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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 331 KB, 853x480, knk50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3216319 No.3216319 [Reply] [Original]

Are you disturbed by the idea that you love your own sister?

>> No.3216328

I actually can't stand being around my sisters for more than a couple of days, so no.

>> No.3216329

Not anymore

>> No.3216332

Oh what.

>> No.3216337

I don't have a sister.

>> No.3216340

I dislike both of my sisters with great intensity.

>> No.3216349

Slightly. She's a bleached-blonde christian-that-joined-the-church-to-get-some-dickings SoCal whore who I'd never be attracted to in my lifetime, so there'd be something quite worrying to myself if I held those feelings. Sure, I still love her as a sister, but nothing like that loon, OP.

>> No.3216358
File: 131 KB, 638x1134, 1250893242025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3216368

no, i hate my sister

>> No.3216370

How do you take screenshots with this quality from mkv files?
Mine are always resizing no matter what I change in MPC.

>> No.3216371


>> No.3216376

I for one welcome our new imouto overlords.

>> No.3216382

3D sisters suck mang.

>> No.3216387

are you using CCCP? if so use the Grab function in the ffdshow video decoder.

if you're not using CCCP then you're on your own.

>> No.3216404

Our family never went to church. She decided to go on her own, and came back after the first week with a boyfriend. A real-life caricature of modern young "christian" women.

>> No.3216409

How do I get it to work?

>> No.3216417

Damnit, this is so wrong.
Such hypocrisy in one's beliefs is ridiculous.
The Vatican should just try and grab meetic's market share if this keeps going on.

>> No.3216433 [DELETED] 

I have a sister. She's young too (12), but I don't like her at all.

Why? She's 3D and not moe. She's a little brat.

>> No.3216475

Is it just one really sad Anon that makes these incest threads in /a/ and /jp/ every day? If so, that's kind of weird and depressing.

>> No.3216511
File: 89 KB, 750x600, viral marketing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshot was taken in zoom player with CCCP and hypersnap DX.

>> No.3216532

I used to be.

>> No.3216536

I wish I had a hot sister.

>> No.3216545

I don't like my sister very much, and was one of the primary reasons as to why I actually finally decided to move out of the house.

>> No.3216548

My sister is 23. And a selfish, whiny bitch. I don't even like her as a human being.

>> No.3216554

what an awful brother, i hope you're joking

>> No.3216577

Fuck yes, Scrapped Princess.

>> No.3216589

If she's that young, there's still hope if you want to try and change your relationship.

My sisters are 20 and 17 (I think), so they're long lost.

>> No.3216596
File: 167 KB, 1062x1518, Tohno Shiki1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not troubled by the fact that I love my own sister.

>> No.3216599
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>> No.3216610
File: 64 KB, 1024x576, Akane Iro ni Somaru Saka - 02 - Large 08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not troubled by the fact that I love my own sister.

>> No.3216611

Well, if my sister was Akiha, I would be nicer to her and hang out with her regularly.

>> No.3216623 [DELETED] 

>there's still hope if you want to try and change your relationship

Not at all. I still live with my family but I rarely speak to my siblings. I don't think I've spoken a word directly to my younger sister in some 10 months.

>> No.3216618


She's not blood related, so that's a cop out.

>> No.3216621

I have a younger sister and she is awesome. Her tastes and mindset are exactly like mine to the point where I can pretty much read her mind.

The big differences is that since she is a girl it's easier for her to be more social and that since she's a girl she cares about her image. But because of my influence she can be really pretentious and look down on all of her slut classmates and poorly dressed "friends" (she says "friends" because it's easiest to understand that way but she has said herself that she has no real friends besides me).

Did I mention that she said I could not get a girlfriend because she would scare her off?

>> No.3216629
File: 243 KB, 1400x933, 1245535667272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wouldnt be either, if imoutits was my sister

>> No.3216650
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 1245716718673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you have fucked her, if not, you have already failed at life

>> No.3216660 [DELETED] 

Jeg elsker livets goder
Og er litt for glad i mat
Jeg burde vel mosjonert litt
Men jeg er nok litt for lat
Og med litt for mange kilo
Blir jeg ganske ofte lei
For samma hvem jeg treffer så skal dem fortelle meg

>> No.3216662

Are you doing her?

