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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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315188 No.315188 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest with me, men of /jp/ (kinda redundant):

How many of you grew (or are in the process of growing) long hair because you thought that men in the vidya gaems and anime looked cool with it?

I had short hair when I was 17, really short. When I turned 18, I decided to start growing my hair out, no doubt in part due to my addiction to Japanese RPGs, in which the men with long hair almost always looked very cool to me.

Flash 2 1/2 years later, I have hair down to my mid-back. I used to wear it down, but when it really just looks stupid that way. So then I decided to just wear it in a ponytail...all the time. I've found myself wondering why I even have long hair if it looks stupid down and all I ever do is keep it in a ponytail. I'm not fat, before the Fatlus spam begins.

tl;dr I grew long hair because of Japanese games and anime, and now I'm thinking of chopping it all off in a few days because RL =/= anime, and I just don't think a majority of women actually find long hair on men attractive.

I got a little /blog/ there, but share your stories, and if you went through with chopping it off, how you felt about it.

Or just Touhou hijack this into something else. Yuyuko, preferably.

>> No.315194

No, I didn't grow a long hair because of anime / vidya gaems. Anyway, I have hair down to my shoulders.

>> No.315198

Always kept it short, never bothered to make it look good, so it doesn't have any kind of wavy patterns or splits or whatever

>> No.315200

Long hair doesn't work for me. It becomes less of long flowing locks and more of an AFRO.

>> No.315202

I did the same thing. Ended up cutting my hair too because it just looked stupid and bad and was too annoying.

I can't really cosplay much with short hair but I never was much of a cosplayer before anyways, short hair is superior.

>> No.315211

I like my short hair. I used to have this wierd mullet/anime style hair setup, but after getting tired of washing it I just went with the army style

>> No.315220

Waist-length for me until a couple of months ago I grew long hair because I was lazy, and prefer longer hair in general anyway. It requires less upkeep than shorter hair does.

But then I decided I wanted a change, for no real reason other than I was bored, and got it chopped right back at a barber's for what amounts to about $14US. People at work were impressed, but to me it really isn't all that different except that now I have to go get another haircut because "in between" length hair is FUCKING ANNOYING.

>> No.315222

I don't really find that long hair looks good on most men; I've seen some Japanese men who were able to wear it well, however.

>> No.315224

I just have long hair 'cause getting a haircut would require leaving the house.

>> No.315225

I keep my hair short

Long hair is for faggots

>> No.315229

It takes more than length. You also need a good cut and the womanly know how to upkeep your doo every morning.

>> No.315247
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OP here. I decided to just wait a week, and if I still feel the same way I do now then, go back to the old reliable military cut. No good rushing into a haircut when it took me two and a half years to grow it out and it takes 10 minutes to chop it off.

Another thing is that I've been working out a lot recently, and not only does it get in the way when I exercise (and make running in windy weather annoying), but I really don't have a remotely feminine build now that I've buffed up a bit, so it really feels out of place now.

>> No.315250

I've had long hair all my life.
around mid-back in length

its more about laziness than actual wanting it long, same with my beard.

>> No.315254

after i got out of army few years ago i haven't cut my hair, except from forehead by myself.

i just wanna see how long can i grow it. aim is to never go to barber again

>> No.315257

Long hair doesn't work on white males. End yourself.

>> No.315261

You're not attractive and you never will be.

>> No.315266


>> No.315267

white guys who keep slim can get away with a ponytail and be hippies

>> No.315283

I mostly grew out my hair because I'm incredibly lazy.

I ended up with an 18" braided ponytail by the end of my junior year and decided to chop it off by then. I have it hanging up somewhere in my kitchen in case I ever need a toupee or something for ritualistic sacrifice one day.

I'm growing my hair out again and got it into a shot ponytail. I don't think I'll get it as long as I originally did though. It was kinda annoying at that length.

>> No.315287

i got like 3 guys with ponytai in my class. i'm studying in nerd university for computer engineering so it might explain some

>> No.315289
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Oh Anon, you're so cruel. It's not as if I'm working with THIS or anything.

>> No.315291

well, I hate to cut my hair (hairdresser are dumbass .) so I've hair down to my shoulders.
BTW i've asian hair, so it's not that bad.

