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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 510 KB, 1024x768, 08_1024768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3266905 No.3266905 [Reply] [Original]

Translation when? ;_;

>> No.3266910


>> No.3266921

Don't remind me, I'm butthurt that it didn't won the poll.
Fucking furries.

>> No.3266928

Get ATLAS+Aggregator, then enjoy Dive 2 before the rest have played Dive 1.

>> No.3266930

I finished translating this yesterday. Message is working on the installer and should have it finished sometime this week.

>> No.3266942

Script is 3MB size, full of sci-fi jargon. For such long-term project only TakaJun could handle it. He's slow but he still did FSN's 4MB Nasu script.

>> No.3266952

After Inganock.
So in about a year or so tops.

>> No.3266956
File: 2.25 MB, 2476x3062, 187fbad4aa5ab1c3bba7685ef92e0674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why can't we ever have good things in life ;_;

>> No.3266964

I'm doing that now, the problem is that some of the text aren't obeying the text speed making a mess of the translations.

>> No.3266965

Well aren't we optimistic.

>> No.3266971

Look at this guy, everyone, his post is so witty and sarcastic. Isn't he cool?

>> No.3266972

Really? Dude you're the best. Now do Himawari please.

>> No.3266987
File: 1.44 MB, 1600x1200, baldrsky_spwall02_1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im sure, that some faqqots will come messup with us then too.

>> No.3266992 [SPOILER] 
File: 418 KB, 800x719, 404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can`t we have nice things? ;_;

>> No.3266996

Did Ixrec said that he'd be translating the rest of the games based on the order of the votes?

>> No.3266997

I love Sora so much, can't wait for Dive 2.

>> No.3267000


Just reselect it in AGTH. You can also make AGTH paste as really slow speeds.

>> No.3267009
File: 123 KB, 600x450, 036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora is love, can't wait for dive2 at all too

>> No.3267017

No. A chance that it'll be another poll. He's such a legendary troll.

>> No.3267022


>> No.3267028

Fuck that then, I hope TakaJun decides to translate it.

I'd settle for a pirated NPC version of her.

>> No.3267034

Giga has to include a threesome with Sora and Makoto. If not in the actual storyline, as a survival bonus.

>> No.3267047

yup, thats a must, as is Noi x Shizel too

>> No.3267062
File: 947 KB, 1396x867, rain_bad_scan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

couldn't find better version of this pic

>> No.3267131
File: 978 KB, 1411x851, sora_is_love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already romped it through with agth+atlas, but proper translation would be so niiiice. also moar sora

>> No.3267134

You people hyped it wrong, should have described it as Cyberpunk/GITS with Mecha instead of "oh look priest with chainsaw hands!!11".

>> No.3267146

High quality telecard scan? Where did you found that?

>> No.3267170

God, yes.
The lack of Shizel in Dive 1 was criminal. I want my little brown cyborg, damn it.

>> No.3267171
File: 288 KB, 635x1019, 1251558792830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not telecard, but shot from artbook that came with first edition. and just scanned it.

>> No.3267184
File: 124 KB, 600x450, 035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, that was a big mistake. But I don't just someone, takajun, ixrecs or someother good translator, pic it up. we'll forever be gratefull for them.

>> No.3267214


>> No.3267221


Really? Shit. I loved GitS but thought BS was generic mecha crap. I voted for Inganock but if BS were hyped properly I probably would have switched.

>> No.3267226

Upload more scans please. Preferably of Sora.

>> No.3267230

if it was generic mecha crap there wouldn't be so much people here on /jp/ that loved it so much

>> No.3267233

There isn't really all that much jargon to take care of in the translation phase. Just a dozen or so terms that are repeated absolutely all the time.

>> No.3267235


>> No.3267240

I dont know about that

>> No.3267242 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3267251
File: 1.57 MB, 1239x1752, sora_scetch_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on it, it's nice to see how much her design chanced.

>> No.3267252

BTW, source for 3MB scenario? I used ExtractData to on the .pac files and got a bit more than 3.x MB of encrypted shit out, but I'm assuming some of that is also engine scripting.

>> No.3267266


>> No.3267269
File: 1.61 MB, 1239x1752, sora_scetch_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on side note, mu scanning skills suck

>> No.3267327
File: 1.39 MB, 1239x1752, more_sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there too little Sora in this thing.... well it's nice to see how everything was made and background info, too bad can't hook this in agth straight so most info bits cannot be read by me properly atleast.

