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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3211533 No.3211533 [Reply] [Original]

What is a popular free MMORPG for sadlife weeaboos such as myself?

>> No.3211538

Runes of Magic

>> No.3211542

Dungeon Fighter


>> No.3211568

ether saga

>> No.3211572


Do you mean truly free, or the typical bullshit "free" as in nowadays MMO ?

>> No.3211594

Stop viraling that ugly piece of shit

>> No.3211597

Either is fine. I think almost all games are bullshit free by now

>> No.3211609

SMT: Imagine Online


>> No.3211629

shitty fucking game

>> No.3211637


You can always try Ragnarok online on private server.(don't ever go near the official ones, they suck ass)

Or Lineage 2

ACE Online

Granado Espada(no private afaik)

Luna online

Trickster Online...but beware, it has so many ways to leech your rl money.

Maple Story(I really don't see what's so appealing about this one,but since you demand the populars, I think I'll just put it here)

Eco online

and finally Mabinogi

>> No.3211648


Maybe two or three years ago.

>> No.3211659

Fucking Nexon. Give us an announcement about the progress already.

>> No.3211666


Yeah, I admit I regret that I ever wasted away 10 bucks on that shit what with the trainwreck cash items they're on today.

>> No.3211677

I quit around the time they started releasing the lolboxes. Is it even worse now?

>> No.3211689

Try Valkyrie Sky when it comes on again. (Whenever that may be)

>> No.3211711

I was watching some Japanese guy play this on ustream and it looked shit

>> No.3211734

It has at least one redeeming quality: nice story quests. So it is worth a glance.
A lot of retarded MMOs out there just go with "kill 50 birds - get the quest down" type of shit now. This makes all sad and angry.

>> No.3211737


It's fucking MMO with lotto cash items and lol random stats. What could possibly be worse ?

>> No.3211775

An even bigger gap between those who pay and those who don't.

ie: even more overpowered gacha/box crap.

>> No.3211997

any pics?

>> No.3212018

If you "play" an MMO you are not a true NEET, because an MMO is a job.

You said "sadlife weeaboo" which doesn't imply a true NEET but a narutard, so that's fine then I guess.

>> No.3212124 [DELETED] 


>> No.3212131

Mabinogi, best 'free' MMO. You even have the choice of being the little girl or the onee-sama.

>> No.3212146

WoW is the only half decent MMO.

>> No.3212148

Playing an MMO is a job in the same way that being a crackhead is a job.

>> No.3212151


>> No.3212155

>Eco online

Open beta when?

>> No.3212266
File: 1.81 MB, 2560x2048, EtherSaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again I'll recommend Ether Saga. My own opinion is that this game so far is the best MMO I have played.
Since the last thread we have gotten a few new players in our /jp/ clan and we are pretty active. If you want to join us, you can contact us by our characters names: Cisa (me) or hjones (the clan leader). we will be very happy to help you in any way we can.
Also if you have any questions, you are welcome to ask and we will do our best to answer.

>> No.3212292

ps, ether saga thread for hotglue

>> No.3212315

The UI and font is just horrible.

>> No.3212331

This actually looks appealing, I might try it out.

>> No.3212368

Waiting for Eco OB is painful

>> No.3212387
File: 360 KB, 800x600, everquest_-_east_commonlands_tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What free MMO feels the most like pre-Shadows of Luclin Everquest? I've been feeling masochistic lately and can't wait for someone to get off their ass and finally make a proper EQ Classic private server.

>> No.3212404 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3212424

>Granado Espada
I actually have the game box for this (back when the game was first released in the us, got the "limited" time only blacksmith character).
The graphics are awesome, the spells/abilities are awesome, the music is awesome (last time I played it had an ingame media player that let you listen to whatever song was available in the zone that you were in).
Even so the game managed to suck holy balls by being too linear and repetitive. I think I got my characters around the 40's before I quit out of boredom. Not enough people and too many bots, by the time I hit the upper 30's I'd just spend time in towns playing with the MASSIVE emotes list.

>> No.3212433


...You're quite sure that isn't just WoW with new textures?

>> No.3212435

I have one question, can I jump?

>> No.3212445


>> No.3212446

I stopped playing more than a year ago, after it turned into Cashshop Online.

>> No.3212452
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>> No.3212454

GE was a good game ruined by K2.

>> No.3212456

You can.

>> No.3212464

Think the last time I played it was back in late 07, not surprised it turned into a cash shop game.

>> No.3212467

fuck yes, downlodan.

>> No.3212475

I'm jumping on the bandwagon and downloading this. I'll play it for a few days before I message you however

>> No.3212478

Definitely. It was fine at first, but then they put more and more essential stuff in there until it became downright ridiculous...

>> No.3212480

World of Warcraft
Star wars online
Gaia online

>> No.3212516

DFO and PSO > anything else here.