>> No.3216683

Is she hot?

>> No.3216688

I have masturbated to my older sisters because they are hot, but I still hate them as people.

>> No.3216693

I feel her up on a regular basis but I'll always get hit in return. I don't think I can get much farther than this.

>> No.3216697

Your sister is more bro than bros. Bro fist with her, you are a lucky bastard to have someone like this in your life.

>> No.3216699

She's just being playful, next time go further

>> No.3216700 [DELETED] 

You can't be serious...

>> No.3216701

Where are you touching her? And how exactly you get hit? The kind of "cut it out" or the "what the fuck are you doing you freak" one?

>> No.3216705


>> No.3216715

My sister is a shut-in who does nothing but sleep, eat, and watch anime/Miku/read fanfiction all day.

We relate pretty well, except she can be a huge fucking bitch at times, and deredere at others.

>> No.3216724

Sounds like an average /jp/ user. Is she older or younger than you? She should be over 18 right?

>> No.3216738

I start somewhere easy like her arms and hands. Next is usually her sides where I can sneak in some side-boob rubbing. It usually always ends at the thigh where I stroke the outside and try to work my way in. From there it's either a slap on the hand and a removal or a punch to the arm/chest.

She often comes into my room and sits on my lap, talking to me and wanting to show me something on the computer. Those are the best times to strike. This happens so often though that she doesn't even say anything to me, she just hits me in a "stop it right now" kind of way.

I took her bra off once through her shirt (one-handed) and she threatened to tell on me though she didn't. We were both sitting on her bed then and afterwards she stood on the bed and began stepping on me which wasn't too bad.

>> No.3216749

fuck her

>> No.3216750
File: 109 KB, 500x500, 2443550768_c8b1dfd8e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she's 3D.

>> No.3216757

She likes you. Do her before some other guy can do so.

>> No.3216758

I...I got hard. Fuck I'm jealous.

>> No.3216759

I wish Azaka was my sister.

>> No.3216770

Younger, high school, and shit I've forgotten her age I'm a terrible brother.

>> No.3216771

so tsundere it hurts.

Find a way to be alone with her in a romantic setting

>> No.3216773
File: 15 KB, 310x399, saito3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3216738 afterwards she stood on the bed and began stepping on me which wasn't too bad.

>> No.3216790

Do you at least know how many years younger than you she is? From there you could at least ballpark it. I have the same problem though. Mine's 5 years younger and born a month before me but it still takes me a while to figure out how old she is.

>> No.3216800

I've tried lots of things but it seems like she has resolved herself to not get too close to me. I'm waiting for her to get older and to get a chance to be around other guys so she can compare and contrast. I already monitor her relations with others which isn't hard when she always talks to me about them.

She wanted to go to Tokyo Disney Sea so once I save more money I was planning on taking her with just me. We've been to Tokyo already.

>> No.3216804

Don't worry guys. Sometime even I forget how old I am.

>> No.3216808

I foresee junk-stepping in his future.

>> No.3216809

3...that would make her 16-17-ish.

>> No.3216817
File: 87 KB, 686x400, 1224490280760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - I want to fuck my Sister/General

>> No.3216819

where do you live?

>> No.3216820

I've always wondered. Does Azaka loves her brother in a platonic way or she craves for his meat?
I guess that goes for all females. When a male loves someone it could be in a platonic way but also he craves for her body. I don't know the female mindset though. And what kind of lust is it? The "I want him to lick me, kiss me, make me feel good", the "I want to feel complete" or the "I want to put him down and lick him, kiss him, make him feel good" thing?

>> No.3216831

I do not want to fuck my sister. If I lived in a typical high-school setting 2D world, then probably.

>> No.3216834

Platonic way.
She isn't Sakura you know.

>> No.3216897
File: 194 KB, 640x480, I loled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3217085

if azaka is my sister then no

>> No.3217102

yea i want to know too, all grab does is check itself? what next?

