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3404103 No.3404103 [Reply] [Original]

Who would win in a fight, Lyner or Croix? My roommate and I have been arguing for hours and have decided to seek the opinion of the internet.

>> No.3404113

Croix would win just by merit of not being quite as retarded.

>> No.3404116


>> No.3404126

If we're judging by the size of the harem, Croix wins by a long shot.

>> No.3404130

If we're judging by quality of harem, Lyner wins by a long shot.

>> No.3404133


>> No.3404138
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>> No.3404139

Cocona and Mir. Fuck Lyner.

>> No.3404132

Fuck this battle.

You get one (1) Reyvateil. Which do you choose?

>> No.3404144
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Oh hey guys, what's going on in this thread.

>> No.3404147


>> No.3404150


>> No.3404152

That's not a Reyvateil at all.

Aurica is my wife, by the way.

>> No.3404153

Spica isn't a Reyvateil... is she?

>> No.3404154

I'm twelve and what is this

>> No.3404166

google any of the capitalized proper nouns that appear in the thread

>> No.3404171

Croix. Lyner would definitely end up chickening out of the battle. Besides, he'd be distracted by that giant Funboon Mir just summon- BEEEEEEEEEEEEP

Her awful singing just woke me up, so fuck, NO.

Aurica (Once she dies, Mir.)

>> No.3404172
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That's just what she wants you to think.

>> No.3404177


>> No.3404188
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You can't have her. It's too late.

>> No.3404208
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I had her way before you.

>> No.3404219

Croix in the game, he can only devote on a single girl. Which makes the love story hella better.

Lyner is a triple crosser, his feelings is pretty thin for all 3.

>> No.3404225

I've spent quite some time in her cosmosphere. She's let me all the way to the final level, you know. She told me she wants to be with me forever.

If you did have her first, you don't anymore.

>> No.3404228

Cocona > Shurelia > ALL

>> No.3404235

I think i remember raging when Lyner decided to put Misha back to the chronicle key room and sing forever when she was finally free. so yea, Lyner is already dead.

>> No.3404242

Looks like Aurica is a slut.

>> No.3404256
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>> No.3404255

Bullshit, Misha chose that herself. Slut deserves to stay in that room for eternity

>> No.3404261

Sorry to butt into your heated discussion, but it seems you never noticed the "tea" you were given... Remember? Concentrated liquid Grathnode. 300 Hmag/s.
In other words, it was Dive Therapy. Sorry to disappoint you.

>> No.3404279

Dive Therapy is for curing I.P.Ds though. Last I checked, I wasn't even female, much less a Reyvateil.

>> No.3404282

I'm just telling the truth and facilitating the facts.

>> No.3404283

Spica = sion same

>> No.3404285

Please elaborate why that argument managed to go on for hours without a resolution, because I see no way in hell why Lyner would stand a chance against Croix.

>> No.3404287

>Dive Therapy is for curing I.P.Ds
I think you need to play through again, because no, it isn't.

>> No.3404292

Spica is Eirin. Prove me wrong.

>> No.3404303

Oh? Then, pray tell, what is Luca's job again, and what kind of people did she use to treat, long before the I.P.Ds?
Still not dawning?

>> No.3404305
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I said this exact same thing to my roommate and have yet to be proven wrong myself. I totally agree.

>> No.3404328
File: 63 KB, 500x681, Kaguya and Eirin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friends with an immortal black haired loli with an immotal white haired rival

>> No.3404337
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I actually haven't gotten too far past where the story branches, although I vaguely remember something about them talking about sweaty old creepers using dive therapy for creeper intents.

But you still will not convince me that Aurica is anything short of a good girl.

>> No.3404373
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Shurelia is best.

>> No.3404453

Shurelia is a typical moeblob. so no.

>> No.3404463
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Give me Claire.

>> No.3404515

>"When you have that creamy goo filling up your mouth, it gives me shivers!"

>> No.3404521
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I don't care what anyone else says, I love Cloche-sama.

>> No.3404591
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>> No.3404606

There is barely any AT porn and it makes me sad.

>> No.3404615

Orica is my favorite AT girl

>> No.3404621


Especially with the amount of thinly-veiled sexual innuendo in the games themselves.

>> No.3404625

Much of it was added in translation.

>> No.3404626
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>> No.3404645

That's actually a bigger downer than I would have thought. Here I had a mental image of the script writers drunk off sake laughing in an uproar as they wrote some of the lines in these games, and the further amusement imagining the poor translators debating how best to handle it.

>> No.3404670

I couldn't even finish AT2 because of atrocious translation.

>> No.3404675

Are you planning to pick it back up when the fan retranslation is complete?