>> No.3267346
File: 1.22 MB, 1600x1200, 1250431431614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting sleepy here, if someone want something else scanned keep this thread alive till tomorrow or make new then.

>> No.3267358

Ok, last question, the book has more art like>>3267131 ?

>> No.3267362

>After Inganock
Dream on. In the next project they'll have another poll and make another game win that poll.

Baldr Sky isn't going to be Takajun's next project either because he wants to play the sequel first.

>> No.3267378
File: 104 KB, 600x450, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one, it can be found on danbooru, but couldn't find those two anywhere so ended up scanning them myself. it was this, if your wondering >>3266956

>> No.3267382
File: 134 KB, 600x450, 031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then we are doomed to never get this masterpiece translated....

>> No.3267396

Damn, I thought it had all the original art they used in the pre-order phone cards. GIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.3267397

moe mecha shit. should have voted for GSS.

>> No.3267401

Our best shot is having Takajun translate some very very short game after Rance which he can finish around spring. By that time he should have had enough time to play the sequel as well, then there's a slight possibility he might like the series enough so it can get translated.

>> No.3267403


Real deal etc.

>> No.3267407

Baldr Sky will probably win the next poll, unless something unexpected happens (such as Rewrite is released, or some other game suddently gains major popularity in /jp/).

I still can't get my head around Inganock winning though. I mean, in the previous Ixrec threads there were even a few guys saying something along the lines of "Shit, shouldn't have voted Inganock, I thought Baldr was gonna win anyway" <- why the fuck were you guys voting a game you didn't want to win? fuckers

>> No.3267411
File: 323 KB, 700x1050, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, kinda wished it were so, hopefully they'll release artbook in future that contains them

>> No.3267416

I wish there was a site like darktranslations but for games like this. That dudes getting paid $1500 I think? to do mindead

if people were actually paying for translations then this game would probably already be in the works.

>> No.3267425

Dark Translations is absolutely fucking shit, even though they are doing it for money. You won't be much worse off with AGTH and the translation aggregator thingy.

>> No.3267438

>>if people were actually paying for translations then this game would probably already be in the works.
>>implying all 5 people who want Baldr Sky to be translated have enough money

>> No.3267446 [SPOILER] 
File: 343 KB, 806x632, chinatsu_gray_christmass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more like, action+sci-fi+drama+mecha+moe+loli+comedy+mind fuck+other things
it has nearly everything for everybody

>> No.3267449


0/10 , really. Not even trying anymore are you

>> No.3267460

You might actually be better off with that. Dark Translations sometimes translates stuff just plain wrong.

>> No.3267467

>Baldr Sky will probably win the next poll
You know, there's a high probability that it already won the first poll.

There are 2 kinds of polls, Takajun's poll:
>Fuck the results, I get the final say.
Ixrec's poll:
>Vote, I'd like to see what you guys really want. As long as you let me add a few dozens of vote to the game I actually want to translate.

>> No.3267468

I dunno, I've played a couple of games by Dark Translations and they seemed fine enough. Some of the stuff in Asagi was a little questionable, but he seemed to improve from then. You're playing it to masturbate anyway so its not like a slightly off translation is going to ruin the extremely deep excuse for sex story.
I say good on him for making loads of money translating sex romps anyway.

>> No.3267478
File: 416 KB, 700x1050, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting rest of these

>> No.3267483

>You know, there's a high probability that it already won the first poll.
Not sure which thread's you've been following, but I saw a lot more Inganock/Sharnoth hype in /jp/ around the time of the preliminary poll than for any other game.

I mean, it's possible of course, but I don't really think it's anywhere near impossible for most of /jp/ to have voted furry. Most BS votes probably came from TakaJun's gameplay fanbase.

>> No.3267485
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>> No.3267486

I don't think there was a whole lot of mindfucks. Aside from what you posted, there was enough foreshadowing so that you could easily see most of the main twists coming. I mean, the narrative was strong enough to the point where they kept their impact, but they weren't really all that surprising.

>> No.3267491

>I dunno, I've played a couple of games by Dark Translations and they seemed fine enough. Some of the stuff in Asagi was a little questionable, but he seemed to improve from then. You're playing it to masturbate anyway so its not like a slightly off translation is going to ruin the extremely deep excuse for sex story.

