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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3377135 No.3377135 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/.

Have you ever considered suicide? If you have, why did you consider it, and what made you decide not to do it?
Do you think your life is worthwhile? Do you think you will ever be happy?

>> No.3377138


>> No.3377140

>Implying it's possible to be happy

>> No.3377148



I am happy.

Find your inner peace and everything falls into place.

>> No.3377151


>> No.3377154

Stop making shitty meta-threads, Katsu-kun.

>> No.3377158


Too lazy, selfish and cowardly to go through with it.


I'm already quite happy when I'm not suicidal.

>> No.3377176


>> No.3377182


Reported. Go play more Cross Channel before making stupid thread.

>> No.3377194

The thought has occurred to me before, but more in the form of "life is kinda bothersome, would it be okay to give up?", but then I start thinking that if I'm considering that anyway, I might as well do something I would never do if I planned to live for long instead, and from there I conclude that I don't really feel like it.

>> No.3377201


Well, I believe I have thought about it, but I haven't fallen in complete despair yet. Maybe there's a slight line of hope that makes me want to be in this world, even though I have no goals or wishes.

>> No.3377205

Suicide is a comforting idea, but I've never seriously considered it as an option. Still, it's nice to know that no matter how badly I fuck up, there will always be a way out.

>> No.3377230

Man does not strive after happiness; only the Englishman does that

>> No.3377240
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>> No.3377246


>> No.3377251

>Have you ever considered suicide?
Seriously? Hell no. I want to live forever and suicide kinda ruins that.
>Do you think your life is worthwhile?
Define "worthwhile". To me it's the most valuable thing.
>Do you think you will ever be happy?

>> No.3377302

The only thing worse than you making these threads is the retards that reply/encourage them. Get out already.

>> No.3377306

You only get one life. Don't waste it.

>> No.3377361
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A common mistake to make is 'you can only do X once, therefore you should do it'. If that X is not worthwhile, should you still do it just because you can do it?

>> No.3377415

No matter how bad you think you have it, a lot of people in this world have it so much worse than you that you would cringe and cry in a corner if you saw their lives. Those people don't get to kill themselves, even if they want to sometimes. What makes you so special that you can take the easy way out and just die? At least you aren't an Eastern European child slave being forced into making snuff films.

If you think your life is worthless, then at least make it worthwhile by sacrificing it for something else. Devote your life to something that would make the world better, like a charity or something. If you see someone in a lot of trouble, and you think your life is worthless, why not trade places and risk your worthless life to save somebody else whose life may not be ready to end yet? Why not join the army and be a medic? Why not become a policeman? Why not join a monastery or something if you want to search for inner peace. Why not go oversees and help with the humanitarian efforts over there?

If you honestly believe that your life is worthless and you can no longer realize your potential, then you should devote your life to helping others reach that potential. If you do that, then you can leave a worthwhile impact on this world for the better. You can die and say, "even though my life was short, I was here, and I did something good." Instead of just giving up and disappearing.

>> No.3377422


The beauty of helping others reach their potential is that even by that action, you have made a new purpose in life and are reaching your own potential as well.

>> No.3377430

Reported and hidden.

>> No.3377452
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>Have you ever considered suicide?
Yes. Actually, I've already made up my mind.
I'm looking for a painless easy way to do it.
If you have, why did you consider it, and what made you decide not to do it?
A lot ot things.
>Do you think your life is worthwhile?
Do you think you will ever be happy?

>> No.3377473
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>> No.3377526


Why the hell would you want to live FOREVER?

Isn't that basically the worst possible thing that could happen to you? Seriously man, think about it.
Ten years. Fun.
Hundred years. Okay.
Thousand years. Meh.
Million Years. OH GOD MAKE IT STOP.
Infinity ....

Considered suicide. Yeah. Why? Well, I basically had lost everything that was important for me when I was 14 or something like that, I didn't get enough food and I had to live in fear. Well, why I decided not to do it?

Just for shits and giggles basically. I think I became a little-nazi back then and basically refused to become a sub-human scum that just had killed himself.

Do I think I will ever be happy?

Well, I am currently quite happy. I got my own apartment, I got food, I got proper clothes, decent computer, decent internet connection, healthy body(even though with "weaker" immune system than normal people have) and I'm alive. What more could I possibly need?

>> No.3377579

Nope. Personally, I will try to live for as long as possible. I will go kicking and screaming into the void.

>> No.3377583

>Why not join the army and be a medic?
You can't just walk in and say 'hey guiz can i be a medic lol?'. If you don't know shit about medical stuff, you can't be a medic.
And even if you manage to become one, you're helping people kill other people, even if indirectly.

>Why not become a policeman?
Because police here focus more on annoying people for money (hey, I can give you a fine! Awesome!) than actually doing anything useful. And like being a medic, it's not like there are no prerequisites.

>Why not join a monastery or something if you want to search for inner peace. Why not go oversees and help with the humanitarian efforts over there?
Because society expects you to make money. You can't start doing stuff until you've got money, and in order to earn money, you have to get some sort of education - which will get you a nice debt, forcing you to make money. You can't just step out of society like that.

>> No.3377591

>Why not join the army and be a medic?

Why that's exactly what I plan to do

>> No.3377599

yes, boredom,the fact I'm not suicidal, yes, I actually am quite content.

>> No.3377609

>At least you aren't an Eastern European child slave being forced into making snuff films.

But then I would get to be the little girl AND experience the pleasure of being cummed inside!

>> No.3377620

Never. There is just too much beauty to quit.

>> No.3377624
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Rape before you suicide faggots of /jp/.

I know most of you here are virgins, so....

>> No.3377628

I've considered it, but I'm not suiciding without taking someone important down with me. Way too much effort and I'd probably fail.

>> No.3377633

I couldn't bear to know that I might have a successor born of an inferior being.

>> No.3377638

but after feeling the pleasures of a woman you might want to start living again and it will be too late

>> No.3377683

>Have you ever considered suicide?
nope, severel of my friends killed themselves and i have seen what it has done to those around them
>Do you think your life is worthwhile?
I'm almost done with my gunsmith training, gunsmithing is a six figure income.
>Do you think you will ever be happy?
I'm happy as long as I have you guys.

>> No.3377805

>why not trade places and risk your worthless life to save somebody else whose life may not be ready to end yet?
I've been waiting.
No way I'd become a cop, join the army, or join any kind of church shit.
