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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 29 KB, 336x512, Hiroshima_bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3121931 No.3121931[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I think Japan deserved to be nuked. Why are you people in love with a country that attacked America and committed countless war crimes?

I seriously want to know.

>> No.3121939

Because America has never done anything bad either.

>> No.3121940

japan is truly the best country in the universe how can anyone hate japan?
I dont get it

>> No.3121947

America's not totally innocent either, but who gives a shit? None of us care about the country itself. We only care about the shit that comes out of said country.

>> No.3121937

I'm not American. Next question.

>> No.3121948

Reported, go back to /b/.

>> No.3121949

eh draws child porn and doesn't afraid of anything

>> No.3121951


bye newfriend OP

>> No.3121959

Because they enslaved other Asians and attacked America. Stop being a weeafag.

>> No.3121958

>I think it's okay to kill civilians

oh, so agree 9/11 was a good thing too?

>> No.3121952

>attacked America
Good thing
>committed countless war crimes?
Show me a decent country that didn't do that.

>> No.3121962
File: 36 KB, 717x430, saemfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP bumping his own thread I see

>> No.3121964

who cares, they probably deserved it for going against glorious nippon

>> No.3121965

>None of us care about the country itself. We only care about the shit that comes out of said country.
And yet trolls keep making the mistake of thinking we care about Japan.

>> No.3121968

9/11 and Hiroshima were both awesome because explosions kick fucking ass!!

>> No.3121969

Trolls don't really care, they are just doing it to get a reaction.

>> No.3121971

i fucking love nihongo! ore wa nippon! american pig die is disgusting!

>> No.3121973

>oh, so agree 9/11 was a good thing too?

I only support it if they are Japanese.

>> No.3121977

Some were in the buildings! It was worth it!

>> No.3121983

Suigin, stop posting forever.

>> No.3121982

When people from outside /jp/ (i.e. mainly /b/) make their invasions, they don't know any better. Blame moot for the stupid board name and even stupider rules ("All things Japanese welcome!").

>> No.3121986

A country completely destroyed, occupied, and rebuilt in our glorious American imagining, by our direct command.

It's really a wonder why any American wouldn't be a weeaboo these days.

>> No.3121987
File: 85 KB, 848x480, Saki_Tacos_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the solution, /jp/. Alls we need to do to get rid of them is just obliterate tacos from Japan

>> No.3121991

say "please" you unpolite piece of shit

>> No.3121992


>> No.3121993

AMERICAN WOMAN COMES HOME: "Hey, honey. I'm so tired after fucking random men all day."

>> No.3122005

I won't say "act your age" because I was a /b/tard at your age. But can you please clean up your act a little, Suigin? I've seen you make intelligent posts, so I know it's not that you aren't capable of doing it; you just choose to make Sion-grade posts.

>> No.3122013

Did that nuke kill the people who attacked america and committed the war crimes? No, it killed (mainly) other japanese people. They did nothing to your beloved Amerikkka.

>> No.3122021

Learn to total war.

>> No.3122023 [DELETED] 

OK, Jones-sama, next time I see this troll thread I will respond intelligently, with my honest opinion about Japan instead of playing along with it.

>> No.3122022

The only thing nukes are good for is keeping people at bay. Their would probably still be wars going on if it weren't obvious that when a country is backed into a corner their just gonna start firing off nukes

>> No.3122026

The Japanese people collectively deserve what they got. If anything, they where/are not punished enough.

>> No.3122027

OK, Jones-sama, next time I see this troll thread I will respond intelligently with my honest opinion about Japan, instead of playing along with it.

>> No.3122038

Why should I?

>> No.3122031

A prolonged aerial bombardment of the city would have liked killed just as many.