DT's shit might be borderline tolerable for fappan games, but Baldr Sky just isn't that kind of game.

>> No.3267494
File: 317 KB, 700x1050, 04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well yeah, that's true, but still no matter how big or small or how well foreshadowed, they are stlll mindfucks

>> No.3267497

No he's right. You are aware of the nature of our fanbase, right?
It's all about piracy this, piracy that.

Just look at the polls that Darktranslations held. There were HUNDREDS of votes for mindead blood. If each of those hundreads of people would just pay 5 dollars we could have had that game in the bag.

But in reality, only a handful of people where actually willing to donate anything for the cause. Wake up from your ideal little world.

>> No.3267508
File: 371 KB, 700x1050, 05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still wondering tough, what kind of secrets Sora might have, it's pretty clear that there is something special about her...

>> No.3267513
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>> No.3267516
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>> No.3267518

Face reality man. Those two kinds of polls I described are the only 2 posible.

The translator will only translate THE game he wants to translate.

There's no way around this. We could have voted Baldr Sky +300 times and Inganock would still have won.

>> No.3267519

For your information.

They have more than enough $$$$ commission for mindead blood.
They just didnt want to do it because it is long and more difficult than the usual fap games.
Since they can get more money/time by doing short and easy games.

>> No.3267520
File: 285 KB, 700x1050, 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, thats last of them

>> No.3267526


Uh no, do you even know what your talking about? Hell there is one guy who donated almost $500, maybe even more I need to go read it again. There is a forum showing who donated what and it was all for Mindead.

Know what your talking about before you start talking next time.

>> No.3267527

I lol'd

>> No.3267534

Yes, the few handfuld of people had enough money to initiate the translation. The full cost of the whole game was never met however.

>> No.3267545

>>There's no way around this. We could have voted Baldr Sky +300 times and Inganock would still have won.

I forget, in that whole cycle someone experiences after a deep emotional tragedy over something incredibly trifling, which phase was "denial" again?

>> No.3267557

Sure, I follow that forum myself, and if I recall correctly, that game was long enough to need around $2000- $3000 or thereabouts to finish the translation.

People aren't willing to pay that much.
In the end, this guy>>3267438
Is still right.

>> No.3267572

I'm just waking up to reality again. There's no translator out there who's going to translate something just because some poll told him to.

>> No.3267580

>>People aren't willing to pay that much.

Even if enough money was magically poofed into existence, when the translation was done everyone would bitch about how it wasn't worth the money and that it should have gone towards translating MuvLuv Alternative.

>> No.3267596

I believe at the start, they were only asking for $600 to do mindead blood.

That was before the translator foundd out it is hell a lot of tougher and longer than the usual fap games that they are used to do.

>> No.3267614

Denial - "I can't believe Baldr Sky lost."
Anger - "Fucking furfags."
Bargaining - "He'll probably translate it next."
Depression - ";_;"
Acceptance - "Oh well, hope TakaJun translate it."

Anyway I still find it hard to believe Inganock won. See any active Inganock thread? If people voted for it where's the anticipation? He'll it was rigged during the first phase, look at the posts, majority that voted for it downvoted Swan Song.

>> No.3267616
File: 105 KB, 1088x768, 2da682ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3267623

That point is moot anyway.

>> No.3267628


>> No.3267652

I would pay $50 buck to mangagamer if they bring in Muv Luv with at least Kira Kira quality.

>> No.3267658

That obviously was a mistake then. No point in demanding him to keep a mistaken promise.

in reality there was never enough money for that game to begin with.

>> No.3267661

>Anyway I still find it hard to believe Inganock won. See any active Inganock thread? If people voted for it where's the anticipation? He'll it was rigged during the first phase, look at the posts, majority that voted for it downvoted Swan Song.
Not much. It really is a darkhorse. There's no Sekien fans, and Liar-Soft thread doesn't work either: >>3263472

>> No.3267673

from what I have understood, there were a lot of inganock votes outside of 4chan

>> No.3267694

>There's no translator out there who's going to translate something just because some poll told him to.
So it was basically the same type as Takajuns poll>>3267467
With the added illusion of "democracy".

>> No.3267707

What I found really weird is SWAN SONG's result. If you disregard the downvotes it has the most votes during the first phase. What happened to the people voting for it?

>> No.3267717

probably voted for inganock

>> No.3267728

That's stupid the people voting Inganock during the first phase downvoted SWAN SONG.