>> No.3217125

I wish I had a sister to love

>> No.3217132

>I took her bra off once through her shirt (one-handed) and she threatened to tell on me though she didn't. We were both sitting on her bed then and afterwards she stood on the bed and began stepping on me which wasn't too bad.
If she's doing this, trying to get her to give you a footjob is the way to go.

>> No.3217149

for fucks sake just confess and fuck her already and then come tell the rest of us

if i remember right there was another jp anon that confessed to his sister some time back right and she said something like she'll think about it? how did that go?

>> No.3217189

ITT lies from lonely single childs.

>> No.3217223

You are a hero.

>> No.3217226

i got off my lazy ass and decided to check it for myself

>> No.3217632

Hell there's a /jp/ anon fucking his mother.

>> No.3217653

yea i know about him. but i want to know how the siscon guy turned out

>> No.3217773

I remember a guy who tried to strip his sister while she was sleeping I think he was trying to reenact Hizashi or whatever that game is where you strip the loli while she's sleeping.

>> No.3217807


>> No.3217845

The guy got the idea from hizashi no naka no real and tried either to strip his cousin or strip his sister or something. Hizashi is about pretty much stripping the clothes of a girl while she's sleeping for the first three levels then you jackhammer her.

>> No.3217846

>>3217773I think he was trying to reenact Hizashi or whatever that game is where you strip the loli while she's sleeping.

ITT the last things we do before we die.

>> No.3217848

I chickened out, sorry.

>> No.3217850

I want to shake this man's hand.

>> No.3217855

It's not too late.

>> No.3217866

This doesn't work for me when grabbing things from kara no kyoukai movies though. The image is still resized.

>> No.3217873

I did this once but she woke up and ohgoddon'tremindmeffffffffff

>> No.3217879

This thread reminded me of that 4am loli-siscon /jp/anon.

>> No.3217899

Not really. The thing that keeps me awake at night is the fact that I don't have a younger sister. ;_;

>> No.3217904


Oh lord. So awesome.

>> No.3217909

I find it really hard to believe

>> No.3217911

It actually is, she moved out a few weeks ago.

>> No.3217923

I'm disturbed by the idea that I don't have a sister

>> No.3217926

Me too. But I'd like to believe it.

>> No.3218078

WHAT? give me the copypasta or sauce for this

>> No.3218122

I think it's kind of natural, actually.

>> No.3219147

to want to ram your thick manrod through your sister's aching tight meat flaps?

>> No.3219213

>> But because of my influence she can be really pretentious and look down on all of her slut classmates and poorly dressed "friends"
I lol'd ! Need her to shut down girls around my home.

>>a guy who tried to strip his sister while she was sleeping I think he was trying to reenact Hizashi or whatever that game is where you strip the loli while she's sleeping.
Lol'd too. A Game-Over on that may be your last one for life tough. ExTrem sports?

>> No.3219228

Pfft. Only people without sisters, or with unrealistically hot imouto, will actually feel an urge to sleep with them.

>> No.3219233

What do you feel about fish?

>> No.3219245


>> No.3219268

Really? I have two sisters who I would happily fuck, although I could never love them in a romantic sense.
Transferring your arousal from incest in 2d porn to your real 3d sisters isn't that much of a leap if they're attractive.
That said, if the opportunity ever arose in reality, I'm not sure if I'd go through it considering the unrepairable damage it would do to your relationship. The dirty incestual fucking would feel great while you're doing it, but you'd live the rest of your life feeling awkward around her. Probably not worth it.

>> No.3219300

the best brother/sister relationship would be sharing your bodies with each other whenever you feel sexual urges, but remaining brother and sister with no pretence of a relationship. That would work best in my opinion.

>> No.3220225
File: 117 KB, 512x439, 022ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best would be being in a family with a hot milf mom, sexy ass nee-chan, and adorable imouto, who are all into family love.

Pic related.

>> No.3221369
File: 561 KB, 800x600, 1238293996822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you disturbed by the idea that you love your own mother?

>> No.3221495

i love my family, not in the way you are implying...

>> No.3221649

I was implying a pure and natural relationship.

Which means you're a pervert.

