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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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31085759 No.31085759 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.31085811

I want to paizuri lulu so bad...

>> No.31085820

what happened to the meidos? did they get genocided?

>> No.31085857

This is now a eGirl x simp board.
Time to move to /k/ and post 2hus

>> No.31085860
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haha its lulu!

>> No.31085899

They deleted my thread complaining about the raid, just accept your new vchuuba overlords.

>> No.31085954

>Spam meaningless 2hushit threads per girl for decades: good and cool

>> No.31085984
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I saw that. What the fuck jannies.

>> No.31086107 [DELETED] 
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Just you wait till woke english vtubers and their BLM ACAB LGBTQIA+ fanbase invade the board and report you for transphobia.

>> No.31086203

Not happening, HoloEN and NijiEN are part of japanese companies, for indie EN there's already a stablished general in >>>/trash/

>> No.31086425
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It's funny, I'm sure more anons than ever are actually doing their jap reps and learning shit about otaku culture thanks to vtubers (even if just the streaming and video games part) but /jp/ doesn't accept them. It comes to show that boards aren't just about topics but about certain mindsets too, even more so in /jp/ were "take it easy" has been a motto for over a decade.

Anyways, cute Lulus.

>> No.31086520

Except /jp/ was made specifically for touhou.

>> No.31086574
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Huh, then I guess there is hope.
I've been consuming Japanese media for more than a decade, but vtubers are what got me to do my reps.

>> No.31086576

It's one thing to have it be one facet of otaku culture. It's another thing entirely to flood an already established board.

>> No.31086653

They ruined the board. The difference between Touhou threads which last literal weeks because they're slow and letting monkeys who hit 300 posts in a minute out of their cage to push every thread off the board should have been obvious.

The board was made for Touhou. I guess /v/ tier posts like this are the future of /jp/

>> No.31086733

I'm guessing the moderation just got tired of having to clean the holoshit that spills 24/7.

>> No.31086783
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hololive run this board

>> No.31086795

if we got /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/, we can have /vyt/ goddamnit
Preserve touhou culture

>> No.31086810
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Sort of the same way, came into it when the haruhi wave hit and didn't really get into it until last yearish learning actual japanese.

>> No.31086874

Nah gook moot has connections to NND (which is slowly dying) apparently and so he is spiteful of vtubers using youtube as their platform.

>> No.31087222
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Do you guys actually feel the huge wave of newcomers when not looking at the catalog? I don't visit enough threads to be sure, but in the occasional mahjong, tea, and certain 2hu threads I visit I don't really feel any difference.

>> No.31087380

Post Lulu


>> No.31087468
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Post the best Hololive, Sakura Miko!

>> No.31087564

her seiyuu is pretty hot jesus!

>> No.31087724

Where do i start with Lulu?

>> No.31087755

follow her real life twitter

>> No.31088119


>> No.31088435

just watch some clips, her streams are far too long to easily recommend to someone else.

>> No.31088762

Is lulu ok though? She fainted towards the end of her 4h Thief Simulator stream a week ago. It seemed very yabai.

>> No.31089004

If she's played one of your favorite games and you have a lot of free time on the weekend or something, just sit and watch her nolife it.

>> No.31089142

Bloodborne is kino. It became her favourite game.

>> No.31089717
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You weren't even here when the board was made.

>> No.31089835

The board was made to contain Touhoufags who were shitting up other boards. It was one of the shitposting boards along with /b/ and /mlp/ for 90% of the time it existed. Most people who actually care about Touhou left for literal tranny discords years ago.

>> No.31090625
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>> No.31090672
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>> No.31090727
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>> No.31090771
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>> No.31090825

Are all of you eops? Because thats the impression I have of Lulu posters

>> No.31090840
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>> No.31091159
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Been learning Japanese for almost 2 years already. I think she's one of the easiest chuubas to understand, she speaks slowly and clearly and I don't think I've ever heard her use slang. Thanks for using sage by the way.

>> No.31091183
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>> No.31091667

Yeah I'm an EOP and I don't wash my hand after eating chips and also I'm laying your sister

>> No.31091760
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>> No.31092833
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I've been learning Japanese since the time when /djt/ was still on /a/. Vtubers and Lulu in particular have given me the motivation to take it more seriously after several years of being a dekinai lazy ass. Can't overestimate how much listening to Japanese almost every day helps with that.
I hope this storm will pass soon. I am fine with being contained as long as they don't raid our threads. Keep on spinning, るる教徒.

>> No.31093178
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>> No.31093926

Niconiggers are the worst tribalists in Japan. Korone's roommate got a ton of haters just because she ditched NND.

>> No.31094014

Lulu's roommate is a rare Jomon Japanese woman.

>> No.31096785

She has nice eyes

>> No.31098851

This is a comfy thread, thanks lulu

>> No.31100410

the jp comments were constantly telling her to eat properly after she fainted that she went and did a cooking stream

>> No.31100626

Genuinely the most retarded shit I've seen since the vtuberspam started.

>> No.31104612
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Boobu lulu~

>> No.31107215

How can an RFA endurance streamer faint playing a video game? I don't believe it

>> No.31107675

she forgot to eat

>> No.31107864

Concernfag's wet dream

>> No.31107936
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>> No.31108033

she had to do a cooking stream to silence the concernfags

>> No.31110541

Isn't she the only vtuber that even beat Cuphead, let alone got anywhere, right? Almost ever other vtuber got bounced by this game.

>> No.31110791

its scripted
her whole persona is fake and her whole stream is an act

>> No.31110989

I love masturbating to lulu

>> No.31111978

>Everything is 4D chess
I hate people like you.

>> No.31119106 [DELETED] 


>> No.31121562

>just wait
nah it already started happening once those SJW holoEN whores debuted, /jp/'s post quality dropped straight off a cliff

>> No.31121748 [DELETED] 

Most normal people are pro-LGBT/BLM, 4chan is just distorting your sense of normal, honestly it doesn't matter if an holoEN supports it in their private life, it LITERALLY never comes up in their actual streams.

>> No.31123056

Fuwa and mayuyu beat it in coop, took them like 13 hours. This also marks the beginnings for Meshers to form.

>> No.31125466
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>> No.31128595
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>> No.31128863 [DELETED] 


>> No.31134802

i guess there's not much point posting when you guys should be all subscribed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz0pdrxAVwU

>> No.31137170

Didn't Hiro do that 4chan vtuber contest a year ago? Why did he never follow up on that?

>> No.31138497

No one volunteered to play the characters or, like, rig the designs or anything because he was offering to pay them in exposure and 4chan bucks.

>> No.31140417

>The only other vtubers to beat Cuphead were male.
Of course. I'm kinda surprised Marine hasn't tackled the game yet, she was pretty good when she was babysitting Rushia. Korone could also beat the game too.

>> No.31141052

Did lulu quit yet?
Heard shes on a break or something

>> No.31141418


>> No.31143863

We were going to get married but she called it off at the last minute so she's back

>> No.31144109

I want Ruru to blast one of those buttons into my face so bad...

>> No.31144216

hate niji love lulu. simple as

>> No.31144351

Probably only 10% of people in this thread know she's having a 3D live in januaey
0% watched her astro mini stream just now.

>> No.31144610

Why are antis like this >>31134802

>> No.31145951
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>> No.31145995

homosexual relationship with lulu

>> No.31146006

Good thread. I can tell that you all watch her.