>> No.3267736

tactics I say

>> No.3267737

Lots of voters were probably influenced by Ixrec short reviews.
It will be funny to see how he will react after actually finishing the games, it's probably going to be a tad different.
Oh well it's not like Inganock is bad or anything, it's pretty good actually.
But it's the sort of eroge that is stronger in the beginning than by the end.

>> No.3267739

isn't that case with sharnoth too? what about other liar-soft titles?

>> No.3267758

I forgot what wired ghost is, can someone refresh my memory?

>> No.3267764

>>There's no Sekien fans, and Liar-Soft thread doesn't work either:

It's just that they are the silent majority. They don't hype up their games as being god-tier awesome mind fux and will more accurately say "This is pretty good, but there's no guarantee that it'll be your thing."

>> No.3267765

basically it's human who has lost his body or some other way wasn't able to go back and his soul starts to wander in the virtual space

>> No.3267773

>Muv-Luv Alternative

Wake up guys, there's no way anyone is going to translate only Alternative without EX+UL. And EX+UL+AL is probably too much for even Ixrec&co. (disregarding the fact that they shafter it earlier anyway)

>> No.3267782

Sharnoth has a good final though, the middle is the problem, it and Inganock basically suffer from the "monster of the week" formula you usually see in anime like Sailor Moon and others.
Kusari-hime also has a pretty weak final.
And Forest is awesome and pretty solid from the beginning to the end.
I didn't play the other Liar-soft eroge so can't say anything for the others.

>> No.3267785

Kinda like Nanoha in her normal end?

>> No.3267794

It means completely losing your body, "Nanoha still had her brain.

>> No.3267798

Except she isn't really in the "universal" cyberspace, but rather confined in that little thingy Kou has. I figured this was the reason why Kou refused to take her to a doctor with the "infertility" thing, for instance.

>> No.3267800

not excatly, Sora and Makoto MIGHT be in present, but thats just my theory. But Ren from baldr force is one.

>> No.3267812

Makoto "MIGHT be in present"? It's like they tried their best to give all possible hints that she's the Dominion miko right when we saw the miko the first time in Dive1. See also Dive2 promotional pics on GIGA's site.

>> No.3267832

Then I don't understand. How can that be possible? The closest thing should be a ghost, but that means that the AI is "using" the person.

It was on Rain's route where the wired ghost was explained, right?

>> No.3267835

argh, I meant that we don't know if she is an wired ghost or not, she has similar abilities to Ren from force, so I tough that Makoto might be a wired ghost in present (lost her body). I didn't mention anything about dominion.

>> No.3267852

better explanation you can get from baldr force, but those "shells" in rain route werent wired ghost, but more like remnants of humans or failed attemps of making wired ghosts, wired ghost are just humans who have lost their bodies and live in cyberspace.

>> No.3267865

I don't really remember "wired ghost" being explained in much depth at any part of game, seems more like a Baldr Force thing (I haven't played that one). Though judging from the posts here, it sounds more or less like what Gregory is preaching as an alternative to people's current lives

>> No.3267878

well, yeah that's one way of putting it

>> No.3267904

Personally I'm hoping for TakaJun to take Swan Song as his next project, and finish it for Christmas. After that, if he likes Dive2 he'll do that.

>> No.3267925

I wonder if I'm the only person who wants TakaJun to pick Tapestry up as his next project. Light needs more translator love, especially now that Gunjou no Sora didn't even make it to the next round in Amaterasu's. Though I would have absolutely no problems with Swan Song or Baldr Sky either. Mainly hoping it won't be Daiakuji or some other bullshit game with gameplay as its only selling point.

>> No.3267937


This. I'd rather take any other game over Baldr Sky's half-finished crap that requires a second game to finish the story. When it's finished, then it might be worth translating.

>> No.3267939

He'll probably finish it even faster, isn't that around 1mb in size? If he can do 100kb a day like in rance he'll finish it in around 10days.

I have tons of respect for that guy, I'm not even sure if I can type 100kb of text in a day. Unless I'm programming, but that would be shitty programming.

>> No.3267948

Was just listening to the soundtrack Lightsome and some of the battle music is fucking awesome.

>> No.3267949

Rance isn't exactly hard to translate.
No way in fucking hell could he translate 100kb of Swan Song by day.

>> No.3267952

But how does that happen? Or is it one of the many mysteries to be explained?