>> No.3221736

...the statement can easily inferred to mean incest, it's not unusual to think like that when this is the Japan section and also 4chan

>> No.3221759

i prolly shouldn't have used the word imply since I am not too sure of what situation you are trying present here, but you could just simply be lieing just because you're a pathetic idiot that thinks he can play mind games. Do you love your mother?

>> No.3221770

whatever you say, sisterfucker.

>> No.3221781

...you are such a little retard, go back to school where you can seem smart and give up, it was a joke...

>> No.3221788

Anyone who would not fuck their mom has an ugly mom.

>> No.3221854

Barack Obama would support this notion.

>> No.3221936

im away from my sister way too much to even develop that kind of relationship with her, but we are both pretty intelligent people and i would drop any guy who would mess with her. i also have a really great friend who would drop any bitches that would mess with her.

>> No.3221950

You say sisterfucker like it is a bad thing. If my sister weren't so old (in her 20's) I'd be interested.

>> No.3221989

My little cousin talks and interacts with me more than anyone else in my family. She's always friendly to me and greets me when she sees me. Sometimes we'll watch movies in my room or play computer games together. She's like the little sister I always wanted.

I was at my aunt's house and a different, older cousin (still younger than me) had a male friend over. When he left, she hugged him. She's never hugged me before. The last hug I had was when I was about 12. My friend was leaving and his sister gave me a hug.

Oh well, I snuggle with a pillow every night before I go to sleep so it's alright.

>> No.3221991

I would really love to have that with my sister but that's a whole lot harder to make happen than it sounds.

>> No.3222009

I'm telling you, it's the truth. I don't think about it like the reactions I got from you guys but when I type it all out like that it makes me go, "damn, what will she think of this when she gets older".

I think she is simply overlooking everything I do. I hope she isn't repressing it because that would mean I could catch shit later. This won't stop me for now though. Next time she comes into my room, I'm going to give her a good run-my-hands-around-your-body hug and call it a night. Start from the legs and work my way up.

She doesn't like me kissing her anywhere but I'll go for the cheek and if that doesn't work I'll go for the forehead.

>> No.3222017

Sorry, but I doubt you could 'drop' anyone.

>> No.3222606

give her some ear licking anon

>> No.3222631

How old is she? In case I missed it.

>> No.3222663

In the same situation as you; the only differences is that I'm scared to go further.
Read the signals she giving off more carefully, she giving you the pass to do her, but won't go without a 'fight'.

Go for it bro.

>> No.3222681

Just to make it clear, it was 3 a.m. (EST) loli imouto time. Not sure what time zone you would live in in order for it to be 4 a.m.

>> No.3222683


Are you >>3216621 ?

>> No.3222713

If you love her at all, you won't go all the way.
Don't ruin her life for your fleeting pleasure.

>> No.3222725

Go for the gold.

>> No.3222732

I don't really love my sister. That's gross, mostly because she's not the kind of girl I'd want to associate with ever.

>> No.3222745

if you are that guy, well, just do it in a way it won't be embarrassing for both of you.
Dont forget that once you're on this way, there is no turn back. She looks jealous of you having girlfriends. Ask her in a friendly way if she's willing to take responsability for this. Show her you're positive of this idea. Dont fag.

if you are not that guy, i apologize, genuflect and go sleep now.

>> No.3222751

She is not ugly, but to be honest, I cant imagine fucking someone who is like 35 years older than me.

>> No.3222790


I'd fuck somebody else's mom, but not my own.

>> No.3222804

My sister moved out for college a while back, next time she visits I think I'll play up the physical contact more. Big tight hug when she gets back with some cheek kissing. She used to let me lay in her lap when we watched movies, I wonder if that'll still be OK.

>> No.3222808

My sister moved all the way across the continent so I never see her anymore. Although her boyfriend is a weirdo and not in a fun way which makes me question her taste anyway so maybe I wouldn't want to be with her anyhow. If he's the best guy in town then there's something horribly wrong.

>> No.3222820

Was that yuri doujinshi between her and Shiki ever translated?

>> No.3222829



wait what

>> No.3222831

Yes, it is faptastic

>> No.3222839 [DELETED] 



>> No.3222842

Many sweet kisses for you, anon

>> No.3222873

Same here.