>> No.3404679

If you mean an AT1 party vs an AT2 party, AT1 would win because of Lyner's Harmonics hax.
On a duel ? Lance/Gun vs Blade, obviously Croix.

>> No.3404681

Oh please it wasn't THAT bad, just play the full undub and correct the text based on the spoken dialogue.

>> No.3404690

In a one-on-one duel, Croix due to SPEAR GUN.

With their party and reyvateils, Croix too. Cloche + Jakuri -> Replekia -> Phantasmagoria.

>> No.3404705

If they won't go SUPPORT OFFICIAL LOCALIZATIONS after some c&d letter, sure. Remeber Chrono Trigger 3d remake?

>> No.3404712

Except NISA has acknowledged that their localization was pure shit and wasn't that 3D Chrono Trigger project cancelled because the creator got tired of it?

>> No.3404715

I had a lot of fun with this game. i wish theyd announce a sequel at TGS

>> No.3404720


But NIS has no plans to release a retranslation of their own.

>> No.3404721

Well, I heard it was because of c&d letter.

>> No.3404719

His name implies that Croix is French. He would surrender to Lyner before the fight even began.

>> No.3404724



>> No.3404726


There are some hints for a third game, apparently.

>> No.3404727


He was Corsican.

>> No.3404728

There are three towers, so of course there has to be a third game. It was always supposed to be a trilogy.

>> No.3404730

Who knows, I wouldn't be surprised if that c&d was bull, but who cares.
Also at NIsa are mostly weeaboos I bet, so they won't really give a crap about it, after all they've alredy sold what they could.

>> No.3404733

Yes, I know, the ending to the second game supports that as well. Just that they might actually be working on it now.

>> No.3404737

Which is part of France, derp.

>> No.3404740

I going to bet Ar Tonelico will not end with AT3, I mean look at all the back story they've made for this shit.
I see at least 3 spin offs coming from this series, just like AI and MK, and the plot there was a mess.

>> No.3404743

>The Corsican Buonapartes originated from minor Italian nobility

Reading is fun! Either way, he wasn't French.

>> No.3404748

Yes, and I'm sure he fought all of his battles himself, right? Right?

>> No.3404749


I hope they won't be on PS3, I don't have one of those and I'd hate to miss a game ;_;

>> No.3404747

Italy here, give us back our fucking island you cheese lovers.

>> No.3404769

I don't know, they release that Atelier game on PS3, but that used a 3D engine, not their normal one that they used for almost all of their games.
I just hope they won't leave the 2D spirites graphics and go for full 3D, luckily those crossovers games seems to indicate otherwise.

>> No.3404782

AT3 is given to come one day as there are 3 towers and all the hints, but I also believe there could be atleast 4 game too to main trilogy, depending ofcourse how the 3 game ends. as it was hinted at the end of AT2 that mir was searching way to make the plane habitable again and I doubt that would be good idea to combine with AT3 as that tower just reeks troubles. make it so that after AT3 all the groups of the 3 towers will work together towards that goal, massive clusterfuck ensues.

>> No.3404786

Slow the fuck down, man. Your posts are hard to read.

>> No.3404788

buy one.

ps3 = high def cgs fuck year

>> No.3404793

What if you don't have an HDTV? ;_;

>> No.3404795

buy one.

>> No.3404807

But I'm a NEET. How can a NEET hope to acquire such an expensive entertainment item?

>> No.3404814

credit card frauds.

>> No.3404825


But if I get arrested, then they'll find my loli stash. And the girl chained up in the basement.

>> No.3404832

Don't try to pretend to be me. I don't even have a basement.

>> No.3404828

They're not expensive. If you can already support yourself, a part time job would only supplement your income. Then, you'll have enough for a HDTV in 1-2 months.

It all comes down to asking yourself "how badly do you want one?"

>> No.3404843

I could buy a ps3 and hook it up to my monitor, but the game prices are killing me, and they are kind of hard to come across in this shithole. I'd never buy a ps2 if I had to buy my entire 100+ games collection.

>> No.3404866

I rather meant "to come by". Fucking english idioms.

>> No.3405015

No love for luca or misha in this thread.

and everything is as it should be

>> No.3405024

Actually, both work in that context.

>> No.3405021 [DELETED] 

> Save the English language: http://www.anonta[removethis]lk.com/ICARE
Not sure if I understand you correctly. Please explain.

>> No.3405029

Luca would be great if she didn't have such a terrible and slutty personality.

>> No.3405042


Misha annoyed me.

>> No.3405043

I think it's great for a change. Delicious twisted mind, and not a cliche like yandere.