>> No.3267962

well, they are mostly accidental when someone becomes wired ghost, the exact process is still unknown, atleast I think

>> No.3267976

It's low probability that he's going to pick up Baldr Sky. That guy is so random, doing wanko out of nowhere, doing Sengoku Rance out of nowhere. I won't be surprised if he chose something completely different from what people expect: Baldr Sky.

>> No.3267991

Nah, it's just that he hates popular more or just as much as us.

>> No.3267994

well, bit of correction, it's more unknown in sky than it was in force. as Ren become wired ghost through expiriment in which consisted of trying to extend time which person can stay in wired. ofcourse during force everyone was first generation and in sky everyone is second generation, so it gets bit trickier.

>> No.3268001

>hates popular
Baldr Sky is doomed then.

>> No.3268013

Not completely doomed it would be off a whim however if he does do it in December.

>> No.3268036

>silent majority
I find that really hard to believe.

>> No.3268078

Agreed. The whole poll was just to their amusement. They already decided on Inganock from the beginning when they made the candidate lists.

>> No.3268178

I want to believe. ;_;

>> No.3268202

Swan Song's script is bit over 1MB. He could get it done in three months.

>> No.3268216

Is Dive2 really a sequel? How would that work, so say they made it continue from one route, that would mean you'd left the girl for another heroine isn't it?

>> No.3268224

I voted for Baldr, but i dont care for the final result. I already played the game to death with AGTH and im not going to play another 100 hours in a translated version.

Im willing, however, to burn 100 hours more in Dive 2.

Inganock = zero interest. I like some Liar soft titles, not that one.

>> No.3268236

Not a sequel. Dive 2 routes will most likely start from point zero, just like Dive 1 ones

>> No.3268275

I hope that win by 3 vote difference is true. I couldn't care less about that furry game but I voted for it anyway because of those Baldr Sky fags in /m/

>> No.3268283

Actually no one cares about Baldr Sky on /m/. It practically got zero replies.

>> No.3268290


>> No.3268291

/m/ hates Baldr Sky. Good job trolling yourself.

>> No.3268300

ye nobody cared except a few fags spamming shit and trolling ML. Good riddance faggots

>> No.3268307

exactly how did they filter out proxy votes? As long as the IP is different, how can you tell a proxy-vote from a non-proxy vote? Did they disqualify IPs from outside the US?

>> No.3268312

I wouldn't mind eating vegetables all the day, if I had a waifu like Nanoha

>> No.3268358

How are the other games of Baldr series?

>> No.3268379

Force EXE: Very good
The others (Head, Fist, Bullet, Bullet Revellion): So-so

>> No.3268381

/m/ is butthurt over MuvLuv. Anyway Baldr Sky's story wouldn't really fit in there, /tg/ would probably be a better match.

>> No.3268407

Does Force EXE add significant backstory to Sky or it's just the same setting but completely different stories (like Warinaki and MuvLuv)?

>> No.3268429

No significant backstory, just some concepts and references. You could play either one first and it wouldnt matter that much.

>> No.3268444

Check against a list? Resolve each IP to check if it's hosting anything? This would still only get a small amount of proxies though.

>> No.3268477

You could scan each IP searching for the usual proxy ports (80, 8080, 3128, etc.). If they're listening, chances say that it's a proxy (or hosting something).

>> No.3268499

Portscan every IP that votes and connect to the open ports. Would probably be illegal and too much trouble though.

They probably just used SMF ip check function. SMF saves the ip used by a given username. If a username is using multiple IPs it's probably a proxy. It would only catch careless spammers though.

>> No.3268604

Baldr Sky and Baldr Force is in the same universe/setting?

>> No.3268617

Most likely. Sky probably is some time or quite a while after Force though.

>> No.3268760

According to the wiki


バルドヘッド 武裝金融外伝

>> No.3269962

So i'm the only one from /m/ who voted? thats kind of sad.

>> No.3271031

huh, baldr bullet is actually after sky? maybe should play it sometime.
I wonder how long the time between force and sky is? everyone in force is first generation while in sky second generation has been quite while around already.

>> No.3271753

Probably. That thread practically got no replies.

>> No.3271881

Don't forget dynamic IP addresses and you can obviously create as many accounts as you wish.

>> No.3272507

So what do you think is the route progression for Dive2?
I bet it's Makoto first then Aki then Sora.