>> No.3212594

Yea, I fucking loved the game back then. I remember playing the game around maybe 2-3 years ago in NA and played quite a bit. I got my characters around level 90 but then realized that the reward to grinding to "Veteran" level would be more grinding, as proven by the "Expert" level.
>The graphics are awesome, the spells/abilities are awesome, the music is awesome
These were seriously what made the game. I loved the music in every zone I went into.

>> No.3212616

Played Dream Of Mirror a couple of months ago. It had a whole fucking load of bugs, anyone knows if it got better??

Appart from that, it was pretty decent, I liked the way one character could have all the jobs without affecting each other.

>> No.3212644

Needs more Hill Giant/Griffon/Sergeant Slate train.

>> No.3212656
File: 330 KB, 1280x1024, 2009-08-24 02-46-16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say so.
yes you can jump all you want.
Okay that's fine.

>> No.3212671

I fucking love bandwagoning. Downloading.

>> No.3212693

question, how useful are healers in this game?

>> No.3212703

I tried registering and I got an error with the confirmation email. bummer

>> No.3212758

I already had a Perfect World account so it seems.

>> No.3212789

Happened to me too. They activated mine manually a few hours after I ticketed them.

It has semt like a great game so far.

>> No.3212796


name of game?

>> No.3212799

Ether Saga Online

>> No.3212806

Play PSO and Ultima Online. Old school is the best way. If you have to have animu graphics and shit, probably try Mabinogi.

>> No.3212811
File: 356 KB, 1280x1024, 2009-08-24 03-07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very useful. Our clan leader who's a healer has helped me complete quests I was far too weak to complete by myself.

(Pic here is of a cloud you get early in the game which you can fly around with)

>> No.3212814

I still play Trickster


I'm a sad and pathetic individual.

Also screw private servers, cough up $12 and play iRO Sakray which kicks major ass.

>> No.3212816

don't play an mmo, work hard on a fighting/rts game or play poker or something. get that respect.

>> No.3212817



>> No.3212822
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>> No.3212828

are you on the right board? This is a place for neets not normalfags and their RTS and fightan games

>> No.3212852

Huh, more /jp/ people getting into Ether Saga? Cool.

I actually tried it out on Kordox's recommendation, played around for a bit and it seemed pretty decent, not really sure what class to play. Starting quests sure do practically give you 10 levels, though.

>> No.3212860

yeah just submitted my ticket.
What's a good stable class to roll? I'm thinking the offensive caster or a healer.

>> No.3212865

>Sorry, Cisa does not rank in the top 1000


>> No.3212867
File: 476 KB, 1024x762, 00000021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NA version is the only one bug-infested.
Gametribe version and Gamania are more stable, but Aeria's sucks badly, not only in bugs, they also have lots of delayed updates.
I hit 65 and at least 5 jobs, got the gold weapon I need, armor, etc. Everything. And I got a 2 new quests that I can solo in 3 minutes as update after 6 months... Now I have to wait another 6 more..

Stick to Gamania or Gametribe. Only reason why I stick with it sometimes it's because of the cute characters.

>> No.3212875

I would join you in trickster if you they havent deleted my account.

I got a lvl200+ dragon and lvl200+ fox in beta before cashshop came out. Shit was awesome when I was grinding on laki one shotting them with arrow rush.

>> No.3212881

I fucking love playing priest/healers. When i was still playing RO years ago i made a lvl 100 one on 1/1/1.

>> No.3212907

Ragnarok Online is THE game for weeaboos, don't settle for anything less.

>> No.3212908

it's quite un-normal fag to be good at a game.

>> No.3212912 [DELETED] 

What server/language version/site?

>> No.3212923 [DELETED] 


Way to buy into that bullshit. 75% of the playerbase spends vast amounts of money in the cash shop to become much stronger than any 'free' player could ever hope to be.

I don't know why you'd want to play a shitty game like Mabinogi in the first place, but be prepared to soak some cash into it if you want to get anywhere.

>> No.3212938

now that rebirths are free, there's no need to spend any money

>> No.3212932 [DELETED] 

This, if you don't mind non-weeaboo graphics.

Also sage for MMO thread.

>> No.3212945

Kordox, do you play on the west or east coast server?

>> No.3212949 [DELETED] 

>I haven't played Mabinogi for more than a day

>> No.3213024


>> No.3213026


>> No.3213036

Not quite sure what you're trying to pull here, fellow newfriend.

>> No.3213040

I want my answer

>> No.3213055

play something worthwhile if you're going to put a lot of time into it so you don't feel as pathetic

(this means no mmos)

>> No.3213087

Give me an example.

>> No.3213099

A cute girl I know plays that Shin Megami Tensei MMO. I assume it's free.

