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File: 552 KB, 2000x1505, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3305040 No.3305040 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for the list of recommended visual novels similar to this anime list.

Also, recommend good VNs not on the list. Thanks.

>> No.3305047



>> No.3305052


Play whatever sounds interesting.

>> No.3305057
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>> No.3305058

At least tell us what you're generall looking for in a VN first. That might narrow it down a bit.

>> No.3305062

OP here. Something shoujo-y with no rage like rape.

Saya no Uta made me rage.

>> No.3305067


>> No.3305070

Did you try the other option (rejecting her) at that point?

If not, reload and do it. It's hilarious.

>> No.3305075

>A VN recommendation thread

Get out of /jp/.

>A VN recommendation thread bashing Saya no Uta


>> No.3305080


Huh. Well, maybe try Planetarian. It's a good story, though short. Or if you really want sex scenes and routes and so on Yume Miru Kusuri might be a good choice, though I didn't personally like it.

>> No.3305082
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>> No.3305085

I was going to help you but I saw this post and now I won't.


>> No.3305086

Kawaii Adobenshaas in Anime Rand, it's on /rs/.

>> No.3305089

I don't know why it's a bad thing to make a recommendation pic. You guys went along with the badass villain quotes and classroom characters and those were from /a/ and /v/.

>> No.3305092

Horrible list

>> No.3305093

Holy shit, why is that list so small?

>> No.3305101

>Recomendation thread
>Hide thread

>> No.3305103

There have been a few floating around.

>> No.3305105


I know, since there are so many VNs fully translated into English and all.

>> No.3305106

That's because VNs aren't like anime.

There's too few translated for a recommendation list to be worth it; everyone on /jp/ knows everything that's translated.

If OP wanted untranslated titles he would have said so.

>> No.3305122

Here's your recommendations list: http://zepy.momotato.com/2009/09/01/eroge-that-everybody-should-have-played/

hurry up and play Sekai no Subete already

>> No.3305145


>> No.3305152

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.

>> No.3305161

Why are people so angry? I'm trying to be polite.

>> No.3305386



Also your choice range for VNs is incredibly small if you want it in english. What type are you specifically looking for?

>> No.3305545
File: 1.17 MB, 2000x5000, Another_shitty_recommendation_list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's one list made by me, it's still making and is mostly done by lurking (I haven't even nearly played everything on the list), so feedback would be appriciated.

>> No.3305552

are these all translated?

>> No.3305557


What is: Kusari, anonymous, kara no shoujo, and sayonara wo oshieta about?

>> No.3305558

Wish it was so, but no

>> No.3305560


CC is a mystery? all the threads make it sound like nothing more than a drama

>> No.3305569

Haven't played anonymous or Kara no Shoujo.

Kusari: You and your friends are having a vacation on a luxury prototype cruise ship thanks to your connections when you get an SOS. SOS is from a fellow who was stranded at sea. Turns out picking up him wasn't such a good idea.
Pretty awesome, relatively underrated Leaf title - plenty of action, lots of decision making (heaps of choices, many of which can result in your death, and not necessarily immediately)

Sayonara wo Oshiete is hard to describe without spoiling, but it's pretty incredible. You're an assistant teacher living a tedious life; each afternoon you wander the school corridors and each night you have a terrifying dream. This is sort of a 'just play it' thing - the story can't be explained without ruining it. It contains a bit of guro, rape etc. though.

>> No.3305577
File: 1.31 MB, 1096x1400, VN recomendation list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is your list, OP. It is probably the best one /jp/ can muster for you.

>> No.3305583

I redid that list a while ago removing the duplicates, adding more titles, colour-coding translated games etc.

It's already out of date; lots of things I would recommend have come out since then.

>> No.3305584


Thank you anon, and now I'm remembering kusari. At least what little I know of it, cause there was a thread a few weeks ago with anons saying something memorable from it....something that the guy screams. God damnit what was it, it made me interested in the game but then I completely forgot about it.

"Something PARTY" I think

>> No.3305589

wasn't sure where to put it, but probably move it to drama then.

>> No.3305592
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>> No.3305597

If Ever17 is a mystery Cross Channel probably comes close to one, at least. Really, it could go in either (but then so could Ever17)

>> No.3305600


lol yep that's it

>> No.3305601

What are you waiting for? Christmas?
Re-post it.

>> No.3305609
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Here- I think this one might still have a duplicate or two still in it though.

For reference, the reason there's no real order to it is purely so I could get everything to line up as well as it does.