>> No.3222984

you tried your best anon, you did good

>> No.3223713

Shut up, Ren.

>> No.3223807

The ONLY translated knk doujin btw.

>> No.3224419

I wonder if mom-fucking anon is still around.

>> No.3225701
File: 78 KB, 400x400, 1232984310113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3225744

I wonder if there are any people on /jp/ that want to fuck their father or brother.

>> No.3225822

I'm sure there are.

>> No.3227612

I might think about doing my brother.

>> No.3227677

My sister was getting fucked in the room next to me while I was trying to sleep once. She kept making these really sexy moaning noises and it got me hard as a rock.
Thats the only time I ever fapped to my sister, and for reasons you can probably understand I felt pathetic afterwards.
That said, a body is a body, if they're attractive you can get off to anybody no matter what your relation is.

>> No.3227697

I recommend you to play NTR. You seem to enjoy it,

>> No.3227730

I wish Azaka was my delicious incestuous sister ;_;

>> No.3227732

What's with this strange habit of ending at the comma that keeps showing up in /jp/ lately?

>> No.3227736

Maybe it's the same person?

>> No.3227744

A girl I fell in love with got fucked about three feet away from me last week, separated from me by only a sheet of fabric.
I couldn't stop listening, although I wasn't aroused.

>> No.3227745

Come on guys. Can't we just typo sometimes. The bloody , is right next to.

>> No.3227746

I haven't noticed it until you mentioned it,

>> No.3227749

I don't have a family ;_;

>> No.3227750

Why did you not join in? It was the perfect opportunity to go for a threeseme when they are high and not thinking properly.

>> No.3227760

Who told you anyone was high ?

>> No.3227770

When I was, 5 I had dreams about having sex with my mom.

>> No.3227783
File: 44 KB, 450x638, freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3227852

How does that happen?

How did you even know what sex was?

>> No.3227859

Why were atleast two other people in your basement in the first place, Anon?

>> No.3227881

When I was, 15 I had sex with my sis.

>> No.3227896

Do tell.

>> No.3227901

We have to hear this.

Also, is she hot.

>> No.3227988

Because my basement turned out to be outside, in a tent.
It was fucking freezing, too, because I screwed up with the sleeping bag.
Still fun, though.

>> No.3228082


>> No.3228156

Sharing this with us makes me feel bad, man.

>> No.3229023

Everyone was a kid once. And they know more than you think unless you were brought up as a goody goody Christian boy.

>> No.3229195

Is all me.

I am posting this as she looks on at my screen. She's looking away right now and she only noticed the pics in this thread nothing else.

>> No.3229219


>> No.3229300

She's trying to nap on my bed.

>> No.3229378

Familiarity breeds contempt, my son. Soon you'd want nothing more than to murder her.

>> No.3229418

My big sister has some fairly large tits which I'd really love to get my hands on.
I almost copped a feel when she was sleeping once but I chickened out.

>> No.3229451

Same thing here. I need to think up a good excuse in the case that I try and get caught.

>> No.3229453

Strange. While i was reading this thread i thought of that one The X-Files episode....

>> No.3229459

Depends where she is sleeping anon. If on a couch or something, best bet is say you tripped or somesuch.

>> No.3229462

How old is she?

>> No.3229466
File: 620 KB, 840x1200, neetoboku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you chickening out? She'll pretend to be mad and then get horny at your embarrassed attitude, then rape you at full force.

>> No.3229468

I want to murder her, if you know what i mean.

>> No.3229491

Far too old for you pedophiles. She's 24
I'd considered that, but I don't think I could ever do it convincingly.

>> No.3229496

Always in her bed in her room. Which is at the intersection to the bathroom and my parents room. It's a dangerous zone.

>> No.3229497

My sister has big tits and she showed me then once but I've never touched them.

>> No.3229499

Just do it! Leave god to decide your fate.

>> No.3229501

>and for reasons you can probably understand I felt pathetic afterwards
I do not understand..

>> No.3229521

>Always in her bed in her room.
That poses a problem, Anon. Do you have a history of sleepwalking?