>> No.3213105
File: 320 KB, 1280x1024, 2009-08-24 03-48-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and the clan-leader healer just killed a boss in a battle that took around 15 minutes (it had A LOT of hp). Without support it can kill me in less than 5 seconds. That's how good the healer is.

Damn I completely forgot to mention that in my first post. We're on the EAST server.

>> No.3213120

Thank you!

>> No.3213125

starcraft, mvc2, iidx, touhou.

basically anything that you can compete in and look as cool as you can get while playing a video game. (not very cool but uhh whatever)

you might want to give competitive gambling a try too, but of course only for real money once you're totally ready

i don't really care if you waste your time on an mmo, if all you're looking for is entertainment, but there are other things you can do where putting in the time actually means something

>> No.3213129

Fun is fun. If people enjoy playing mmos, then let them. Not everything has to be an exercise in self improvement, and even if it did, there are better ways than video games.

>> No.3213167

This looks like a slightly more polished verison of FlyFF. Please tell me actually playing it feels nothing like flyff.

>> No.3213177

Downloading done, getting ready to play. What class is a good one?

>> No.3213176 [DELETED] 

>Please tell me actually playing it feels nothing like flyff

I have bad news for you...

>> No.3213187

They all seem pretty good. In our clan we currently have:
3 Rangers
1 Dragoon
2 Conjurers
2 Mystics

>> No.3213189

fuck. Well, there goes playing that game.

>> No.3213200

I wish Janitor-kun would learn to delete /v/ garbage.

>> No.3213203

goddamn, oh well, it's not like i have a life or anything.

>> No.3213240

Bandwagoning on this as well.

Probably won't get on til tomorrow though, activation errored on me.

>> No.3213242

Fuck yeah let's bandwagon, just like in ECO where I only got to level 9.

>> No.3213268

Fuck, i can't think of a name guys. help me out.

>> No.3213278


>> No.3213284

Wish I could join the bandwagon, but download list is piled high.

>> No.3213286

Looks far too pretty to run on my computer.
I'll pass.

>> No.3213293

No, something that screams weeaboo

>> No.3213287 [DELETED] 


>> No.3213299


>> No.3213301


>> No.3213304


>> No.3213305 [DELETED] 




>> No.3213322 [DELETED] 

I'm downloading Ether Saga now. How do I come into contact with the /jp/edos?

>> No.3213323 [DELETED] 

I saw this posted on AT. Must be copypasta.
Learn English: http://vtbsd.net/english/
Use English: http://www.anøntalk.com/ICARE

>> No.3213319 [DELETED] 

goddamn jpkawaiidesu^_^ is too long, kawaiidesu it has to be.

>> No.3213331 [DELETED] 

Just starting now, east server the same the same as Kordox

>> No.3213347
File: 68 KB, 1280x1024, 122350999177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MMOs are for weaboos and children prove me wrong

>> No.3213352

If you want time sinks why not play some Fatlus games at least they have substance

>> No.3213357

I jumped down somewhere and am now fisting Sproutlings.

>> No.3213372

it's for Multiple Men Online Role Playing as Girls, hence MMORPG

>> No.3213390

the graphics can be turned down to make it run much better while still looking OK.

>> No.3213420

Can you give me a few tips as to play as a Dragon, or rather which skills to get and such?

>> No.3213562

I don't know the class myself, but here are three guides I'm sure would be of great help to you:


>> No.3213578
File: 15 KB, 290x290, satorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spellborn is going f2p but I keep getting turned off by the character models.

>> No.3213583

Play on official WoW servers, fuckers. Oh wait, You don't even have 10$ per month or a credit card to pay with, right?

>> No.3213594

WoW is not wroth it, i paid for RO back in the days, but WoW is just not worth it.

>> No.3213601

>paying for RO

>> No.3213609

Sure was a couple years ago in here, I think everyone that wants to move on from WoW already has.

>> No.3213610

Before all the updating shit it was a good game.

>> No.3213624

It was as shallow as MMOs come then as it is now.

>> No.3213627
File: 389 KB, 1190x952, WoWScrnShot_073109_184853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3213742

>action bars with no keybinds other than default
>QH arrow

so are you trying to tell me that Russians are shitty WoW players?

>> No.3213817

I refuse to play it ever again unless Kalgan is fired. Him leaving of his own accord isn't good enough.

>> No.3213819

Little boy, it's actually "15" dollars per month, or $16.98 which is what they last charged me before I canceled my account. Yeah, I know math is hard, be kewl, stay in skewl.

>> No.3214381


Likely PTR or something, he's got his rusted drake.

>> No.3216101


>> No.3216592

How is all that shitty korean mmo weeaboo?


>> No.3216613

Mabinogi is pretty much free. I find their Nexon Store stuff completely optional. You don't need to pay for forms, generations or anything anymore. You even get Free rebirths now. The store stuff really is just a bonus.