>> No.3305610

Oh, and the actual translations part is also out of date; things like Cross Channel, Kazoku Keikaku and Kanon have full translations now and there's even more partially-translated titles.

>> No.3305615


I'm definitely playing this next after I finish extravaganza, I was gonna move onto baldr but that's probably better off left in the unplayed section until the second one is out

>> No.3305616


That's a great list but damnit get some pictures.

>> No.3305620

many of titles in that list could go into some other category, but I tried to order them by their "main" category. So should C+C remain in mystery?

also could someone recommend some good gameplay or moe or nukige (have no idea if those which are there are "good" in their genre) related VNs? as those are most lacking and I'm trying to keep that list relatively high in quality.

>> No.3305628
File: 28 KB, 430x320, Duke Nukem Forever.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minor things aside, good job, bro.

>> No.3305629

Good gameplay:
- Ikusa Megami ZERO
- Mine Fukaki Se ni Tayutau Uta
- Sudzukuri Dragon

Good nukige:
- Prima Stella
- Serina

>> No.3305636

The image would be huge if all of those had pictures. Was thinking of heavily culling the list (down to maybe a hundred really good titles?) and creating something with fewer titles but a lot more detail- if I get some time this evening I'll look into it.

>> No.3305640


Duke nukem damn you, I'm tired of waiting forever for you

>> No.3305669

OP here, thanks! I really appreciate it. Downloading a couple right now.

>> No.3305673


A smaller list is fine too.

>> No.3305688

>Ikusa Megami ZERO
already on list, but in fanatasy section as it's bit of lacking. how good is the story in it? if it's too bad I could move it to gameplay. the other two I'll probably add.
prima stella is there already too, but can't find anything for serina? how is it spelled? or give link?

anyone got any good moeges to recommend?

>> No.3305702
File: 54 KB, 640x480, lol random screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can always get medieval on some old-school asses, while you wait... forever... T_T

>> No.3305709

How about a "Short games" category? You already have Planetarian in there, but but light's Shiokaze no Kieru Umi ni is another example of a game that's very short (~200kb scenario), but has very high production values and is pretty awesome for what it is. I'm sure there's a number of other such games.

Other than that, Gunjou no Sora wo Koete would be a very unique game to recommend, but not sure in which category.

>> No.3305723

The story is pretty good, but the gameplay is awesome - it's my personal favourite as far as eroge+gameplay titles go.

Serina is by Atelier Kaguya; it is spelled 瀬里奈

>> No.3305724

hmmm.. gotta think that short games category, but yeah probably should add gunjou sora somewhere there, it's mostly war drama right? so it would go to drama section?

>> No.3305729

My two cents:

I don't consider Prima Stella nukige.
I mean there's only 1 hscene per chapter and that takes at least at least a few hours of reading to get to it. It should be moved to moe.

Triangle Blue isn't "dark". Half of the game's route are light romance. The other NTR half have good ends.

Rasen Kairou should be on horror/suspense. So is Anonymous.

Custom Slave F is repetitive shit, it's shit compared to the other games on the list. Kanotsuku is better.

Add Ouzoku & Daibanchou to gameplay.

>> No.3305733

I think Gunjyou no Sora is probably more of a 'Drama' than any other VN on that list, really.

>> No.3305734

Well, it's actually rather heavy on politics stuff as well, but yeah, the drama category would probably closest of the pre-existing ones.

>> No.3305740

thanks, hard decission where put it then, as there is less good fantasy titles (atleast I can't think any and all those in list are only ones I can think) as there is good gameplay (I can think many, but don't know which are good) titles...

>> No.3305745

It's good but you should mark what has a translation,
also, it's kinda small and missing a lot of stuff.

>> No.3305771

well yeah, I know triangle blue is something like that, but NTR stuff could be considered "dark" to some degree. and if I remove rasen kairou and anonymous from "dark" there really isn't anything there much. thinking about removing CSF from list then, but could someone recommend good /d/ infested nukige then?

duh, it's work in process thing, I will add/remove/change titles in it from what I get from lurking and feedback. And probably add what's translated next time I update it.

and generally I'm trying to make a recommendation list with as much veriety as possible and every title should atleast good in it in their own category.

>> No.3305780

Don't you "duh" me ;_;
also, I respect you for trying to help the gentleman of /jp/.

>> No.3305812

Probably too obvious, but where's Kiminozo?

>> No.3305820

*facepalm*, will be added in next version. I have forgotten too much of most obvious choices, to some categories.

