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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 2.55 MB, 2832x2124, 1609122674421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
31619609 No.31619609 [Reply] [Original]

Camera List & Guides: https://trainstream.github.io
Trains and others.

湯野上温泉駅 Yunokami-Onsen Station:
http://hls.shimogo-live.jp/camera3/index.m3u8 (new link)

Previous threads:

>> No.31625559
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>> No.31629657

Having a great winter this year.
After last year's disappointment.

>> No.31630160

I love how I can come back to /jp/ after ten years and train threads are still here.
God bless you anons. Have a happy 2021.

>> No.31630212
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>> No.31633837
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we lost the photography general tho

>> No.31634817
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Much more quiet few days this year, there was a lineup across the bridge earlier yesterday but it doesn't last into the night.

>> No.31634906
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and here's a ground view of the many food booths not visible

>> No.31634997

There's a photography thread here that can't get bumped off:

feel free to contribute

>> No.31635236
File: 165 KB, 1280x720, vlcsnap-2021-01-02-01h37m38s907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitamuki-Kannon is also very quiet, though it is about dinnertime right now. People are spreading out their shrine visits instead of crowding for Jan 1-4 like usual.

>> No.31635544
File: 615 KB, 1920x1080, 20210102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone stops to play with the white cats.

>> No.31636096
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there have been many new streaming cams in temples and shrines, it seems like corona chan is quite happy this new year.

>> No.31636204

Oh, can you show me the link for this one? I don't recognize it.

>> No.31640017
File: 397 KB, 640x478, train-0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31642891

Which is why cases are spiking in three regions in Japan like crazy, and they're calling for emergency aid now as well. It's a mess.

>> No.31643764

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksRl2vczSDs [Embed]

Hakata Christmas market decorations still up.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGKhqxJu-wM [Embed]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMhkTK8juTo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYVrpPPUFzU [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=df9g-srHq-Y [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DChEz_eLKZs [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULscqMCsvFQ [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6o15I8CS0ug [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGShh37QT1M [Embed]

Tokyo Ga

Kabukicho Cam Music for download. This was sent to me via email and I always guessed it was somewhere I ran into also on youtube but haven't been able to confirm.


>> No.31650678
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>> No.31654063
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>> No.31658449


>> No.31660015
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>> No.31660055
File: 3.21 MB, 1886x1088, kabukicho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le old Kabukicho changed it's angle again, which do you guys prefer?

>> No.31660088

This is correct ex-gf is going today because she's scared of Covid. Feels like recently we've got more people and more regulars, I swear sometimes there are only 3-4 people here. The more the merrier.

>> No.31660164

Feel like it needs to get angled down a bit more, framing isn't that great.

>> No.31660307

Or zoomed in or something. I think we just have to accept that the old Kabukicho cam just isn't that good anymore, luckily we have been blessed in the last few years as a plethora of new and amazing cams have come on board.

>> No.31660350

What's up with those islands on the left?

>> No.31660446

Yep, so I'm not going to really complain at all. Nice alternative to have not being able to travel and such.

>> No.31660616

>Which is why cases are spiking in three regions in Japan like crazy
Remember, there is always a lag of about two weeks in new cases because of the incubation period.
We will see the result of New Years in case numbers around the middle of January.

>> No.31660885

I mean, three whole regions calling for immediate emergency aid only worsens what will happen then as well. Even from what I saw surfing around for New Years, I don't think it bodes well for things then.

>> No.31661830

This is a direct upgrade because I can stare at people who stare at me.

>> No.31661871
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we've been over this anon, they're AT-ATs

>> No.31665585
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>> No.31671498
File: 2.84 MB, 848x480, 20210103.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31679058

saving this thread..... with no casualties!

>> No.31679534

>>31643764 or you >>31679058 or are the same person, who knows, maybe it was one of you that months ago asked if the could edit the github too.
Maybe it is time to accept that I am a lazy piece of shit and let someone else do it. Of course even after sharing the password I will hold to a copy of the current state, in case whoever I share it with decides to fuck shit up. So someone eager enough, with hopefully a good soul, post your email or something.

>> No.31679611

Wasn't me, but I hope they see this

>> No.31683210

fuck you admins I'm tired of this hololive garbage

>> No.31687800
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>> No.31689551

Yeah, I'm expecting cases to increase as they have been increasing.
It could be partly due to the new strain that came, but likely it is more due to laxness on the public's side and the general fact that keeping the transmission rate below 1 in a country as populated as Japan is going to be a tall order anyway. And anything above 1 will result in a net increase in cases over time.

>> No.31690586
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geisha train

>> No.31690816

>on their phones

>> No.31691394
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>> No.31698625

Not me mate, sorry I just post live video links really. I don't really know what github is or what I'd be doing in there?

>> No.31701205

It is the web page at the top. Like half a year ago (or more) someone said they are willing to edit it (add new streams) and what not, but I was like "Don't worry, I will do it soon". Turned out to be another lie from me. I might actually get around it soon(tm), but someone will want to do it more regularly than my lazy ass. I guess I always want to do it in a big bulk, which makes it seem like will take a while, so I just don't do anything. That's human behaviour for you.

>> No.31702442

I am pretty sure I just complained about it...didn't actually know how to do it. I double up my posts a lot and try to provide fresh content in each thread work permitting. Maybe don't worry about it so much? A lot of the github is out of date and I only really visit it to get the private youtube links. Am a regular but source all my own video via youtube using kanji and searching in Japanese.

>> No.31703826

did you notice it goes the other way compared to the normal trains

>> No.31706777

What is that blue light I've been seeing on the station?

>> No.31707505

tried to play detective but could not find a picture that shows what it is. Seems like a more recent install, I don't recall it being around for more than a season or two.

>> No.31713069

Isn't it just an illuminated sign for the departure point?

>> No.31714420
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>> No.31717249
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>> No.31717292

Cam source:

>> No.31718830

Thank you, what a peaceful view.

>> No.31718988

thank fuck the ATV airport cam is back after 5 long days

>> No.31722918

Perhaps a christmas/new years thing?

>> No.31735231

ehh I'll get used to it

>> No.31737168
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> Page 8
Early Bump

>> No.31739093
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>> No.31744958

Why was it down for so long, disrepair?

>> No.31752047
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>> No.31756298

I don't know, but it coincided with the end of the year and the other camera right next to it was still working (but in worse quality of course, otherwise I'd just default to that)

>> No.31761942
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 20200325 西の河原露天風呂入り口- 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31761985

Peak comfy

>> No.31768745