>> No.3272532

My guess is:

Sora (True)

>> No.3272738

What if they made Aki the last and canon route?

>> No.3273281

If the omake scenario unlocking order in Dive1's survival mode is of any indication, the order will be Aki->Makoto->Sora. Well, it probably goes without saying that Sora is the canon route anyway. What I'm interested in is what the routes will deal with. We don't even know much about Ark nor Dominion yet, so my guess is that Aki will be Ark route and Makoto will be Dominion route.

>> No.3273294

I'd say that's pretty unlikely. >>3272532 is probably the right order.

Is there any info will dive2 install on dive1 and add more choices and stuff on it or will it be standalone install?

>> No.3273317

I hope they don't pull a time loop or some shit.

>> No.3273332

Don't know about that, but they might pull an alternative dimensions thing like in Alternative's ending. See end of chapter 14 in Chinatsu's good route, where she mentions that she sees the events of Nanoha's route in the ES.

>> No.3273341

yeah, I think so too, the biggest black hole is what kind of route Sora will get, as there is very little what we actualy know of her secrets.
In the case dive2 installs on dive1, when do you guys think the routes will diverge?
Makotos route probably diverges from the hideout assault when Kou realizaes that most obvious thing wich has not been said aloud yet. Aki route probably starts from first visit to Ark somewhere. And then Sora, probably during the hideout raid too, but something unexcepted happens due to some choice or something.

everything is a good as long as they dont pull LOL RESET ending

>> No.3273393

I think (or at least hope) the routes will all diverge from Dive1 at a very early point. I don't want to fucking read the four first chapters once again. No doubt there will be some new choice that leads to a Dominion encounter during the first two or three chapters for Makoto's route, for instance.

>> No.3273972
File: 327 KB, 1239x1752, rain_48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmmm.. that hideout raid was later than remembered, so Makotos route probably starts earlier, maybe during the assasination incident there could be run in with Makoto resulting from choice, it could be possible her to be there nearby then.

But finally home, anybody interested in these early character scetches? If so I can scan them all, as it's nice to see how some characters looked like earlier in development.
Rain atleast didn't change that much from early stages.

>> No.3274009
File: 321 KB, 1239x1752, rain_49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another one of rain

>> No.3274034

Please do.

>> No.3274042

The one on the bottom left looks great. Fits her old days personality too. Why didn't they used it?

>> No.3274054
File: 349 KB, 1239x1752, chinatsu_50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274061
File: 334 KB, 1239x1752, nanoha_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting to see Nanoha having glasses in early stages

>> No.3274068

Glasses Nanoha looks a bit like that one girl from Baldr Force

>> No.3274070
File: 363 KB, 1239x1752, sora_52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reposting bit better versions of Sora pages

>> No.3274074
File: 365 KB, 1239x1752, 53_sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274077
File: 366 KB, 1239x1752, 54_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random fact, Makoto and Aki don't have whole pages in this

>> No.3274090
File: 331 KB, 1239x1752, 55_group.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274114
File: 309 KB, 1239x1752, 56_Noi_Seira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274120
File: 368 KB, 1239x1752, 57_Noi_Seira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274150
File: 333 KB, 1239x1752, 58_Gilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gilbert looks bit more sane in earlier versions

>> No.3274153
File: 354 KB, 1239x1752, 59_Gilbert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274159
File: 300 KB, 1239x1752, 60_Kurihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurihara orginally had long hair

>> No.3274163
File: 320 KB, 1239x1752, 61_Kurihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274180
File: 325 KB, 1239x1752, 62_Fenrir_Isao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274183
File: 308 KB, 1239x1752, 63_Fenrir_Isao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3274189
File: 324 KB, 1239x1752, 64_Gregory_Kurihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is just me or does Gregory look like somekind of lizard here?

>> No.3274194
File: 320 KB, 1239x1752, 65_Masa_thatFatass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that's the end of rough character scetches

>> No.3274332

He really looked hideous, no wonder he doesn't like the real world.

>> No.3274367
File: 369 KB, 1239x1752, 86_Baptizein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gregory still has the best looking mecha tough.

been thinking where Sora route might start, and have came to conlcusion that it most likely diverges immediately at the start by somehow running in Gilbert during the starting sequence.

>> No.3274376
File: 50 KB, 500x333, apatosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like that?

>> No.3275235

fuck yall niggers