>> No.3305824

Not OP here. Yumemiru Kusuri caught my eye thanks to this thread, I looked into it a bit. Does everyone pretty much like it? What overall genre would it be in? And is the translation by Peach Princess decent or is it terrible?

>> No.3305845

It's awesome.

>> No.3305854

It's decent, but for whats translated its good. Mostly drama and rather high ammounts of H.

>> No.3305858

Yume Miru Kusuri is about relationships, and 'drama' fits.

PP's translation of it is pretty respectable - in fact, it's their best translation (out of all the titles they've translated that I've played both the Japanese and English versions of anyway)

It's a good story, but it would have been better if it was written by Tanaka Romeo. That said, it's still decent + worth playing.

>> No.3305864

Are you aware of the term "to be Shanghai'd off somewhere"?
This has it.
Not that it's something to sell the game on but it was amusing to me.

Student Prez is the best!
Still need to play the other routes...

>> No.3305881

>playing only Mizukis route
You don't even know what you are missing by only playing the least memorable route.

>> No.3306153


Dude, please, tell me something more about Extravaganza. I don't think I have read something about it beyond that short vndb description. And it's supposed to be the best Black Cyc game...

>> No.3306160

here's an old review ayyo wrote ages ago:

>> No.3306205
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I haven't played Kara no Shoujo, but it's about gruesome murders and weird paintings and mystery. You play a detective, there's evidence gathering sections and shit.

Anonymous is heavily inspired by Rasen Kairou, it has many similar themes and aspects. It basically starts off as a normal generic eroge, guy in small town meets some new girls, they have fun and all around great time together and slight romantic tension with one of them before they have to go back to the city. Some time later, he and his family move to the city because his little sister has become shut-in and it's closer to where they can get help for her. He's excited about meeting his friends again, only it's not a happy reunion at all.

>> No.3306229


>>3305615 here, Isn't much I can say I'm not too far into it, I decided to stop using atlas and finally start learning jap by going through with only Mecab and jparser. What took me 2 days to read woulda taken a fluent /jp/ reader maybe 30minutes.

BUT from what I read so far it is pretty interesting, poor yumemi though ;-; . I can tell this is gonna be much more dark than GSS(but after fully completing GSS I don't think it was all that dark to begin with).

>> No.3306241
File: 24 KB, 806x601, gssintro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but after fully completing GSS I don't think it was all that dark to begin with

Thats because GSS was always a love story, first and foremost.

>> No.3306243

There's only 1-2 non-rape scenes in the entire game and they're yumemi feeding her mushi

Extravaganza lacks scenes as extreme as some in GSS, but the story itself is much darker and feels a lot more 'real'. GSS' bad end execution scenes felt so out of place it was hard to take them seriously - not so here.

>> No.3306252


Thanks for input. So it really seems promising.

>> No.3306254


Well half the problem might have been anything involving gore just made me laugh, he was a comical relief character as far as I'm concerned. Even the tentacle rape involving exploding organs managed to be funny.

>> No.3306260

>only Mecab and jparser
I should try this.

>> No.3306282


It's a real test of patience, like I said I've made barely any progress on extravaganza.

It is satisfying though every time you read a kanji without the help of mecab that you couldn't the last time.

>> No.3306318
File: 7 KB, 238x195, kermit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck ayyo. I haven't had the slightest respect for his reviews after reading the GSS review (I'd already played GSS at that point). It's kind of like the erogereview.com guy, in that both of them fill their reviews with absolutely surreal amounts of exaggeration, to the point that it's no longer anywhere near an accurate description of what the game actually contains.

In case you're curious, his GSS review is here: http://web.archive.org/web/20060813151046/http://www.makenaidesuwayo.com/2006/07/27/gore-screaming-s
Regarding GSS violence: "[...] using this same Gore Meter, Gore Screaming Show can easily rate as a 8935 on it. We’re talking unspeakable and unmentionable stuff here, if the most blood you seen is a paper cut, then this stuff will blow you and your lunch away." <- WTF? The amount of gore in GSS was extremely weak for a game with such a title and premise.

That said though, Extravaganza still is probably a pretty good game, judging from comments I've gotten from other (much more reliable) eroge players. I haven't gotten around to it yet, but it's definitely on my to-play list.

>> No.3306354

>It's kind of like the erogereview.com guy

Check out his review of Aster: http://www.jastusa.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4938

After playing Aster I was left wondering if we had actually played the same game, after quotes like:
"Hina is a tsundere and beats the poor ever loving shit out of Kyouji almost everyday."
"Shit seriously hits the fan when Saya and Hiro lose their virginity to each other and Saki emotionally crashes when she learns of it. No... she doesn't go Yandare and kill anyone... but she's a complete and total wreck."
"As far as the twin arc is concerned, it takes its plot from another twin title - Futari de Hitotsu no Koigokoro"

Dunno what the heck he smokes when he plays these games.

