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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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[SPOILER] No.3401347[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I have a serious problem.

I accidentally emailed a loli rape pic to my professor. I meant to attach a different picture that was next to it but miss-clicked and didn't realize until after I sent it.

So should I drop the class and never go back or should I face the brunt of the embarrassment and go to class on Monday?

>> No.3401359

You lie.

>> No.3401356


Man up.

>> No.3401363

Was it a male professor?
What subject was he teaching.
There's always a chance he's one of us.

>> No.3401362

Enjoy your arrest.

>> No.3401365

Cool /a/ repost, bro.

>> No.3401371

What a terribly drawn loli.

>> No.3401366

Go gracefully into the night.
Make a PowerPoint presentation for it.

>> No.3401374

I laughed at OP's misfortune

>> No.3401387

Yeah, he's a guy, he teaches CompSci.

>> No.3401389

"Someone hacked my email!"

>> No.3401392

worst case: you are kicked out of school (with a possible overnight stay in jail, till they figure out it isn't child porn). Professor looses job (with same possibility of an overnight stay).

Best case: it gets filtered by the server and nothing happens. lolz were had by all.

>> No.3401404

I can't say that because the body of the e-mail was part of the assignment I was turning in.

>> No.3401409

I accidentally did this once. It was a couple years ago, recently after I'd moved countries, and I sent my parents a picture of my apartment with some food I'd cooked prominently displayed - except I accidentally sent them a picture of two of my not-worksafe dakimakura.

They never mentioned it.

>> No.3401413

That's not even the same pic you posted on /a/ just now. At least make it look like you're trying to get a wide range of help or something. 0/10

>> No.3401414

Seriously, I'm always afraid when I send an email. I always check two, or three times, that I'm sending the right file.

>> No.3401426

I don't want people to know that I am into shota.

>> No.3401428

"See, sometimes when emails are sent over the interwebs, there's too much infodata zipping around, and the data collides with other electronic mails, and sometimes the data gets hotswapped, in this case my picture, or jpeg as you would call it. So somewhere, out there, some pervert has the pictures from my project in his inbox"

>> No.3401434


I think that would seriously be the least of your worries.

>> No.3401443


This is logical.

>> No.3401452


If OP does this super-dramatically, I could actually see the professor just taking pity on you

>> No.3401461

It's too late, Richard. I already alerted the police.

>> No.3401465

What do you mean by that? Should I try saying this while crying?

>> No.3401474


Dramatic is dramatic.

>> No.3401486

Simply send another mail stating that your retarded "friend" thought it would be hilarious to send a pr0n picture when you left your computer to take a leak. Not that hard.

>> No.3401501

The professor will never believe that the OP has friends.

>> No.3401511

Why would you name your picture of your project something similar or even in the same folder as your loli pics?

>> No.3401505

But then there's the issue of what was either of them doing with a picture like that in the first place. OP still gets arrested.

>> No.3401516


This, a million times.

What the fuck, sort your shit OP

>> No.3401521


Tell the truth, be brave
but constantly tell yourself that you didn't do anything wrong, million times all the time in your head.

You may need to brainwash into yourself a bit more confidence

>> No.3401532
File: 21 KB, 450x319, mexicofan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mehico awaits, mes kinky muchacho! Haha!

>> No.3401552


>> No.3401557

I can't believe how fucking stupid some of you are.

Fucking off yourself already, you're a burden on society.

>> No.3401577

Just go in and don't say anything. If he mentions it just be like I sent you the wrong thing. And he'll most likely be like "okay."
Men understand men

If it is a woman however, you better change your name and move somewhere else

>> No.3401587

My VN idea documents and my college essays have the same names, yet I never face a similar problem.

You learn telling them apart once you have about 100.

>> No.3401592

It'd be great if it all just blew over like that.

>> No.3401600

>>3401587 My VN idea documents and my college essays have the same names,


>> No.3401604


Wouldn't be so sure of that. Teachers aren't bound by professional confidentiality in cases like this, but are obligated to report. If it gets out that he failed to do so, he's going to be in deeper shit than you can possibly imagine.
He's not going to take that risk.

>> No.3401602

Just follow the example of the noble samurai.

I'll be your second if you wish.

>> No.3401609

My VN ideas and college essays are the same thing. Hooray for creative writing major!

>> No.3401610

Unless he fears someone might need to check his own computer. In that case, he'll just keep his mouth shut.

>> No.3401611

Sono me, dare no me?

>> No.3401612

>>accidentally emailed a loli rape pic to my professor
If it's a She then it's okay.
Be careful though, if you're getting alone in the classroom with her she'll rape you and use your pic to keep your mouth shut.

>> No.3401616


In which case, he will be obligated to report the student for blackmail.

>> No.3401631

Just say some porn spammer sent it as an attachment and you forwarded it with your report by mistake.

>> No.3401635

Or the best excuse of all. Deny everything. Look confused and WTF and you have no idea what the hell they are on about.

>> No.3401636

"Oops, I meant to attach that to the email I sent to my creative arts professor. Sorry."

>> No.3401637

That might work.