>> No.3229528
File: 62 KB, 525x700, sister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He should have ran in there and saved his sister from being raped, but all he did was masturbate.

>> No.3229531

Yeah, great plan.

>> No.3229547

Why did she show you them?

>> No.3229555

How many of you here have actually masturbated to your sister more than once?
For those of you who haven't, imagine your sister's soft warm lips wrapped around your cock, sucking and licking it all over, bobbing her head up and down, desperate for your semen.
I dare you not to get erect.
I can't be the only one who does this...

>> No.3229564


Because she just had her nipples pierced. I don't even know if they still are or she just let them heal over, they kept getting infected.

>> No.3229565

I don't have a sister to masturbate to.

>> No.3229572

Nope. She's a fairly heavy sleeper though, and her room was previously mine so I can pull the "Oh whoops, got confused lol" card. I might try this...

>> No.3229580

Do it and post the results

>> No.3229584

My little sister played through (worksafe) Tsukihime, of which we routinely chat.

She's pretty cool.

>> No.3229585

Post results after attempt.

>> No.3229596


My sister's teeth are so broken and rotten that my dick would probably knock a few of them out.

>> No.3229600

>nipples pierced

Do you really want to touch the nipples of a slut?

>> No.3229615


>> No.3229626

I think the issue is when you wake her up with your hands on her tits and a big grin on your face. That said, go for it and post results.

>> No.3229652

Wont be for a while, she's away for college right now. Maybe a few weeks when she comes to visit. Oh god I'm getting excited

>> No.3229658

Gah, and here I thought we'd be hearing from you soon.

>> No.3229685


Then he should bury his face in her boobs instead.

>> No.3229734

I just got soft because of you. Thanks a lot douche this thread was getting me somewhere >=[

>> No.3231096


>> No.3231215

Have you ever done it with your grandpa/grandma?

>> No.3231240

Fuck real life NTR.

>> No.3231249

Fuck you anon.

>> No.3232118

My sister is a fucking slob and leaves her shit everywhere.

I don't want ANY part of that.

>> No.3232642

If they have I doubt it was willingly.

>> No.3232961

I probably fap to my sister more than anything else.

>> No.3232987

My sister is a lesbian, so no.

>> No.3233041

>200 posts and 17 image replies

>> No.3233051

>201 posts and 17 image replies

>> No.3233127

>202 posts and 17 image replies

>> No.3233152

Well thats reassuring I guess. Being a total shutin my sister is really the only attractive girl I know, so if I try to fantasize about sex my mind always kind of defaults to her.

>> No.3233204

I fap to her regurarly. I dont even feel bad about it.

>> No.3233904

Me too.

>> No.3235198
File: 403 KB, 842x1200, 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want imouto like this.

>> No.3235434

Isn't it NTR only if the guy is dating the girl ?

>> No.3235450

NTR = cheating.

>> No.3235453

or when he turn you down for the next niggah guy who she wants to fuck.

>> No.3235457

*She. Fuck that, i will sleep. Can't type properly.

>> No.3235476

So it wasn't NTR.
After all, the guy only said he had loved her. He didn't mention dating her.

>> No.3235485

yes, it was not NTR.
But inside your mind, it was.

>> No.3235506

Every /jp/ poster knows what to expect from 3D women.
It's like a soldier going to war; you don't actually expect coming back unscathed.

>> No.3235839

I'd hit Azaka so hard if her voice didn't sound like fucking nails on cardboard half the time.

>> No.3236108


Wow, can I have the source on this please?

>> No.3236128

Onii-chan Control. There's only 2 chapters out for this thing and it seems like it's either a monthly or bi-monthly release.

>> No.3236180


Nice. Thanks Anon.

>> No.3236475

what if you liek sumone elses sister, is that okay too? cuz i leik my friends sister a whol lot!

>> No.3236682

Everyone is "someone else's sister"
Fuck you.

>> No.3236709

It doesn't begin regular serialization until October. Once it does it will probably be monthly.

>> No.3236710

I'm someone else's sister.

>> No.3237722
File: 312 KB, 1114x1600, Ashita wa Umi - 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you disturbed by the idea that you love your own brother?