>> No.3306360

>Anonymous is heavily inspired by Rasen Kairou

Might have something to do with the fact that both are by the same scenario writer.

>> No.3306386

The most horrifying title I've played as far as gore levels go is probably the appropriately named 'Love Letter'. It contains nothing all that extreme, but it's written in a way that feels all very real and very terrifying.

You get to see a girl dissolved in sulfuric acid and everything!

>> No.3306404


Never heard of this...explain more anon

>> No.3306412

Gore's extreme lack of use on the song Sadistic sexart in the rape scenes disappointed me, I thought it was perfect for em. At least it worked quite well for me in the aoi one

>> No.3306413

You're both exaggerating faggots. GSS only has weak gore compared to other BlackCyc games.

>> No.3306415

a quick look at the EGS page (http://erogamescape.ddo.jp/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/game.php?game=1874):

only partial voicing; you get to choose protagonist's name (jesus fuck I hate that); engine apparently is shit

Overall, the game hasn't gotten very much good reviews. Judging from the comments, people who bought it for the guro were overall disappointed.

>> No.3306417

So do people play those kinds of games to fap? I don't think I could fap to that.

>> No.3306419

Why do all those recommendations only involve big tits?

>> No.3306422

because almost all games have multiple heroines?

>> No.3306425


I think your misunderstanding there anon...or maybe I am.

I'm pretty sure they are saying exactly what you are implying

>> No.3306441

I actually mean 99% tits only games.

>> No.3306448

3306318 here, I have no idea what you mean. I never said GSS doesn't have a lot of gore compared to most other eroges. It's just that the basic premise of the game you get from the OP and the like (yes yes, I know what the game is primarily about) make you expect a lot more than what you actually get.

>> No.3306458

Uh, no? Not really.

Average character is still between 'average' and 'tsurupettan' for most of those.

>> No.3306472

"tits"=anything not "flat"

>> No.3306538

I give this thread a rating of 60 out of 100. Would've been higher without all this OT bullshit.

>> No.3306557


for a recommendation thread this is rather good compared to the normal

>> No.3306563

You haven't been here for very long, I guess. This thread's worth a 15/100, and I'm being kind.

>> No.3306590


>> No.3307419

is there anything similar to saya no uta?

>> No.3307436

anything similar to saya no uta?

>> No.3307440

is anything similar to saya no uta?

>> No.3307446

This is the reason I left /jp/, people come asking for help, but you'd rather shit up their threads and go back to your touhou and SO RONERY threads instead.

It's an image board, threads have a short life. OP may have no idea whatsoever where to stert looking for more, and /jp/ is the obvious choice. He also has no access to the other threads asking the same question.

tl;dr stop being bastards and raging over an imageboard

>> No.3307465

Sup OP.
You might enjoy recommendation but 99% of the people here dont. Why dont you fuck off back to /a/.

Reported for /a/ style trolling.

>> No.3307477

Man, no wonder most of you guys are shut ins. What bastards.

>> No.3307509
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>> No.3307521


>> No.3307857

/jp/, please request me a good "light" game. I've mostly played dark/mystery/sci-fi/drama stuff and am looking for a slight change of pace. I would like the game have some kind of plot to keep me interested, however, so that its main selling point isn't the light atmosphere or characters (such as in Yosuga no Sora).

From the games I've been looking at, Hoshizora no Memoria looks like it might be my thing, but if any of you can recommend other games, please do.

>> No.3307862

should have been "/jp/, please recommend me [...]"

>> No.3307903

Fortune Arterial and Yoake Mae yori Ruri Iro na might fit the bill for you, both are from august

>> No.3307910


>> No.3307917

Are the heroine virgins? I would prefer if they are.

>> No.3307986

Why you did that? The point of that image is basically saying FUCK YOU, lurk more.

>> No.3307986,1 [INTERNAL] 

Actually I do know a bit from the YMK threads except I keep getting sidetracked. I'm gonna finish it up in the next week or so depending on how the baking for Cirno day goes.

I like to read. I like stories. I like to read written stories. These are entertaining are the sex scenes are, save for the nukige, just part of the flow. They're not necessarily skippable but at times add to the emotion of the story.

tl;dr; Nasu sucks at sex scenes.
