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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31098942 No.31098942 [Reply] [Original]

Christmas Edition 2: Electric Boogaloo

BJD thread, primarily for dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>30790147
Resin Dolls Thread: Dead (but you can post here.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/8631688

FAQs and Links
pastebin.com/raw/1gc4UnU9 {dead, sorry about that)

If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/

>> No.31099027

I don’t think our little niche thread will survive the autism happening outside

>> No.31099338

it's time to call jihad onto the hololives and vtubers

>> No.31101847

The usual autism or did something happen?

>> No.31103237
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Jesus christ I see the problem, posting risque doll photos to help keep this bumped I guess. Why would the mods do this? I don't disagree that the Vtubers need more than a general apiece given how big the topic is, but they don't need 500 threads, either.

>> No.31104224
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I might let the thread die off for a bit until the vtubers chill out. I apologize to anyone inconvenienced if that does happen, though. Hopefully the vtubers will get their own board at some point.

>> No.31104226

>cousin coming over for christmas
>he smokes a ton of weed
Guys is smoke bad for dolls? What the fuck do I do.

>> No.31104351
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I'd personally try to smoke away from them to make sure they don't pick up an odors or anything of that nature. I'm not sure if anything will happen, of course, but it's better to be safe than sorry with vinyl.

>> No.31104401

Forgot to link, my bad.

>> No.31104451

Do you think boxing them will be enough?

>> No.31104494

Maybe if you store them low? Smoke rises, and if there's ventilation it might be okay. If he's hotboxing though I'd get them out of the immediate area. Sorry anon.

>> No.31104816

I hope one day I'll own a Dollfie Dream! Wish me luck anons!

>> No.31104951
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Good luck anon! Look around the secondhand markets- mandarake and mercari, ebay and yahoo japan auctions, and the #bjdsales tag on instagram. Vinyl dolls are a lot harder to bootleg compared to plastic/resin ones, so it's less worrisome to shop for DDs compared to other dolls. I never thought I would be able to afford a doll when I first joined this hobby, and now I have several! You'll get there one day, too. Be sure to come back and show us when that day comes, anon!

>> No.31106590

God the board is fast today.

>> No.31106940

Seal them in plastic. Not kidding.

>> No.31108333
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Where did they go wrong, anons?

>> No.31111855 [DELETED] 


>> No.31115195
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>> No.31115536

Christ that's cute, what is that tiny doll?

>> No.31117176

I wish I could take photos with lighting that nice. How do they do it?

>> No.31121674
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>> No.31123495

Smart dolls are so ugly and tacky

>> No.31123658

Some of them are nice imo, but they keep pumping so many out, it's fucking exhausting.

>> No.31124130

eh they all look the same anyway

>> No.31125992
File: 136 KB, 700x1050, wda3037_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What non-limited shop sells good heat-resistant wigs for MDDs/DDs? Do you have any good experiences? (Missantroop, Penguin workshop and Ronshuka Couture are always either sold out in the colors I want or sell out too fast)
I'm searching for a grey, long, natural shiny wig that I can style into slightly curled inwards hair-ends and hime-bangs. A bit like pic related but longer.

>> No.31126191

With their badshit father

>> No.31127899

GOD she's CUTE!

>> No.31128299

Lots of people on etsy, but you can probably get something similar to that from Crobidoll, maybe Licht or Luts? I can't remember who all uses HRF. Good luck anon!

>> No.31129810
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Taking a nap, hope this thread survives until I'm awake to bump it again. Posting a weird one to try and garner a steady stream of commentary. Have a good one anons.

>> No.31133438

Obitsu 11cm.

>> No.31133480
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>> No.31135689
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>> No.31137741
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Needs more tacticool

>> No.31140828

Thank you so much! Crobidoll already looks good.

I wonder where to get mineature but DD sized bikes like that.

>> No.31142729

A lot of them have professional equipment.

>> No.31143428

It'll never happen, look at /hr/. It's overrun with celeb threads.
Tell him to smoke outside and if he doesn't like it to fuck off
From the start. They were always a vehicle for Danny's ego, so it was always going to be wrong.

There's no artistic passion or vision behind them and it shows.
Lighting setup. You can either buy lights or manipulate regular ones, but either way it's about how the light strikes them. The one is backlit, so there's either a softbox or a sheet or something behind the setup to keep the light from being harsh.

>> No.31144685

i agree but sadly i havent found where to buy the gear yet

>> No.31144756

what will you do when you die and your family discovers your doll collection?

>> No.31144915

If you look for stuff for action figures you might be able to find them. The Dollfie Project has some guns as well, if I recall.

I honestly feel for all of you that have to hide your interests. I get it though- shit as it is to say, it was... fortunate for me personally that my mother passed away. Free from her influence, my father's a lot more easy-going and understanding. No one should be ashamed of this hobby.

>> No.31145316

guns arent hard to find, i remember Action Mans being around the same size but the cloth quality was poor

>> No.31146545

Amazon has some 1/3 scale guns.
Nothing? They already know about it.

>> No.31147921 [SPOILER] 
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How do anons here feel about weird resin dolls?