>> No.315301
File: 423 KB, 600x604, 1206525869652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only is long hair for delusional sissies, there's plenty of practical reasons why short hair is superior.

- Better to keep your head cool during warm weather.
- Easier to clean.
- Less likely to smell like shit.
- Doesn't get in the way when you're working out.

I just got my hair cut after 11 weeks, and holy crap it's a relief.

>> No.315305

I don't like the way I look with short hair. I prefer this poofy, long hair.
And it's not like I work out, anyway.

>> No.315313
File: 139 KB, 550x944, 1206526095553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have to work out to appreciate short hair.

I would know, since I haven't done anything to work out my fatass for the past 11 weeks until now.

>> No.315354
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So yeah, transitioning to Yuyuko because I need more of her.

>> No.315365
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>> No.315366
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>> No.315367

We all do. ;_;

>> No.315386

I've been letting my hair grow into mullet and then cutting it short again for few years now. Original plan was to have it all long, but it didn't work out that well.

>> No.315443

Just long enough to tie back. No fucking around with gel, no going to the barber once a month.

>> No.315459

I've had mine long for some 5 years now. I'm an eighties kid, I wanted to look like a rock star. So why do I almost always keep it in ponytail...

I'm thinking of getting a japanese style cut on it since some of the kids here look pretty fucking cool. if that doesn't work out (gets too annoying to maintain, gets in the eyes too much, etc.), it's back to short hair for me.

>> No.315481

"Some of the kids here"?

Where might you be, pray tell?

>> No.315506

>a japanese style cut

What are you, the arch nemesis of captain obvious?

>> No.315525

I grew long hair when I was 18 since I was a metalhead and could after leaving school.

don't cut it off.

>> No.315552

Don't have a ponytail

Just don't

>> No.315559

Why am I so bald ;_:

>> No.315562

I keep my hair long because I'm too lazy to get it cut frequently

>> No.315577

My pompadour fucking rocks! You long hair hippies can just bask in my fucking glory!

>> No.315615

yeah i tried to imitate the hair style of kiba from wolfs rain time ago (i liked the character and the wolves stuff). some months ago i cuted my hair but not too short, i try to maintain it in the limit.

>> No.316098

Just put your hair on ponytail when you train. I've never had problems with my hair on ponytail while training.

>> No.316104

If long hair works with your face, women do find it attractive. BUT NOT IF IT'S IN A PONYTAIL FAGGOT.

>> No.316118

>Less likely to smell like shit
That's your terrible hygiene, not the long hair.

>> No.316125

I think ponytails are really ugly looking on both men and women yet I still have one.

>> No.316147


Is that you Josuke?

>> No.316153
File: 45 KB, 305x425, 1206538186141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I think that if you've got long hair, the only acceptable way to wear it is tied back and kept off your face. Besides, anyone who isn't underaged b& would know that that way, your manly man stubble shows better, and that ladies love a man with manly man stubble & a tied back top-knot.

>> No.316344


>> No.316352

me too ;_;

>> No.316385

I'm growing long hair, but it has nothing to do with anime. I just don't think letting a guy with a pair of blades get that close to your head is a good idea.

>> No.316451

I'm seriously considering getting it shortened to an inch on all sides. Tired of the poofiness.

>> No.316496

hmm. my hair isn't short-short, but not long. the back reaches my neck and its layered properly.

i guess i'd call it tomboyish hair

>> No.316518

I have almost waistlong hair, but that's because I'm a metalhead, not becuase I envy anime bishies.

>> No.316630

tbh long hair is gross on guys and all women agree

>> No.316641

I love the way you talk also diseased sluts with their diseased holes, wanting cock to plug up their gaping, nasty orifice.

Wanting PENIS to fill them up, to fill the void left by daddy's absent love. Slobbering on that knob, gobbling on that knob, spreading their cunt-rot to men and corrupting their fine masculine spirits.

Nasty dripping slimeboxes, full of poison. Nothing but wellsprings of emptiness and woe.

Fucking sluts. They all need to die.

>> No.316671

I originally grew my hair long because I wanted to look like Paul Kantner did in his prime. I keep my hair long because it feels nice, and I'm thinking of growing a beard as well.
