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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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3127635 No.3127635 [Reply] [Original]

In 2 weeks I will be attending university for the first time. it's exiting, because I can make a new start and meet new people. Of course there come some problems with it, the biggest one is social groups (or whatever they are called). You know, groups that have been set up for students to join.
One of these groups is very interesting. It's about everything japan. Yes they have animu and mango activities, but those do not interest me, even though I love anime, I'd rather watch it alone. The things that do interest me are their japanese cooking activities, their japanese language studies and their trips to japan. I have only eaten sushi once, but it's some of the best food I've ever eaten, even the rice was good. And I want to learn how to cook, so the cooking part of the group is great. Learning japanese is also on my 'I want to do that' list. Not only from an entertainment point (anime, games ect) but also from a business standpoint, it might come in handy one day. And the trips to japan are very exiting aswell, it would be a dream come true.

sounds like a great deal right? 1 problem, I think that joining this group would instantly put a big nerd or weeaboo sign on your head.
I've always been a nerd at home, but in school I always was a normalfag, I could get along well with most people, including coolfags and nerds. But I don't want to start university with people thinking I'm a nerd and avoiding me. But that group is very interesting to me.

what should I do? Will people really think I'm a nerd if I join that group? I bet I will never get a gf when that happenes...

>> No.3127639

Who is going to even know you're in the group?

>> No.3127641
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>> No.3127650
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>> No.3127651

University is full of nerds. You're not going to get picked on since there is always going to be someone you can connect with, because they actually want to be there. (Unlike community college/high school)

>> No.3127648


gtfo young fag. And don't come back until you've either dropped out or are considering to do so after wasting your life in a major you're no longer passionate about.

>> No.3127658

People are chill in university, generally speaking. So chill out man, and follow your dreams.

>> No.3127663

>I bet I will never get a gf when that happens
You'd be surprised
I bet you that the majority of that group will be women.
Of course, they'll all be lesbians/'bisexuals' and constantly argue about Strawberry Panic pairings.

>> No.3127679

>People are chill in university, generally speaking. So chill out man
Not the OP, but I'm a first-time attendee as well.
University sounds like such a bother, to be honest. All these new people I don't know (and maybe don't even want to know).
In my old High School I got along pretty well with my class, but didn't have actual 'friends to hang out with besides during lunch breaks'. I hope I'll get in some sort of the same position again.

>> No.3127680

Always with the "what-should-'I'-do". I, I, I. Why are you so selfish? When will people make a thread about giving US advice?

>> No.3127681

I'd do it for the cooking alone. Tell them you're not interested in animu and mango.

I'm in university also, and what kind of nerds are running around here, I thought I was normal. They don't like animu or stuff, but are very nerdy in their own way.

>> No.3127684

this is a relief. If university really isn't filled with assholes like in highschool it might all work out. I want to have a great time in university, and joining a fun group would be a step in the right direction, but I wouldn't join it at the cost of being seen as a big nerd by everyone else

>> No.3127686

Depends what are you going to study. But yeah as people said, university isn't like HS, people won't really care as long as you don't run shouting some weaboo shit. Plus getting a gf with cooking skills (especially the "exotic" ones) could be even easier, you can pick them up by cooking for them or you just say you gonna teach them to cook something special or whatever.
Do it OP, I would if there were such things at unis in my country (here we only have groups where you can broaden your knowledge in fields connected to what you're studying, shitsucks).

>> No.3127692

Yeah, that should be no problem.

Being proud of being a nerd will let you evolve into a geek. Have some confidence.

>> No.3127704

hmmm, good point about the cooking part. Would also be a good reason to give if anyone would ask why I joined that group.

thanks for the replies, it actually helped a lot!

>> No.3127744



>> No.3127752

So what are you going to study?

>> No.3127756

Technical design

>> No.3127763

even if you are not a weeaboo faggot, you will only meet SO KAWAII XD faggots in those groups

>> No.3127772

I hope not, although I like the 'slice of life' anime filled with loli I much prefer the more serious stuff like princess mononoke, death note and higurashi
But I don't really care what kind of anime those people watch, I'd much rather watch alone, watching it with others would ruin a part of the magic for me, unless it would be a gf, but otherwise I'd rather watch alone

>> No.3127775
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>> No.3127783

Don't join any social groups. Spend more time in 4chan instead.

>> No.3127787

>even if you are not a weeaboo faggot, you will only meet SO KAWAII XD faggots in those groups
Heh, I had a friend like that. She used to be pretty cool but now she's so annoying I don't even feel like staying over to get a free resting space during cons.
Shit sucks man, I have no one else to go with either, and even if I had, I'd have no place to sleep.

>> No.3127788

>more serious stuff like higurashi

>> No.3127790

sure is normalfag in here

>> No.3127794

You should've made a reply about Death Note, not Higurashi.

>> No.3127828

huh, since when is death note not serious?
higurashi is pretty serious too I guess

>> No.3127848

Newsflash slowpoke: 4chan is full of normalfags for a long time now

>> No.3127883

would it be smart to join a sports club to? to cancel out the nerdness.
Like rugby?

>> No.3127929

If you really want to play/know those people, then hell yeah. Don't know how it is in the US, but where I live (rugy isn't that popular) but people playing rugby are rather cool, I'm more of a nerd but they don't care we still can talk bout shit (im a bit into rugby).

If you only want to cancel your nerdiness, then no, it's not smart or good. Quite the opposite.

>> No.3127970

No one has to know your fucking in the club. Back in hi school I stood up too 5 in the morning everyday and shit and I was still one of the most athletic in my year. And no one even found out about what time I went to sleep and all. The most I've noticed in college is: World of Warcraft fags will wake you up at 4 in the morning asking if you wanna go to Taco Bell.

>> No.3127977


>Oh shit, count me in!

>> No.3127980

I'm not sure where you're from OP but I've found uni to be pretty accepting in my experience. AS long as you're not an enormous faggot people wont really care what you're into or what clubs you're in.

If you spend all day talking about naruto and espousing the virtues of NIHON JINRON then people will hate you. I avoided the anime society at my uni because the chairperson was essentially illiterate. There was at least one cool person in there though. I spent my time at the Game society. People didn't even care that I occasionally would wear a hoodie with my gamertag on.

>> No.3127983

I fail at life. What I meant was of course

>Of course, they'll all be lesbians/'bisexuals' and constantly argue about Strawberry Panic pairings.

Oh shit, count me in!

>> No.3128089

for cry out loud, just be yourself
or you want to be those coolfag or look-at-mefag, that look tough but get near zero in every test subject?

>> No.3128106

Your post was painfull to read. Please have more respect for English.

>> No.3128116

Brotip: Join the judo, kickboxing, karate, kendo, or whatever martial arts clubs instead. It'll help with that confidence issue of yours and you can still be weaboo but not be a fag about it.

>> No.3128262

There was an anime club at my college, but they met on Friday nights and I went home every weekend, so it didn't work out.