>> No.31148317

i dont link the face and she could look better without the stiches plus she would've been better with the bottom painted black like some chitine

>> No.31148443 [SPOILER] 
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You might like this one better.

>> No.31149232

Doll Chateau has some interesting dolls. I don't see myself buying on in the near future, but maybe some day.

>> No.31149928

yeah still dont like the face tho but i have the problem with non anime looking doll anyway

>> No.31155621
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>> No.31159750

I think this is the first Dollfie Dream I've ever seen with freckles??? It's cute, but I almost feel like the translucency/randomness/soft-edgedness of them is getting into uncanny valley, like the resin BJD people who do the realistic skin texturing.

>> No.31159966
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One of mine has them. Body blushing (freckles on the body) eventually wear off as you change clothes and stuff, but I really adore them on the face.

>> No.31161587

From what I understand, a lot of the props and gear are hand made with 3d printers
The freckles are super cute. I wonder if there's a way to try it out non permanently so I can switch on whim

>> No.31162750

If you seal the doll's face with MSC, you can apply freckles without sealing them and wipe them off again if you change your mind.

>> No.31164764
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>> No.31168039
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>> No.31175011
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>> No.31176878

Are there any bjd discord servers?

>> No.31176959

>How do anons here feel about weird resin dolls?
It's okay I guess but I personally don't like any of the dolls by doll chateau.

>> No.31177193

I know there's the big one, but there's drama attached (but then, it's also fucking huge, so it's to be expected.) There's a Doll Dreaming one I've heard of, as well. I'm sure there's lots of smaller ones around, though I haven't run across them.

I've considered making one as a backup resource for information just in case, but I'm not too fmailiar with that sort of thing, and community management is a pain. On the other hand, at least I won't have to bump the thread every few hours because of the vtubers.

Discord is generally pretty unpopular here because people feel it will detract from the relevant board or breed drama, too, so it may not be the best place to ask.

>> No.31179108
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>> No.31181042
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Decided to get this girl while back after wanting doll for years.

>> No.31181973

>there's drama attached
What kind of drama? I've never even heard of any bjd servers before. Though I am new to the community so there's that.

>> No.31181996

She's lovely, where did you get her from? Did you pick out a name for her?

>> No.31182331

I'm getting her from amiami, she's from the azone iris collect line. Haven't fully decided on name yet.

>> No.31182385

She's beautiful anon, welcome to the hobby!

Oh, just the usual you see with any big community. So-and-so did this, said that, has the other thing, things like that. I haven't heard of anything major going down. Some people don't like one of the mods of the Doll Dreaming server, others are very defensive about certain brands (Smart Doll people are notorious for this.) A hobby-old collector passed away recently, and there was some complaining about how her dolls were treated by the new owners (trashing what the original owner did with them and whatnot.) Nothing really scandalous in the grand scheme of things that I've seen, except maybe one company posting an opinion on the Hong Kong protests, and the ever-present arguments between people who buy bootleg dolls and people who condemn them. It's usually petty and individual stuff that you can generally stay out of, at least in my experience -- that kind of went into a summary of the hobby as a whole, and less about the individual server. I am not personally. involved there, unfortunately.

>> No.31182864

oh yeah i have one she's great, it's painfull to find her cloth tho

>> No.31184596
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I prefer weird vinyl dolls.

>> No.31185072

You have good taste, anon.

>> No.31191021

A cute

>> No.31193564
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>> No.31200135


>> No.31200745

Anyone get Christmas gifts for their dolls?

>> No.31202487


I'd love to but I don't trust shipping companies at the moment. But there's a few eyes, wigs, jointed hands and 2 heads waiting at my proxy service for things to calm down.

>> No.31207240
File: 786 KB, 4096x2731, EqAPzQqU8AAaerP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone on Twitter posting their X-mas doll photos.


>> No.31207279

It's the most wonderful time of the year... I should go take some but I'm waiting for the snow to get here tomorrow.

>> No.31208115

>Move doll around
>Leg falls out
>Try to put leg back in
>Other leg falls out
>Try to put other leg back in
>First leg falls out
Whoever designed the f3 joints can go to hell.

>> No.31208297

If I didn't relate to this so much I'd laugh... why are they fucking like that?

>> No.31208314
File: 2.20 MB, 3024x4032, 7F55EB85-C2DB-47A6-9012-A95EC01CE963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No because she gets enough gifts year round.

>> No.31208354

What's this doll, anon?

>> No.31208800

Dang, that's a nice outfit. Where'd you get it?

>> No.31209008

There's a fucking Ribbon Girl set on Mandarake right now and it's 50k yen. Why the fuck is it always so expensive??

>> No.31209112



Its all from Volks.

>> No.31214866
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>> No.31215145
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, 61ADB29C-A540-4ABA-BD64-3F75A78E0999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

merry xmas jp. let's open presents together tomorrow

>> No.31215187

Ooh anon, what did you get?

>> No.31217889

I've got a big Mandarake box under the tree too, see you back here tomorrow!

>> No.31219045

I opened mine already, but I still like this idea. It's sweet in a way that we all have boxes from Mandarake.
