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3113942 No.3113942 [Reply] [Original]

So I finished Fate and Ive started on UBW. Ive got to say Shirou is less of an idiot in this one (I DON'T WANNA USE AND DEPEND ON THE STRONGEST SERVANT BECAUSE SHE'S OF THE FAIRER SEX!!!1111) and archer is being useful.

Quick question about boundary fields, do they alert against non magical intrusion say sniper fire? If not why doesn't a magi just train in the use of fire arms as opposed to magic, identify the masters and snipe them in their sleep? Shit would be awesome.

Pic related, I hope rider plays a bigger role in this route.

>> No.3113943

>I hope rider plays a bigger role in this route.
Haha, no.

>> No.3113955

Oh well there is always the third arc.

>> No.3113968

>If not why doesn't a magi just train in the use of fire arms as opposed to magic, identify the masters and snipe them in their sleep?

1. Most magi abhor technological advances and prefer to do things magically.
2. Kiritsugu was here. Other masters are losers.

And the boundary field only detects beings that have ill intentions toward those within the field when they pass through. Bullets don't have feelings.

>> No.3113984

My bullets resent that.

>> No.3113993
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>If not why doesn't a magi just train in the use of fire arms as opposed to magic

>> No.3114000

>2. Kiritsugu was here. Other masters are dead.

>> No.3114002

My magic bullet theory resents that.

>> No.3114003

Your bullets told me that you're a faggot, and they're planning on jamming your gun.

>> No.3114007


>> No.3114023

I'll have to give them a stern talking to.

>> No.3114034

Shirou's father did that? It was mentioned in the fate route but never expanded upon. I respect people who understand that bringing a gun to a magic fight can help.

>> No.3114057
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Bring a motorcycle to a Holy Grail War.

>> No.3114066
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But no really, go finish F/SN then start F/Z.

>> No.3114077

Will this be covered in the game? Saber in a suit riding a motorcycle with a hitman master is like the best thing ever.

>> No.3114088

Kiritsugu was a fucking beast and an awesome tactician.

>> No.3114094
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Unfortunately, no.

>> No.3114100

Looks awesome. I'll finish up the game and read the novels. Thanks.

>> No.3114149

I thought it was that boundary fields simply sense intrusion of magical energy. Remember when Rin and Shirou went to Illya's mansion in UBW and found Gil raping Berserker? They didn't have any ill intentions that time. Yet, there was a scene describing how Rin had to pass through the boundary and it was painful for her, then Shirou passed through and barely felt anything. The boundary field was reacting to the magical energy passing through it, it reacted heavily for Rin and lightly for Shirou.

>> No.3114152
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Bring a plane to a Holy Grail War.

>> No.3114184
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>> No.3114258
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Bring a spaceship to a Holy Grail War.

>> No.3114358

I don't think anyone can top that.

>> No.3115441
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Spaceships won't help if you don't have enough swords

>> No.3115462

Holy shit Fate Zero.

>> No.3115470

Berserker did 9/11.

>> No.3115475
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>Bullets don't have feelings.
Bullets can't be outsmarted

>> No.3115495
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Bring a little sister to a Holy Grail War.

>> No.3115501
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Really now?

>> No.3115535

Nobody can outsmart booleet.

>> No.3115552

Kiritsugu is the man I aspire to become.
Unfortunately, I can't slow time and I've yet to meet magi

>> No.3115613

Will there ever be a Master more awesome than Kiritsugu.

>> No.3115618

None, unless someone revives Kiritsugu and gives him the occasion to be even more badass.

>> No.3115696
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>Will there ever be a Master more awesome than Kiritsugu.

There's no guarantee, but Fate/Strange Fake looks promising in that department.

Also, way to use a period in place of a question mark you bird brain.

>> No.3115722

>Also, way to use a period in place of a question mark you bird brain.
This kind of turns me on because you used Akiha Vermillion. And now I'm pretending she scolded me.

>> No.3115746

>If not why doesn't a magi just train in the use of fire arms as opposed to magic, identify the masters and snipe them in their sleep? Shit would be awesome.
Because that wouldn't make a good and interesting VN, now would it?

>> No.3115747

op shud go an hero nao
> www.anuntalk.com, nun = non

>> No.3115760
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It's going to be an awesome day in nasuverse if they ever decide to expand/make canon stange fake

>> No.3115765

>that wouldn't make a good and interesting VN
Oh yes it would. Masters would go all paranoid, sleep deprived, delusional and would be always in a state of alert. Holy Grail Battle Royal.

>> No.3115795

Not for a fantasy VN. Things would finish quite quickly.
A well writting horror/psychological would, though.
It wouldn't be called FS/N

>> No.3115791
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Kiritsugu tried all of that on Lancer's Master. He failed because shit was chaotic all the time, usually thanks to Kotomine

>> No.3115814

>Not for a fantasy VN. Things would finish quite quickly.
The Masters go in a stallwar while letting their Servants roam through town, looking for the other Masters/Servants. As soon as they find one, a quick battle breaks out before the other Masters or Servants arrive at the scene.

>> No.3116134

Boundary fields are varied in use. Detection, defense, healing, amplification--for the most part, supportive traits. There are variants to the theme, of course--Akiha's Origami ability creates a bounded field of sorts that traps, tracks, and saps most non-spirit entities of their heat/life. And there's the Bloodfort, which is the same, only far more brutal and disruptive of land mana.

And then there are Reality Marbles, which rewrite the natural laws in a given space.

>> No.3116163

Kotomine is equal to Kiritsugu in badassery.

>> No.3116164

The only thing that royally pissed me off is even though hes in the middle of a fucking grail war. HE STILL GOES TO SCHOOL

>> No.3116216


It's no good winning the war for the Holy Grail but still having no prospects for later in life.

>> No.3116228


taking a week or two off from school would have destroyed his future?

>> No.3116236


This is Japan we're talking about.

>> No.3116240

No, but Taiga would've destroyed him.

>> No.3116500
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Not as high res, but cleaner.

>> No.3116539
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>> No.3116565
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>> No.3116590

I really can't stand the fact that there's a fucking piece missing between those 2 pics. It makes it impossible to actually fuse it.
