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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3196776 No.3196776 [Reply] [Original]

Is Cirno really the strongest?

>> No.3196786

no, shes a big ball of shit

>> No.3196781

In her heart, she is.

>> No.3196789
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>> No.3196803 [DELETED] 

Anyone got any better links?
Drink Coca-Cola!
http://www.AnønTalk.com/ICARE - Do you care? You should.

>> No.3196800

look at that baka

>> No.3196807

She's the bakaest

>> No.3196953 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3196958

Cirno is the softest

>> No.3197673
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>> No.3197684
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Yes, it is.

>> No.3197706
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You called?

>> No.3197707
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Yes Cirno is the strongest fairy

but fairies are the weakest so yeah.

>> No.3197719
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Cirno is also the most scalable.

>> No.3197722

She is the strongest fairy, yes.

>> No.3197741
File: 73 KB, 640x300, cirnos_platform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's also the most lexible.

>> No.3197745

She is the strongest indeed, can destroy matter and generate infinite energy with her manipulation of average particle kinetic energy.
That could even be considered godly.

>> No.3197758

It annoys you specifically

>> No.3197759

why are you here?

>> No.3197756

Yeah she can spit black holes.

>> No.3197755

Why are you still amused by the same three or so memes being repeated a hundred thousand times?

>> No.3197782

I love Cirno, she is a cute baka

>> No.3197792

Because I still have hope that /jp/ is still browsable and above /a/ in terms of quality.

Every time I see a Cirno thread though, my opinion wavers a bit.

>> No.3197809

Were you here since the beginning? /jp/ always loved Cirno. Stop making up bullshit about her being /a/ related.


>> No.3197816

She's also theoretically able to cause nuclear fusions by cold fusion, absolute zero and black holes due to energy-mass equivalency, however there's not enough mass on earth to do that, unless you confine it to it's Schwarzschild's radius, not without creating a fusion star first. She's on par with Utsuho being that said.

>> No.3197840
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Lady LambdaDelta is the strongest.

>> No.3197854

Don't be stupid, all Cirno can do is remove heat from the system. There's no generation of anything.

>> No.3197855

Maybe he's not referring to the character herself, but the fact that every thread about her is just people repeating shitty memes like "look at that baka" and "eye'm the strongest."

>> No.3197869

And? That doesn't make her fanbase any better. You shitposters from /a/ should go back to your board and spout your SO RANDUM xD memes there for the ten millionth time.

You're probably KoG, so you should just kill yourself instead.

>> No.3197870

Pff, so naive Jones, she removes the system's energy indeed, but it must go somewhere.

>> No.3197876


Haha look at this baka

>> No.3197886


Sup KoG. I am sick and tired of you always mentioning yourself in every Cirno thread. Stop it already.

>> No.3197909

I only mentioned KoG since he's the faggot who keeps making these threads with the same filenames, and it's easy to tell that the person I was replying to is the OP.

>> No.3197917

I am convinced that the entire Cirno "fanbase" is an elaborate conspiracy designed to turn what was once a likable character into something universally detested.

>> No.3197972

It goes into our world, which is why Gensokyo suffers from global cooling whereas we suffer from global warming.

>> No.3198012

That's not enough energy to even increase the Earth's temperature in a fraction of Celsius.

>> No.3198031

Hate the fans, not the character.

Unless you have a seriously legitimate reason for hating her.

>> No.3198038

Gensokyo is actually located on the sun.

>> No.3198037

Why do you care what other people do.

>> No.3198067
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Speaking of conspiracies...

>> No.3198073

That makes no sense at all.

>> No.3198077


Why do you care about an objective fact that I have supplied?

>> No.3198098
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don't even get me started on conspiracies. the name "kogasa" and its desu-like appearance almost made me drop the touhou series altogether. i wish that faggot would get a life already, but it looks like that will never happen.

>> No.3198102

Cirno is the strongest in my heart.
And that's all that really matters.

>> No.3198106


I thought that was pretty clever. Just be grateful Kogasa wasn't a Stage 5 boss. We'd never hear the end of it.

>> No.3198110

Does ZUN even know about /jp/? /a/? 4chan? 2chan?

...the Internet?

>> No.3198118

Get out, right now.

>> No.3198120


Take a guess at what ZUN does those other 364 (365 on leap) days of the year. I wouldn't be surprised if ZUN is a regular poster on many forums. Does he speak English?

>> No.3198123
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>> No.3198126


If there's one thing VNs have taught me, it's that every Japanese person is 100% fluent in the Engrish language.

>> No.3198132

He's a programmer for fucks sake.

>> No.3198134
File: 8 KB, 204x224, dawson-smile-close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Cirno so shitty?

>> No.3198136

Mild curiosity.

>> No.3198142
File: 132 KB, 640x480, dawsoncirno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know you just set me up to post this picture.

>> No.3198147

Setting yourself up isn't such a great achievement, boy.

>> No.3198148


...meaning? I don't know how much programmers know about the Internet.

>> No.3198152

Judging from his horrendous Engrish, no.

>> No.3198154
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>> No.3198157

Cirno, as an air conditioner, is by far the strongest.

>> No.3198170

A lot

>> No.3198177
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No, Articuno is.

>> No.3198179


So does that mean ZUN goes on /jp/?

>> No.3198181
File: 92 KB, 571x578, 1243090649929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Cirno as an ice-cooling system for your touhou-enabled device.

>> No.3198182
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Problem, /jp/?

>> No.3198184

Doesn't ZUN post on fubata channeru?

>> No.3198191

Also, freezer

>> No.3198195

No, why are you so stupid?
