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File: 190 KB, 600x800, df412f1e9da2bd28861c0605d0430428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3228340 No.3228340 [Reply] [Original]

WTF is wrong with the guy behind the loli?

>> No.3228346

Why does she have no nipples?

>> No.3228354


Lost them in a terrible accident

>> No.3228363

Perspective. Her nipples are still covered, just barely, by the shirt. However the perspective looks off because the artist elongates bodies beyond realistic proportions, something not uncommon and often thought of as a stylistic choice rather than error.

>> No.3228373


Where are the guys nipples then?

>> No.3228389


Lost them in a terrible accident

>> No.3228390

Loli raped and tortured the poor man. She removed his nipples in the process. He probably is faceless as well, poor guy.

>> No.3228399

Men in many pornographic animations in japan lack definition or may be transparent, at times, in order that the viewer may impose their image mentally in his place.

>> No.3228407

Yeah, but I still have nipples. If anything, not drawing nipples makes me feel more isolated from the hentai, not closer to it.

>> No.3228425


Find a terrible accident to lose your nipples in so it doesn't feel so alien.

>> No.3228427

You're not putting your nipples in place as intended, the issue is a lack of imagination on your part and shows a basic lack of higher mental faculties required to be considered a modern human creature. You are therefore a strange subspecies of human, lacking the proper evolutionary advancement to be called truly human. Therefore we can only refer to you as a somewhat human-like animal, mostly reminiscent of an ape of some sort.

Would you like a Banana?

>> No.3228432


The right side of the guy has turned into a blob of blended flesh.

>> No.3228436

Why did you capitalize banana?

>> No.3228440


>> No.3228457


Are you trying to capitalize on my capitalization?

>> No.3228462

Did you press the red button, the yellow button or the green button?

>> No.3228468
File: 286 KB, 623x600, Relativity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to imagine your own nipples in the picture? I was imagining a M.C Escher painting in their place.

>> No.3228472

Congratulations, you're an extra-dimensional life form.

>> No.3228476

No, it's not my fault, it's the creator's fault. Why don't they think when they make hentai? When I watch them, I immediately look at the male's chest to see if there are nipples, to reaffirm that I am him. In most cases, they aren't present and I begin to develop the sinking feeling that I am watching women being raped and I secretly enjoy it. This leads to a severe bout of depression after the said hentai is finished, where I slink into my bed and cry into the pillow. I look down at my body and see those things on me. Innocently being on my body, pushing me to the edge, making me think horrible, vile things. It's because of them, these damn things on my chest, that I develop these thoughts. It's because of them that I ogle women in the dark when they are alone. It's because of them that I slip into their house and watch them sleep. It's because of them that I hide in the bathroom and lick the toothbrushes. It's because of them that I sleep in their bed and cry into the pillow.

So yeah, hentai artists should just draw nipples, it makes it feel more natural.

>> No.3228492

>>I immediately look at the male's chest to see if there are nipples
Bad news bro, _____ _ ______.

>> No.3228509 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 640x480, DISTRACTIONtits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3228514

>>3228476 Really love his nipples. He's a better man than all of you.

>> No.3228516

I'm ugly, I don't want to think about myself in the dude's place, it'll turn me off.

>> No.3228519
File: 123 KB, 1024x576, indexstabs4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3228533

If the first thing you didn't notice about this picture is that there's a naked doctor (he didn't have time for clothes it was an emergency) feeling for a tumor in the loli's breasts, then there's something wrong with you.

If you noticed the little girl before the man, you're a pedophile.

If you noticed the man, and any of his features, or lack thereof, before the loli, you're a faggot.

If you noticed the little girl after you noticed her camel toe, and after after you got over the series of violent or soft rape or consensual sex in the missionary position or anal or oral or all or any combination of the above in no particular order.... you're a child molester.

>> No.3228553

What if the first thing I noticed was the weird shading of the bed sheets?

>> No.3228558

What if you read the text before looking at the image?

>> No.3228560

The first thing I noticed was the weird cross pattern thing on the bedpost.

>> No.3228599

Is it just me or does it sort of look like her eyes are looking in different directions?

>> No.3228621

lazy eyes are moe~
well, not really

>> No.3229239

It means your an artfag
youre one of those morons that think moe means cute arent you?

lazy eye moe