>> No.3401640

No, no, I mean that the professor might be hiding some naughty illegal things on his computer, and reporting the student would probably mean that the police will do a complete check up of his computer.

>> No.3401645

So I just got this e-mail with a loli rap picture in it.

>> No.3401654

I wonder what Mootxico is like this time of year.

>> No.3401659

Even if he mailed him CP the prof isn't going to lose his job, are you an idiot?

>> No.3401679

>Fucking off yourself already, you're a burden on society.
>burden on society

>> No.3401688

>loli rap
Did you get lost while looking for the C76 music thread?

>> No.3401694

and if it's a he, the same thing will happen

>> No.3401711

>loli rap

>> No.3401732

You're fucked.

Why was there a loli rape picture next to your homework or whatnot in the first place?

>> No.3401760

I keep everything I download off the internet in a single folder until I have time to sort through it. We had to download and fill in a blank problem analysis outline, and I just left it in there because I thought I wouldn't need to worry...

>> No.3401772

Sounds like an eroge plot. Maybe the teacher should be a shapeshifter of sorts and turn into a younger girl to appeal to him too.

>> No.3401808

Your best bet? Immediately (LIKE RIGHT NOW) send him an email to disregard that previous post and delete it with a copy of what you actually intended to submit. With any luck, he'll take a look that you only sent him some picture that he won't even glance at, realize that this isn't what you intended to submit, and delete it.

>> No.3401817

And as people continue to post, they don't realize that there was no email.

>> No.3401827


>> No.3401857

Sounds good to me

>> No.3401860


Most of us don't care if it's a troll, we're just so ronery that we need some form of stimulation to act as a simulacrum of social interaction

>> No.3401872

Of course, that was the first thing I did after realizing my mistake. What I'm worried about is what happens if I'm not lucky. If he wonders what was in the first version and looks, then I'll have to make use of one of these suggestions after class day after tomorrow.

>> No.3401887

Tell him/her that you thought the loli had a little bit of a problem that needs analysing.

>> No.3401914

This. I don't mind playing along if the problem is interesting enough.
Although I keep my university-related files in a completely different folder, this might happen to me someday.
Might as well speculate a bit on what to do.

>> No.3401925

Speak for yourselves, mongrels.

>> No.3401941
File: 30 KB, 444x321, 1245786136787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, you.

>> No.3402003

If that was at least well drawn, I'd say act like it's no big deal. Since then you could say you have taste.

But that is a bad picture.

>> No.3402005
File: 614 KB, 1919x1088, ohyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Problem, officer?

>> No.3402020

Year, Char, there is.

>> No.3402055 [SPOILER] 
File: 555 KB, 600x600, b54ec3d3b3d77226380cfbbac507630418fe7017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Send him and E-Mail saying "Whoops, meant to attach this picture".

And apologize about the censor, saying you'll take the grade penalty for it.

>> No.3402051
File: 105 KB, 500x335, 447417608_00aba3d102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll have to negotiate with my boomstick, then.

>> No.3402087 [SPOILER] 
File: 389 KB, 600x600, 35996003b21495af3854a87494a31ab5aed93872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's a B at best.

Now this is an A.

>> No.3402093

Well before that,I just thought I should let you know, I just stabbed you're bitch/

>> No.3402096
File: 31 KB, 540x309, el_fuerte_010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mehico awaits, mes kinky muchacho! Haha!

>> No.3402101


Where is my art appreciation class for this, god dammit?

>> No.3402249
File: 3 KB, 199x176, trollface__1__131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I can't tell you whether or not there ever was such an e-mail, because I'm not the guy who posted it on /a/. Thanks guys, I had fun, but now that this has died down, it's /bun/'s turn. See ya around.

>> No.3402361

Damn it, you sure trolled us hard.

>> No.3402371


You sure showed us.

>> No.3402387

Kill yourself

>> No.3402390

wtf are you me?

>> No.3402472

Are these by the same artist? If so, who?

>> No.3402524

Kimoto Kanata

>> No.3402681
File: 92 KB, 799x597, SO HOOD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Loli rap

>> No.3402712

If he's tenured, try to get him on your side. Nothing to fucking fear. If he's not, enjoy the FBI knocking at your door.

>> No.3402737

That's what you get for not using gmail. It has an unsend feature. I never had to use it because I don't send emails.

I have a feeling OP is trolling but I'm stupid.

>> No.3402741

Copypasta from /a/.

>> No.3402760


Unsend? How the fuck does that work? Does it only work if they have gmail too?

>> No.3402762

That doesn't seem like it would work unless the other person also happens to be using Gmail.

>> No.3402769

Anybody else notice the 萌 on his jacket?

>> No.3402773


I don't know because I never had to use it.

>> No.3403570

>loli rap

>> No.3403582

See ya in 20 years Mike.

>> No.3403616

OP, if you're still here, don't offer professor any explanations. Act surprised. Insist you sent your picture and not the one he's claiming you did. If he's a comp sci teacher, he's not going to believe that bullshit about emails colliding. He's going to assume you have some sort of virus on your computer that fucked up your email.

>> No.3403715

Sneak in your prof's house at night. Steal his computer.
