> No.34298392
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>> No.34298436

Those circular WW2 style Japanese glasses are the worst, most ugly things. I've only ever seen them on that one guy and propaganda posters, but seeing young women wearing them too is just gross.

>> No.34298460

>that one guy

>> No.34299514
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, 1515805992665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34301201

Yeah, you know the one I mean. He's pretty famous.

>> No.34303639
File: 170 KB, 840x559, 2656-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34303659
File: 275 KB, 1200x798, 北海道栄高校2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34304770
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>> No.34304809
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>> No.34305107
File: 544 KB, 864x1269, look at this dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the emperor
>that one guy
I guess I knew who you meant though

>> No.34306230

I meant Tojo actually, so I guess I was being too facetious.

>> No.34306410
File: 1.05 MB, 1339x2193, 00087a-13-nishokawa_takao1936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy right here

>> No.34306536
File: 79 KB, 460x657, mojo tojo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes more sense. Tojo's do better fit my mental image of "old Japanese man glasses"

>> No.34312093

Why are the two on the right wearing some sort of sweater when it's the fall?
